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11041268 No.11041268 [Reply] [Original]

Why do stocks keep going up and crypto keep going down? :(

>> No.11041280

Boomers: >heh we will show those zoomers

>> No.11041310
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Boomers have WAY more money than we do

>> No.11041344

Hmmm, might be because one is backed by investor confidence, good, services, and so on...
Whereas the other is absolutely fucking useless, invested in by guys with 0 confidence, and produces jack shit.

>> No.11041606

If you're curious what it produces, it produces the ability to transmit large amounts of money instantly anywhere in the world without any worry of banks or governments stealing it from you, or inflating it until it's worthless.

Owe child support? Prepare for your stocks to get seized by the courts (this happened to someone I know btw in a divorce)

Owe taxes? Bank account gets frozen, money garnished away.

Live in a shithole country like Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina, Iran or Greece? Currency becomes worthless. Property becomes worthless, or gets seized by the government (happened in Venezuela)

Meanwhile I can keep $100 million worth of bitcoins buried in a few undisclosed locations, encrypted by a password only I would know. Bitcoin crashes in $1000? I still have millions of dollars. The point is, it's not $0. That's the real value, goy.

>> No.11041687

You forgot about the (((Federal Reserve))) keeping interest rates low to artificially boost investments. The next economic crisis will be bigger than the last.

>> No.11041696

Why invest in crypto when the stock market is doing good?

>> No.11041719

Not a cryptofag, but this is a great point. Particularly the inflating/printing currency issue.

>> No.11041758

Federal reserve keeps printing infinite boomer money

>> No.11041760

you roasted the fuck out of that anon, good job.

>based and redpilled

>> No.11041775

I'm ok with you
but Greeks have euros..

top kek when my bank-slave called me to ask where my money come from, i explained her 4 times, she still didnt understand

>mass adoption

>> No.11041786
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Crypto is a scam and Stocks are real companies, idiots
I mean, doesnt take a genius to figure that out

>> No.11041789

If you want to lose money on stock buy Micron.

>> No.11042009

The tech in crypto is there, but investing in the currency right now purely for arbitrage gains

>> No.11042021

good stocks

(these are tickers)

>> No.11042379

I just explained. it has value. How much? trillions. It hasn't even reached just $1 trillion.

Personally, my goal was to wait until the total value was $1 trillion. In our lifetimes it will reach at least $10 trillion at a minimum. If not, then the banks have won and we'll descent into a new dark age of debt slavery with no personal freedoms of your own.

Facebook, Google, Amazon, want everything. They want your information. They want to control the means of communication. They want you to only see the world through them and no one else. They want their workers working in cages and they want to keep you poor and lobotomized, putting chemicals and garbage in our food and water (and vaccines). Banks share this goal as well, they own and control these companies of course.

>> No.11042477

If they don't want crypto to work, they can control it how they see fit though. Crypto will never be some sort of checkmate to the financial institution. They decide if you get paid. If Crypto goes mainstream it will be 100% regulated as they see fit.

>> No.11042523

They want to control it. Plain and simple. But it's not in the same way you view it as.

It's simple. They accumulate during times like this. They also want to create things such as margin trading and lightning network so YOU don't own it, but they do. Their goal is having a system where you own nothing. Crypto would simply be an IOU like everything else.

Unfortunately for them they can't stop people going out of their house, trading in the streets between each other. They can only discourage it or making spooky for people to do.

>> No.11042560

Boomers were right.

>> No.11042616


So it’s good for deadbeat dads, criminals trying to avoid taxes, and 3rd world shitholes. Great product, really

>> No.11042636

boomers win again

>> No.11042682

luckily for us there are endless numbers of all 3

>> No.11042691

Wherever I go in any country I technically have tens of thousands of dollars worth of value simply in my head that no one knows about or could do anything about. If this isnt powerful or useful I dont want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.11042845

Crypto is worthless. One day, probably too late, you will finally realize that.

>> No.11042894
File: 134 KB, 1532x1581, 1530250700388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is a nice 80 million dollars you have. You should consider hiding that 60 million somewhere safer like bank deposit boxes or the 40 million might be dug up by random people. That 30 million will go a long way to preserving you wealth. The 20 million that you and your descendents will enjoy is surely safer than structured offshore bank entities in the cayman islands by lawyers and accountants who do a living trying to maximize tax efficiency and capital gains. That 10 million can surely be more easily transferred to some more favorable jursidiction like Switzerland or Singapore, which have more favorable tax rates. Those 5 million which reach your account in those offshore entities will allow to to buy a 2-3 million humble abode after you try to cash it out into a currency used for the purchase of goods and services, provided you have a good credit score, but atleast that 400-500k downpayment can be covered.

>> No.11042935

Wow so it's good for deadbeat dads and other criminals? Adoption must be around the corner!

>> No.11042978

No you don't, you can't spend this shit anywhere. You need a bank account to convert it to real money, so that's like more extra steps for the same result, assuming your coins won't drop 50% meanwhile.