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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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11030735 No.11030735 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11030748

>A well known and widely adopted smart contract currency vs a no-name shitcoin.

>> No.11030757

that cope

>> No.11030772

>reality is cope

>> No.11030778

reality is in a constant state of flux brainlet

>> No.11030787

that cope

>> No.11030790

discontinued coin vs new tech coin, its not for a comparison at all

>> No.11030799

ok kek lemme know when your flux makes holo a non-shitcoin.

>> No.11030806

you'll know, because everyone except you will have made it and you'll be fomoing in at 50 cents for a meager 2x

>> No.11030810

>it was all real in my head

>> No.11030822

keep it up, kid

>> No.11030836

You know that time when you see a stupid ad on the TV and you just tell the authors how retarded it looks?

Thank you for giving me that opportunity.

>> No.11030851

what does this even mean?

>> No.11030862

>cant even figure it out
Guess not every advertising company hires bright people.

>> No.11030888

when have you ever told an author of an advertisement anything?

>You know that time when you see a stupid ad on the TV and you just tell the authors how retarded it looks?
>you just tell the authors how retarded it looks?
>you just tell the authors

the only retard here is you

>> No.11030956

i mean holo is so late to the game this cycle. everyone who bought in only bothered researching it because everything else is dying, just like when eth went 8 to 20 back when btc was bear. holo will probably stick around.

>> No.11030967

>hurr holo is good
>dont mind the constant everyday shill threads is totally normal


>> No.11031001

Holo = Pump and dump. It's dumping now.

>> No.11031005
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>half of /biz/ goes x10 on HOT in a bear market over a period of 4 minths
>"muh shill threads, muh p&d hur hur"

The absolute fucking STATE.....

>> No.11031010
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>> No.11031034
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eth is gay in the same sort of way that matt bomer or lee pace are gay. you would never assume that they're gay, but they are in fact gay.

hot is gay in the same sort of way that john waters or liberace are gay. there is no ambiguity. you are gay.

>> No.11031039

It's dumping retard down 20% lmao

>> No.11031059

Holo hitting one cent is optimistic for the foreseeable future.

Fwiw I hold neither holo or eth.

>> No.11031072

I dont understand what HOT is used for or why anyone would want it. Can someone who isnt a brainlet give me an actual example?

>> No.11031097

HOT is used as "gas" for dApps, paid to hosts who perform computations on behalf of users. You can also open up your device for hosting, and essentially do things for free, paid for by your computational capacity

>What kind of projects is Holochain good for?
Sharing collaborative data without centralized control. Imagine a completely decentralized Wikipedia, DNS without root servers, or the ability to have fast reliable queries on a fully distributed PKI, etc.

Social Networks, Social Media & VRM: You want to run a social network without a company like Facebook in the middle. You want to share, post, publish, or tweet to shared space, while automatically keeping a copy of these things on your own device.

Supply Chains & Open Value Networks: You want to have information that crosses the boundaries of companies, organizations, countries, which is collaboratively shared and managed, but not under the central control of any one of those organizations.

Cooperatives and New Commons: You want to create something which is truly held collectively and not by any particular individual. This is especially good for digital assets.

P2P Platforms: Peer-to-Peer applications where every person has similar capabilities, access, responsibilities, and value is produced collectively.

Collective Intelligence: Governance, decision-making frameworks, feedback systems, ratings, currencies, annotations, or work flow systems.

Collaborative Applications: Chats, Discussion Boards, Scheduling Apps, Wikis, Documentation, etc.

Reputational or Mutual Credit Cryptocurrencies: Currencies where issuance can be accounted for by actions of peers (like ratings), or through double-entry accounting are well-suited for holochains. Fiat currencies where tokens are thought to exist independent of accountability by agents are more challenging to implement on holochains.

>> No.11031138

Are any of these things happening? I'll be honest, right now it looks like a shitcoin.

Also, can you explain to me why the coin is necessary for any of this?

>> No.11031152

Because a global distributed internet needs incentive to maintain itself.

Mozilla seems to think that this is necessary.

>> No.11031168


>Also, can you explain to me why the coin is necessary for any of this?
no one is going to offer computational resources for free, a store of value is needed in exchange for dapp 'hosting'. holofuel is backed by the computational resources of the network - theres plenty of reading material on this subject, but thats the tl;dr on it

more info: https://medium.com/h-o-l-o/holos-erc20-token-hot-and-mutual-credit-cryptocurrency-holo-fuel-6d8b6d3938d6

>> No.11031241

which of these things would actually see use in the next 1-2 years though even 3 years feels like a stretch. It sounds great on paper but idk

>> No.11031263

Holo is basically a cash grab scheme

>> No.11031277

Ok im pretty sure thats all bullshit though. My understanding of Holo is that each node runs its own chain. Which means they have total control over that specific chain and its completely centralized. Its basically just a standard webserver but they can prove cryptographically what changes have been made. Its a bit like XRP actually now that I think about it. Or a swarm of interconnected independently managed XRPs would be more accurate.

The social network one might work because its ok if its centralized. Facebook is centralized and that works fine. I dont see why it would need to be on a blockchain though, unless you were worried about censorship. But its centralized so they could still censor you anyway.

Collaborative data doesnt need to be on a blockchain. Discord and slack work fine. DNS servers could still be modified to link you to undesirable sites because of the centalized nature of Holo.

Supply chains could be modified by the node running the chain. So could new commons or any of that other stuff.

Every single example either isnt well suited to holo or isnt well suited to blockchain in general.

>> No.11031281

Thanks for the responses, anons. Just bought 2 more ETH to trade for alts next week, so I'm hoping to get into some good new projects. I'll do some more research.

>> No.11031331

>My understanding of Holo is that each node runs its own chain. Which means they have total control over that specific chain and its completely centralized.
>total control over that specific chain and its completely centralized.

agent-centric design does not equal centralized. this is like saying "i can run my own ethereum node, that means its centralized"


if your node does anything to change the rules of consensus for a dapp, you essentially fork yourself out of consensus, and can only transact with other nodes/agents that have done the same modifications

>> No.11031782
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Jesus christ. What a sloppy mess. That site was a good explanation though.

So basically I have to go through KYC 10+ times to be allowed into the cool kids club of whatever chain im trying to join. Then I have to pay fees to the local notary for the privilege of moving my money around, just like miners on bitcoin.

On top of this I have to maintain my own blockchain record or im completely fucked. So that means no paper wallets because that thing would be getting updated all the time every time I do a transaction. In fact hardware wallets probably wouldnt work either because sooner or later my personal chain would be too large to fit on the ledger nano's tiny memory. And if my ledger nano ever got wiped I would be fucked because there goes my personal chain, without which I cannot prove my honorable intentions. You cant start over either because then the local notary would fuck you for the dropped chain head.

Ive decided holochain isnt for me. I dont think it would be fair to call it a total shitcoin, but it doesnt seem like a great design. People arent going to want to go through KYC all the time just to use services. The entire point of blockchain was that you dont have to trust anyone. Who the fuck wants to trust people on the internet? Its full of shady randos and 3rd world pajeets and other bullshit. How is anyone supposed to vouch for some pajeet asshole on the other side of the world? All the other pajeets vouch for him? What does that even mean? Or some fucker in Uganda who is the only guy in his village with a computer. How could he possibly be vouched for? They dont even have decent paperwork in most countries, like social security numbers or whatever.

And then you have to pay fees on top of that. So its not any better than bitcoin other than maybe being faster.

Oh I just realized: people cant send me money unless im online also. It requires countersigning to be applied to both users' chains, which means I have to be logged in.

>> No.11031805


Kek. Holo will be the adopted platform in 2 years. ETH is shit now which is why nobody’s been able to adopt it for anything besides garbage scam apps and ICOs. Holo will offer a better, more advanced ecosystem to finally give us all that ETH promised but failed to deliver.

>> No.11031823


Pump and dumps don’t last 2 months and they dump more than 5%, dipshit.

>> No.11031847


>Went all in on Holo in a bear market 2 months ago. Have 2.5x now in a bear market while everything else dies or is flat..

Damn, I really regret that decision. How could I be so stupid as to actually make significant profits in this market. I could have been accumulating ETH and watching my stack lose 70% if its value instead.

>> No.11031974

>ETH: eh.
>HOT: I farded and shidded and camed my pants.

>> No.11031985

there is no consensus on holo dumb dumb

>> No.11031990

this. jolochain sucks.

>> No.11031995


>> No.11032005

There actually is sort of. You dont reach consensus, but before trading with someone you download and then verify their entire trade history to make sure they arent scamming. You also check the last block against a distributed hash table (which is monitored by a notary, sort of like a trusted verification node) to make sure they didnt drop any blocks.

There is no global consensus though. You only verify each others chains to be able to trade.

>> No.11032019

Except Microsoft

>> No.11032075

Currently holding 5 Mil and although it could easily end up in a disaster, Holo is the only option I see to have 10x return within the next 6 months.
I could invest in BTC and probably have a 1.5-2.0 x return... but that wont make any difference... I've put my faith in holo, hope I'm not wrong.

>> No.11032084

Did you read the paper the guy linked to? Holo is really not all that great.


>> No.11032111

LINK all the way baby. HOT was found to have some serious flaws. For example, they can't transfer value from the ETH Holo tokens over to the Holo fuel, effectively leaving the current Holo tokens worthless.

>> No.11032143

thats false and youre just spreading misinformation at this point