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11018953 No.11018953 [Reply] [Original]

LINK won’t even be $1 EOY

>> No.11018966

Trans men are, for several reasons better
-they won't objectify me and see me as more than an actual sex object
-they can actually emphatize with what dysphoria and depression feels like
-they won't make me question my womanhood despite me being trans
-they'll be more likely to be okay with my neo vag and not make fun of it or call it an "axe wound"
-they're generally not as douchy as all the cis guys here
-at the same time they're more handsome

The only problem is what they've down there, but I don't care. I mean they probably don't like it either. And people with functional dicks are dicks themselves for the most part anyways.
Inb4: 't.larping ftm',
I'm mtf and cis guys just suck and everyone should avoid dating them if they can, I'd actually become prison transbian if trans guys wouldn't exist
Inb4 "lol ftm are women"
they're more masculine than any of you will ever be

>> No.11019040

This is news to you? You gotta be mentally challenged not to see that all of this garbage is overpriced and will be bottoming out in Q2 2019.

BTC $3800
ETH $80
LINK $0.10

buy then or enjoy losing money

>> No.11019065
File: 521 KB, 489x545, Jason_Parser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sources: trust me

>> No.11019080


>> No.11019126


>> No.11019375

that scam coin won't even break 50 cents