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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 212 KB, 1480x986, 8F5A7C12-7D85-45FD-AD38-E3D11D1D7F02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11006530 No.11006530 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a shitcoin or not?? Give it to me straight biz

>> No.11006538

Yes now stop trying to fake shill it by creating new threads bitch

>> No.11006765

It is unironically one of the only credible projects in crypto. I have - unironically - personally met some of the team down in London. They have a fucking lot of professional credibility resting on this.

>> No.11006802

Its at Holo early stages. Will take a week or two for word to get around. Things move slow in a bear market.

>> No.11006810

You were trying way too hard to sound like you belong here. Fuckin shill kys

>> No.11006822

I don't belong here and I'm pretty happy with that, you filthy child.

>> No.11006897

Y so salty? This is your chance to catch this escape pod.

Any more details to share, anon?

>> No.11006963

Oh look 4 different id's that just so happen to be shilling a coin ranked 1545 on CMC during a bear market. HMMMMM....THIS ISN'T SUSPICIOUS AT ALL

>> No.11006976


Lol, neurotic autist.

>> No.11006988

go back to your telegram and use a different approach PAJEET

>> No.11006990


They said the same for Holo on idex at 50gwei.

Stay poor. No one cares about you.

>> No.11006997

Please use deodorant curry boy

>> No.11007048
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>arguing with asperger man children on 4chan

We're better than that, anon.

What do you guys think of the Alchemmy data that was dug up recently? Is developed vetting all it's cracked up to be?

>> No.11007073

Ok theyre solving a problem. Answer me this, Pajeet. Max supply? How is the token gonna be used?

>> No.11007093

to buy soap and deodorant for all of India

>> No.11007188
File: 147 KB, 1093x1200, IMG_20180829_024018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Token burn is later this month, bringing total from ~25MM to ~15MM with ~10MM circulating. Token acts as a micro software license where you are rate limited by the amount of QNT you own. There are other use cases for the token that have been hinted, but no hard details there.

Really guys check this out. Quant is directly serving the UK government:


>> No.11007212

Quantopians dont be too niave on here. If somone says something is shit then 90% of the time they just want the price down to accumulate. Best not bother too much.

>> No.11007254


Coinmarketcap states 45,467,000 QNT

So, are they removing 30M coins from the supply ? That combined with the bullish news makes for an interesting proposition

>> No.11007346
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CMC also has QNT at 3MM or so volume that comes from a washtrading scam exchange (fatbtc.) 45 MM was max supply if hard hap was reached, but they only raised something like 1/3 of that.
20 MM is uncreated, untouchable in the token address.

People can't comprehend the amount of revelations coming for this project, it's that substantial.

>> No.11007359

So how many to make IT?

>> No.11007382


Ceo when asked what British bank they have a soon to be announced partnership with was asked if it was Lloyds. He said......its bigger. I think the only bigger one is HSBC. Speculation in my part.

>> No.11007457
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10K means you're set, anything below 1K is pleb tier.

Lmao. HSBC/Deloitte/Barclays, who ever it is, is just the beginning. Gil establishing ISO TC 307 means that he gets in the door to talk to whoever he wants. Dont forget that NSW Health has deep ties to him, and that the DHS has contacted Overledger to connect all the disparate distributed energy grids under Overledger's Umbrella. This is a baby Corda we have on our hands, a true international giant in its infancy.

>> No.11008310

Fuck, biz just convinced me and I bought a bag. I got a feeling about this one and wish I would have bought in earlier when I saw it on here. I bought the holo meme and I'm getting good vibes from this, plus the supply is fuckin low AF. Even if ti dumps a bit I'm ok with that. If I'm wrong then I'm only out a a thousand bucks so whatever, lets go boys.

>> No.11008414

Please share more info on this

>> No.11008614

This, I bought hot at 60 gwei on idex and it pumped 3x the same day. QNT has the best r/r in the market right now.

>> No.11008627


I totally did too. Literally when u went to idex 3 dayd ago to start buying it was the first time since buying into the early rally on holo. Similar vibe fro me personally. Very different project and not in competition with Holo but the roi is far better on quant now.

>> No.11008676

I have a small bag of this, bought at around 0.002.
They have a lot of news coming up, including a rebranding, a SDK release and a few exchanges.
Apparently 10 exchanges approached them but they don't want to get listed until they comply with FINMA regulations regarding the utility of the token. The FatBTC listing happened without the team's approval.
I definitely regret not going all in at 0.0015, when I saw the first /biz/ shill.

>> No.11008734

so many pajeets shitting here... is this the next shit after IGTOKEN ?

>> No.11008758

yes sir very poo in street, now shoo shoo

>> No.11008766

HSBC is a honk Kong bank. Not British. Lloyd’s doesn’t exist anymore, it’s called tsb. If I was you, I would stop speculating and buy a lottery ticket.

>> No.11008795

After 14th of September this will have a marketcap of only $8M+.... fucking insane.

I've seen abandoned shitcoins with much larger marketcap in the top 500

>> No.11008848

Are you fucking dumb? HSBC is a British bank, and I literally use Lloyds for all my banking on a daily basis.

>> No.11008849



>> No.11008857
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>> No.11008894

it does exist, brainlet. research

>> No.11009016

And while I dont cheer on the establishment HSBC and Lloyds are in my opinion part of the elite banking operations globally involved all kinds of nefarious shit...Real Rothchild type history of the British elite.

This is the real deal in terms of partnerships I believe and not the iota muh VW type bullshit that many projects come out with. This team are insiders...

>> No.11009017

i bet nobody here can tell why this shitcoin should exist. what does it makes any better than the rest useless projects out there.

>> No.11009061

The lightest blockchain interoperability solution on the planet. `Nuff Said.

>> No.11009067

>Convince me to buy this shit
No faggot. Its a shitcoin go away.

>> No.11009133

Wonder when the SDK will be released....hope isn't on the same day as the Bitcoin ETF decision? That would be..interesting.

>> No.11009188

never because they are just like 2 devs working on this and it will take years completing this.

>> No.11009210
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>The idea of Overledger started back in 2015 and was the genesis of the Blockchain ISO Standard TC307.

Are you ready, anon?

>> No.11009227

they just say in the AMA a few weeks ago that they are like just 2 devs working on the project and more are coming soon. they have so many tasks to do they would need about 20 devs working on the project full time.

>> No.11009237


The plan is this month and there are a tin of back room tech guys. Gilbert mentioned like 10 or so tech team on YouTube. Unlike most projects they dont feel the need to habe 30 people on tje team page. Does any serious company list more than the major leaders? Nope..

>> No.11009243 [DELETED] 

Not sure if the team are aware of the Bitcoin ETF, nor should they care, but it may be beneficial to delay introduction until after ETF decision.

>> No.11009248

Not sure if the team are aware of the Bitcoin ETF, nor should they care, but it may be beneficial to delay introduction until after ETF decision.

>> No.11009261

ISO Standard TC307 meaning:

Gilbert is also the founder of Blockchain ISO Standard TC307 where 40 countries are working together to develop the Standard.
UK Government, HM Treasury, Downing Street, Department of Health, Ministry of Justice, BP, HSBC, CSC, EY, PWC

8 million marketcap

>> No.11009275
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There's at least 6 full-time devs working on this right now in-house. This is ignoring the potential dev power in partnerships with Universities, Consultancies, Government branches, private partnerships, and the ISO standard itself which is completely based on Overledger. Also, Paolo Tasca (CSO) is the Executive Director of the top blockchain program in all of the UK. Don't you think he has the pull to stack this team full of promising devs/professors?

Or it could be vaporware. Food for thought.

>> No.11009284

guys im just joking i have a big bag of QNT just wanted to be sure that im not the only one seeing the potential of this

>> No.11009298
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, quantteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Large scale adoption is only going to happen if banks like Lloyds utilise blockchain tech, they can't utilise it if consensus of a single chain is imposed upon them. Overledger is literally the solution; they've been working on it for years, way before the ico and have one of (honestly if not THE best) team to carry out their roadmap. It's a no brainer if you like making money.

If this isn't bait, read my post above. Gilbert mentions in one of the AMA's that Overledger/GoVerify prototypes were being worked on many years ago and they had to keep the entire project under wraps until patents for the core technology were filed, this was way before ICO's were a thing that anybody knew about.

DYOR, listen carefully to all the AMA's on the Quant yt channel and the interview with blockchain brad, or you'll end up wanting to kill yourself for missing out on this.

>> No.11009300
File: 272 KB, 1718x1672, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 1.10.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like the next fucking Ripple with regards to adoption from banks and billion dollar companies

>> No.11009308
File: 389 KB, 2352x1428, Screen Shot 2018-09-09 at 1.11.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11009326

$5 soon

buy QNT
iso certified

department of homeland security

>> No.11010076
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>> No.11010091
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>> No.11010098
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>> No.11010109
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>> No.11010271 [DELETED] 

Good work, Quantard

>> No.11010494

my only concern.. how many companies actually need multiple blockchains? the customer base seems small

>> No.11010785

lol, until there's a blockchain that can solve scalability, bloat, transaction speed and every other issue with blockchain all at the same time, enterprise will benefit hugely from interoperability. They're already working with huge corporations (Gilbert said a bank even bigger than Lloyds) anyway and they save billions by utilising Overledger.

>> No.11010864

Banks cant depend on one chain. Or the abilities of only one chain. They need security and rock solid platforms to build their systems on.

Its not about using different chains its about being able to safely utilise ALL of them..

>> No.11011412

GitHub is empty

code is untouched

>> No.11011475

Team has spun out two businesses since may when open source was supposed to start but they needed to finish official developer hub and strategy (since this is a platform)

>> No.11012153



Github is not empty
Github has support for private repositories
These guys care a lot about their project, hence why they released it now after working on it since 2015. (they waited for the patents)

Quant is cheaper than abandoned absolute shitcoins with github untouched since 2014
This shit is so cheap that it's almost disgusting

>> No.11012172

What's great is that many stupid pajeets are scared to use IDEX... and so i had the chance to buy in cheap.

Once it gets to bigger exchanges, you bet your fucking ass that it won't have a 6M marketcap lol

>> No.11012580

Get to work Quantards, we need more buyers. That whale is offloading?

>> No.11012816

There aren't much of whales, see the biggest wallets.. amounts are not moving. It's just scare of more bears. I just bought more.

>> No.11012837

That's no dump, just retards selling their ticket to Making It™ too soon.

>> No.11012877

There was a big sell wall for 70,000 QNT a few days ago thats been removed. It would make sense for them to sell in small chunks, if they didnt want to make a splash?

Maybe the same person for trasnferred 250k to IDEX few days ago?

>> No.11012935

With under 10 mil. market cap, should we really care if someone is dumping with ~ ICO price.. isn't that just opportunity to buy more? We will have our changes to dump with x 5-20 when this is in 10 other exchanges.

>> No.11013345

Hope you anons realize this will moon hard when token burn has been done and coinmarketcap can list the actual current market cap. Now you can't find this with most of the cmc's search because it is missing..

>> No.11013361

Why this token have a lot of volume in a chink Exchange?

>> No.11013415

Fake volume

>> No.11013930

and who is doing that fake volume and why?

>> No.11013984

is IDEX the only place to buy this shit coin?

>> No.11013989


>> No.11014004

just go to coinmarketcap.com search for Quant and watch on which exchange you can buy it. are you all that dumb?

>> No.11014018


>> No.11014049

That's literally what I did.
I just wanted a second opinion before sinking some internet monopoly money into this thing.
Chill out.

>> No.11014060

Look at this retard redditor trying to figure out how to buy in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/QuantNetwork/comments/9e5v9c/quant_pill/

Imagine where this token will be after this gets onto an exchange that people with double digit IQ's can figure out.

>> No.11014087

7 cents cheaper on fatbtc. Never used fatbtc though

>> No.11014107



>> No.11014126


>> No.11014173

yes, buy a coin that no one has ever heard of

>> No.11014213

you're gonna miss out so hard. this shit hasn't even ico dumped nigger

>> No.11014270

less than 10mill circ supply after burn soon, no ico sell, solid team/backing, early shillers, less than 10mil current cap, moves easy just need the buyers

>> No.11014310

omg! I'm going to miss out on an opportunity to lose all of my money?!

>> No.11014324

this shit better hit me hard enough I can double the size of my link bag before mainnet

>> No.11014327

you sound like a filthy atheist. I'm done with you bub. Find Jesus

>> No.11014397

$5 soon

>> No.11014465

Don't you believe in allah dirty boy?

>> No.11014517

Jesus told me it's gonna be pampin. Now you wanna be saved or not? God gave you free will, use it well lost traveler.

>> No.11014615
File: 258 KB, 1200x1200, GV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO Gilbert Verdian

>> No.11014714

>not a single slant-eye
how is this not an instant buy based on that alone?

>> No.11014744

I've nearly already made my loss from last dump back. wall gettin slowly eaten

>> No.11014806

fake props what a joke

who fell for that shit ?

>> No.11014843

>methhead continues to ramble

>> No.11014949

fake props

no rebuttal

>> No.11015013


>> No.11015030

Link to video:

>> No.11015055
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>> No.11015108
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I'm fake, Quant Network are not.

>> No.11015118

lmao your marketing team SUCKS! WTF was that shit? Nothing was explained, instead there was a generic political themed video with lame background music

>> No.11015135
File: 63 KB, 560x352, wth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GitHub repository …...this project is moot
fk off with this crap



github !!!!!

dont be fooled biz

they are not updating / executing

just blah blah blah

>> No.11015145

He said it was fake props. Video proves otherwise. Go kill yourself.

>> No.11015161

That's not marketing you halfwit, the team is already working with the biggest banks in the UK, they need not market to plebs like you.

>> No.11015162 [DELETED] 

And no, we are no official the marketing team. We are the fucking Quantards.

>> No.11015175

And no, we are not the marketing team. We are the fucking Quantards.

>> No.11015177
File: 168 KB, 1298x916, y w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is how a project is supposed to look

updates regularly

>a real moon mission pic related

not qnt quant trash with fake Hollywood effects

>> No.11015191

with 0 updates the last 30 days

amazing work

nasa: challenger

>thats you

>> No.11015208

Show me these rules that say Github must be active?

SDK is coming out this month, faggot. Kill yourself already.

>> No.11015211

They obviously work using private repos.
A big part of the project has patented code. Only a small part of the project will be open source.

>> No.11015213

Why dont you invest in Tron - it has 4th highest number of commits:


>> No.11015218
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>> No.11015227

Check the dubs of truth, you sad nonbelievers.

>> No.11015239

>buy my coin

Fuck off, go shill your poo coin somewhere else.

>> No.11015254
File: 91 KB, 792x558, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this guy panic sold and now he's trying to influence the price downwards.

The absolute state.

>> No.11015262
File: 118 KB, 500x431, meeting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Paolo Tasca

>> No.11015308

with 0 updates the last 30 days

check GITHUB go and ask around.......bullshit excuses they are hiding

amazing work

nasa: challenger

stop bumping this

>> No.11015325

no u

>> No.11015328

oooooooo 30+ eth buy outta nowhere. you can at least daytrade this you needy whore

>> No.11015330

So you've shut up about the fake props accusation then? Apologize.

>> No.11015344 [DELETED] 

Read Gilbert's article published on Fox News below:


>> No.11015345
File: 38 KB, 736x732, 1519352218423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what happens when you sell a gem like QNT in its early stages, don't be like this guy.

>> No.11015367

It was a prop stage you brainlet. We're not as dumb as you are

>> No.11015467

Did you read the fucking link?:


Say sorry.

>> No.11015596
File: 29 KB, 400x400, Apologize now anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11015606


>> No.11015630

Quant Network partners with China Government (Ministry of Commerce)


>> No.11015818


you're not his mother don't dote on him

>> No.11015907
File: 154 KB, 961x1280, QNT_RISE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw Barclays is the unannounced partner

>> No.11015932
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>> No.11015947
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Someone asked if they were working with Lloyds in one of the live video AMA's and Gilbert responded by saying that the bank they're working with is bigger than Lloyds. Gilbert has past experience working with HSBC so i'd wager that it's HSBC, but it could very well be Barclays.

>> No.11015967

Wouldnt surprise me if it was all 4 of those banks

>> No.11016012


It's not like QNT has multiple advisers managing accelerators in conjunction with Barclays...


>> No.11016040

Wow interesting find anon.
Do you have a list of all these things you dig up?

>> No.11016157

Wew nice find, someone should do a comprehensive writeup of everything quant has to offer along with partnerships etc.

>> No.11016166
File: 91 KB, 1100x546, jpdj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, google's AI recognizes our boy Jean as a government official.


"2017 CISO of Year To Focus on Quant Network’s cutting-edge blockchain operating system –Overledger

Quant CEO and Co-founder Gilbert Verdian has recently left his role as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of Vocalink – a Mastercard company, where he was responsible for the Security of the UK’s payment infrastructure for the Bank of England, covering BACS, FasterPayments, Link and Cheque & Credit Schemes – to lead the Quant Network team in the development of their block chain operating system, Overledger.

“I’m looking forward to continuing to collaborate on Mastercard’s blockchain strategy whilst also focusing on developing our blockchain operating system, Overledger,” said Verdian. “We envision Overledger becoming a partner for enterprises by helping them overcome the biggest challenges they face when trying to adopt blockchain technology including the lack of interoperability and single ledger-dependence.”

Gil secured the payment system of the Bank of England.

Oh, look! Barclays has a post-accelerator called Eagle labs where they further develop law-tech companies. I wonder if Quant be part of the Accord project and the Global Legal Blockchain Consortium has anything to do with this...

(I'm gonna make an associative map of all these connections soon, stay tuned)

>> No.11016233

I do have one conspiracy theory: this will never be super profitable cuz guv. they have money already, so market action means nothing to them. this crypto is a front for jews to get their hands further permakneedeep in crypto control

>> No.11016341
File: 192 KB, 1280x959, qnt_link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder if this has anything to do with law...


"Executing smart contracts across multiple block-chains is a complex challenge and explains why Verdian and Tasca prefer the term ‘Treaty Contracts’ in place of smart contracts. The complexity and challenges are also why the team have partnered with Prof. Dr.Ing.Volker Skwarek from HAW Hamburg University to not only create the framework of cross-chain Treaty contracts to be part of Overledger but to empower blockchains with an algorithmic constitution which supports legal frameworks in contractual agreements."

Also what's this BARAC project I keep hearing about? Don't tell me it has to do with Obama!

Oh! BARAC stands for Blockchain Technology for Algorithmic Regulation and Compliance!
Wait, anon, what's this? UCL is sponsoring this project in conjunction with Paolo Tasca.

What a coincidence! Just like the coincidence that >>11016166 the law tech post-accelerator is also sponsored by UCL! Life is so funny!

>> No.11016645

Thanks anon, I just bought another 100k. The potential for this project far exceeds what my pea sized brain can comprehend. I think we gonna make it.

>> No.11017272

Is 600 enough to make it? I'm a poor fag but i'm all in.

>> No.11017316
File: 86 KB, 854x648, crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the next x1000!!!

Don't worry about the rank or how it's being dumped like poo in the loo right now. BUY BUY BUY!!!!

>> No.11017395
File: 49 KB, 956x352, Screen Shot 2018-09-10 at 4.07.17 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy now while all the stupid pajeets are scared to use IDEX and scared to invest in a low cap monster. Once the fomo starts, they will buy from you at 100x

Once the token burn completes, QUANT will be cheaper than the shitcoin scams from that picture. Imagine that. Imagine fucking that LOL

>> No.11017408

How much to make a good money in a country where the dollar is x4?

>> No.11017450

qnt $5 soon

>> No.11017458



If you hodl through this month at least you'll be well off

>> No.11017654



>> No.11018308
File: 34 KB, 675x234, Screen Shot 2018-09-10 at 12.16.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You Google Gilberts name you get tons of links like this.


>> No.11018323

with a GitHub repository thats not updated for weeks


how could you even think of this

>> No.11018532

What $ could we be looking at for long term holds?

>> No.11018558
File: 53 KB, 780x277, crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick update: IT'S TANKING EVEN MORE!

>> No.11018604


it's 6-7mil right now. token burn this month. circ supply is like 9million, total 14million haha only on 1 exchange

market cap will be at LEAST 100mil : X10-15
Long term: X100
Bull run like last year: >1b market cap

>> No.11018607

FatBTC fucks up the CMC price because it is manipulated. Gotta look only at the IDEX price, which right now is showing double the FatBTC price.

>> No.11018813

its going down becuase telegram brought up GitHub

why the fuck they talk so much shit and the project get 0 updates

>have faith on a project that doesnt need any commits

fuck the ultimate state of

>> No.11018883


the price will come up

>organic growth


>> No.11018893

Small cap, vaporware.This shit will dump just as easily as it pumped the last week or two.

>> No.11018904

>the state of biz

>> No.11018913

You unironically sound like a pajeet

>> No.11018931

Project is all white. You are invessting in the project not the anon. so please stfu if you can't see how legitimate the team is.

>> No.11018944
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>updates periodically

>> No.11019046

so and nobody is gonna buy on fatbtc and dump on idex?

>> No.11019270


Previous company Trudera is rolling all their previous tech and algos onto Quant, troll all u like, it still remains that there is a strange trail of breadcrumbs surrounding this project.

u gno that parabolic advances happen all the time in nature bruv?

>> No.11019272

From the whitepaper:

>Developers independently decide how much to charge for their apps the users. A separate payment processor like PayPal will be used to help facilitate payments. The QNT token will be used to access the network through the Quant App Store as well as being used to be tie into identity.

So this token will have only one use (cute how they call it "dual purpose" when one of the purposes is literally to raise money for the company), which is that by having a certain number of tokens you get access to dapps written for their platform. Users don't SPEND the tokens and have to buy more, they just have to hold a minimum amount. Pretty fucking bizarre tokenomics model.

>> No.11019357


CoinMarketCap knows about this and will soon remove it.

>> No.11019400

its a scam coin

GitHub updates are moot


>> No.11019412

>Project is all white. You are invessting in the project not the anon. so please stfu if you can't see how legitimate the team is.

>> No.11019438

that attended one Sydney institution

yes go ahead and buy

>thinks CEO is well connected

>> No.11019514


Love all the loosh you're feeding into this. Just wanted to thank you personally.

It's not too odd when you consider that Companies can hold QNT on behalf of their tokens, but yes a dual-layered model would probably be superior. A lot remains to be seen for their implementation.

>> No.11019528

Fatbtc is a complete scam exchange with fake volume, manipulating prices to lower the average on cmc, don't use that shit unless you want to lose money. Idex only.

>> No.11019536 [DELETED] 

don't want to lose money*

>> No.11019699

It was at $36 yesterday on that exchange. What are you talking about.

>> No.11019811

How do they manage to manipulate price enough that it becomes risky to buy? I mean you can see the price it's being exchanged at right?

>> No.11019930

Token burn this month --> coinmarketcap will show correct values and this will take off to x 5. New exchanges next month will take it to x 25 in near future. Holofags and linkmarines should put at least 10% to this.

>> No.11019940

What usecase does this one even have? How can anyone know that it will be massadopted ?

>> No.11020120

Thanks for the thread /biz/ gonna pick some up tomorrow.

>> No.11020472

any upcoming events to gain info?

>> No.11020760 [DELETED] 

I thin
I tthink there's an AMA in Tg today.
They should release their new website this week and they should finish the token burn soonish. Their initial estimate was no late than September 14.
Also, people in tg expect for the SDK to be released this month. That shluld give utility to the token and allow the team to pursue CEX listings in compliance to FINMA regulations.

>> No.11020765

I think there's an AMA in Tg today.
They should release their new website this week and they should finish the token burn soonish. Their initial estimate was no late than September 14.
Also, people in tg expect for the SDK to be released this month. That shluld give utility to the token and allow the team to pursue CEX listings in compliance to FINMA regulations.

>> No.11020780

Its over. Its dumping

>> No.11020812

Check IDEX price, not CMC. Fatbtc is messing with the average price.