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File: 65 KB, 841x1022, Crypto-Enthusiast-aka-retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11003430 No.11003430 [Reply] [Original]

If you measure the value of an altcoin in fiat, you should get the fuck out now, because you don't know what the fuck you're doing.

You measure the value of an asset against the dominant asset.

This means, you measure BTC against USD and all altcoins against BTC.


Because all altcoins move correlated to BTC. But, you add risk vis-a-vi holding BTC, if you hold an altcoin (founders exit scamming, not as tested, vaporware, whatever).

This means, holding an altcoin and making gains vis-a-vi USD doesn't mean shit.

Only gains against BTC are noteworthy. If you didn't gain vis-a-vi BTC, then why would you have exposed yourself to the higher risk of an altcoin? You could have held BTC, with lower risk.

>> No.11003464

if you think people on biz don't know this, you are unironically the retard.

>> No.11003483

if you think people on biz know this, you are unironically the retard.

>> No.11003491

> Literally every 2nd thread is about an altcoin going lower or higher some specific fiat-target
> dude, we're all pros here

Sure, mate.

>> No.11003501

Bitcoin usd values goes up 2%
Response: monero usd value goes up 8%

Yes you have to be a brainlet not to take those gains.

>> No.11003504
File: 56 KB, 600x360, Charles_Ponzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get a word of the month calendar there boomer?

>> No.11003525
File: 633 KB, 1436x1674, 1529343784073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lose everything
>b-but at least I'm up in sats

>> No.11003524

haha, this is you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_obeR1OIm8

>> No.11003526
File: 1.40 MB, 320x218, correction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Stellar has held above 3000 sats for almost all of 2018 and is currently threatening EOS for the 5th spot

>> No.11003530

it's vis a vis dumbfuck
and stop overusing it

>> No.11003548

Still not getting it.

I know, math is hard. But maybe you'll figure it out one day.

>> No.11003581

No you are not getting it, there's more money to be made with some altcoins fiat exit.

Otherwise if you plan to make money it's natural to measure your wealth exclusively in BITCOIN because you're goin to only earn % via pnd swing trades.

I repeat to you with the same amount of FIAT I hold right now be it short or long I can make 4 times more If choose to enter as XMR.

>> No.11003626

>No you are not getting it, there's more money to be made with some altcoins fiat exit.

There's also more money to be lost measured in fiat, because alts mostly move in the same direction as bitcoin does.

So all you're doing, in effect, is taking out a leveraged BTC position.

With one difference: a huge bag of uncertainty that comes with untested or barley tested, low-liquidity altcoins.

>> No.11003655

Every vendor on darknet accepts XMR + I use xmr.to api to deliver bitcoin payments on demand instantly... so In the grand scheme of things - I agree with your position, in the case of monero no.

>> No.11003709

>Every vendor on darknet accepts XMR + I use xmr.to api to deliver bitcoin payments on demand instantly

There's no debate there. Probably because the price in fiat doesn't matter for these use-cases anyway, at least not much, as most vendors, darknet or not, usually convert to fiat rather fast and use the crypto-currency more like a payment network (like PayPal, MasterCard,...), rather than money (USD, Gold) or settlement network.

>> No.11003737

You'll be surprised but the iq is lower on average there.

Many vendors just hold until they lose 40% of their portfolio or never withdraw in fiat.

I'd happily exclusively use bitcoin if it wasn't for how easy is to trace anyone and if I want to anonymize my bitcoin for one use case - I'd still have to involve monero in this.

>> No.11003763

I wouldn't trust Monero too much, tough. Even if it appears to be anonymous, what if some vulnerability is found in 5 years, or 10 years? Then there's still a permanent record of it on hundreds of computers, some of which are 100% operated by 3 letter agencies.

>> No.11003782
File: 13 KB, 383x383, -6V0DvL__400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KMD or even ZCASH are better than XMR

>> No.11003811

Technically no, market wise - MAYBE.

I don't care about monero value in the slightest, just for one use-case it's providing - and to even benefit from that you have to use 15+ ring count, spending+receiving address - timed transactions with network traffic.

>> No.11003829

can you give me the ELI5 version of how to use monero for anonymity? Is it hard to do? What you said sounds like confusing jargon to me but I love the concept and would like to give it a try in the future

>> No.11003920

There's a lot of small but important technical aspects you have to catch, start with a guide dedicated for drug dealers / buyers:

google buyers bible via DarkNetMarketsNoobs

When you send a transaction, check the command and its parameters, make sure you use a very high ring count and It's very important to use two wallets this in order to mitigate the only SERIOUS danger in your anonymity - which is the fact that a multi billion dollar budget organization if decided to target you could in the end with a lot of effort to find you - if linked with real name to an exchange for example where your monero been sent and used from immediately without any precaution.

Also just do everything from within tails os, if done quick and properly you can anonymize your bitcoins entirely. Guess it's worth studying the subject even if you don't want to hold or buy anything with monero right now - just to do that.

There's an online discussion board on the Tor network where you can find some serious guides on the subject:

>> No.11003927

i always measure my tech shares in apple stocks!!

>> No.11003967

>he thinks all threads are totally serious

>> No.11003983

>When you send a transaction, check the command and its parameters, make sure you use a very high ring count and It's very important to use two wallets this in order to mitigate the only SERIOUS danger in your anonymity
how do you use two wallets? literally just send a tx twice you mean? as in two hops

>> No.11004025

> Jokes on you. I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!

>> No.11004068

ever tried qubes btw? seems like a cool OS for security

this is mostly a hobby for me but I'd like to delve deeper into it

>> No.11004147

Read around where I've pointed you, it's for obfuscation as the ring signatures don't necessarily 100% protect the sender address, hence you use two addresses.

If you had to run a lot of compiled software with no source code, qubes would serve as an easy to use - secure tool in protecting your different workspace.

But in the long run, if you limit yourself to open source, self compiled and a good grip of memory management and secure behavior, you wouldn't necessarily need it.

The glowinthedark guys can bypass anything as long as we continue to use backdoored hardware like intel, amd cpu's with management engines that are literally separate cpu's with complete access on all cpu layers.

To escape that you have to purchase really old hardware that can flash that away, or new hardware that's opensource and really expensive.

If you want to learn a lot about computers and security - I suggest you pick a low level language like C++ and a game you like then start to reverse engineer and develop hacks for it - you'll learn in that journey both everything related to hardware, software and os vulnerabilities and what's the most comfortable setup for you considering your threat level.

>> No.11004187

well, I assume the guys who just want modest anonymity and order coke on the internet aren't reverse engineering programs or learning to code (generally speaking), you mention threat model so assuming that's in the ballpark, is something like qubes even necessary? i don't really understand the concept of the networking thing honestly, they use whonix gateway for routing but why not just use a random laptop with another machine serving as the router and running whonix gateway on bare metal? i mean why use a vm for the gateway? maybe im missing the point

i guess it's just to be 100% sure leaks are as insulated as possible but it stands to reason that you could just use good opsec practices and use a random laptop with a tor router right?

thanks for your replies and the link btw im checking it out now

>> No.11004303

>Because all altcoins move correlated to BTC.

Thats actually not the reason you brainlet. The reason is because you need to know if holding the alt was more profitable than holding BTC.

>> No.11004989
File: 392 KB, 1080x1080, Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. BTC outperforms every traditional investment but is risky as fuck. Alts are risker than BTC. If you hold alts, you better be gaining on BTC.

>> No.11005476

actual intelligent crypto market advice