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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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11002808 No.11002808 [Reply] [Original]

When will you guys finally accept that crypto has failed? Shit like ETH will be remembered and referred to as a literal scam in the coming years (regardless of whether it was at the outset ever technically intended by Vitalik and co. to be a scam). Fifteen years from now crypto will be all but forgotten by the masses, except to the extent it may occasionally serve as a conversation piece in the same vein as the Beanie Baby craze of yesteryear.

>> No.11002850

t. the words of a nocoiner, this is why you will always be poor and too big of a pussy to take risks

kill yourself

>> No.11003350

Be straight with me. Do you honestly think crypto will regain its previous ATHs? Even absolute assrape cases like ETH? If so, by about when? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.11003371

t. brainlet who can't see the bigger picture

eth devs have doubled in this bear market