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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10991054 No.10991054 [Reply] [Original]

>Margin trading for small caps

Guess how they'll get the liquidity for margin trading?

>> No.10991459

or you could just tell us.

>> No.10991479
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>wants to make a margin trading platform
>cant even implement redis (something that takes like 30 minutes to learn) properly
yeh fuck that. not trusting these pajeets with my money

>> No.10991545

Haha Just saw that too. Was reading some of their info saw low supply got slightly interested but not much then saw This on their home page and was like yea sike this shit is pajeet as fuck.

>> No.10991767

I’m gonna be straight up with you. Yeah I think their exchange is pretty fucking stupid. I’m just praying that they actually pull through with buying coins through market orders or a telegram group notices and pumps particular coins in anticipation.

Note though that their team is known (white guys) so it looks like a bunch of amateurs / new grads trying to turn their start up into a unicorn.

>> No.10991889

Listing ERC20 tokens is free. Maybe they'll get a FOMO inducing token traded there first. That should bring some volume.

>> No.10991942

are they really showing error messages to the public? hax incoming

>> No.10991955

redpill me on $SS

>> No.10991972
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>> No.10992163

It's fixed now I just checked

>> No.10992394

based on that error message it looks like they are using ruby as well. ruby is literally the least performant lang. its literally deprecated in webdev. no one uses it anymore, not even for simple sites, let alone an exchange.
the backend should be written in something like go or java to have high speed matching (especially for margin trading since there are liquidations involved).

I wouldnt touch this if i were you anon but good luck.

>> No.10993289

pls list the hotter tokens
e.g. qnt, hot etc.

>> No.10993846

Do you know this for a fact though?