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10975871 No.10975871 [Reply] [Original]

If I gave you $300,000 tomorrow, are you telling me you'd be the richest man in the world by 2035?

>> No.10975881


Would he be the richest man now if he didn't get that 300k?

>> No.10975883

Yes, since I'd go all in Link

>> No.10975886

You won't know till you give me that 300k

>> No.10975898

Bezos is also not a brainlet and has very high dedication. He fuckin graduated from princeton and worked on wall st

>> No.10975920

Punk if I was handed 300k I would be damn sure to make at least 500k this year flipping cars ...

>> No.10975998

Let's be honest. The 300k and EVERYTHING else that happened to position this man where he is today chalks up to nothing more than luck. If he wasn't born in the exact moment he was, he never would have been the richest man in the world. If he was born only 10 years earlier he probably would have never amounted to anything. Somewhat business savvy nerd starts book store at the right time when a technology he had nothing to do with is on the cusp of global breakout, gets to capitalize on that. And that's frankly the least of his luck streak. Most of his wealth is due to the extreme circumstances of the stock market right now - this is the only time in the history of the stock market where forward valuations have reached such extremes. It is very possible Bezos' fortune could come tumbling down practically overnight in the event of a true market correction. Tech stocks will get destroyed. The man is hanging by a thread, and it's one of many threads of the universe. He didn't build that thread. He's fucking lucky in the same way you might be lucky or unlucky. That's all there is to this life.

>> No.10976012

Yes, I have multiple business ideas that I could easily scale to billion dollar companies, but I have no money to work on them. Also $300k in the 90's is closer to $500k today.

>> No.10976087


I can be the richest man alive for free. Walk around the street at night asking people if they have change for $100. If they say yes you rob them.

>> No.10976108

Considering I've literally only been buying Bitcoin since 2012, yes.
My shitty parents fucked me out of a current equity of $390,000 because they took 6 months paying me back $1,000 years back.

>> No.10976115

>Thinking he's not completely controlled hired actor

Sure he might have at one time been legit. But sadly he sold out to the Deep State Web Surveillance project to pervasively collect data on all of us. No surprise he is of the bloodline (((Gise))). He is closely related to the 13 blood families that print our currency and his Grandfather was a Rabbi.

>> No.10976123

being somewhere at the right place and at the right time is how most significant figures become successful so why does it surprise you that he managed to make it? This can apply to so many names in history where their success or failure was dumb "luck" if that's what you want to call it

>> No.10976131


No but that’s still more cash money than anybody here will ever have in their lives

>> No.10976138
File: 39 KB, 385x456, 1532398148395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't get how sociology plays a role in success. You would not only need the $300k like he got, but you would need a combination of at least an upper middle class upbringing, a degree of socialization with a similar group of people that have money, a network of people in the same social class, etc. It's a special combination of factors that tied into making Bezos what he is now. It's also just another way that rich people stay rich and why most poor people would take that same 300k and blow it on stupid shit.

>> No.10976201


If you did this and robbed someone for $100 every 5 minutes it would take 15,982 years to pass bezos $168 billion and that’s if he never made another dollar

>> No.10976262

I had 300k in January, and all I achieved was losing it all, losing my friends, my job and trying to kill myself.

>> No.10976313

How did you get 300k and how did you lose it?

>> No.10976373

Is this literally your first day on this board?

>> No.10976389

even if you robbed one person every second and assuming you never got caught, bezos still would have made more money than you in that timeframe

>> No.10976410

what the fuck. how poor are you? anyone thats been here before q2 2017 and invested more than $10k had that much/even more in december/january

>> No.10976425


Nope that’s why I know everybody here is LARPing about having any money or lost it already

>> No.10976428

i have 350k in investments and make 18K in dividends each year plus i invest another 20K of new principal in each year.

who else here gonna make it?

>> No.10976450

Yes. This is what capitalists don't understand. Big daddy Trump, Jeff all these fuckers had rich parents

>> No.10976455

I don't want to be the richest man in the world, fuck that lmao.

>> No.10976480

300k back then is like 1 million in today's money - at least

>> No.10976491

This is kind of Eastern vs Western philosophy here. Eastern philosophy dictates you are born into circumstances. Western says you can be whatever you want.

>> No.10976494
File: 26 KB, 362x362, 1535740077879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small loan of a million dollars

>> No.10976503

>How did you get 300k


> and how did you lose it?


>> No.10976516

Bezos is a bastard child. His life wasn’t all sunshine lollipops and rainbows growing up.

>> No.10976518

and Trumps million dollar loan back in those days was even more

I remember just even in the 90s if you had a million dollars, you were fucking rich. Today a million isn't really that much.

So it was more like 20 million or something in today's money.

>> No.10976539

Yep, i have offline jewelry buisness, and with 300k i can make the first gold crypto shop.

>> No.10976572

Nobody really thinks that bezos hasn't earned his success, shit to even manage a company like amazon as he does shows he's an incredibly smart and talented individual

People just rag on the fact that he's painted as a "college dropout rags to riches" story(like bill gates, zuckerberg and many others are) when in reality, there were all EXTREMELY smart with good ideas, AND great backing(usually via rich parents to "lend"(read : give) them a 6 figure sum to start their business)

>> No.10976596

Who cares? After the first couple of million, the amount of money becomes meaningless and is just a dick measuring contest. I bet you Bezos is a deeply insecure man because no amount of wealth is able to satisfy him.

>> No.10976604

nice cope there anon

>> No.10976676


300000/0.27=1111111 link

1111111*1000 = 1111111000

im fine with being a billionaire desu

>> No.10976724


>> No.10976730

> and how did you lose it?
that's why i'm sticking to BTCUSD. that's it no fucking alts

>> No.10977039

Tell me anon and i will give you 49%

>> No.10977122

Honestly if you have 200k+ to play around with and aren't a complete retard, it's really easy to make a fortune. The more money you have, the easier it is to make even more money. It's like with women, the more women you have, the easier it is to get even more women. If you have zero, you are pretty much fucked for life. That said once you reach a few millions, most people would just rather enjoy life with it, only the sociopathic few are still obsessed about getting even more. I'd be more impressed if you can make 300k out of 3k than 3 billion out of 300k desu.

>> No.10977175

Not to mention when he was going bankrupt his dad went to his casino and bought 5 million dollars worth of chips and never cashed out.

>> No.10977194

"be whatever you want" implies you can control your own brain chemistry, which science dictates you can not. I'd probably make a lot more than the 150k/yr I do if I wasn't such a lazy sack of shit, but no matter how much I want to be more productive & try harder, my brain continues to do what it's going to do and here I am on this degenerate message board. You can't fight fate, you can only succumb to it. Bezos - call him smart, savvy, whatever the fuck you want - is just lucky. All of those things boil down to luck. You don't pick your genetics or your brain chemistry. You don't "choose", you just are or are not. I'd love for anyone to try to prove this wrong.
See above. "Earned"? What does that mean? The man was literally born this way. Did I "earn" my middle class white USA upbringing vs growing up shitting in the streets of India? You don't "earn" anything in this world. Everything you have is a result of a sequence of events which started before you were even born. I can actually prove that. Can you prove otherwise?

>> No.10977237

This. I asked my dad for a 1k loan for crypto in 2012 but the dude couldn't even afford rent that month haha. 300k might be more many than I ever have saved at any one time in my life. And I'm a software engineer now.

>> No.10977318

Look up Bezos's wiki his maternal grandad was a regional director of the atomic commission who owned a 25,000 acre ranch. You're absolutely right, Bezos's family background was quite affluent.

>> No.10977349

We are malleable to some extent. I can develop discipline or social skills for example, but you are right, we are largely slaves to factors that we cannot control.

On another note, don't you find the concept of winning meaningless? Say you race against someone who is faster than you, and despite that you win. Do you feel victorious? You would, but it's a meaningless victory because your opponent is still faster than you, and you just got lucky, somehow. If he won, then why would he feel victorious about winning against someone inferior to him? It's meaningless either way, because all things consequential are meaningless. Just a thought.

>> No.10977405

>Would he be the richest man now if he didn't get that 300k?
Nope. Literally impossible to get that kind of money with a small business loan.

Same thing with Trump. He got a "small loan" of 1 million dollars from his daddy and all of this daddy's real estate connections.

>> No.10977419 [DELETED] 

normies like to cope with whatever they can when someone really successful make it. it's like he just had some money and then became the richest man without any work, right?

atleast 40% of the population thinks like sheep

>> No.10977527

>You don't pick your genetics or your brain chemistry
That's fair, but you can still be the best you.

I was more referring to circumstance. Some people just get fucking lucky being paired up with a 9/10 virgin at swim camp and then end up marrying her. That's luck. Or you got lucky knowing such and such person to get you this 200k a year job. That's luck. I agree, a lot of very successful people were just lucky and people attribute it to skill. A lot of it is just being at the right place at the right time - a one in a million shot.

Most people think they can change their circumstances in life but for the most part you are bound by decisions your parents made. For example, my parents decided to move to a shitty state with no economy. So now I'm a fucking poorfag well into my 20s. The next 3-5 years of my life are already laid out before me, there is nothing short of winning the lottery that will change that.

>> No.10977682

You should read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell OP

Its much more than hardwork and being smart. that is part of it. a very small part.

>> No.10977879

I haven't enjoyed "winning" for a long time. In competitive sports or games, I don't care if I win or lose. I do tend to get happy about personal, non-competitive victories, which I'd also argue are meaningless, but again, I don't think I control those reactions. That's my brain.

As for the developing discipline or social skills - your ability to do those are still products of things that happen which you have no control over. Being invited into a social situation is not something you have control over, for starters. Even if you "crashed" a party/networking event/whatever to meet people, that idea didn't originate from you. You saw it somewhere. Your brain reacted to things you had nothing to do with. The situation that arose where you could do such a thing to begin with did not originate from you. All of these things are reactionary. Everything that exists is reactionary from the beginning of time. Your surroundings and circumstance combined with your brain chemistry and genetics are what make you you, are what cause you to do specific things, and you have no control over ANY of those things.

What is the "best you"? There is only one you. It is the you that you are. Your example about your parents moving is a very obvious example of the you that you are which you can't control. But even if you were to say "fuck it, I'm leaving my parents house and moving to LA and starting my acting career", that's STILL a result of your parents moving and countless other things which have affected you which you had zero say in. NOTHING about being human involves what we call "choice", and your entire roadmap already is laid out but you can't see most of it yet because it has yet to happen. You won't be better or worse, there are no different versions of yourself (except maybe in multiverse theories). You are you, and what you become is also you, and there is no changing that.

>> No.10977960

>A lot of it is just being at the right place at the right time - a one in a million shot.
It's a conscious decision to gravitate towards certain environment,.

>> No.10977979

How do you argue that, exactly? If you weren't even exposed to that environment would you still gravitate towards it because you made a conscious decision to do so? Or is your definition of a "conscious decision" merely your brain & genetics reacting to that environment & your historical reference of similar things, which also you did not create nor had any control over? You're reacting to something, that's not a conscious decision in the sense I think you're referencing it. It's not a choice.

>> No.10978027

You are going outside the bounds of regular definitions of the words you are discussing. Your extended/shifted definitions can't serve as proof of your assessment.
In the common sense of the word, the one that everybody operates upon here, choosing ones environment is an option that one can choose to make. It contributes to ones success greatly.

>> No.10978136

A definition of a word is of human nature, your definition nor the dictionary's definition are "right". It's subjective. Further, those definitions came into play from group subjectivity of which no one individual in the group made a conscious choice about. Again, the definition was a result of circumstance and nature, or what we call "luck". The spelling is the same.

Regardless, I'm not debating semantics or definitions of words. What I'm saying is that despite humanity having assigned a meaning to the word "choice" or words "conscious decision", those things are illusions. They're want-to-have's, but that doesn't make them real. I am by most people's standards very successful, but I didn't have anything to do with that. I'm simply a product of things I had no control over. How do you choose an environment? Explain to me the sequence of events that happened which gave you control over that, please. I'll gladly tear your theory down, likely with ease.

>> No.10978195

yes. are you a retard? okay maybe not the richest, but you should absolutely have a billion by 2035

>> No.10978247

>A definition of a word is of human nature, your definition nor the dictionary's definition are "right". It's subjective
If it was fully subjective, nobody would be able to communicate. The fact that there's a set of meaning attached to words allows one to have meaningful conversations. By going outside of that, you stop communicating and perform navel-gazing exercises to for intellectual wanking.

>> No.10978288

lol, people can communicate when they agree on subjective meanings. We don't always agree, which is why different languages exist. In some cases, the exact same word means completely different things. Anyway, again, I'm not here to argue about definitions of words, I frankly don't fucking care if you understand that very small minded premise or not. I'm asking you to try to debate me about actually having choice or being able to make conscious decisions. Here you are simply reacting to me as an element in your environment, prove otherwise.

>> No.10978292

>richest man in the world

The richest people are publicised. You don't even know who they are.

>> No.10978450

I couldn't, but I cou'd hire birthday party advisors to throw a good ineas I've never had one.

>> No.10978636

>everything is luck and im a poorfag because of a lack of luck

>this is how wagecucks cope

lady luck favours the man of action bucko

>> No.10978663

He had a good idea and determination but without luck you're nothing

>> No.10978851

You can actually change your genetics over the course of your life, not sure if you're aware of that. It's not to an extreme degree, but some degree nonetheless by your own decision making.

I guess what I'm trying to say is you have SOME ability to make change in your life but about 95+% of it is circumstances you were dealt that you have zero control over. Even if you are the best you, in terms of working out constantly, or studying hard, that doesn't necessarily mean anything unless you are in the right place, at the right time to have the opportunity to use that.

That goes back to what I said about scoring 9/10 virgin. You might be ripped in the best shape of your life, your own hard work. But that means fuck-all unless you are in the right place at the right time to meet that aforementioned 9/10 virgin. You're going to end up with some blown out roastie instead.

Additionally, I can study my ass off, but unless I know Chad's dad it doesn't mean anything because I'm not going to get hired for that 200k a year position, Chad's friend is.

>> No.10978882

You can expose yourself to being able to profit from luck.
'Putting yourself out there' is the phrase I believe.

>> No.10978908

gimme 300k ill show you

>> No.10978912

I've already explained I am by most people's standards successful. I have more money than I know what to do with, a beautiful wife and child, and live in one of the largest cities in the USA. I have never been what I'd describe as a "man of action", and even if I was I wouldn't attribute that to anything BUT luck.

Missing the larger point - even an attempt to alter your genetics is a bi-product of things you had nothing to do with. Everything is set in stone. Sorry.

>> No.10978915

I will give you $1 to fuck off.

>> No.10978927

Thats what I try to achieve with crypto. I do my research and so far I sailed in comparably safe waters but also here a lot came down to gut feeling and luck. We won't be able to quantify this in the forseeable time

>> No.10978966

Do you believe in fate?

>> No.10978977

You still have to put forth effort or you'll end up on he street. You can make the decision tomorrow to stop doing anything and you'll end up on the street.

But I guess you're being a lot more nihilistic about this than me (which is saying something) by saying every decision you'll ever make is dictated by your genetics and genetic behavior.

>> No.10979042

deal. now deliver

>> No.10979058

the poster you replied to is too much of a a faggot to actually deliver
>>10978915 look at this fag

>> No.10979081

you're looking at it the wrong way. 300 thousand in the 90's was a fucking lot. he was given a chance barely anyone has.
if you give the chance to everyone the same amount of money (in proportion to the 300k back then), (in a vaccuum situation), you can bet there would be a significant percentage transforming it in enormous amounts of wealth.
what he did was great?
was it special? probably not. ok, its special how big it become, but scaling was something he achieved much much later.

>> No.10979087


>> No.10979140

Wasn't there a shitton companies that got capital because of the bubble and didn't manage to do anything with it? He was successful before amazon, and was smart and industrious before entering the workforce,

>> No.10979171

Yeah but Id argue if you are a decent person, theres a difference from gambling with your parents money and gambling with investors money. Most businesses had multiple founders so it was a rush to grow as quickly as possible to keep investors happy and try to make all the founders/investors rich. If its your parents, theres no rush and you can take your time. You dont have to go to board meetings and be told to increase growth or get kicked out of your own company.

>> No.10979179


Your argument is one of scope, you define luck in essence to be every single variable that is not controlled for by humans, which technically means everything. Essentially you're simply saying that because of determinism and chaos theory (the butterfly effect) no individual has any true agency.

This argument seems intelligent but on further inspection is fundamentally facile, because if these properties apply universally they are ultimately moot, when humans talk about 'luck' they are not talking about chance in the absolute sense, such a discussion is nonsensical as it encompasses all things, what is conventionally meant by luck is those things which are not directly caused by our actions. Free will etc can still be an illusion, but the idea is that when Marie Curie discovered radiation, that is not luck in the sense most people mean because it was caused by her actions, and those actions themselves were contingent on her abilities.

However when someone finds a scratch card and wins 1 million pounds, that would qualify as luck (in its common usage) because you could argue that the finding of a winning scratch card has zero correlation with any conscious action on a persons behalf. You want to argue in absolute terms that getting rich playing roulette and getting rich by becoming a neurosurgeon are ultimately the same because of determinism etc. but such a claim loses out on subtleties that non autists are interested in exploring.

>> No.10979220

Me too anon

>> No.10979242

I'd say having multiple founders/stakeholders is a positive, as one will drown in his delusions about the worth of his ideas, which is often fatal. He managed to overcome that and thrive.

>> No.10979245


>> No.10979267

cool story bro

>> No.10979306

His money cant buy him hair though. Rekt.

>> No.10979327

if you gave me 300,000, i'd buy a bunch of weed and a boat and fish my life away

>> No.10979686

I compare this to the people on /fit/ that say "yeah sure Arnold used steroids, but you wouldn't get close to his physique in a million years with or without roids"

>> No.10979706


Oh, I should add that more than 1/3 of my losses were on bitmex doing absurd 50x gamble trades with full stack. Shorting the bottom of dumps and so on.

>> No.10979730

Richest man in the world? No. But I'd definitely be a millionaire within 15 years, and would probably die filthy rich.

>> No.10979744

More closer to 700k. But seriously, share your ideas, maybe some partner can make you useful

>> No.10980261

it has always taken money to make money.
white priv isnt real
wealth priv IS real

he'd be just another wage cuck today without that initial capital to start.
and to be fair, early internet pioneers had it fucking made back then.

>> No.10980305

>free will is a myth
>religion is a joke
>we're all pawns, controlled by something greater

>> No.10980460
File: 437 KB, 819x683, 03B47002-4C45-4554-ADF7-102F8D97560B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tree all you need to calculate probabilities of being successful

>> No.10980908

Yes. Like, really yes.

>> No.10980954

It couldn’t HURT my chances.

>> No.10980964

kek pathetic

>> No.10981010

Average people are financially illiterate

300k to an average american and they lost it all in a year. They will go buy an expensive car, rent an expensive place, and spend it going out.

Bezos is literally a huge excption and 300k did help but it's not everything. 99% of people who make money at young ages blow it on dumb shit / debt.

>> No.10981033
File: 259 KB, 1910x1000, bessos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello this is Jeff Bezos, you've all been marked. In approximately 1 hour, each of you will be receiving an Amazon prime drone with a special package, shipped from my airborn Amazon warehouse. Have a nice day. I'm off to train more operatives in my world domination initiative.

>> No.10981089

I know that if i had so much as $5,000 dollars, that would make life SO MUCH easier for me for the next year at least, that would be a whole year of having time to invest in exploring new business ideas, testing the waters on some things without being 'broken' by failure. Everything is money. Huge numbers of normies do seem to fall into a sort of rut where they could theoretically go for a more meaningful life but settle into wagecuckery... while other people are literally trapped by their circumstances.

I think the key is that you need to have a 'functional' mindset that focuses on possibilities and opportunities rather than getting stuck in "I'm fucked, may as well give up and become self destructive" mindset, but you should also be REALISTIC about things - you really are a result of circumstances well beyond your control. There are young boys in the Philippines who are pressured by their fathers' into literally mining for gold underwater with nothing but a single thin tube to suck air through from literally hundreds of meters away. These boys aren't able to go to school, so they're often illiterate which limits their opportunities, can't access capital easily, are forced to work just to survive day to day - getting enough to eat and a bit more. That's an extreme example - but there are plenty of people in wealthier countries who are also trapped in this cycle.

'Keep the Aspidistra flying' is something that comes to mind.

>> No.10981999
