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10975661 No.10975661 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, enough is enough. Stop with your memes and Karl’s and joking around. Be serious for one fucking thread what the fuck is going on? I don’t want to hear from you impatient fuckers who can only see five minutes ahead, tell me where the fuck is this going in the long run? Was Norman bufffet right and crypto is a scam bubble going to zero? Or is this just another cycle that will eventually bounce back to new ATH? You fuckers piss me off with the bipolar posting either panicking or euphoric every two seconds. Can some anons who have clear minds and ability to think logically tell me what the fuck is going on? I can’t decide if I should just sell this shit now and eat the loss or hold on for the future and see what happens.

>> No.10975678

>Was Norman bufffet right and crypto is a scam bubble going to zero?

>> No.10975706
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Agreed, we need to have a serious thread for a change.

>> No.10975714

dude just hold unironically

>> No.10975759

That was my current plan, to just hold this shit for a few years and see what happens, but I’m wondering what other anons with perspective think. It seems there are good arguments on both sides.

>> No.10975776

You want a serious answer? Nobody fucking knows! Everyone here is larping, shilling and/or shitposting.
My serious opinion is that we haven't seen real depression yet, but then again, it's just my opinion

>> No.10975824

This. Remember that BTC is years away from being any sort of practical payment solution, and decentralization is an untried idea on a global scale.

Blockchain/crypto could very well be massive meme which will impoverish tens of thousands. It could also end up being the dominant currency in the future.

Speculation. Look up the definition.

>> No.10975864

Basically a bunch of faggots keep putting their money in and then taking it out right away.
Crypto is a new economy and isn't going anywhere. If investors were fucking literate in game theory they wouldn't be doing this.
Warren Buffet is an old evil man who got rich by turning americans into obese mutts, then stealing tax payer money with QE.

>> No.10976161

Yes, that’s a fair point. I know nobody knows for sure, but people can still give educated predictions. I’ve found some people on twitter who give what I consider to be very informed and rational thoughts on where the market is going over the next few years.

>> No.10976176

No clue but bump

>> No.10976210

I agree, the problem is that there is too much noise out there, CT was too bullish a few days ago and got rekt lol.
The guys I follow in Twitter and YouTube are still waiting to long the market, and so am I.

>> No.10976218
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>Crypto is a new economy
Funny. Do you know, what the literal translation for the stocks from the dotcom-bubble was here in Germany?
"New economy".

>> No.10976219
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>> No.10976271

You really think warren buffet knows anything about crypto? He got his wealth like this:
Research the fuck out of several companies.
Bet on one and go all in.
Make it because you researched the fuck out of the company and knew it would be successful.
Do it again and compound the gains.
Do it again and compound the gains.
Do it again and compound the gains.

I can guarantee you that he doesn't know anything about crypto beyond the craziness he's seen in the news, and if all you knew about crypto was from what you've seen on daytime msnbc, you would think it's a scam too.

>> No.10976274

Big money means big whale manipulators.
They'll test your sanity, and fuck your wallet if you're leveraged.
If I know them, they'll break the $6k support to liquidate your stops, then pump it back up.
jk idk wtf will happen

>> No.10976350

I was thinking earlier today that physical banks and physical cash will cease to exist in less than 50 years, when the majority of boomers are dead.
The world will be left with the Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z (also whatever Gens are spawned by Gen Y and Gen Z but that's irrelevant). They all, in a way or another, very integrated with technology so it's likely we will see a lot of virtual banks (traditional banks will probably close physical branches to cut off costs) and digital cash being used to the point that several places won't accept physical cash anymore (there are countries where this already happens).
Now, it will be interesting to see how crypto will play a role in that. If cash becomes digital then we could potentionally see many businesses accepting payments in cryptocurrencies. Fiat money will probably keep being the main form of money though while cryptocurrencies become an alternative form of money. We could also see online banks accepting crypto but whether that's traditional banks or independent banks (something like Revolut), that's up to you.
In any case, this prediction might be far away and if it indeed happens, we are just presencing its beginning. I'd stay invested in crypto and wait for 10 years minimum to see where this goes.

>> No.10976368
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Poopoo peepee

>> No.10976377

>Amazon share price 1943.48

Nigger it really is. The tricky part is picking the winners in the coming years out of the thousands upon thousands of shit coins and crypto projects that haven't even been conceived yet.

>> No.10976391

>Warren Buffet is an old evil man
Low IQ post lol

>> No.10976397

Wouldnt he hire a bunch of well educated goys in the subject though? He could then formulate his current opinion in the crypto market based on this. Guy has plenty to invest in research into crypto.

>> No.10976407
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we are unironically at/near the bottom of the trough. just be patient.

>> No.10976583

Interesting theory, there definitely is a generational aspect to all of this.

>> No.10976589

It's not exactly as if anyone fluent in crypto is eager to be recruited by old money
If anything, there's been an exit of young talent from finance jobs to crypto (even if just to make their own scam project)

>> No.10976838

Oops! Her bob in da wei.

>> No.10976924

>what the fuck is going on?
Why would we tell you?

>> No.10977012

Wait, there are actually people here who at ANY point in time thought crypto WASN'T a ponzi scheme? HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

Why the fuck is the whole /biz/ still spammed with crypto threads considering it's obviously dead and you're only going to lose money and time by investing into it? Why doesn't this retard board move onto new avenues of making money instead of spamming memes about a thing that's been DEAD for a long time now.

>> No.10977030

HAHAHA wtf are you talking about mate? If crypto EVER was anything other than a scam and actually had a snowballs of chance at ruffling feathers to ACTUAL old money whales, it would be made to fail on the spot anyways by political pressure.

Holy shit, "decentralization", "practical payment solution"....I'm in tears.

>> No.10977061

>good arguments on both sides
if you think this then you do not understand crypto and you need to get the fuck out

>> No.10977067

See, this is what I mean. This is the type of stuff where you might be serious, but I think you're just trolling.

>> No.10977077
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Get a load of this guy.

>> No.10977094

What do you mean? From the way you wrote this I think you are saying it'll go up, but I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.10977137

Heard that before

>> No.10977199

I am 100% serious. Only someone who had his brains friend by being active in the crypto fantasy-land for too long would think otherwise.

I mean are you listening to yourself? "decentralization", "practical payment solution"...it's basically bunch of fucking fancy words that mean nothing. holy shit, just imagine walking into a board room with a fucking multi billion corporate old money whale and you start talking about "decentrralization", "optimization", "practical payment solution", "flexibility"...holy shit the guy would laugh his ass off. Do you even know how money works? Even if those words meant shit (which they don't), they'd get bombed by actual money whales. I can't believe I'm having this discussion.

Listen, I'll let you know something about how this works. The ONLY way crypto has any chance is if you walk into that boardroom and say "look, we obviously know this is bullshit, but if you do x, y, z for me we can both pull some really nice cash for a few years out of it" and you'll have the guy's attention. That likely already happened anyways and it's why this thing is now dead. Nobody is going to buy the fancy words bullshit. Nobody with any actual money in his pockets believes in this as a legit project obviously.

>> No.10977236


>> No.10977247
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everything is a bubble

>> No.10977254

This is the only correct answer.
I'll add:
While blockchain is an amazing technology that has thousands of applications in businesses alone, most businesses live off of gibs and write-offs, thusly want nothing to do with accountability.
Also, as a currency goes, accountability would ruin most economies as the people who reap profit don't want their bottom line to be affected by said accountable ledgers.

We've got years of FUD ahead of us and crypto could easily lose to the established monetary paradigms.

>> No.10977273

Your writing style is somehow worse than your regurgitated propaganda. A+ troll

>> No.10977280

the fact that you thing this is propaganda tells me you can't look outside the crypto bubble. you've spent too much time reading bullshit about crypto living in fantasy land.

>> No.10977303

Everything in life is a scam

>> No.10977309

> living in fantasy land.
We are in an age of abundance and automation. Very few steps until fantasy land.
I imagine AI will take us the last mile.

>> No.10977315

thanks anon, just sold all my bags

>> No.10977319

>I imagine AI will take us the last mile.
now I know you're in fantasy land

>> No.10977333

> I know you're in fantasy land
Not yet, we will be there soon. Prepare for the future, not the present.

>> No.10977373

Nobody knows OP, fuck you think any of the BTC buyers in 2011 knew what the fuck would happen? You either left the market cause you're smart money or dumb money and you're either holding because you think it has a future or because you're forced to since everythings down 90%

>> No.10977404

future will have a cataclysmic event (not necessarily physical, though I wouldn't be surprised if it is also physical) that will stall the development rate of technology

>> No.10977478

Events happen every day friendo, i should know, my dad works at nintendo

>> No.10977513

race condition for sure. I think we will win the race.

>> No.10977634

everything you've said is true if you're looking at it from the perspective of the moneyed elite, with power, influence, and wealth to lose. in the short term, this paradigm is the dominant one and the little experiment in decentralization looks harmless and impotent to you. over the long term, crypto is the only way humanity can overcome it's current predicaments. as some have said (look up Yuval Harrari if you don't know him), money is the greatest myth humanity has perpetuated to advance the scale of cooperation and interdependence. with that in mind, every leap forward in history has been marked by a change in perspective in our collective understanding of these noble myths. crypto is the catalyst to our next leap. you can't seem to grasp this because your vision of the world is too narrowly encapsulated by your belief in the limitations set by the dominant worldview. things will change, and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.10977876

>every leap forward in history has been marked by a change in perspective in our collective understanding of these noble myths.

more empty words that only someone in fantasy land can eat up. give me some real world historical examples- name a few "noble myths" and how a "change in perspective in our collective understanding" changed the game, then make a comparison to crypto.

>> No.10977937

>Yuval Harrari
Just looked him up and he looks to be on the level of a Malcom Gladwell. Thought you were going to recommend a real expert.

>> No.10977962

>The reception of the book has been mixed. Scholars with relevant subject matter expertise have generally been very sceptical of the book. Public reaction to the book has been positive.

Fucking lol. This guy just like Gladwell is someone who edges on that bullshit made scientific enough to engage your average consumer retard. His schtik seems to be "AI future OMG" since its a popular narrative for people to consume these days. I can't have a serious discussion here.

>> No.10977970

Holding long term DOES NOT WORK. You have to be a special kind of delusional to do that dumb shit.

>> No.10977988

I'm not here to convince you, Anon. I'm just trying to open your eyes a little. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

>> No.10978016

When you realize that even THIS narrative is driven by money-interest, you will realize why crypto is a scam. Whole narratives are sold like commodities. Crypto does have the function (other than being a ponzi scheme, which all people who are even moderately smart recognize) of a fictional narrative too. For those who WANT to believe, there is a cool techo-socio-utopia storyline conjured up so that they can keep believing and investing. When you are SO personally invested in it, you even start feeding the narrative yourself.

The narrative that popsci bullshiter Harrari sells is for those who already want to believe in the "OMG AI" "OMG Consciousness" "OMG we are collectively spiritually evolving" narrative. It took me 3 minutes to know that. If it takes you longer than that, you will not be making any real money in this world other than by a stroke of luck.

>> No.10978036


>> No.10978099

My posts in here are like gold in a pile of mud water. Read it and learn it. I know I sound aggressive and angry, I'm trying to wake you up out of your slumber to how the real world works. Crypto is a scam. That guy is a scam. It took me 3 minutes reading his wikipedia entry to know he is a scam. When it comes to money you need to have a pragmatic mind. Don't believe in narratives, storylines, etc. Humanity on this earth, will NEVER change. It's always the same underlying motivations. NOTHING has really changed in any essential way since the start of history. The same thing happens today in human society that has from the start and the same underlying factors drive the economy and all human-interactions.

>> No.10978103

>empty, hole ridden rhetoric compensated by the sheer volume of bullshit spouted in a unit of time
Yep, we have a jew here

>> No.10978125

Anthropologist Christopher Robert Hallpike reviewed the book and did not find any "serious contribution to knowledge". Hallpike suggested that "...whenever his facts are broadly correct they are not new, and whenever he tries to strike out on his own he often gets things wrong, sometimes seriously". He considered it an infotainment publishing event offering a "wild intellectual ride across the landscape of history, dotted with sensational displays of speculation, and ending with blood-curdling predictions about human destiny."[13]

Science journalist Charles C. Mann concluded in The Wall Street Journal, "There’s a whiff of dorm-room bull sessions about the author’s stimulating but often unsourced assertions."[14]

Reviewing the book in The Washington Post, evolutionary anthropologist Avi Tuschman points out problems stemming from the contradiction between Harari's "freethinking scientific mind" and his "fuzzier worldview hobbled by political correctness", but nonetheless wrote that "Harari’s book is important reading for serious-minded, self-reflective sapiens."[15]

Reviewing the book in The Guardian, philosopher Galen Strawson concluded that among several other problems, "Much of Sapiens is extremely interesting, and it is often well expressed. As one reads on, however, the attractive features of the book are overwhelmed by carelessness, exaggeration and sensationalism."[16]

Reviewing the book in The New Atlantis, John Sexton, graduate student at the University of Chicago, concluded that "The book is fundamentally unserious and undeserving of the wide acclaim and attention it has been receiving".[17]

7 minutes later and its a confirmed fraud. I should pat myself on the back for knowing its going to be a fraud after spending 2 minutes on his wikipedia page.

>> No.10978138

you seem to think that we disagree about your conclusion. we don't. you're just not seeing the forest through the trees.

>> No.10978140

>t. arrogant leftist
Great use of CAPS

>> No.10978153

Sauce pls

>> No.10978158

im right wing, idiot.

>> No.10978210

The techno-socio-utopia narrative is COMPLETELY a leftist thing by the way. believing we will somehow evolve into higher consciousness with technology and reach new ways of looking at the world through a bullshit invention (like crypto) that will fuel a deep re-working of collective human consciousness is typical leftist bullshit. They are hopelessly naive about changing people and deny all underlying factors in human psyche that haven't and won't change for tens of thousands of years. Even that people here get wrong, though.

I have to leave this place.

>> No.10978301
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Your posts are total garbage lol.
It's clear that you don't have any actual understanding of the subject.
I would bet you only learned about crypto after November of last year. You took an intellectual position immediately and haven't changed it since.
You have never listened to or read any material by anyone who could be considered an actual expert.
Am I wrong?

>> No.10978315

My dad works at mcdrive and said its gonna moon soon

>> No.10978351

Final post here that I'd like to add. I just wish you guys would move on to finding a new thing that actually has a profit margin instead of beating a dead horse. Every thread in here is crypto, why not direct all this energy into something that actually has a chance of making you money instead of wasting it on something that's done? There are enough of you here that you could easily dig out a new opportunity to make some money online in a different way. Even if you were "all in" on crypto with your time and finances, you don't have to be "all in" on its narrative and personal attachment. Find a new niche that has a profit margin available, be a little more pragmatic. When it dies, move on to something else. Rinse and repeat. It's to move on, to get in on something positive again, to experience the happiness of making a profit again. Don't make depression threads and live off the delusion that this will take off again. Most of you are smarter than normies, you just have to learn how to be more pragmatic. Usually that comes with real-world experience rather than sitting in your bedroom and that's what normies currently have over you. They're retarded but pragmatic. Learn to be pragmatic and find a new niche.


>> No.10978375

wise words Anon, we appreciate your advice.

>> No.10978381

>It's clear that you don't have any actual understanding of the subject.
>You have never listened to or read any material by anyone who could be considered an actual expert.

Clearcut signs of someone who is in fantasy land brainwashed by the narrative.

>You took an intellectual position immediately and haven't changed it since.
Because I'm right. i took an inmediate position in regard to that popsci faggot that was recommended in the post above, and guess what? I was right again. If you ever want to make any real money, you'll have to learn how to make decisions quickly on whether a thing is bullshit or not. If you can't make a 5 minute decision on obvious bullshit, you're not going to make it. I'm trying to help you out guys. Crypto was a great opportunity to milk it for what it was worth.

>> No.10978424

Exactly what I thought. You haven't done a single minute of actual research.
Your knowledge-base is zero; your opinion is worthless.

>> No.10978453

i dont need to research the fabric of panties to know its bullshit if they suddenly start being sold at 20000usd. i know enough to know its bullshit and that the time to milk the profits out of it is over. any further research would be a waste of my time. just like reading the book of that faggot would be a waste of my time. that's time you could invest into actual money-making endeavours. if the food smells like shit i dont have to check it out under a microscope.

>> No.10978465

How long have you been watching the market for? I've been observing it since 2013 and this is the third bubble i've witnessed. I agree that Crypto is bullshit, but that doesn't mean that it wont make me rich. Im betting on at least one more bubble before the total collapse, based in 5 years of Data. How am I wrong?

>> No.10978467

>it would be made to fail on the spot anyways by political pressure.

It already is with kyc fucking everywhere now

>> No.10978475

Oh never mind, you're a retard who heared about bitcoin last year.

>> No.10978490

>I have to leave this place.
Let's not get too emotional. Why are you getting so upset about this on a board dedicated to cryptocurrencies of all places?

Human nature is a rather insurmountable thing, but to say that societies do not evolve is ludicrous. In our age, it has been for the worst in too many aspects. You want to talk scams? Consider the rapidly inflating fiat currencies backed by nothing outside of a printer and an exclusive roundtable. Consider retirement plans that are years, if not decades, in the making that can erode at the drop of a hat and the elite institutions that encourage the lowly to double down on them after they pop. Consider that cheap plastic mass-produced bread and circus consumer goods are one of the only things deflating in relation to the rapid inflafion of fiat currencies while true forms of wealth (food, land/housing, precious metals) have skyrocketed since the 1970s.

>> No.10978495

the difference between me and you is that you're an idealist and im a pragmatist. you can't be idealistic about money or women or you'll lose everytime. you see I don't get invested into anything, you need to sit back have a glass of water and wait for the profit margin to come to you. then milk it for what its worht and get out. and then repeat the process. if you got ideologically invested into crypto or any other story, you're going to lose money. dont be ideological

>> No.10978503

Unless you got ideologically invested in it before mid-2017. Then you'd have made a ton for believing in it.

>> No.10978514

>You want to talk scams? Consider the rapidly inflating fiat currencies backed by nothing outside of a printer and an exclusive roundtable.

of course its a scam, just like crypto is a scam. all im saying is be pragmatic and smell when the time is right. the printer scam is much more robust and its time a bit longer than crypto. crypto is dead. dont try to resurrect the dead.

>> No.10978529

Im invested in bitcoin because I belive speculation alone drives the price and will continue to do so in the Future. I don't give a shit about actual use cases that isn't speculation. Retard.

>> No.10978545

of course. im not opposed against scams. you need to just know the timing of the scam. you can find a scam that is profitable but you have to let to know when to let it go. and the best way to do that is not to be ideologically invested in things. i dont care about paper money, property, gold, or crpyto or cars or whatever. its whatever has the right timing to make the money. and that's something an individual doesn't control. if you get ideological invested into something succeeding you are playing a risky game. its more or less a waste that everyone here is still beating a dead horse, when you could move on and start making money again and experience the positive uplifting emotions of that again.

>> No.10978560

well then you're just wrong, because the profit margins that are worth the time invested aren't there anymore

>> No.10978575

I think crypto will be successful in some form, but this is a good point. Don't believe in something to the point where you miss obvious signs it's time to get out. Get too much faith in it and your decision making will be clouded.

>> No.10978618

i had an opportunity to put about 10000 dollars into bitcoin in 2015. instead i put half of that into a high yield corporate bond which netted me about 1000 dollars profit over two years, plus all my principle back in full. the other half i put into oil ETN options which ended up losing me about 3000.

if i had put it into bitcoin i would have made about 250000 profit

moral of the story, i have been buying bitcoin and not selling bitcoin since march 2017, and i will probably keep doing it until i hit 21, which hopefully i will by around march of next year

>> No.10978620

>Bitcoin will either go up or down

>> No.10978634

that pragmatic idiot doesn't know jack shit about the technology that makes cryptocurrencies so special and why cryptocurrencies are celebrated by experts who know their shit

the other side is just repeating shit they've heard on the internet to make themselves feel better about their decisions

to all those who want to make money: sell shovels, if you're too lazy to do that then gtfo or just stay in crypto and you might get lucky

the problem with crypto right know is that the technology is just not advanced enough to make decentralization a viable option for the general public
this is something that time will tkae care of or smart algorithms and innovations
There are so many smart people going into cypto and so much money to be made that i tend to think it will be the latter

It might take 5, 10, or 40 years for crypto to really take off. if you're into crypto and you're not helping the crypto space mature then you're just wasting your life

>> No.10978725

It's Warren Buffett, not Norman Buffett, and the Berkshire Hathaway executive who really tore into bitcoin and cryptocurrencies is Charlie Munger.

Munger is utterly wrong in that the cryptocurrencies are not a scam or a swindle. It is very clear what those things are. There is no Ponzi or pyramid scheme at work contrary to what a lot of people say.

That said, however, I believe they are right that cryptocurrencies are likely going to be very bad for the financial health of many, many people. What the cryptocurrencies are is a wealth transferrence system where a very small number of people will become very wealthy at the expense of a very large number of people. It's basically a zero-sum game, which is what all greater fool investment schemes are.

Those who want to speculate in cryptocurrencies just need to remind themselves that they are not investing but instead are *gambling*. The difference between an investment and a gamble is that you will very likely make money with an investment whereas you will very likely lose money gambling. Ask yourself this question, the Vanguard ETF VT, do you really believe that if you put $10,000 into it that it'll be worth less than $10,000 20 years from now? It is almost certain it will be worth more than $10,000. Can you be so certain that the same will be true for any of the cryptocurrencies?

>> No.10978760

a theory of mine that might make a decentralized future impossible:

most great companies had a leader with a vision that went through the hardships of creating a great company
a decentralized community working on a crypto project might just not be able to compete with a smart ceo. crypto has the potential to replace every single corporation

notice i said "has the potential" the future could look like nothing we can imagine right now. crypto made such a future possible. whether and if when it comes to that are the 2 unknowns. everyone has to decide for themselves what they think. you have all the information you need available to you on the internet for free you just have to do your own research god damnit if someone is too stupid or lazy for that then please stop wasting your life and quit trolling around please at least be entertaining if you want to spread meaningless content

>> No.10978779

That was what the dot-com bubble was called in the U.S., too. I suspect that Germany did not coin the term New Economy (Neue Wirtschaft?) on its own. It was a meme spouted out by either Alan Greenspan or one of the financial propaganda media: The Economist, CNBC, or maybe the WSJ.

>> No.10978873

that is the problem with the whole fucking crypto space

no one talks about how cryptocurrencies made public key cryptography finally useful for other things than creating secure connections on the internet

everytime someone mentions anything all of you idiots don't know a thread goes quiet

here's a tip if you find something and you don't know what it means then open google and find out what it means
it's like everyone above 25 is too stupid to do that and everyone below 18 has such a short attention span that they'll close anything that has a word they've never heard of

>> No.10979080

OTC markets and investment from banks and other financial institutions would beg to differ, (despite the bullshit narrative MSM is doing to manipulate the market).


I get that reals are over feels, but I believe there is still room for speculation and that you think bitcoin is tulip and south sea when it is actually dotcom levels of speculation. But if you believe that you got the smart money out of this speculation, I'm not going to disagree. Be happy with the gains you got. If you actually are who you say you are and you're comfortable with your assessments, then that's the most valuable thing in the world. That being said, I feel that dumb banker scum money is coming in by manipulating the market to do so (the backtracking that certain companies do like microsoft and goldman sachs), and I'm not missing out on the action. I'm willing to take this medium risk, very high reward speculation, and I've explained why.

>> No.10979136

I don't think it's a scam that will ever go to zero, but all i'm saying is we haven't seen the bottom yet. We really haven't hit enough despair for crypto to make any significant movement upwards.

I'm not talking 6k or 5k btc, something like 3-4k for a good 4-6 months to shake out every person possible before we enter a new uptrend channel. I don't wanna believe what i'm saying but it just seems like the most logical thing to happen...December was just fucking crazy man, if you were there to experience it you know that what happened wasn't normal at all. A pump like that comes with a huge price to pay.

Charlie Lee was right all along, we'll be in a bear market for the foreseeable future, i'm guessing when it will truly end is early-mid 2019, anything before that is just manipulation and weak pumps.

>> No.10979170

you're right dont sweat it, crypto IS a scam, it IS a ponzi. It is flawed by design. But.. even if it was thought this way by satoshi, he made a huge breakthrough with the introduction of the blockchain concept. The blockchain when perfected has unlimited potential to disrupt entire industries.
Thats what people are speculating on, altcoins. Since there are no blockchain stocks to invest in, alts are all there is. Yes they are probably all scams, but they make people money. One day though, one will emerge as the one that changes the paradigm for real (no its not gonna be link, faggots)

>> No.10979187

Anyone have any speculation about the imminent BTC ETF and what it means for crypto in general?

>> No.10979213

You fucking "the market HAS to do the opposite of what everyone thinks it'll do cause it's hard! We can't go back up until every single person is a depressed fuck!" meme chart posting newfag pieces of shit are the worst.

>The news said it's gonna go up so that must mean it'll go down! I'm so smart normal people are so dumb hahaha
You fucking retards feed on confirmation bias.

>> No.10980157

My issue with all of this is one thing main thing. Any time I think a couple steps ahead I run into major problems.

Cryptocurrency is a cancer of sorts. Its hard to stomp it out and the longer you leave it to fester the less likely it will be to prevent it from taking over. As long as human beings will continue to prefer the path of least resistance then it is an absolute certainty that a larger and larger potion of society will continue to lean towards cryptocurrency.

The main catalysts will be dapps platforms that will begin putting people into the crypto space even when they are not really aware of it. Social media platform like Minds, for example, are giving all of its users an ETH wallet.

If society gets any harder for normal people then we will likely see even more people pushed into cryptocurrency. We see it every day where people are talking about finding jobs. It constantly gets harder and harder.

> I cant seem to find work but every time I post about it on my social media I make money. Maybe I should see if I can make even more money.

The cancer will continue to grow and spread throughout the body of society. The cancer is a value virus. It is contagious and its only now getting started. And it will be spread deliberately by its various cults. And the medium for it to spread is mostly contingent on the fact that humans will always take the path of least resistance.

Why else do you believe NEETs are the ones to get hit hardest with the cryptocurrency cancer?

Eventually we will see places like reddit feel the pressure to modify its kharma system to be crypto based. Any exchanges that capitulate to the IRS will be shunned and forced out of the market only to be replaced with something else.

My main problem with all of this is that there is no fucking cure for cancer and this shit IS CANCER. All it will take is one big game, one big social media platform. ONE. JUST FUCKING ONE!!! And the spreading will be increased ten fold.