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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 16 KB, 696x449, hst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10971672 No.10971672 [Reply] [Original]

Knowing people who are "in the loop" with HST... I have heard similar stories from multiple sources. as we know, founder just decided to cash out and bail (and he made a fortune from all reports). Now they have their lead dev quitting too.
What i'm hearing is that they are outsourcing their dev work overseas. they are building election software. Outsourcing this is terrifying. Devs could slip anything they like into the code to rig an election.
On top of this, they have made almost no actual progress. no blockchain, no app... (mivote is not hst).
as an ICO investor (and now bag holder) I don't know what to do. Lost so much I don't want to sell now, but at the same time, there's nothing stopping it going to zero or them just quitting the whole project. what now?

>> No.10971675

>that logo
Chinese version of holochain top kek

>> No.10971756

Kek this used to be a promising Australian project and is now a virtual scam. 5k hst lowered my buy in price significantly and have hope for the future. All shitcoins pump and new teams come and go but I thought this project was equivalent with powr

>> No.10971763

Although the lead for power seems more focused on her newborn now

>> No.10971923

don't be a pussy, they have a ton of customers already, you're a faggot if you really think the whole thing is gonna collapse because of some bullshit rumors

>> No.10972670

What the fuck, this is the dumbest shit I've read. No progress? Have you not been keeping up too date with the deals they've been making, nearly 100M users about too use their platform.
Not too mention all the stuff Mivote are up to and they DO use HST for everything. Then there's the Euro country that wants too run an election and census with a ten year contract.
If you have any issues raise them i the Telegram and they'll be answered mate, don't be a pussy on 4chan.
Selling now would be such a waste, literally the lowest price you could in 8 months. This will be incredibly larger once the clients revenue starts running through the token mechanics. Stick around, it'll be worth it!

>> No.10972762

it's still about ICO price dumb ass

>> No.10972808

desperate FUD

>> No.10972817

The fact that anyone thought that some shitty cryptocurrency would take over VOTING PROCEDURES is so fucking funny.

I hope it drops to a 2M cap.

>> No.10972982

Sell before its too late

>> No.10972996
File: 119 KB, 750x736, 1524451890537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo man I was thinking if buying more and lowering my buyin. Where did they say that the lead dev is quitting? It seemed like a genuine project and doesn't it have big adoption coming before EOY?
Did it really turn to shit? I even have memes from December/January on it

>> No.10973821

This is grim. But alas what can you do.

>> No.10973866

other than find the people responsible and make them pay you back somehow, nothing

>> No.10974006

Anon on 4chan. Knows peeps in da loop. Comedy fucktard. Take ya chubby tears in a sippy cup to the CEO when he presents at the world economic forum tech pioneers award in a few weeks. Ya can put ya severed dick back in ya mouth and go night night now http://widgets.weforum.org/techpioneers-2018/