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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10965115 No.10965115 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really this easy? I found at least 54 btc already and I am not even trying that hard. Literally stealing if you ask me

>> No.10965130

are you fucking joking?

>> No.10965138

Why does this site exist? I know it's a meme here now but why does someone host this crap? Student project?

>> No.10965144

You're destroying people's abundance, your abundance will meet a similar fate.

>> No.10965155


>> No.10965168

What is this?

>> No.10965169

faggot op botnet

>> No.10965170

No not all, I am trying common pages with seeds of most used passwords and variations on it. Lots of hits. Most of these wallets haven't been touched in years, probably people forgot about them

>> No.10965174

They're probably mining coins

>> No.10965175

Why is it a meme?

>> No.10965176

How is there no bot scraping this?

>> No.10965188

wait how do I do this

>> No.10965203

Probably is, it is probably more cost efficient than mining bitcoin.

>> No.10965211

You don't. Look up SHA256, if you still think you can brute force it without using highly advanced quantum computers that don't even exist yet, then consider ending yourself.

>> No.10965213

You don't, op is larping.

>> No.10965214

please explain

>> No.10965226


I checked the source code and the site literally has a Monero miner built in.

>> No.10965229

Don't tell me you're that retarded. Even if this was real (it isn't) you wouldn't find any coins

>> No.10965246



>> No.10965248

And what's stopping me from finding a whales wallet on etherscan, then searching through these pages for the address?

>> No.10965254

If you know which page number your initial seed is on, you can easily scan the other pages. As it is every seed starting at the initial index, it is not that hard to look for once you know which page to start at.

>> No.10965260
File: 48 KB, 301x475, WAKE ME UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10965261

can you give proof, not that anybody needs it

>> No.10965268

I dont know anon. Whats stopping you from going to the beach and looking for a specific grain of sand?

>> No.10965280

Nothing at all, you just need to find out where that page is. But you don't know the seed so it will take a loooong time. Easier way around is start with seed and work backwards. Like checking common seeds and frequently used passwords.

>> No.10965283

It's litterly one in an unimaginable number chance that you find and crack anything at all.

>> No.10965294

what's sad is the number of gullible noobs who will believe this

>> No.10965295

So how tell me, how do you find the seed and figure out which page they’re on.

>> No.10965303

nevermind, i get it now.
keys are sequential, wallets are not.

>> No.10965304

>searching through these pages for the address
oh i dunno maybe because it's 904625697166532776746648320380374280100293470930272690489102837043110636675 pages

>> No.10965317

someone tried for six months and found one wallet with 0,50 $ or something like that

>> No.10965325

Lol this doesn't work
It's called """"""CRYPTO""""""currency for a reason dumbass

>> No.10965357

>found at least 54 btc
come on, you're not even trying OP

>> No.10965360

The seeds are sequential. Do you even know how cryptography works? You can't decode the private key from the public one.

>> No.10965363


>> No.10965502

You may have found wealth this way but at which cost? Stealing from others? God is watching.

>> No.10965558

just found .3 btc after 40 minutes of searching

>> No.10965586

Holy crap just found a +50 from satoshi's stash. OP you made my year

>> No.10965608

This faggot is botnetting you guys.

As soon as you find a wallet, the bot takes that information and immediately transfers the funds into his own wallets. Here is one of them we found last thread. https://etherscan.io/address/0x731d358cba339d9684a1d97eaf81d25957e3d76e#tokentxns

>> No.10965612

To all of you thinking this is legitimate, Why would you share this if you discovered it? You could just get free btc for yourself and empty out large wallets?

>> No.10965632

jesus fucking christ /biz/, come on. i thought everyone here was decently knowledgeable on what they were trading but this thread is just depressing.

>> No.10965649

a true genius

>> No.10965685

if it was that easy, no one would use bitcoin

>> No.10965689
File: 424 KB, 540x406, 1535820000289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT IF SOME FUCKER HAPPENS FINDS MY LINKS!!!! FUCK! I know it is extremely unlikely. BUT it IS possible. There are hundreds of computers running automated programs scanning millions of pages per second of these pages, somebody gets lucky, and boom my future is fucked.

>> No.10965697

They a true genius as they know retards will think they can just empty massive wallets out and then send them to their own accounts.

>> No.10965706

Im actually scanning 10000000000000000000000000 pages a second, i run nasa supercomputer. i will get to you soon :)

>> No.10965722

>A private key is a 256-bit value, meaning there are approximately 1.1579e77 possible keys (There are about 1.2288e66 invalid values, but subtracting them from the full set of values goes beyond the precision we're working with here). 1 trillion = 1e12

>1.1579e77 values / 1e12 values per second = 1.1579e65 seconds

>60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, approximately 365 days in a year gives us 3.1536e7 seconds per year.

>1.1579e65 seconds / 3.1536e7 seconds per year = 3.6717e57 years.

>But wait, there's more!

>Each of those 1.1579e77 values will occupy 32 bytes of storage space.

>1.1579e77 values * 1.1579e77 bytes per value = 3.7053e78 bytes of data.

>According to WolframAlpha, there are approximately 1e50 atoms on Earth. Even if you could store 1 byte of data per atom:

>3.7053e78 atoms / 1e50 atoms per Earth = 3.7053e28 Earths worth of atoms

>Beyond even that: According to Landeauer's principle, at room temperature, the absolute minimum amount of energy required to store one bit of information is 2.85e-21 joules.

>The mass of the sun is approximately 1.988435e30 kg. According to general relativity, 1kg of mass will provide you with approximately 1.7867e17 joules of energy (look for a mass-to-energy calculator if you want to double check this).

>So we're storing:

>3.7053e78 bytes * 8 bits per byte = 2.9643e79 bits of data

>Which requires:

>2.9643e79 bits * 2.85e-21 joules per bit = 8.44822e58 joules of energy

>The sun will provide us with

>1.988435e30 kg * 1.7867e17 joules per kilogram = 3.5527e47 joules of energy

>Meaning we would need:

>8.44822e58 joules / 3.5527e47 joules per sun = 2.3779e11 suns

>So, if you could use the entire planet as a hard drive, storing 1 byte per atom, using stars as fuel, and cycling through 1 trillion keys per second, you'd need 37 octillion Earths to store it, and 237 billion suns to power the device capable of doing it, all of which would take you 3.6717 octodecillion years.

>> No.10965737

unironically still takes many years

>> No.10965743

I mean sure, winning the lottery twice is probably easier, but can you blame people for trying?

>> No.10965764

ok this is epic

>> No.10965834
File: 148 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180904-181500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder this site is a scam and whenever you find an actual result the site admin will take the money, here's the admin's account

>> No.10965868
File: 146 KB, 671x519, 1512417129937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always try a few random pages when this comes up. This time I got lucky, 7.2 BTC!! HOLY FUCK!

>> No.10965904
File: 84 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180904-181010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, some anon spent 100 ETH to discover the scam by sending the money to a key in the site and watching it get stolen minutes after

>> No.10965905

>If you know which page number your initial seed is on
If you know which page number your initial seed is on you've given all your coins to the creator of the site you faggot.

>> No.10966451


>> No.10966498

youre forgetting an address will have MANY possible private keys

>> No.10966736

lmao somebody wastes money hosting this website
nigger probably thinks he's some kind of hacker
is this the 2018 equivalent of a script kiddie?

>> No.10966834

Shut up dean

>> No.10966898
File: 1.82 MB, 300x160, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10966916

he's basically using people as CPU's to brute force addresses.

>> No.10966961

i actually got .70 btc from this a while back lol.

took me about an hour of searching but i lucked out

>> No.10967112

You think that's a challenge? Check these

>> No.10967128

>but i lucked out
literally won the lottery like 40000 times at once

>> No.10967684

I just tested with a private key i knew and my fund weren't stolen after 10 minutes

>> No.10967743

How do we make bitcoin resistant to the sun?

>> No.10967822

Woah, posting this to reddit as we speak

>> No.10967867

Regarding the memory problem

Check keys in order, save just the last one you checked and tell the programme to check i+1.

>> No.10967883

come on dude...last thread was full of larps too. This address isn't funneling money from keys.lol
You thought that anon really moved 100 ETH to test if this shit was scamming?

>> No.10967932

>sending 100ETH to prove a scam


>> No.10967933

Hah I got 30k BTC out of a wallet by guessing the private key on the first try, suck it probability!

>> No.10967948


>> No.10968078

please explain to me, a nocoiner
this website can generate some adresses and check their balances from my browser as i load it. but how does it have access to steal the coins?

i know I'm not getting any. but how is the site owner?