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10953378 No.10953378 [Reply] [Original]

Are we in late stage capitalism? Is socialism inevitable?


>> No.10953416
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no anon, we're early killing crony capitalists and globalists stage

>> No.10953438

We are in late capitalism. It's looking bad.

Sadly, socialism is not in the books right now. Hopefully communism soon.

>> No.10953862

>Are we in late stage capitalism?
>Is socialism inevitable?
Capitalism/crony capitalism/actually-existing capitalism is going to get a lot worse and stay down there

>> No.10954385
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>> No.10954960
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>Capitalist are shilling as much propaganda as they can to keep the plebiscites entertained.

>Capitalist know they are failing so they need to rape all the natural resources as much as they can.

>Once they deplete all the natural resources and kill 99% of the earth realizing they made piss poor decision in regret and no longer profit off of the middle and poor class due to them being dead.

>> No.10955209

Late stage capitalism is a meme.
In China, people literally line up to work in factories. Because what is the alternative? Go back and work as a subsistence farmer. This is a fucking communist nation as well, and people line up hoping they can have the privilege to work in a capitalist factory.
Communistic central planning in China FUCKED their country. It literally fucked their country so hard that they had to allow 'free market zones' just so they could compete with the rest of the world.
Ever heard of the "Great Leap Forward"? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Leap_Forward

>> No.10955363

Any central planning invariably runs into the information problem where you try to fit everything with one mold hoping to get results, but the information returned to you by your subordinates is distorted or exaggerated due to various reasons (like corruption) and then you try to create more policies in response to the problem or purported success. Eventually this turns into disaster as the economy no longer adapt to the cumulative effect of the bad policies.

>> No.10955406

You should hear the stories of the Shanghai Commune and how Mao basically quashed it.

>> No.10955440

>late stage capitalism is a meme in newly industrialised countries
lmao yea no shit sherlock

>> No.10955598


>> No.10955641

And the end is terminal environmental decline, the rebirth of great power wars with nuclear weapons and cyber warfare. This is a much more dystopian timeline than our predecessors would have imagined.

>> No.10955713

lmfao this is ALWAYS the marxist argument.
Just shut the fuck up, seriously.

Holy shit you are dense. The Great Leap Forward was literally Communist China's attempt to industrialize. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.10955731

No state of economics is permanent, nor inevitable.

>> No.10955806

Yea but it wasnt industrialised was it?

>> No.10955928
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>backing up people's natural feelings that they have a right to private property is pushing propaganda
>capitalists deplete natural resources
>capitalists make people poor
also you both failed at greentext AND you're reddit spacing
you HAVE to go the fuck back
pic related is for you in particular

is it bad that i don't even care to refute you low-ambition cucks anymore? like, where along the line do free markets with zero taxes and an UNAVOIDABLE, realist policy of "work must be done, no matter who or what is doing it" lead to an oligarchy? do you think that anything but the exact socialism that you probably beg for did this? just—you're gonna get crushed so badly in the next few decades that i almost feel bad not trying to convince you just how wrong you are, holy shit
i'll throw you one really fucking good bone; you and dozens of people you know probably had "silver" dental fillings, and thus, DO have mercury poisoning—the fucking foundation of a gigantic list of chronic diseases, and an ungodly drain on your body's resources and ability to create those resources—to some degree; go get some emeramide, originally made BY A CAPITALIST and taken off the market BY THE SAME TAX-FUNDED STATE THAT PROTECTED THE REPUTATION OF MERCURY FILLINGS, AND SILENCED EXPERTS FROM VARIOUS FIELDS WHO SPOKE OF ITS DANGERS. just fyi, you're gonna have to apply through your country's early access program if you want the real shit, with no side effects.
maybe you control freak communism-loving authoritarians can overcome your mental illness. like, wake the fuck up, dude; if jeff fucking bezos and george "nationalism is evil" soros want you to believe that capitalism is bad, maaaaybe you're not right, and you're the one who is supporting the system that is responsible for the mass enslavement of mankind?!?! like, just, maaaaaybe?!?!?!

>> No.10955939

>>lmfao this is ALWAYS the marxist argument.
>Just shut the fuck up, seriously.
Where did I make that argument? Are you dense? What is going on in your mind when I make that comment and you go straight to parroting some ready-made rebuttal towards some towards some irrelevant argument, which I am sure forms a small, but woefully incomplete and inadequate list of Marxist talking points in your head, which you also have other slogans an unsophisticated retorts ready to be brought out under the dumb belief that anyone else with a brain would agree that these are proper in any discussion.

>> No.10955987

Communism will definitely work this time. Or next time. Or the time after that. Or the time after that...
kys lol

>> No.10956009


>> No.10956152

>Communism will definitely work this time. Or next time. Or the time after that. Or the time after that...
Again, where did I say that?

>> No.10956166

Why would there need to be "stages" of capitalism?
Why wouldn't any inborn flaws within the system just show up quickly or after a few generations of using it?
"Latestage capitalism" holds just about as much water as a 'kids these days' argument

>> No.10956212

>Never mentions America

>> No.10956398
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> He missed the fucking point.

>> No.10956507

Because the Jews set it up that way. They knew it would inevitably fail, like it always does. But people keep listening to jews and we keep finding ourselves in these situations.

>> No.10956643
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this is an ancap board, commie plebs get the fuck out

>> No.10956725

China was already industrialized to an extent. There was no reason for the Great Leap Forward program other than Mao wanting to China play the stupid game of create-an-empire.

>> No.10956748

Not all wealth is created by being a parasitic tick like you. It's the only way to survive that you understand. Go back to living in your mom's basement and fucking your mattress you fucking parasite.

>> No.10957114

>to an extent
Yea, like 5%

>> No.10957194

How does it feel like that SocDem literally btfo’d you guys for the last 100 years? Imagine getting roasted everytime you look up the symbol of SocDems. A tip for you outsiders: the Rose symbolizes Socialism, the hand is SocDem. Socialism is literally getting crushed by SocDem.

>> No.10957204

You sound like a white racist spoiled left brain fag I know

>> No.10957225

to know one is to know them all

>> No.10957248

No. We're only going to get MORE capitalist from here. Crypto will make it impossible for socialism to flourish. Get fucked, commies.

>> No.10957252

Communisms engine turns on asset seizure, which has been obsoleted by crypto. The only way to maintain the monopoly is to conquer the entire world and smash all technology, which will probably be attempted in a lot of "first world" countries when the gibs spigot runs dry, but at best it would just delay the inevitable.

>> No.10957284

>This is a fucking communist nation as well, and people line up hoping they can have the privilege to work in a capitalist factory.
Communist china?

>> No.10957430

protests and revolts prevent any "late stage" capitalism, capitalism is the only way that makes sense u doofus.

Any other system will slowly turn into capitalism anyway, if u cant see that u should learn about humans again

>> No.10957445


This. If you try to implement communism here all of us high productivity people will stop working. We'll start doing 100% crypto mining with our free electricity. We'll build things for more crypto. We will NEVER submit to you. NEVER

>> No.10957843


This. I can't be fucked either, explaining the pricing problem is my go-to on how specifically communist "economics" is a contradiction in terms. They come here to raid, we point out why it can NEVER work, they don't even try to justify it properly outside of "muh feelz", if they even bother. Then it repeats. Fucking commie trash.