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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 621 KB, 1394x1104, BTC_fractal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10941324 No.10941324 [Reply] [Original]

They say it was a bubble but I'm comfy.

BTC is only at its beginning. We will reach new highs, and the no coiners will forever regret their decision. A new future is ahead of us.

I'm comfy and grateful to live this journey with you biz, I am sure we will make it.

>> No.10941393

holy shit that's it I'm going short

>> No.10941428



Literally at complacency.

>> No.10941463
File: 98 KB, 1024x748, 1525732784610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a sucker's rally.
Yep, just longed because of these two posts.

>> No.10941476

I just sold the last of my BTC to buy a PS4
I'll stick with the safety of the S&P

>> No.10941482

Stop focus on the market, this journey is bigger than the order book, you're missing the bigger picture.

Endless possibilities are ahead of us, BTC holders

>> No.10941487

the bears will shit themselves when they see the heights to which BTC will rise. it is unstoppable. our magic internet monies will make us the envy of all the normans. what a time to be alive

>> No.10941488

You'll remain Standard and Poor all your life.

>> No.10941494

Lol ok
How much did you lose in the crash?

>> No.10941520

This crash was the fuel for the future momentum.
Crash is pure energy.

>> No.10941530

why would you want a ps4, the ceo of Sony literally said that it's life is over

>> No.10941553
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1384493328935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% to be honest, pretty sad about it... I'm still hodling...

I'm still at 4x my initial investment but I could've easily done that with stocks over the last 3 years. I still have hope for the future.

>> No.10941559

It has games I want to play. It's that simple. I don't give a fuck of what *might* come out later, or what the newest console is. I already know the Ps5 is coming in a year or two, I won't get that until it has games I want to play too.
Consoles are just a supplement for my PC anyway

>> No.10941580

You're immature as fuck, why do you still care about video games? That 300-400$ would've been better off invested in stocks if you've given up on crypto. Plus PS4 is trash and Sony's despicable corporate practices need to be called out.

>> No.10941604

I already have plenty money invested in stocks.
I invest 20% of my gross to retirement and 20% of my take home to all other savings including investments, then some of my pocket money goes to investment vehicles too.
I bought into crypto with my spare change on a whim, there's no reason I shouldn't treat myself. It's not like I'm hurting for cash here.

>> No.10941619
File: 6 KB, 259x194, B0DEB5E4-3A89-48A1-8F93-F1C759281809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This when Eminem is what pol use to pump their bags you know we’re fucked

>> No.10941623

There hasn't been a single notable ps4 release, how can they already go onto ps5? who buys this?

>> No.10941661
File: 104 KB, 1000x1430, 1903697615831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to call you a faggot but you're doing pretty good. Even without crypto I'm doing pretty good as well, have a year and a half of internships (experience) and getting my masters in engineering this semester finally with several job offers waiting for me (65k USD job out of university).

It still hurts though knowing all those dreams of lambos are gone. I unironically believed that I would be a millionaire because of crypto one day. I should use the few thousands I have left to go on a vacation once this is over...

>> No.10941673


>once this is over

It already is my fren....it already is.
People just don't know it yet.


>> No.10941677

De-fucking-lusional bitcoin is going no where but down in the long term. It's objectively shit! I hate using it. When I transfer money to an exchange or a person I use litecoin when available and even then it's slow as fuck compared to XRB and others but normies don't know those yet. Muh store of value is about the only thing that can validate it's continued existence as idealistic anarcho capatalist cultists who have been in BTC since $8 and hold market crashing amounts of money. Blockchain is an awesome by-product of bitcoin and some projects will have real world adoption but it will be in conjunction with our current infastructure. Do not delude yourself into thinking that bitcoin will achieve a multi trillion dollar market cap. Do not get comfy do not get complacent it is not a safe investment. You must remain vigilant. Do not be so arrogant as to assume "shitcoins" will never amount to anything either but also address that this whole space is a giant crapchute. There is No comfy money here.

>> No.10941698
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, DarkWojak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The music stopped a long time ago and we're literally the last retards without a chair standing with our dicks in our hands. The few normies that entered left a long time ago and there ain't anyone else coming. I think today I REALLY accepted it the first time....it really is over.

>> No.10941699

It has Spider-Man, Yakuza, Fighting EX Layer, also want to check out the new Uncharted, God Of War, and Gravity Rush
That's enough for me to buy a console. Still not sure if I should splurge for the Pro, it's not even real 4K.

>> No.10941755
File: 19 KB, 400x388, 1425008858737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fucks sake. Is normies quitting in 2018 the only reason I stuck with crypto for so long? Was I afraid of leaving at the same time as them even though I knew the crypto bubble has burst? Feels so fucking bad.

Looking back I was so stupid. Back in late 2016 and early 2017 I unironically spent hours looking up Lambos choosing which one I would buy once I had the money. I was that fucking delusional. My one shot at becoming a millionaire in life is gone, unless I save up all money and live like a hermit but who wants that. Fuck you /biz/ for giving me mispalced hope.

>> No.10941844


Lot of bad energy here, are you trying to convince yourself ?

Bitcoin is fuelled by your desilusion and will use this fuel to make the comfy holders richer. This is the new paradigm in which we have entered. You don't want to be left out of it, believe me..

>> No.10941857


>> No.10941887
File: 3.90 MB, 1280x1014, 762EFAF9-08BD-4291-A295-FD0810EB16EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10941896

Their anger gives us strength, they literally can't envision the bigger picture and what's at stake here

>> No.10942366
File: 857 KB, 240x228, CLINT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. Funneling your money out of the current system into assets that only belong to you is the only way to survive the coming storm. It might take years to get here, but make no mistake...it is coming.

>> No.10943412

All you will need is one single Bitcoin, the possibilities of owning Bitcoin far stretches beyond the realm of money. You have no idea the future Bitcoin has in store for us hodlers.