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10904339 No.10904339 [Reply] [Original]

Ie. working a job you don't like, no girlfriend/relationships, not much of a social life, spend most of the time depressed, etc. But hoping that crypto will let you make it one day (or at the very least give up meaningless wage slavery).

That's pretty much me, luckily I have just about enough in crypto that if we have another bull run, I should just about make retirement money and then I will see what other freedoms that will bring. But if it doesn't work out I probably will not make it.

Theres gotta be some of you here. Share your stories

>> No.10904411

same boat OP just stay strong
what are you holding?

>> No.10904433

Literally 99.9% of this board is in the exact same boat

>> No.10904441

>Hopeless NEET here

If I don’t make it with crypto I’m killing myself in 2 years

>> No.10904459

portfolio about 50k in total, mix of

plus some ETH/BTC

>> No.10904464

Pretty much the same. I have a couple of good friends though. Also I keep myself busy besides wagecucking like taking a trip once in a while, lifting, reading. I am getting a motorcycle licence atm. I am planning on driving the Route 66 in February.

>> No.10904469

Lmao, same.

>> No.10904512

You could at least spend zero of the time depressed and instead work out.

Go buy a stationary recumbent bike, pedal it for a year and a half. Watch TV/Youtube/Twitch etc.. while burning through 330 calories in half hour increments.

Then make yourself happy by buying all the ice cream and hi calorie food thats decent quality and eating the shit out of it.

Then buy a bench or leg press.

The days fly by.

>> No.10904529

Are you me?
I'm a 32 year old boomer who has never had a gf, hate my job, no hobbies, only one real fren irl
I have around 18k in crypto though so at least there's hope to escape wage slavery soon

>> No.10904545

Also you will need a box fan and some good AC to stay cool and motivated.

I also recommend relaxing with tea every half hour. It cools after 20 minutes if you microwave it to boiling. So at the end of your 30 min bike cycle you're ready to lift some weights.

>> No.10904548

>no friends
>no hobbies
>no skills at literally anything
>working $15 an hour despite having a college degree
>broke as fuck
>down 70% from 9k invested in crypto
>sold stocks at a loss to buy that crypto
>fat GF who i think about dumping every day but dont wanna deal with the inevitable waterworks/drama
>only thing going for me is I work out and have decent facial aesthetics

>> No.10904550

Get a job dude. I was in this mode last December, turned 2k into 40k and proceeded to lose all my gains.

You want a steady income to be able to dump more money in.

>> No.10904587

I've been lifting for about 5 years, it does help and gives me something to put my mind to, but it doesn't really outweigh the overall lameness of my life

>> No.10904608

I do have a job, just one I hate. It pays just about well enough for me to not consider leaving, but I dislike pretty much every minute there. like I said I do have a decent crypto stash from buying quite early on, but if that doesn't make me 7 figures and let me escape this monotonous life i'll probably unironically end it all

>> No.10904635

I have a lovely wife and everything else is ok but fucking wagecucking is killing us both. Fucking commuting and working take +10 hours a day and rest of the time you are too tired to do anything meaningful. Saturday is the only day you are enjoying yourself (without booze).

We have a cheap house in the countryside, about 5 years of mortgage left, after that I'm seriously considering leaving my job and living just with part time jobs and passive income. With crypto I hope to have a little more than I have now.. got 10k$ in now and x 20 would let me live more like I want.

>> No.10904649
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>> No.10904656

Nigga, then you’re golden. Get some hobbies or something and enjoy being a millionaire in <5 years.

Also take the Buddhism pill and start lifting.

>> No.10904660

is that u Ghosts

>> No.10904702

I have a lot of health problems that make a normal social life impossible, along with my former hobbies like exercise and to some extent even cooking.

But I am in the top PhD program for my subfield and have been making good gains in both stocks and crypto.

If it weren't for this gambling hobby though I probably would've offed myself by now.

>> No.10904726

your life is unironically too good to be one of us

>> No.10904740
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Yup. I started 2016 off pretty damn well. Cute gf, going on 5 years with her. Good career in I.T. getting kicked off, was about to graduate with a degree in Info Systems.

In mid 2018 I have like two friends I can go out to a boomer bar and drink with and that's it for my social life. GF left me when her health improved since she figured she could now score better than me. Career imploded, took a contract job that I shouldn't have and now I'm a year and a half unemployed while everyone screams to me about how incredible I.T. is. Had to leave my apartment and move back in with my parents. I live in ghetto central St. Louis. I'm extremely fucking depressed and anxious and very seriously wanted to kill myself 3 months back.

I have zero debt though and XMR/ETH has been good to me. I intend to ride this shit to the bottom if it goes that way. I also hope past patterns repeat themselves and my 480 XMR will get me to multimillionaire status in 5-10 years.

>> No.10904741


Sorry if I didn't make it clear enough, working out would actually make me just not in a bad mood.

The eating is what makes me happy.

The ability to say "yeah I can work off this triple big mac meal in about 4-5 hours" is great and all but doesn't really compare to actually stuffing yourself with the things.

Of course youre free to substitute big macs for literally anything, preferrably of higher quality.

>> No.10904742

Get to $1,000,000 in bank, you can live off the passive income.

If you lose money with risky investments, so what? Sure it's painful but the CHANCE to leave all the petty bullshit of wagecuckery behind is worth it.

I'm going all in on something right now, either I'm going to take a hefty haircut or I'm going to make a shitload of money. And no, it's not crypto.

>> No.10904831

Me. I think what is worse is that I went from like over 300K to now 20K.

Knowing what I had makes me feel shittier. I basically felt like shit until August where I said fuck it, and actually started learning trading, reading about it, testing out with accounts. My problem was I was bad at getting out.

I was attached to the fantasy and outcome. With that money I could have sat on it and traded the rest, but oh well that money is gone. I know a lot of people are in my boat, so atleast that brings me solace.

>> No.10904861


What was your initial investment though?

>> No.10904867

ask to work 15 hours a day. sleep at office have 4 days of. what i did. No way am gona spend 30mins-1hour traveling

>> No.10904872
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>Having more money cannot not guarantee happiness.
>Not having enough money can cause stress

You don't need to be a bitcoin millionaire to live a quality life. You just need good people in your life. Make the best of life. You get out what you put in. Make new friends & be more out going. Spend less time on the computer. Travel the world and find new hobbies. Many millionaires struggle with drugs, alcohol, and depression because that's all they have to look forward to once they get over their materialistic possessions. Many millionaires file for bankruptcy because they actually spend more then they can afford. Having a steady job is a good balance in life. Too much free time can change your perspective. It's good to be busy. Even if you consider yourself fat, ugly, and socially award - there are people out there for you.

> Make the best of life and be grateful for health instead of wealth. Odds are 99% of you will never be crypto millionaires. Especially all you chainlink faggots.

>> No.10904913

My ATH was about 800k and now I'm at about 50k, right there with ya buddy

>> No.10904932

If you really had 800k and did not cash out - please call the suicide hotline and get help now.

>> No.10904946
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Same here bro. I'm hoping if I make it I can finally experience what a normal person goes through.
Get friends, a loving wife, children, and my own house.

>> No.10904954


not going to make it

>> No.10904959

well my logic was that whilst it was a lot of money, it wasn't quite what i would need to comfortably retire where I live. and with everyone memeing about how 2018 was going to be the year of adoption, institutional money, sky high prices, blah blah, i didn't cash out and mostly rode shitcoins to the bottom

>> No.10904961

Holo is the only coin out of those that I would recommend holding.

>> No.10904962
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We're all gonna make it biz

>> No.10904973
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dude honestly if you can save enough money move across the state to KC. I live here and lived in STL for a few years, it's better than STL in every single way. Feel free to reply to me and I'd even drop my email here to help you out. You need to leave St. Louis, that city is one of the worst big cities for mental health. Merely existing there is enough to make anyone really depressed.

pic related, vehicle needed to survive stl ghettos

>> No.10904978
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>still not %100 on btc

when will you understand this is not 2015 anymore?

>> No.10904992

my life right now, I have two altcoin holdings that are less than 50% in sats from when I bought them. I want to be all in btc but can't bear to sell at a loss. what do?

>> No.10905017 [DELETED] 

I don't know. For the records I bought 1 BTC worth of POSW (now XSN) and that is the only altcoin im holding, the rest is just BTC. Im going to baghold XSN until it pumps, if ever, I believe it will eventually.

I just fucking hate Livecoin lost my trading history, now how the fuck im supposed to prove that I made money trading this shitcoin if it goes x10? the cunts in Livecoin in tiny fucking letters said "we only save trading history for 30 days". Amazing.

>> No.10905050

they'll probably get back up to at least that sats price some time, 50% isnt that much

>> No.10905068

pics of gf?

t. Jamal

>> No.10905152
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>You need to leave St. Louis, that city is one of the worst big cities for mental health. Merely existing there is enough to make anyone really depressed.

Oh man dude, tell me about it. I lived for one year in Madison, WI, and despite it being a rough time of my life I still love that city. I have family in Ithaca NY, outside Boston, and a girl I dated for a few weeks up in Queens who all tell me to gtfo and move to them. Thing is I'm terrified of leaving the few friends and family I have left here. Probably because everything else is so shit, they are the only things I have to fall back on. But still. This is home and I hate to bug out.

I appreciate your offer, though I don't know what the fuck I'm doing with my life or what I should do. I'm trying to look at the bright side of things here, and one of them is I can basically start over in any field I want now, since my I.T. career is basically back at square 1 anyway. I also don't want you to give out your email so I'll give out my throwaway. aderek0990@gmail.com

Anyone know what a good career is nowadays?

I wouldn't worry too much, during crypto rallies alts typically rise faster than BTC anyway.

>> No.10905529

Literally me

I hate my life
I dont even like sex or women id rather just jerkoff and then forget i jerked off 10 mins after and do it again
I find everything disgusting

I just..i just want to be left alone

>> No.10906125

I don't have a ton of good advice but I'm telling you even wageslaving is better in KC than in St. Louis. Same cost of living but just a much better area, less crime, and really not too far from your senpai in STL.

It's not perfect, but way better than the hellhole known as St Louis. I'm at work now but will try to email you later. I'm also in tech support and could recommend an IT position, doesn't pay well though

>> No.10906262

YEET same

>> No.10906301


>> No.10906532
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The fact that they're known as altcoins is a reason not to hold them

>> No.10906553

goo all in with 100k link.

>> No.10906571

stop being emotionally attached to investments, especially if those investments are in shitcoins.

Just put them in BTC

>> No.10906644
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Similar life situation but I have to say something. I was in a pretty depressed mood and just researching and trying to understand all this shit has changed me already. I've learnt a lot about markets and people, sometimes more than I wished, but now I'm at this point where as long as I don't end with less than I put in in 10 years, which seems very unlikely, I feel I have to treat it as a win, this shit has just improved my mood. And like I know I could try my hand at other shit but winning on this has become a bit of an ideological point by now.

>> No.10907290

not before shekelstien taxes your gains to hell and back

>> No.10908265
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state of /biz

>> No.10908317

I have never had anything from the beginning, no job I like because working is always shit, no gf of course, social life is long over, but I have always been lucky with money, so I believe in it more than I should... I pray every night

>> No.10908328

>Where are we on the meme chart

>> No.10908349

holy shit man, do something extremely different ASAP before your life is over

pick something that you would normally not do, and do that. because clearly whatever you're doing right now isn't working.

>> No.10908368
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I'm not banking on crypto, although I do have crypto

I am however banking on some of my personal projects that I've developed (programming) and if those don't take off I think I'll probably just kms as life isn't worth living as a slave. I'd rather die a free man.

>> No.10909217

>Work in a cubicle
>Two 'unplanned' children 8 years apart
>Wife doesn't work because newborn baby
>No friends
All I've got going for me is I own a $400,000 home outright because I saved almost every penny I earned so I could buy one

The kicker
>The house is in a different country
>I only get $1,400 per month rental income
>My rent here is $2,000

I'm a bit lost. I can tap into about $250,000 home line of credit but I'm debt averse so instead I live in squalor

>> No.10909255

You guys need to realize you missed the boat with crypto.

>> No.10909321

lol it wont change even when you're rich, joy comes from living on your limits.

anything else is a meme and doesn't last long, but one is always either too dumb, lazy or unfocused to actually live like that

>> No.10909335

if i don't make it in crypto i'm moving back to asia

>> No.10909362

95% of the adult population of the world

>> No.10909413
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I tried finding a better job, but after applying to 1000+ of them I can't find shit. And I have a STEM degree, etc. Also, I can't find any quality girls that would want to date me because I don't even have enough extra money every month to take them out on dates. Social life also ties into this. Can't make any quality friends because don't want to spend the money it costs to hangout with them at trendy bars/restaurants. I owned a lot of one crypto last year that would have made me $1 million during the bull run but I sold it early thinking it was a scam. Now I'm all in on something I refuse to sell unless it makes me rich. Please god, just one more bull run before this shit crashes for good.

>> No.10909421

Went back to school almost a month ago. Suddenly a lot of things are happening. It's kinda wild how many connections I already have.

>> No.10909442
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all of your friends are here guys

we will make it

>> No.10909452
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>"Saturday is the only day you are enjoying yourself(without booze)"

Funny thing is I only drink on days when I'm wagecucking but the 2 days I have off I usually don't. The fact that I make just enough to pay my rent and bills just depresses me so fucking much.

>> No.10909491

Yep completely lost everything in my life going for me. My job, my love, my hope, my life savings. Idk what else to do but I’ve been interviewing for new jobs. I pray everyday and cry. I want to die each morning. Never thought my life would turn out this way.

>> No.10909492

You missed the train to Auschwitz.

>> No.10909502

Don’t put off living your life with the belief you will be able to buy yourself the freedom to do it later.

>> No.10909616

Wouldn't you just end up broke and in a homeless shelter if you lived this way? Would this just not lead to suicide?

>> No.10909630

>Tfw being that guy
You faggots aren't thinking forward enough. You wanna be rich? Start digging deep throughout the web and shill CL to devs. It's going to happen. You poor fags can speed it up. Plebbitt posts are worthless. If you ever learn that, you have a chance.

>> No.10909635

>Tfw being that guy
You faggots aren't thinking forward enough. You wanna be rich? Start digging deep throughout the web and shill CL to devs. It's going to happen. You poor fags can speed it up. Plebbitt posts are worthless. If you ever learn that, you have a chance.

>> No.10909634

someone please ackownledge my plight >>10908368

>> No.10909650
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Hang in there bro, another bull run is coming, tho it might take another year.
-30yo boomer who made it

>> No.10909654

Honestly I'm just hoping I get filthy rich so I can finally realize that it doesnt make me happy and I can blow my brains out in a Ferrari

>> No.10909673

Have great job offers but college not giving me degree. I'm turning 26 this year. Don't know how long it'll take. Have lost complete interest. Wish the slip of paper didn't hold as much value

>> No.10909695

>>down 70% from 9k invested in crypto
>>sold stocks at a loss to buy that crypto

i'm so sorry but that made me giggle

i'd just go into BTC and pray for that bullmarket. no doubt you can make more with some cherry-picked alts, but BTC is guaranteed money (that is, it's p much impossible that you gain with alts but wouldn't gain with BTC) and you might not have the green thumb for trading

>> No.10909707
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>made it
>still posting on 4chan

>> No.10909720

yes, OP, I literally hold my bags and patiently wait for the next bull run which might be sooner than you think.

In the mean time I travel and build custom PC for myself. Play vidya. Date eastern european cuties.

>> No.10909747

how did it change your life? i'm rich but i have serious trouble finding how to convert riches into not being depressed as fuck and being able to work on what i want to

>> No.10909758

Shit man I wasn't like that before but since I've gotten into crypto I've been obsessed. Can't wait for the next bull run which should hopefully be pretty soon. At least BTC is now sideways enough to start swing trading it

>> No.10909877
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I'm still pretty lonely, having a bunch of friends > having money.
The money can take away stresses but it can't make you happy. I still need to just go out and find people to be friends with. Problem is I'm introverted and red pilled so most people are NPCs or Bugmen to me.
At least I moved somewhere that is still majority white. Easily the most important part of 'making it'.
My advice:
-hang in there, hold your bags, don't check the price more than once every week or two
-move somewhere WHITE
-rescue a little doggo who will love you dearly
-get out and make friends
-read the book, "How to Make Friends and Influence People"

>> No.10909885

8 months of bear market m8. It's tuff.

>> No.10910171

I only have $900 to my name and it's all in crypto. Can't even bother with blue-chips, I have to risk it in low-cap shitcoins to /makeit/

>> No.10910187

well actually thats most people in US/UK/AU/CAD

we are actually the lucky ones, crypto is actually a possible way out.

the masses dont even have that they are literaly wage slaved to death

>> No.10910351

You guys gotta understand that a shit ton of money wont bring you happiness. If you’ve been broke all your life, suddenly having a lot of money will only make you unhappier because you wont undertstand that all these new people in your life only want your MONEY. You’ll be so eager for having actual relationships with people that you wont even see the signs that the new people around you only want material things and wont give two fucks about the real you. Money will not bring you what humans really need in life

>> No.10910383


I can confirm this.

I make boat loads off my job, and a good chunk on the side from investments. By all means, I'm pretty rich.

But I'm also incredibly depressed and lonely. I'm just waiting for the day I finally have the balls to donate all my money to a childrens hospital and put a bullet in my skull

>> No.10910474
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>very introverted and anxious
>still living in my parents basement at 34
>work at a manufacturing plant averaging 52 hours a week
>74k in a us total stock market index
>19k in my 401k
>never spend much money, I don't want fancy shit, all my hobbies are low cost
>lost 100 pounds a few years ago and exercise daily
>being laid off due to plant closure soon but i'll find a different manufacturing job in the area and probably move out then

I've got tons of problems but I live for my family. I'm gonna add to and let that shit compound for decades and then give most of it to my brothers and their children. I live to be that guy that no one knew had a lot of money because he always lived in near squalor. And if/when I die of old age I'm going to go see my younger brother.

>> No.10910500

Moving out and travelling a bit might do you some good, I always really enjoyed opportunities like those "resets" when you have to move on to a new job etc., it is the best opportunity you have to improve yourself through change and stick through it due to being forced to do so.

Good luck.

>> No.10911105

>all these new people in your life
there are no people in my life

>> No.10911129

You seem like an actual good person. What are you doing on /biz/?

>> No.10911387
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My life has gotten progressively better this year, especially within the past few months.

>I am doing my final 6 courses of my degree which I enjoy.
>Volunteering opportunity next summer to work as a consulate and establish my career.
>Back to working out after working a draining labour job the whole summer.
>Building a strong relationship with a girl I wanted to ask out for over 2 years + being accepted by her friends and family.

idk, life has been pretty comfy this year.

>> No.10911415

if you can hold the 480 XMR you’ll be fine. XMR is going to $1,000-$2,000 relatively soon. 480 XMR is a lot

>> No.10911578
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>480 moneros
>wanting to kill yourself

Another huge bullrun will come within 5 years placing monero higher than most of todays shitcoins. But don't sell them for a +200% or -80% change of todays value.

Meanwhile focus on building your body and personality. Read the /fit/ sticky at the very least.
Also be in a position good enough to survive the next recession which will happen within 2-3 years most likely. If you can make it through that without liquidating your crypto and maybe just buying instead.. you will be in a position most people will ever dream of

Gonna make it anon. Hope to see your success post here in the future

>> No.10911652


You are in the exact same situation as me although I probably won't kill myself. I'd probably embrace existentialism fully and just get in a car and start driving in one direction with no purpose in site

>> No.10911692

Most people think of crypto the way people thought of internet pre-dialup. Just a novelty for nerds. The only reason there was interest beyond the libertarian and tech crowds for any period of time was the potential to make money

>> No.10911714

Kinda same , i m 24 , no gf ever had sex only once , i have an ok job i guess considering i live in italy and the country is basicly dead, luckly ( or unlucky ) i have car hobby , tho i spend too much on my car ( no crypto gain spend still only wagecuck money )

>> No.10911721

you made it anon SELL and open a high APY certificate

>> No.10911741
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Crypto has replaced winning the lottery as my overriding beacon of hope, which I suppose is a good thing as I can at least theorectically become skilled at trading/pre-moon spotting.

>> No.10911800

just buy btc under 10k and hold! it will hit $1mil in a few years. buying shitcoins is gambling.

>> No.10911826

is either making it with crpyto or eternal neetdom for me I'm fine with either