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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10889849 No.10889849 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10889871

my ex gf

>> No.10889874

Bought DRY at $100

>> No.10889884


>> No.10889893

This fuck that cunt

>> No.10889917

What the actual fuck, woman?!

>including an axe

>> No.10889924

I worked at Amazon packing for 6 months rather than just live off benefit

Fuck that shit

>> No.10889932

Bought a $60,000 plot of land.

State sided with the town and determined that they needed to put a waste treatment plant where my plot and 24 other plots of land were. Where I got double fucked, I bought the plot of land with cash while most of the other people around me had loans. The local government agreed to pay off the loan balance or "fair market price" on the land. My fair market price was $20,000 while the people with $40-50k loans got literally double the money (I know, it went to the bank). Still completely fucked and I still get really upset about it even though it's been 3 years.

>> No.10889933

Haven’t made any terrible investments desu. I’m down 30k on a pharma stock but my net worth is 700k so I’m fine.

>> No.10889936
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My marriage...horrible ROI

>> No.10889941

that pic is disturbing

>> No.10889957
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lol wut

If everyone paid $60,000, then how is the fair market value $20,000? The fair market value is, logically, $60,000.

Take that shit to court.

>> No.10889959
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>> No.10889963

Paccoin and Dubaicoin

>> No.10889971

I bought silver when it was $50 an ounce because I had been reading too much zero-hedge.

>> No.10889977

How much does she weigh now?

>> No.10889997

>reading too much zero-hedge
been there bro. i remember calls for DOW 1000 when it was at 7000. Even when the bears are right, they rarely take advantage of the recovery

>> No.10890027

I'm trying to stay humble but stock market is like 2006 housing market, its just really really hard to ever see how it goes down until the reason appears. Honestly, could see it hitting 30000, trade war actually depressed the markets more than people realize.

>> No.10890059

yep, i stopped trying to time the market a long time ago. now i just keep cash/bonds as a % of total portfolio and will rebalance should we get a correction. having a plan helps me sleep at night.

>> No.10890078


>> No.10890099
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I get irrationally angry reading stuff like this. There is no justice or sanity in this world.

>> No.10890112

LINK. I only bought coins most heavily shilled here in /biz/. was able to ride BTC and ETH, but lost majority of it to LINK. Still salty after all these time and i don't even want to look at my tracker

>> No.10890113

>What's the worst investment you've ever made, /biz/?

Bought a few virtual reality headset devkits so I can move my few prototype video games to VR. My wrist and shoulder started hurting bad about a month into work, and I got depressed and just dropped the whole thing. Still have shit health, though I am sure its unrelated to the VR thing, but I did drop an amount of money thats pretty relevant for me.

>> No.10890121


It's a lot more complicated than that. There is an assessed tax value on property and market value that are typically far off from each other. Especially because the rest of the area is rather poor and this was river front property with mountain views, etc. When the government makes an offer, they are going to give you that assessed tax value. The thing that fucked me, is that most of the other property owners were on a loan and a majority of them also went "we are cool with it you pay our shit off". Combine that with the banks that also want their loans secured somehow, and they have an army of lawyers at their disposal.

Fighting the government is an expensive process that takes years. I talked to multiple real estate/property law firms and I was looking at $10,000-15,000/year in just lawyer fees with no estimate on the amount of years and a small chance of success when compared to similar cases in the area.

>> No.10890131

>my ex gf
>This fuck that cunt
I did. That's why she's her ex.
Sorry bro.

>> No.10890150

Buying fucking cnd at 1200 sats

>> No.10890168

What country do you live in?

>> No.10890178

OP pic is me
I can't figure out mechanical things for shit.

>> No.10890198

have you considered using sorcery to fuck over everyone involved in the building project?

>> No.10890212
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Lasik. Its not even close.
Lasik was by far the worst thing that ever happened to me.
Completely destroyed my vision at artifical light, due to higher order aberrations resulting from the fact that my pupil at dim light has a bigger diameter than the laser treatment zone (optical zone).
Spent 5000€ on Lasik and the following tries to get my vision back (scleral lenses and custom fitted RGPs).
I lost 5000€ (which btw was all my savings, because I am a poorfag student), hundreds of hours of research and traveltime, and I am still left with shitty vision because none of the solutions worked. RGPs gave me perfect vision but they didnt stay in the center of the cornea, they always moved upwards and the lens fitter wasnt able to solve this issue.

(For those who wanna learn more:

>> No.10890257


Lol. This sounds awful man, I'm sorry.

One of my coworkers just got Lasik and he is constantly eye dropping, has a weird red scar tissue on his eye etc. He mentions the anesthetic wasn't effective during the treatment so he felt intense burning.

So many weird red flags I hope it works out for him.

>> No.10890284

I recently decided to fix my eyesight by simply not wearing glasses at all, and eating blueberries every day

I intend to have near perfect eyesight in around 12 months. sucks to get cucked like you lol

>> No.10890317

I wonder why nobody thought of trying that before...

>> No.10890321

it's obviously the land of the free and the home of the brave. that guy is neither free nor brave tho.

>> No.10890328

Try Alpha Lipoic Acid, it improved my eyesight A LOT!

>> No.10890333

Eyesight, like number of brain cells or insulin receptor sensitivity, only goes one way throughout your life. Its not the good way.

>> No.10890338

We need flags. You are probably in Londonistan,

>> No.10890342

Oh, I also got dry eyes from the surgery.
Before the surgery I was wearing soft contact lenses all the time, sometimes even 8 days and nights. I still remember how euphoric I was when I first got my soft contacts in the summer of 2010 - 8 years ago.
And when people ask me why I did the surgery...I cant even give a reason. I just wanted it because I thought it would be even more convenient than soft contacts.
I didnt have any issues with the soft contacts.
I am so fucking retarded. There are so many people who cant wear soft contacts because of dry eyes and I was perfectly able to sleep with them and then I decided to go for Lasik out of boredom...Someone should kill me for this decision.
The funniest part is that I found someone on /biz/ who has the identical issues after Lasik and he also holds LINK.
At first I thought I was becoming schizophrenic and chatting with myself on 4chan, but when he said he is 28 (i am 25) and he is from maryland (i am from germany) I was relieved that at least I have not lost my mind and instead I won a good fren.

>> No.10890349

lots of people did and succeeded

literally every illness is related to the mind and spirit and your thoughts can heal your body. The eyeball doesnt exist by itself, its part of a system. If you put more stress on it every day, you work it out like a muscle, it will get a bit better every single day by using it without assitance, until eventually you have near perfect eyesight

protip every illness can be healed without jew poison

protip every illness comes from stress and negativity

anyway I know you wont believe me and laugh at it. stay cucked

I chose to live with no limits, this isnt the only miracle Im performint by the way

>> No.10890362

your moms ass only goes one way bro, the way towards my throbbing cock

>> No.10890405
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>> No.10890412

I just spoke to her and she says she doesn't know you. Imagine being so low that you have to lie about having sex on the internet lmao xD

>> No.10890422


>> No.10890627

>trade war actually depressed the markets more than people realize.

Interesting point. If Trump audits the Fed and changes the money standard, we may never see the US economy fail ever again

>> No.10891037

In terms of % lose
Turtle beach( HEAR )

>> No.10891126

I was doing well so I decided to get a car. First car I ever bought myself (first 2 were older, used cars I bought from family friends). I got pressured into buying a brand new car instead of just sticking with something used (I work from home, so I don't need something top of the line). I couldn't pay for it all cash upfront, but I also don't have a backbone, so I leased it. Currently trying to pay it off asap while not hating myself too much.

>> No.10891138

i bought 6 eth worth of confido after the first pump because i fell for the exchange soon meme.
after it was all said and done i got back .75 eth

>> No.10891151

Recently as of the past year
>Lost $14k USD in failed crypto (recovered about 4k so far at least still with crypto)
>Invested in an overpriced condo while still not having my home sold at the time
>$800 Balenciaga shoes
>Sugar Daddy fetish so spent $2k on a sugar baby in the mall. She roofied me later that night and stole 2k in cash, a few of my watches, my ps4, and my cappuccino machine. Havent heard from her since

>> No.10891160


>> No.10891190

>My cappuccino machine

Low class detected

>> No.10891200


>> No.10891207
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>She roofied me later that night

>> No.10891259

It was a decent one.

Yeah, we went to dinner after then back home to my place. Just remember her going to make drinks while I chilled on the couch fucking about. Came to and my shit was gone. She rummaged through the whole house but thankfully didnt take more.

Knew she was alone or it was just all women if she had any help since my guns were all still there as well as all my gaming PC peripherals

>> No.10891366

spending time on /biz

>> No.10891374

This. All of them.

>> No.10891394

>>Sugar Daddy fetish so spent $2k on a sugar baby in the mall. She roofied me later that night and stole 2k in cash, a few of my watches, my ps4, and my cappuccino machine. Havent heard from her since

And you just let it go? Id beat the shit out of the bitch or hire a white nigger to do it

>> No.10891496

20k students debt

>> No.10891543

My life

>> No.10891569

Was too lazy to set back up recurring payments when I got my new card. Insurance cancelled on me and soon after I got into a crash. ADD is a cunt. Currently on Adderall to follow us on two jobs to pay debts.

>> No.10891576


>> No.10891620

Unironically this, holy shit. I swore to never waste money on women ever again

>> No.10891645
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>> No.10891661

Put half my inheritance check into silver (~60k outta 120k) into PMs instead of paying off all my student loans instead of half or rather putting a mere 10k in. This was 2015...

>> No.10891705

law school

>> No.10891822

Find her and baseball bat her legs into oblivion

>> No.10891871

You singlehandedly changed my mind about getting lasik. Thanks i guess

>> No.10891993


>> No.10892054

Makes me feel better about not being able to hae lasik done. They'd have to cut of more eye than I have to fix my sight.

>> No.10892072

Women are the original shitcoin.

>> No.10892089
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Nothing personnel kid

>> No.10892095

Any investment where jews were involved.

>> No.10892096

The worst investment of your life is ignoring the gem that is Quant Network QNT. 3 million marketcap gem

>> No.10892110


>> No.10892116
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>including an axe

Why didn't you just go to the fucking auto parts store, spend $10 and buy the tool specifically made for removing stripped lug nuts you dumb cunt?

>> No.10892118

It all sounds pretty jewey to me senpai

>> No.10892182

Well shit. I was planning on buying a plot of land with zero utilities (no water, no electrical) far away from the city. Something with decent views, mild weather, and put in all the missing shit myself.

Now i gotta worry about the state wanting to take that land from me??? Shiiiieeeet.

>> No.10892187

It's ALWAYS Indians that think of this shit; "drink urine for strength" "Use curry powder as deodorant" "Drink 1L of crude oil a day for good health"

Ranjeet you have to try this, eat/drink 1 box of rat poison (Ensure you have 10ml/ 1 pellet per kg/lbs), ignore the warnings on the packet it's just a jew trick; doing this will boost your libido and give you strength

Remember speed is the key!

>> No.10892220
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>> No.10892241

My worst investment was lack of investing, now I am late to the game..

>> No.10892255

Fear mongers influence lots of people...

>> No.10892285

You bought my bags XDDDDDDD

I put 2 ETH into ICO and sold for 20 ETH

>> No.10892400
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>> No.10892441

>your brain on fluoride and aspartame and psychiatric drugs

>> No.10892467
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i bought twisted metal black.

was released after 9/11 here in europe and censored to death. all cutscenes gone. so god damn disappointing.

>> No.10892479

no one on biz will no your pain but im here for u bby

>> No.10892553

Which ANON told me to buy BLK at 477
I want a fucking name

>> No.10892603

>listening to /biz/ for investment advice
It's like you want to get Pajeet'd

>> No.10892604

Lasik was the best decision I ever made, I paid extra for the top doctor in the country who had a 20/20 money back guarantee. I'm sorry it didn't work out for you anon, eyesight is one of the most important things in life.

>> No.10892616
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I have invested time poorly. I am 28. I have achieved nothing with the "peak" decade of my life. No skills, no talents, no hobbies. I have put nothing in and boy I am getting nothing out.

>> No.10892620

eh i'm just joking lol but I don't expect a great ROI short term on this. I was thinking about them for a while

>> No.10892635

>tfw my gf costs me $0 and actually makes me money by running a shopify store

>> No.10892665

Do you finally hate Das Juden now?

>> No.10892668

>I recently decided to fix my eyesight by simply not wearing glasses at all, and eating blueberries every day

fucking lmao. only on 4chan do you read shit like this.

is this actually something that's supposed to work anon?

>> No.10892694

Land of the mutts and blacks, and their Jewish overlords.

>> No.10892722

Paying for pron.

>> No.10892757
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>> No.10892785


I hate the retarded pajeets as well, but their system of philosophy and traditional medicine is god tier. Its similar to the chinese. And by the way, I drink my own urine as well, now that you mentioned. I'd rather take ancient occult advice based on magic, faith, from the indian, chinese, egyptian, babylonian civilisations to fix my shit than go to the cuck in the white dress with the jewified worldview that will give me white powder, pills, literal poison

>> No.10892797

holy shit looking at that image made my heart ache

>> No.10892810
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>> No.10892815

Blindanon here, how much did you pay for this top dude? Any recommendations as to where to start looking?

>> No.10892816

You deserve it for being a beta women worshipper cuck. Probably watch interracial porn too lmao at you Amerimutt.

>> No.10892851

make sure stand by your words when shit hits the fan
I hear this all the time from new age faggots
then you come back crying with heart attack, instead of visiting pajeet shaman
But many of such fags thankfully try to wait out the chest pain and die. muh Ive never been to doc , I'm fine.kek
You are cuck shitting on the greatest medicine of the mankind

>> No.10892881

>the mankind

you speak like a nigger unironically, why are you so angry?

>> No.10892952

it's all in my post
be easy, go meditate and eat berries to restore your 20/20 vision kek

>> No.10892961

thats what Im doing

stay balding, weak, scared, stressed out, eat white powder, live 65 years (while I live 150)

>> No.10893040

Its never too late to start

>> No.10893048

I got cucked. Her old apartment wasnt even hers, but another friend that claimed she robbed her and left as well. Everytime I came over it was just her alone and she claimed the place as hers and said she lived alone.

Haven't watched any form of porn in about 4 months. When I did, mainly just JAV and amateur shit.

Also not a cuck. I just like spoiling, young, bratty QTs as a coping mechanism for losing my fiance'. Ive calmed down a lot and I somewhat sponsor an undergrad college girl but nothing major, just some normie clothes here or there and taking her on dates.

I know its a beta addiction but im trying anon.

That's Plan B for my next major fuckup.

>> No.10893101

time and skins on League of Legends

>> No.10893102

>eyesight is one of the most important things in life
Definitely, but contacts seem like a less risky alternative to me.

>> No.10893118

I hope you are right. I am considering things to do.

>> No.10893152

none of that plus my vision is perfect ;)
you only had to listen

>> No.10893160

good for you

>> No.10893163

where's your freedom now

>> No.10893296

Kek, 20s "the peak decade?" You listen to the jew too much, he wants you spending all of your sheckels keeping up with all the other millenials on Instagram. 30s and 40s are peak, and if you do them right 50s are going to be the apex, the rest of your life spent traveling and relaxing with a smug look on your face. Don't fall for the young meme, it's all posturing and posing before life really picks up, if you want them to.

>> No.10893325

feels good to be in LINK right now and know that your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 100s, 110s, 120s, 130s, 140s, 150s will be legendary

theres smug, smugger, and smuggest, and the next level is so smug that theres not even a word for it (yet)

>> No.10893373

In percent; Bnty. Bought at .17, was 10x but let it be and then i went back to .17 at like feb or some shit. Now i think its .01 so im down 95% on that trade.

Cash: Stock trade, down 2k on an investment that has to do with influencer marketing

>> No.10893408

I don't listen to the Jew, I don't use instagram, and peak decade as in fitness and health, perhaps I wasn't clear.
Other than that your post is reassuring, thank you.
> if you want them to.
I certainly do want it too.

>> No.10893443

Women have it so easy in life. Why don't you sponsor a young poor guy? Pay for his gym or internet bills or something. putting women on a pedestal is so emasculating and believe it or not, immoral.

>> No.10893445

dude the fucking peak is up to you my man. Dont listen to anyone just pick a thing you want and go for it

the cell regenerates, the brain is plastic, you can learn and grow and be young and fuck even at 150 years of age, no joke

dont look back

>> No.10893471

youre 100% right anon and theres actually scientific evidence for it. read up on Dr. John Sarno and TMS, you will be pleasantly surprised
>t. suffered from back pain and joint for years now 80% pain free

>> No.10893512

Motivated! You're alright anon, hope your blueberries work out.

>> No.10893521

Have you tried sun-gazing? If so, has it improved your eye sight?

>> No.10893529

>Invests in a long-term project
>Is angry when it does not produce short-term results

>> No.10893593
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The same reason they latch onto a competent man to survive. TheyAre_useless.jpeg

>> No.10893612

Anon, your brain isn't even fully developed till 26. You still got lots of time ahead. Stop fapping and start doing.

>> No.10893694

Male bodies aren't even fully developed until like 40. Women at about 30.

>> No.10894241
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Mfw this based anon is right. Anyone who disagrees has obviously calcified their pineal gland and refuses to open up their chakral centers to the earthmother's cleansing yin energy.

Joking but I'm actually serious, of course there'll be the several laughinggirls.jpg replies though

>> No.10894291

Should I buy LINK? Considering putting 1,000 in it and going down the node route.

>> No.10894496

Why not just sell it and then get something you can afford?

>> No.10895196

>and my cappuccino machine
oh fuck no

>> No.10895215

>it was just all women if she had any help since my guns were all still there as well as all my gaming PC peripherals

>> No.10895244


Kill this bitch, don't let a whore fuck with an espresso machine.

>> No.10895268


>> No.10895442

Fuck this world, the state can literally rob you and walk away unscathed. What happened to the natural right of property?

>> No.10895477

>GM Stock, 2008/2009 it was delisted and erased before they did a fresh IPO
>bought an investment property in 2008 before the crash took its value down 1/4th

>> No.10895508

Imminent domain is one of the most evil laws on the book.

>> No.10895988

Buying FedoraCoin after being all ecstatic from making x3 from Dogecoin.

>> No.10896162

women. its always women. worst investments ever.

>> No.10896328

Here's that (you) you are fishing so hard for

>> No.10896337


>> No.10896458

Lol did you faggots take the oath lololol

That's pretty funny. Actually that's HILARIOUS! I heard being a lawyer is the most soul-sucking job there is. Literally drains your soul out of your body!

I'm sure what you learn from law school is amazing though, it's not like sovereignty exists or anything.

>> No.10896498

I paid about 4K. In Dallas TX

Do not buy a groupon or pay $1500 or some bull like that

>> No.10897386

lasik is a waste of money and unnecessary risk. I mean think about it, they are burning your fucking eyeballs with lasers. one tiny thing going wrong and you are fucked. it also fucks with your night vision and makes your eyes dried out all the time. and you will still need glasses when you get 40+ years old anyway or you wont be able to read

>> No.10897701

Bought 2.5k of EOS. I started talking to a new girl and stopped following crpto except for my blockfolio. I missed the deadline for main net still have the worthless token .

>> No.10897707


>> No.10897761

no way they did that, I thought monero did that and I was screwed but I was able to get the coins on the new blockchain.

>> No.10897835

link holders everyone

>> No.10897999

I thought i was fucked. Im positive at the time everyone was saying if you missed the Dl you were beat but i just imported them

>> No.10898023

You can still move those tokens to the main net. Ask on telegram or reddit.

>> No.10898089

How do you find these girls?

>> No.10898173

It's called an espresso machine you hillbilly

>> No.10898226

It's not BlockRx is it?