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File: 23 KB, 360x360, adderall700_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10863932 No.10863932 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10863939

In the short term, yes.
In the long term, no.

>> No.10863941

No it fucked me up so I quit

>> No.10864001

just made me masturbate for hours everyday

>> No.10864026

what if you only took it for finals for example

>> No.10864050

I took one last Friday and I got so much shit done that it’s literally unfair for anyone to be prescribed that shit.

Fuck all the addict retards that are prescribed and try to tell you “it’s not some miracle drug”. It literally is, it’s like a cheat code that they don’t want you to have access to.

>> No.10864065

If you get a prescription and take it every day you’ll become incapable of functioning without it. I suffer from this.

>> No.10864067

you're literally taking meth Anon, the effects are good but you pay the price for them long-term

>> No.10864119

Meth hits the brain mechanisms different anon. Go read a book

>> No.10864177

How do you go about getting adderall? Do you just fake ADHD (is it hard?) or buy it from dealers at a premium?

>> No.10864211

Then yes. I would take it every round of exams, which is about once per month.

>> No.10864217

>doesn't understand short term use vs long term use

>> No.10864220

Darkweb or fake ADHD.

>> No.10864228

Try taking it for 5 years and get back to me you cuck

>> No.10864237


Modafinil is a better alternative

>> No.10864243

Lmao no you retarded autists you still have to be in the mood/zone to get shit done when you take it otherwise you will just focus your energy towards shitposting or masturbating.

>> No.10864272

I don't recommend it at all. Very hard to moderate how much you have. If you don't have it you feel like shit. All of your productivity is attributed to it. I highly recommend you try Rhodiola instead; a natural adoptogenic herb used by the Russians for many years.

Adderall fucks with your neurochemistry

>> No.10864280

This adderall meme is as retarded as the meme 20 years ago that we supposedly were only using 10% of your brain.
Nigger, if all you had to do to have superior cognitive abilities was to increase the amount of neurotransmitters in your brain, you can be sure that this would have already be selected by natural selection 40000 years ago.

>> No.10864319

Don't take too much of it. You'll eventually burn out.

>> No.10864342

Came here to say the same thing, along with smoke like a chimney

>> No.10864400


I was proscribed Adderall in highschool, by year 3 it wasn't "helping" me any more, only had ill side effects like excessive sweating and my heart beating too fast. Also made it hard to put on weight. I quit as soon as I got to college, and learned to not be socially retarded on my own.

Also, fuck the public school system for drugging me for getting bored with their useless propaganda taught at 1/10th the necessary speed.

>> No.10864576
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after one month of not taking do you feel like you can't really study without it?

this is my biggest fear getting psychologically and physically hooked that I can't function normally even after 1-2 months of not taking it

>> No.10864645

Not as much as modafinil

>> No.10864668

As am ex meth / Adderall user, I can personally confirm that the high is indistinguishable from one another.

It's the most pleasant, blissful feeling in the entire world.

Toward the end of my use, all I did was on it was watch porn for days on end. Sometimes I'd masturbate for 3 days straight and finally let myself cum on day 3 and the orgasm was so strong it would shoot out and almost hit the ceiling.

Then you realize you've been sitting in the same awkward position for 3 days and are wasting your life, but god damn it was blissful.

>> No.10864759

I take armodafinil daily and it helps me stay awake but that's about it honestly

>> No.10864778

You took the wrong drug bruh

>> No.10864830

it gives you more confidence in your abilities and more energy which might make you more productive just by virtue of being more confident. been taking it in small doses (<8mg) for 5 years.

>> No.10864889
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Not really worth it anon. But if you do it only when needed you shud be fine, i did that my last yr of hs and aced everything wo trying got 2200 sat wo trying i was just on addy

>> No.10864928

U did some weak meth

>> No.10864954

As other anons he stated, don’t take it but once every couple of weeks and you will be Superman. It’s lterally the only way I ca power through any kind of difficult studying/test situation or if I am working a social event and I can’t afford to make a mistake, aderall is my little friend that helps with biz

>> No.10865247

Are you implying that Rhodiola doesn't? Anything that takes you away from your natural baseline is fucking with your neurotransmitters.

>its natural

Ya and so is opium and hemlock you fucking mong.

>> No.10865276


>> No.10865281

It’s actually fairly easy to get a prescription if you’re in the US. Just go to your doctor and say you have trouble focusing on a task and that your mind wanders too much during conversations

>> No.10865291

Vyvanse is better

>> No.10865300
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Literally only met this doctor 2 times before he was dishing out 180 30mg

>> No.10865310

Ehh maybe. Depends on preference

>> No.10865314

used to take adderall to write every single paper i had in college

it was a life saver

yes it works

>> No.10865345

Wow, you mean if you take it responsibly and use it sparingly instead of guzzling it like a meth-addict, it'll have a more impactful effect?

Really makes you think. It's literally a miracle drug that's wasted on most people.

>> No.10865354

aren't you worried about that?
Gosh, no wonder y'all are addicted!!!

>> No.10865659

Did this. Doctor said they didnt like writing prescriptions because of drug seeking behavior. Total waste of time and money.

>> No.10865729

then make it real, dumbass. thats all I did to get a prescription. talked about how i constantly chew my nails, how people constantly tell me to stop shaking my legs, how a lot of the time I will stop doing something before I am done and forget to go back to it, or just forget stupid things in general. talk about how you think its ADHD, but that you werent prepared to associate yourself with some sort of disorder so you were hesitant to come in and tell them you've been basically dealing with it by drinking coffee.

basically, if it's a legit story, they'll back you. if they doctor says "im not into writing prescriptions because of drug seeking behaviour, sorry" just be like "I didnt come here looking for drugs, if you want to refer me into therapy you can, but realistically I dont feel like my life is falling apart or anything, I just want to stop chewing my nails and staring into space in class" or some bullshit. make it real.

>> No.10865822

>be anon
>gets locked up and daily rape electroshock
>hallucinations are common with his condition and meds

>> No.10865837

X is better

>> No.10865846

Drug seeking is black mark on your medical records btw. Have fun never getting pain meds now. Don't get in a car accident lol

>> No.10865850
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This. Fuck them.
I use it now as a tool now and then but fuck I'll never go on that shit regularly.
It turns you into a compliant robot to fit into society.

>> No.10865868

American anons with an adderall script please help me out.

How easy is it to get prescribed adderall? How much does it cost monthly and is it usually covered by health insurance?

>> No.10865901
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yes goy, buy drugs and once you get use to this one, try others!

>> No.10865956

You fucking stupid faggot. In the article you posted it says with regular amounts taken normally (as in not snorted or other retarded shit) there are no lasting effects. Fucking pathetic that there’s so many faggots here that are scared of weak ADHD medication. I bet many of you retards drink and smoke weed or cigs. Probably done some ecstasy too and even one use of that shit destroys your brain.

>> No.10866015

wtf anyone else try ?

>> No.10866114

It's meth and will destroy your brain. Don't fall for another jew scam.

>> No.10866123

it literally isn't you dumb fuck, methamphetamine is pure evil but adderall could work for some

>> No.10866133



thx biz

a real gem

fuck big pharma

>> No.10866153

Modafinil is basically a sugar pill compared to any amphetamine.

>> No.10866165

less is more, as in less than10mg/day

>> No.10866258

Adderall is unsafe, microdose LSD instead.

>> No.10866407
File: 190 KB, 525x779, and_no_one_cares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long term I am fucked.
>mfw there will be studies confirming that adderal causes chainsmoking, gambling and other bad decisions.
I literally didn't sleep last Saturday night becuase I doubled my dose and spent the night in some ONT bullfag thread instead of being a normal human bean

>> No.10866438
File: 583 KB, 1228x868, _himekaidou_hatate_touhou_drawn_by_shiori_moechin_4e92fe275c6a48bc9724436d18f274fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quit Adderall
>One year later I'm starting to want women for the first time in my life
>Social skills of a 12 year old because I missed social development on Adderall
Thanks jews

>> No.10866460

for how long were you on that shit?

>> No.10866461

Still though, I saw right through nano and invested my stack in ont on a larp because of the massive analytical hoops I was able to jump through to realize where I should invest.
BTC is fucked at 7400 btw

>> No.10866658

I was 12 now I'm 25

>> No.10866672

That's fucking retarded lol. Meth and Adderall aren't nearly the same even if you snorted crushed addys at 30-60mg.

>> No.10866673

adderall != ssri

>> No.10866678

Adderall killed my sex drive

>> No.10866703

They are pretty similar. I grew up on adderall and I used to do meth frequently. The comedown on adderral is even worse desu.

>> No.10866737

that's SSRI
adderall doesn't do that, not permanently at least

>> No.10866793

It does in a weird way. It also makes it alot harder to get an erection because it restricts blood flow. It also makes you extremely shy and not want to pursue women. I know fucking exactly what that guy is talking about because I went through the same thing. Adderral should honestly be outlawed, especially for children.

>> No.10866833

>It also makes it alot harder to get an erection because it restricts blood flow
That's true, but it's a temporary effect and goes away once you quit, that's not the case with SSRIs
>It also makes you extremely shy and not want to pursue women
quite the opposite in my experience
>Adderral should honestly be outlawed
all drugs should be legal, volenti non fit iniuria, but
>especially for children
this I'm honestly not sure

>> No.10866880
File: 280 KB, 646x595, 1535046357571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i literally have adhd /biz/? do i take the meds or not?

>> No.10866883

Well it did in me and it did in him. Drugs react differently in different people and clearly this one did that for us.

I basically missed out on my childhood and I wish I could sue the pharmaceutical industry to get it back

>> No.10866958

>Well it did in me and it did in him. Drugs react differently in different people and clearly this one did that for us.
Doesn't matter. One should look at the statistics when choosing what drugs to take, not the anecdotes.
>I basically missed out on my childhood and I wish I could sue the pharmaceutical industry to get it back
dare I say this is because of your genetics, not adderall, and you're just coping by delusion

>> No.10866968

can you really blame these faults on Adderall? Although, Its impossible to truly know what you would have turned out like without years of use.

>> No.10867069

>Modafinil is a better alternative
Modafinil is a better alternative to coffee, maybe, but keeping you awake is not the same as keeping you focused. I take modafinil when I have long work shifts since I have a caffeine sensitivity and it works great.

But when I'm studying and need to bust out some work it's all Addy's.

>> No.10867154

Fuck adderall, vyvanse is better.

>> No.10867579

This. Vyvanse is released slower and lasts longer. Also easier to get off of with no side effects. Adderall will work almost instantly but not last as long.

>> No.10867661

Take a non methyl ADHD med and mix with caffeine, omega 3 and other noots for better results.

>> No.10867725

first off ,
>it kills ur sex drive
no, if ur adderall and ever had sex like a normie u will always want sex every day minimun 5 times a day, when im on it thats me,
>harder for erection
to some degree, but the effect is temporary, once ur off it ur dick is back to normal, while on it, if u cant get hard ur low test, but if ur hight test even then it wont be its full size

>makes it harder to socialize talk to women
adderall activates the fight or flight in ur brain, chances are while ur on it u always felt the flight when talking to people specially women
now that ur off it , u associate talking to women with this feeling, best way to deal with is go to a mall and talk to random women all day, they will call u a creep no doubt but it just takes one day to change ur life

>> No.10867736

vyvanse is better

>> No.10867859

Noopept, oxiracetam, aniracetam, alpha gpc, 50 mg caffeine

>> No.10867939

>Noopept, oxiracetam, aniracetam
all shit that doesn't work

>> No.10868830

why are you asking this question on a "business" forum for young adults/basement dwellers.
Why do you chose to trust them over your doctors suggestions (if you have one)?

>> No.10869185

i value the experiences of others too that may have already been there, plus often there's some autist that has researched a lot about it and has something to say

>> No.10869282

Nah man. While Adderall does help you focus, meth unironically gives you tunnel vision.

t. Used to get prescribed Adderall, had to come off cold turkey cause failed drug test (weed in my system.) Unknowingly took meth because some company added it to their preworkout supplement.

>> No.10869310

>because some company added it to their preworkout supplement.

How does that even happen. Which "company" has access to drugs and chooses to ad them to a product which costs less than the drug?

>> No.10869348

It happened around 2012-2013. The company was Driven Sports and the preworkout was Craze. They put an analog of methamphetamine in their preworkout. Might have been cheaper than standard meth, idk. What's certain is that they got a lot of people hooked on to it and it was going on eBay for $400 per tub.

>> No.10869365

where did you read that 1 use of MDMA destroys your brain?

>> No.10869433

in what way did it fuck you up?

>> No.10869492
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Same lol i got addicted to camgirls and then started a drug empire when all i wanted to do was be able to finish my homework while high on weed

>> No.10869746

Don't be a sucker goy of course not

>> No.10869788

>implying opium is bad
Lmao get a load of this cuck

>> No.10869971

I loved Craze

>> No.10870068

Has anyone had any experience with Ritalin? Heard it's a much safer substance than Adderall in the long term.

>> No.10870382

Addy > Ritalin

Same safety profile. Don’t take addy more than 2x per week. Block porn sites. If you actually have add/adhd still try to keep use to a min and never abuse it.

>> No.10870423

They perform variety of diverse actions in the brain, they're not similar. From my research Ritalin is much safer in the long term, I was just curious if anyone has used them in the past or is using.

>> No.10870448

Try addy wash it down with a pre workout then smoke weed and masturbate yourself to sleep

>> No.10870464
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>le >long term it's soooo bad for you meme
What the fuck? Do 5 days on, 2 days off. It'll hit you like the very first pill after cycling off. Why are you taking adderall on a Sunday?

>> No.10870476


Would you say Adderall is more potent and has more of an effect than Modafinil?

>> No.10870547


real adderall on the dark web is crazy expensive though. around $20-35 each for a 30mg. If you see adderall for $5-10 each, 100% they are fake pressed pills

>> No.10870549

apples and oranges anon. i feel like a god on adderall but there are so many drawbacks i've rarely taken it since my uni days. -afinils are great for combating fatigue but don't give me the laser focus of adderall and are much more subtle in general, i prefer them over caffeine personally but the cognitive effects are similar. all that said though i often stack modafinil and aniracetam and have massively productive days.

>> No.10870560

>around $20-35

meant to say $20-25 for a 30 mg.

don't ever buy XR capsules like in OP's pic, those are total shit and i wouldnt take them for free. always get IR (instant release)

>> No.10870594

darkweb sounds a lot trickier than just asking a friend with add/adhd lmao. that shit is so over prescribed.

>> No.10870657


I take Armodafinil (Wakelert) once a week on the weekend to help my unwind and relax, I don't want to waste it on work unless I really need too. I find I can get much more immersed in vidya/movies/books/anything on Modafinil than off it.

With the productive thing though, I feel like I need to already feel productive or it ends up making me even more lazy. I've gotta stop myself from going on 4chan before I take it or I will spend an entire 10 hour high arguing with some anon.

Also I have trouble sleeping afterwards. Armodafinil lasts for ages, can stay up nearly 24 hours with no problem, and when I do get to sleep, I sleep like 4-5 hours then wake up again. I am worried it's not healthy.

Should I bother with Aniracetam or Adderall if I am not using it to study or work, just using it to relax on weekends and play vidya? Armodafinil definitely does have subtle effects beyond just keeping you awake and alert. I notice details in movies way more when I am on it than off, and I get way more immersed and engrossed in video games and can play for hours on end, when otherwise I usually played for 2 hours then quit out.

>> No.10870772
File: 135 KB, 328x449, (笑).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a fat, suicidal, reclusive piece of shit
After adderall, I'm 100% fit, attractive, gainfully employed, and occupy each waking hour of the day working to achieve excellence in intellectual exploits (learning a language, practicing art, studying history, and crypto trading)

It's also given me this charisma around normies that I'd never had before.

Adderal is truly the drug of the gods.

>> No.10870791

It ehances focus, but what you choose to focus on it still up to you

>> No.10870842

>Nigger, if all you had to do to have superior cognitive abilities was to increase the amount of neurotransmitters in your brain, you can be sure that this would have already be selected by natural selection 40000 years ago.
ancestral lifestyles vs modern life are not even comparable. what modern life demands of us is so unnatural it's actually scary to begin comtemplating it. do you think anyone had depression in teh stone age? seriosuly?

>> No.10871404

i'm not sure how armodafinil is metabolized in comparison to modafinil but i find if i take 200mg of moda as soon as i wake up i have no problem getting a full night's sleep. i completely agree with your observations regarding the need to focus the energy it gives me as well as in regards to noticing more subtleties.

aniracetam is quickly metabolized and generally subtle but in a way it's similar to a microdose of LSD. anecdotally i find it helps a lot with memory retention and has a noticeable anxiolytic effect, but again it's rapidly metabolized and the effects only last a handful of hours.

honestly mate adderall is not worth the dollar cost and known negative physiological effects if you just wanna chill and play vidya on down days. for better or for worse it is prescription speed imo.

>> No.10871430

There will be some anons who disagree with me, but if you have real ADHD then it's definitely worth it. My mom is one of the leading psychiatrists in the northern Europe fwiw.

>> No.10871530

i don't disagree with that at all but it still comes with known negative effects that should be weighed against the issues that the underlying adhd might present on an individual basis. honestly i have no idea how these conditions are diagnosed in europe it's disgusting to me how many people (children in particular) are either misdiagnosed or over medicated here in burgerland, and i mean that as a blanket statement covering most psychological disorders.

>> No.10871696


You must have just started. That's how I felt also when I first started taking it 5 years ago. It's going to turn you into a wreck.

Think if it as getting a loan from the bank. It feels good now but then you're going to be paying back even more.

>> No.10871707

>take adderall
>jerk off 6 times an hour at a time

>> No.10871716

100% this. if it makes you feel high inevitably it will make you feel low.

>enhanced energy
>weight loss
anon i'm genuinely glad that you feel more fulfilled but you just described amphetamines perfectly

>> No.10871742

>just been told i have ADHD at 21
>faggot doctor gives me BETA blockers
>BETA blockers

Where the fuck can I get adderal from in the UK, are the open web sites legit selling it or should i just order a shit-ton off dark web?

>> No.10871759

I 100% agree and adhd is over-diagnosed in Europe too. That being said, adhd medicine really does help a lot of people who truly need it to function. The same goes for the “I’m depressed” meme. A lot of people who say they are depressed aren’t actually clinically depressed, but that does not mean that people who actually are depressed shouldn’t get treatment.

>> No.10871838

>Noopept, oxiracetam, aniracetam, alpha gpc, 50 mg caffeine
>all shit that doesn't work

tried all of those "nootropics" as an alternative to adderall. literally does nothing for me. Caffeine isn't comparable to adderall and neither is cocaine

>> No.10871909

Amphetamine containing medication exist but are pretty damn hard to get in the UK. Most doctors there refuse to script any stimulant stronger than 54mg Concerta, if even that. You're not going to be able to get a good source of Adderall anywhere on the clearnet. Best bet is to go for darknet stims

>> No.10871923

wrong. this is probably the 1 drug where the darkweb is not the answer, usually more than 2x the price of street value. just ask around school, someone's got a script.

>> No.10871936

the docs are trying to teach you to hustle and flip, no one person should ever consume that many in even three months

>> No.10871963

my boss's kid got a script for adderall at THREE YEARS OLD
literally why would a baby ever need to focus
the grandma would give it to the kid as a 'parenting aid' to make him shut up and watch TV, jews totally ruined the kid's brain

>> No.10872002

Craze? I remember on the misc people were hunting down leftover stock

>> No.10872150
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>He still takes Adderall

Yall niggas need to 10x that shit bro.

>> No.10872187


>> No.10872362

Yeah that's a pretty old myth and pure mdma isnt that bad for you but sadly almost all mdma (even in the city I live where it's considered premium ) has some suspicious things thrown in to keep you bouncing. Putting your body through that shit is rough
You can unbind them Adderall chemically. Just need to soak them in warm water and scrape them off a glass lens If I remember. They are meant to disolve

>> No.10872585

Darkweb is probably a better option even if you have legit ADHD. Doctors offices and pharmacys are fucking annoying to deal with. You have to go back to the doctor every 3 months and say "yep adderall works good" and get your vitals checked so he can say "ok here's your scripts ill see you in 3 months that'll be $50"

>> No.10872601

If you have adhd yes, but you probably don't.

>> No.10872640

I went to a shrink who specializes in it and told the truth

>> No.10872647

I failed math in highschool started taking my adderall prescription in college. Now I do autonomous vehicle research with a bachelor's in electrical engineering and I can code like a robot for hours on end to where my ass hurts so bad from sitting down but instead of getting up I put my leg under my ass so it doesnt hurt so bad just so I can finish the most fucking confusing accidentally obfuscated FOR loop just so I can feel really autistic. PS adderall will give you the drive to feel fulfilled and can stop depression due to lack of achievement.

>> No.10872648

google adhd self assessment, print out, fill out, bring with you to the doctor. Say you are struggling in class, and that you know you need to do your homework but you forget about it the moment you get home. be able to pass a drug test. congradulations on your new perscription, they'll probably start you out on methylphenidate (ritalin) first. Its honestly good enough if you're smart and not a bad case of actual ADHD. Adderall has stronger effects, both positive and negative.

As for insurance coverage, pretty much always covered. If you have dirty slum nigger insurance then get a generic methylphenidate IR perscription and use goodRX, should be affordable for anyone who has a minimum wage job and works part time.

>> No.10872695

forgot about cost. IT depends on your insurance. SAy $50 every 3 months for a reup on your meds, then anywhere from nothing to $100 per month depending on the drug you get. Stay away from Vyvnase and Concerta (they are a little better than standard XR but its not worth the cost) if you are worried about the expense. Instant Release is cheapest, also most addictive. I prefer 2 IR over 1 XR per day though, take one in the morning and one at lunch and you'll be focused all day, and into the evening so you can get some homework and shit done.

>> No.10872732

Yeah IR broken up into small doses. I take 4 IR pills a day. Sometimes stop at 2 or 3 depending on the day.

>> No.10872741

What's the problem? Beta-blockers literally blocks the beta inside of you so that you can become a chad.

>> No.10872928

Maybe, but what helped me was 1000 mg of vitamin c, ginkgo biloba, and vitamin b12. I also drink a lot of green tea with matcha. It all helps with focus and cognitive ability.

>> No.10873942

I get prescribed 90 of these fuckers every three months for free in the military. I probably take about 15 every three months. I’m just stacking them up.

>> No.10873964

Only downside I get from these is erectile disfunction. Anybody else experience it?

>> No.10874518

meth is actually better than adderall at doing what it does.

Meth isn't evil, it's just too powerful for humans. humans are evil. if you just take LESS meth, so that your level of D2 affinity is equivalent to a small dose of d-amp. it's just better amphetamine.

Meth is only bad because humans are too retarded to treat it appropriately. please note that i'm not excluding myself from humanity: I don't fuck with meth either, for mostly the reasons i'm describing. it's not that I think its bad, but there aren't any 500 ug pills to split in half, so i'll just stick to caffeine or ald-52.

>> No.10874560

no one gets the childhood they want. if someone actually does, they are even worse off.

this guy gets it. changing the past takes us to a future where your preconceptions become irrelevant.

>> No.10874585

>costs less than meth
uh, that's actually a pretty good feat.

>substituted amphetamine research chemical
meh, when

to be fair, many people's realities are destroyed by mdma. most people would consider this a healing process, but not everyone agrees. also, not everyone makes it to the other side.

>> No.10874626

properly adulterated mdma is just better than straight mdma

that being said, i don't condone misrepresentation of substances but i do support natural selection against individuals incapable of maintaining themselves.

>> No.10874631

No but it makes you fap for hours

>> No.10874666


To add on to what you're saying, the overwhelming majority of current medical research suggests that MDMA doesn't kill brain cells, especially not in recreational doses. While there were some suggestions that it's metabolites might be potentially neurotoxic, most of the candidates have been shown not to be. Oxidative stress, dehydration, overheating, and Seratonin syndrome from combining molly with SSRIs or MAOIs are still major concerns, but other than that it's largely harmless. There is a comedown, and abusing it will cause down-regulation of your free seratonin levels, but not enough to be attributable to permanent brain damage or cell death.

As for destroying your reality, DMT get's you there a lot quicker and a lot harder. Molly is more for getting blissed out and pouring your soul to a stranger in your uber pool at 3 in the morning.

>> No.10874686


30-XRs or gtfo. They're better for working, better for railing, and if you crush the beads up you get 3 10mil IRs for the price of 1.

>> No.10874724

only if (You) have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD or 45Y old boomer