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10855333 No.10855333 [Reply] [Original]

The product is already partially out, yet actual usage/demand to be part of a BAT ecosystem seems to be nonexistent. Can any believers in the project explain to me why they think BAT will actually be used? Using the Brave browser does not necessarily mean people will also use BAT.

>> No.10855405

Brave browser is good, not as good as firefox with adblock plus though. Theres no real reason to use the tokens though, because I use the browser to not watch ads, so why would I watch ads on a browser meant to block ads

Shit man

>> No.10855447

Currently only brave payments are active. These are user funded donations. The BAT ad model which is what people care about is currently undergoing private user trials. Once ads are working then users can cash out BAT or use it for donations. Not everyone is going to use BAT ads or make donations. Some people will use the browser strictly as an ad blocker, but the team is aware of this. The hope is that the majority of people will use the features that actually make the browser stand out compared to every other commodity browser.

>> No.10855450

because you'd get paid in bat.

>> No.10855482

what would be the payment per ad watched? i would guess some pajeet level amount of 5cents. not worth my time.

>> No.10855486

Congratulations. You fall outside of an average distribution. Pat yourself on the back goy

>> No.10855529

I understand, but part of me thinks that the people interested in using this BAT ecosystem are already involved, as the hype for the project has come and gone. Plus, I don't see how this ecosystem would help raise the price of BAT, so essentially I don't see a reason why BAT should moon besides in a GBR

>> No.10855550

this also

>> No.10855572

I think its somewhere around $300 a year on the high end. For me thats a pittance, but the ads wont be nearly as intrusive, and the matching should be better than what im currently exposed to so i will be using that feature. For others the browser basically pays for their netfilx,hulu subscriptions so i can see the appeal. People will drive to 7/11 for a free $1 sugar free slurpie because its the only flavor left on 7/11 day

>> No.10855578

The two go hand in hand. You watch a quick ad (if you opt in) which you then send to the sites you visit most often automatically. If you so choose that is. You can fuck with the distribution as you see fit. It's a way to pay webmasters/content creators for their content without having to put up with the invasive ads websites tend to implement.

Or you could say fuck all that, and just use the browser as is which comes with a built in adblock, anti 3rd party fingerprinting, and cookie blocking as default.

Get real paranoid with it, and use the built in TOR feature for that extra little bit of security.

Privacy-wise it's one of the best browsers out there.

>> No.10855707

What? Not sure if you're being serious right now. This project has had no hype. If it did I wouldn't be wasting my time in this thread. This is a consumer product thats in its BETA stage, and widespread marketing hasn't begun yet, and its core function isn't currently available. BAT hasn't even started yet. The ecosystem will raise the price of BAT once advertisers start buying ad space, and once users lock the token supply. The token will suffer from its liquidity eventually but its not at that point yet. The supply is fixed, and when advertisers buy the tokens, and when users horde the tokens and lose their wallets the liquid supply becomes much smaller. Theres not even enough tokens for 10mm people to have 150 BAT.

>> No.10855807

Just explain why it will be worth 100$ with high volume and I'll in ironically 100k rn