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File: 155 KB, 800x521, Best Christmas Ever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10852938 No.10852938 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think these guys ever made it?

>> No.10852951

Sad desu. Who are these cheeky cunts?

>> No.10852965

the children of failure parents

>> No.10852987

imagine being such a pretentious first world cunt that looks at this photo and feels sorry for the people in it. Then naming the file a sarcastic "best christmas ever". kys

>> No.10852995

you can see they're american because they were shoes indoor

>> No.10853027

I also wear shoes indoors when it's cold
When it's hot i wear sandálias or chinelo

>> No.10853035

Yes, very observant Rajeesh. In America, people do not defecate on the streets so there is much less incentive to take off shoes before entering a home.

Also, didn't realize you were in the office today, can you shill my NANO bags more?

>> No.10853042

Yes, Lukas Podolski definitely made it.

>> No.10853044

I wear my shoes to bed

>> No.10853048


>> No.10853053


cool your jets there friendo

>> No.10853073


It's Matt Damon you mong

>> No.10853094

Hue? Hue!

>> No.10853112

This bothers the fuck out of me. Crackers are such dirty animals I swear

>> No.10853131
File: 3.59 MB, 2024x2888, 1380726127185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a former /sp/artan, I can tell you this mystery was solved long ago.

>> No.10853139

polak would def not be wearing gym shoes indoors especially next to christmas tree nor does that tree look polish

also cal poly sweatshirt

>> No.10853174

Of course. These kids received a box of captain fucking crunch for Christmas and STILL swallowed their disdain to smile for the picture. I can almost hear the internal screaming by looking in their eyes. Those two would’ve done everything to make sure their kids wouldn’t have to experience that.

>> No.10853181


Nice. Thanks Anon. Never saw an explanation for the image.

>> No.10853211


>> No.10853307

Bong here. Is this true? Do Yanks unironically wear shoes indoors??

That's not Lulu

>> No.10854572

who took the first photo if they weren't with family?

>> No.10854632

>been on 4chan all these years
>never saw this explained until now

it's like beating a video game and finally seeing the epilogue 10 years after

>> No.10854663

and who was phone?

>> No.10854675

Not true, maybe if you are just coming into someones kitchen but living room / bedroom people take them off.

I bet that they were rushed into grandmas house after their own morning and then took the photo.

>> No.10854697


>> No.10854741


He got Huey Lewis on cassette, you're guaranteed to make it if you listen to those jams

>> No.10854914

>you are a disgrace

>> No.10855095

Yep, I'd say the majority of Burger households do. The ones who don't allow shoes always make it super fucking awkward when you walk in and they ask you to take your shoes off. Pisses me off to no end.

>> No.10855131

>buying your brat some shit makes you a good parent
please never breed

>> No.10855173

it 'pisses you off to no end' that people ask you not to wear dirty shoes in their houses, that they have to clean and you don't?

>> No.10855251

ouch, how poor are you

>> No.10855280

I always assumed these weree colledge kids who set up in their dorm room or something. And they bought themselves notebooks and Captain crunch because that's what college kids want.

Look at their clothes, their shoes, their haircut, all well maintained. The ornaments on the tree are brand new. They don't look poor.

>> No.10855347
File: 443 KB, 504x508, 1534364130592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. Shankar

>> No.10855354

if you posted this on reddit.com/r/4chan you'd get many upvotes and gold

>> No.10855402

A lot of newfags in the thread

>> No.10855428


>> No.10855463

Came here to p...

>> No.10855481

This is what I thought. And Cal Poly means you are going to make it

>> No.10855490

Joe Montana on the left, segorney weaver on right

>> No.10856478


we dont walk ankle deep in shit to school like you do though

>> No.10856989

your cardboard box behind pf changs doesn't count as a bed, anon

>> No.10857033
File: 1.37 MB, 320x240, damnnnnn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.10857163

I disagree, this type of parenting tends to lead to frugal adults who don't frivolously waste their money

>> No.10857164

they do if you live in a city with niggers

>> No.10857175


>> No.10857219

Jesus christ just fucking end yourself. This isn't your board

>> No.10857307

Why i need to look at this depressing picture before i go to sleep


>> No.10857324


>> No.10857745


>> No.10857975

I never noticed the presents under the tree were "materially underwhelming".

What does that say about me?

(disclosure: I'm from a relatively wealthy family, and during my childhood christmas trees were packed with presents)

>> No.10858302

Shoe-thieving brownies is WHY we wear our shoes at all times.

>> No.10858585
File: 1.48 MB, 320x240, obama.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10859149

Wow so they’re fucking kikes.

>> No.10859240

Awww, that makes me happy for them.

>> No.10859768

Ausfag here. Wear shoes indoors all the time it's normal

>> No.10859874

Okay, but what's with all the Skittles? And are they the Skittles with Apple or Lime green ones?

>> No.10859900

wearing shoes indoors is pajeet level, no concern for cleanliness just like the shitskins

>> No.10859915

Y do blk "ppl" act like roaches in their cardboard boxes is normal?