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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10851096 No.10851096 [Reply] [Original]

Maybe he just wanted to fuck with us? Please god I'll take anything at this point

>> No.10851124

just wait you idiot

>> No.10851183

I can't. $40,000 loan all in JNT at an average of 40c.

>> No.10851193

your best option now is to buy more

>> No.10851206

Take another loan

>> No.10851215

Holy shit you're fucked

>> No.10851238

buy more and trust the team. It's a long term hodl, at least 2035 but we will be rewarded, patience my friends, we gonna make it !

>> No.10851277

Are you joking??? These guys haven't fixed a text box in nearly two weeks.

>> No.10851293

Who cares? Soon moon mission, now it is time to buy more

>> No.10851314

Okay I know you're having a laugh but even at these "low" prices I couldn't afford to. Most of my spare cash goes on the interest repayments.

>> No.10851334

they're aware of the text box..said they're updating the site etc. nothing's changed. all steam ahead, old squire. this is gonna go off soon so prepare your anus for the gains.


>> No.10851419

I wasn't exactly convinced by talals reply there. Obviously they're aware of it, which makes it even stupider how it's not been fixed in two weeks. Then all the people in the telegram jump right back on his dick

>> No.10851792

Shut up, French faggot.

>> No.10851880

Ferme la bouche, American swine

>> No.10851915

What larp?

>> No.10851929

If you don’t hold at least 1k jnt and 1k link just kill yourself

>> No.10851952

9 am wallet anon checking in, long time and i missed you anons
if you're not buying at these prices you deserve to remain poor, just a reminder here, hodl the fuck up lets all get rich

>> No.10851973

Just some guy saying that big shit was happening as jCash would roll out. He outed himself by talking about himself in third person. He sounded legit but 99% chance of it all being bullshit.

>> No.10852005

Oh yes I remember him, time will tell if he was a larping faggot or just a low iq cuck

>> No.10852146

Post proof or btfo

>> No.10852312

I already am BTFO, people who were in Jibrel posts in February will remember me applying for the loan.

>> No.10852495

Why do you care about the short term price of this shitcoin? Everyone knew that nothing would happen until jCash is fully rolled out and the DAO is implemented. And from their Q2 update, which was obviously bearish since the failed in the development process due to management issues, the moon mission will mostly start EoY 2018 to beginning of 2019.

>> No.10852601
File: 138 KB, 1280x1097, IMG_20180827_170530_490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yazan @Jibrel

"Hi all, the postcode issue has been fixed pretty much since it was identified, but the latest release hasn't been deployed. We recently moved to a fixed QA / QC / Release Management process. And we haven't gotten it right just yet. So critical issues, such as the postcode issue, haven't been corrected as soon as possible, as we usually try to, but has had to wait until our next release (Tomorrow)"

This screenshot from an internal document around QA/QC explains it

>> No.10852644

"The problem is we updated the workflow at the same time we deployed Jcash. We had this issue flagged as soon as possible (and fixed, its a really easy fix), but then didn't want to have an adhoc release, in the first week of implementing a new system.

Agreed. We'll get there. I think the community will be happy with our progress between now and the end of the year."

>> No.10852787

Okay that's a decent explanation and understandable. Nice.

>> No.10852820

Told you to buy more. Take another loan now.

>> No.10852864
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>> No.10852964

Nah I'm in too deep to even think about that.

>> No.10853087


>> No.10853115

is it really you

>> No.10853298

He could do some old fashioned autistic wallet analysis as proof

>> No.10853361

you all got sandniggerd

>> No.10853843
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>> No.10853892

>was obviously bearish
You don't know what bearish means, brainlet.

>> No.10853962

They delayed everything substantially. Looks like they'll come good in the end but it definitely didn't look good at the time, especially after the jBonds/jCash bullshit

>> No.10854880
File: 143 KB, 1833x667, 1535056919282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe it was true
You must be suicidally desperate.

>> No.10855321

Yeah pretty much thanks

>> No.10855357

Oh yeah right. I forgot that doing literally nothing for a whole quarter is a bullish sign.

>> No.10855362
File: 512 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180827-153659_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the eoy price! Tell me nooow

>> No.10855368
File: 82 KB, 600x656, lmao dude paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, it's like you hate having money.

>> No.10855407

That's pretty much a picture of Talal right now except he's holding a bag of my fucking money

>> No.10855543
