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10790781 No.10790781 [Reply] [Original]

Hey bizBroz... Hope you are all well.

Thoughts on Zilliqa? Just started doing some research but wanted to get your weaponized autism knowledge on this coin.

Would appreciate any info...

NO PAJEETS OR SANJEETS need to respond.

>> No.10790801

Was going to give you my analysis and opinion, however you desired no responds from Indians, so you can go fuck yourself.

>> No.10790815

Zilliqa is a good coin and I will keep buying until it overcomes ethehreum and bitcoin. u should buy it too and we both will be rich

>> No.10790831

Thank you Pajeet for your honesty.

>> No.10790865

fucking shit coin

look at this code for the hello world contract


can't tell what the fuck is going on, it's total shit. no devs will ever pick it up except autist freaks that care about gay shit like pure functions

this shit is even worse https://github.com/Zilliqa/scilla/blob/master/tests/contracts/crowdfunding/contract.scilla

it'll probably still pump in the next bull run anyway, but don't marry your bags

>> No.10790879

Anytime mate

>> No.10790971

wtf is going on with her feet!!!!!

>> No.10790982

I want her to shit in my mouf

>> No.10791000

damn my dick is go up so hard ohh man... i jerk rite fuckin now ayy dammit i wanna sniff that shit eat that shit and fuck that shit. let me pull my stick on em ahhh yeeesss u like that one?

>> No.10791238

>he thinks they're called Indians on 4chan

>> No.10791252

You fucking degenerate sand nigger. Jesus christ i hate pajeets.

>> No.10791559

iirc this bimbo is a teacher and this was at some kind of high school party.

>> No.10791595

One of the very very few great projects in this space. Could be huge if the mainnet will be a success. I guess we'll have to wait to find out

>> No.10791627

you weren't kidding that's terrible.
they changed every expected syntax convention for no reason
doesn't change how it works but it hurts to read

i don't know solidity but i can generally get an idea of what a contract is doing by reading it.
this is like reading egyptian

>> No.10791828

Why does she look like a big breasted dood?

>> No.10791882

please Mam' show vagine

>> No.10791891

Hahahahah. Fucking pajeet..

>> No.10792016

I've got a bunch of ZIL and am still trying to collect but there's been a lot of buy walls thrown up to keep the price from slipping lower on Binance. ZIL's got this weird hype and anti-hype, where many people expect it to do well, but now I can't tell if that's just a way for whales to unload their bags on normies. I think this is good to reach $1, but in an extended bear market, who knows.

>> No.10792142

All the smart people i know are heavy on ZIL, considering that smart people is "smart money", i would assume whales are accumulating.

I really can't think of a more promising blockchain and Zilliqa isn't perfect by any means, that's the state of crypto rightnow unfortunately.

>> No.10792146

jesus christ, really? Got a link? Reverse image isn't giving anything

>> No.10792247


shoes are too small

>> No.10792257

Thanks for not shitting up the board Rajesh

>> No.10792264

Just like her brain and self worth

>> No.10792883

as a solidity developer, wtf is that shit. follows no standard syntax convention at all

>> No.10792922


Social media is devolving humanity. Women think thats self improvement is attracting males, and they lose IQ points that will transfer to your offspring.

>> No.10792937

I doubt her boobs are real. What do you guys think?

>> No.10792951

Hahaha pajeets are alright hahahahah

>> No.10793137

whos this slut?

>> No.10794375

Looks like Haskell. We all know what a resounding awesome success and world changing revolution Haskell has been.

Seriously though, Haskell has its upsides.

>> No.10794467

Sounds like a name for either a black girl or an ED pill
>ask your doctor if Zilliqa is right for you

>> No.10794904

i think the language is scilla
