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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10785725 No.10785725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be a burger
>your president is going to jail

>> No.10785863

gtfo faggot. only retard democrats and socialist cucks like what you are saying. the people choose trump.

>> No.10785871

>be a non-burger
>burger president tweets and your shot hole economy collapses into the abyss

>> No.10786837

In all realistic scenarios even if the democrats win the house and impeach him, the senate won't follow through.

And if he did do something blatant to make it happen it just means Mike Pence is the president.

These morons seem to think impeachment will result in president Clinton. Pence is a real conservative. For leftists he is easily more of a nightmare than Trump, even if he is polite and well spoken.

>> No.10786858

>even if he is polite and well spoken
Pence is also a dirtbag, but at least he won't be a colossal embarrassment to our country. Most people that want trump impeached are concerned with this ethics, not politics.

>> No.10786888

correction, the electoral college choose trump. words are important.

>> No.10786904


>> No.10786917

Not the majority of the people. Most people in the USA didn’t want Trump in office. Most people in the USA will be very happy when he’s gone. Remember that so that you’re not surprised when history records him as one of the worst presidents of all time.

>> No.10786920
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>> No.10786929


oops, cuckifornia doesn't get to decide president, BOO HOO.

Working as fucking intended.

>> No.10786942

Finally you dumb trump supporting retards see the writing on the wall. Amazing how many millions were easily impressed by a narcissist's ego.

>> No.10786943

It's time for you to go back to R eddit, don't you know where you are? Approval ratings don't matter, Trump won't be impeached unless they found out he has a private server, or did something very underhanded during the campaign. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton actually rigged the Democratic primaries so she could win. Trump won't be impeached, he's going to save us and Save crypto.

>> No.10786945

>be Brazilian
>former president was a former terrorist

>> No.10786947

How is he a dirtbag, you little faggot? Because he's faithful to his wife and religious?

>> No.10786951

0% chance

6 more years enjoy it

>> No.10786957

Nobody gets jailed for campaign violations, it's happened to Bill Clinton, Obama, Bernie etc the list goes on and on, and none of them received anything more than a slap on the wrist and a fine...

>> No.10786961


>> No.10786965


muh polls show muh most people

>> No.10786974

Trump has a 51% approval rating

>> No.10786975

>participating in ((partisan)) politics and thinking the two sides aren't on the same team
it's called political theater for a reason

>> No.10787000

>be burger
>President ushering new golden age by systematically btfo'ing the rest of the world

God damn is it good being an American

>> No.10787016

>Most people didn't want Trump in office.
By "most people" I'm assuming you mean, illegals, dead people who got their votes cast anyway, libcucks who voted twice because they were with her, welfare queens, and leeches?
>colossal embarrassment
Yeah, sure faggot, enjoy your next 6 years.

>> No.10787026

Unironically this

Feels good not having a globalist cuck in charge

>> No.10787045

The most deluded anon on 4chan right here.
>Faithful to his wife
Absolute bullshit

>> No.10787052

>wanting your elections to be decided by a voting bloc of illegal immigrants and their spawn who would quite literally die out or go back if the gibs tap got turned off

>> No.10787141
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As a burger I would like to point this glorious fact out...

We got so tired of the system of rigged democracy and thieving politicians that out of pure outrage we voted in the biggest asshat in the room to prove a point.

If your country didn't like its leader, oh well too bad... Keep your mouth shut and suck it up. Not in America, we literally have the power to vote in the Terminator into office, and if that doesn't please the people... Then they can can vote The F#cking Apprentice tv star into office as a giant middle finger to the system while the rest of the world cries about it. And at the end of the day, it's because we are motha fuxkin free.... And we kicked all of your asses to get here. Fuxk you, suck our giant american d!cks and enjoy the tarrifs because we have guns and credit cards and we will eat burgers and pizza all day while voting Snooky from the Jersey Shore into office next term. Enjoy our shit show, thats the sound of the greatest empire's laugh track at your expense bitches, keep whinning.... and we'll bring you some freedom.

>> No.10787184

nice bait but I'll bite

>wut are economics ser

>> No.10787189

He's not going to jail lol
He'll be fine. And he's doing a great job.
As an Australian I can tell you that Trump has been a shining light. Everyone is impressed with his America first policy. A lot of the people down here are through the looking glass with the media. The MSM down here have gone completely anti-Trump, sometimes just copy-pasting the articles from over in America. it's actually made a lot of people wake up to what's really happening. Why are we receiving so much anti-Trump stuff?
Hillary won the popular vote due to illegals voting. Trump is the peoples man, and is doing a great job.
God bless from Australia. It's obvious to me that the only people that don't like Trump are the elites, illegals and conplete fucking degenerate millennials.
Trump isn't a colossal embarrassment. You're a colossal embarrassment. You're a sell out to your own country and a slave to the media. Go fuck yourself you pretentious pile of garbage.

>> No.10787203

It's not a rigged democracy if you managed to vote someone against it into office you fucking retard.

>> No.10787206

They tried to stop it. The rigging wasn't enough.

>> No.10787214

>business and finance

>> No.10787239

I think he meant a rigged economy.

USA #1 (fuck Wall Street, banks and the fed reserve though)

>> No.10787254

He deserves it. He promised Hillary was going to jail that's literally why i voted for him.fucking liar

>> No.10787260


>> No.10787277

>wants to use shock therapy on human beings
What a standup guy

I'm guessing you've never been out of the country? Or do you just not care what the rest of the world thinks?
Stay triggered, friends

>> No.10787299

>stock market all time high
>N korea in check
>the dollar strong as fuck while eurocuck currencies spiral the drain
>liberal faggots throwing temper tantrums 24/7/365 because their fee fees are hurt
seems like hes doing fine to me anon

>> No.10787307

You do realize trump is the first president in decades that foreign leaders have any respect for, right? Not appeasing SJW culture creators and globalist thieves is a good thing according to the great majority of humans on the planet

>> No.10787330

Do you know how to save pictures you fucking retard? This is your average trump hater guys.

>> No.10787334

>read the (((mainstream news)))
>actually believe that it's over for Trump for the 800th time

>> No.10787337

watch something besides fox news m8
doesn't have to be an American news network, watch literally anything besides fox news and you'd know that's not true

>> No.10787340

Hahahaha. I don't get you Trumptards. Nothing like a lying, fake billionaire with multiple failed businesses. He can't even pay off his porn stars without failing. Literally the biggest joke in the world. He's the type of piece of shit that puts ketchup on filet mignon.

>> No.10787347

>be leaf
>my PM is a cuck

I would take Trump over Trudeau in a heartbeat

>> No.10787354

Except he doesn't want to use shock therapy, that was a lie.

>> No.10787377

I get this sentiment and this is why we ended up with the worst president in our history. But seriously. Why Trump? Why not literally anyone else? He's been a known piece of shit since the 80s. He's been the butt of jokes since then. He's failed at everything in business left and right. He's terrible with money. He doesn't even use a computer for Christ sake. I know you can't defend that.

>> No.10787393

The rest of the world doesn't give a fuck about Trump, only uptight brainwashed bourgeois from privileged countries who only care about the approval of other uptight retards cares about Trump.

>> No.10787404

He has my vote in 2020.

>> No.10787417

What's with this terrible with money thing? I don't see how you can deny he's done well for himself despite having failures. There are less than 3000 billionaires in the world, he's done better with his money than just about everybody.

>> No.10787420


First, >>>/leftypol/. Second, no he isn't, there's 0 evidence of anything, it'd have been dropped during the election when they overturned every last stone looking for dirt.

>> No.10787421

everyone he meets thinks he is a tard

>> No.10787434

Okay, I stand corrected. Thanks for not being an ass about it.
Still, though, trying to "fix" someone's sexuality is a bit fucked even if it's just traditional therapy methods.

>> No.10787439

he's a burger
that means he isn't going to jail if he has more than 1million dollars

>> No.10787441

Reminder to sage and Hide these seething commie threads
Its sad, I almost feel bad for them :) 4 more years regardless

>> No.10787443

Fuck the polls, I'm referring to people who actually voted for him. Or oh wait... the votes were the votes rigged, right? kekekekekekek.

>> No.10787451

I gotta be honest I didnt vote for him because I'm a libertarian and was worried about his foreign policy among other things but the guy is objectively killing it. personal life aside, he has been continuously btfo everyone in his path since taking office.
>muh failed businesses
kek lets see you start 50 businesses without a single chapter 11 then you can talk

>> No.10787455

No problem. I agree that's fucked up, though he did use the word "sexual behavior," so if we're being charitable to him you could say he just meant therapy to stop people from having lots of unsafe sex.

>> No.10787465
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>> No.10787469

nah before he got president he had more debt than assets aside his inheritance.
but i guess he will do better now at your cucks expense.

>> No.10787482

Do you have a source for that? Honestly curious, it's hard to get a straight answer about it. I'd assume his New York real estate alone is worth tons still, but I honestly haven't looked into it that much.

>> No.10787485

People on the left side of the bell curve.

>> No.10787501


He lost majority vote.

Just super sayain.

>> No.10787543

>stock market ATH
>unemployment ATL
>USD surging while eurocucks go broke
>but i guess he will do better now at your cucks expense
at least you got one thing right

>> No.10787599
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As someone who leans libertarian, I was hoping if he wins he would just play golf for 4 years. Have not been disappointed 10/10 will vote again.

>> No.10787609

>He doesn't even use a computer for Christ sake. I know you can't defend that.

That's a talking point? LOL Neither does my boomer doctor, big fucking deal.

>> No.10787648

> Be me
>Non-American living in America
>Wanted Trump to win
>Spoke to a Non-Aussie friend living in Australia
>Had huge argument for why he thought I was stupid for supporting Trump, spewing SJW leftist bullshit from the media.
>Now he doesn't even speak to me anymore.

>> No.10787668

>DNC "hack"
>his name is seth rich
>spy on trump with fake dossier on the pretense there is "Russian collusion"
>keep up investigation trying to find said collusion to support spying on political adversaries with government agencies
>only find that trump paid off some whore (everyone knows this) through some dirty jewish lawyer and a bipartisan political fixer commited tax fraud
does that about cover the events so far?

>> No.10787742
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>I get this sentiment and this is why we ended up with the worst president in our history. But seriously. Why Trump? Why not literally anyone else?

Because faggots like you keep whining about Trump and how terrible he is.

We voted for him to troll your faggot ass and prove a fucking point.. and by bitching and moaning non stop like petulant children, you continue to prove that YOU STILL DON'T FUCKING GET IT.

YOU aren't superior to us and YOU aren't in control of us you stupid fuck. WE won the competition. WE made the decision. YOU LOST. Shut the fuck up and deal with it like a fucking adult like WE did during those 8 terrible years under fucking Barack "if you like your healthcare, Trayvon Martin is my son, stop being bitter clingers" Obama.

>> No.10787871

Because he’s the only one who cares about the American people, at least in terms of the policies he promotes and enacts. This can’t really be said for any other president. Either you have shitlord dictators in the east, or bizzaro faggots like canada’s Mp in the first world.

I wouldn’t feel safe in a room with Hillary.

>> No.10787921

How much longer until America splits into two nations? Seems like things are getting really polarized and both halves hate each other.

>> No.10787960

This is how delusional a Trump supporter is

>> No.10787961

unironically this

>> No.10788132

The Clintons are straight up mind controlled satanist pedophiles, they also ran a drug smuggling operation during their time in Arkansas

>> No.10788187

Sorry, but non-white votes don't count.

>> No.10788205

Not if you don't count the 10 million illegal immigrants who voted

>> No.10788219
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You're the one that's triggered. You are so triggered about Trump that you decided to make a thread about him. Showing the entire /biz/ board (the most prestigious of boards) that you're incapable of keeping your emotion in check. What a pathetic sack of shit you really are.

>> No.10788224

>do you just not care what the rest of the world thinks?
Why would anybody care? What a pathetic turd you are.

>> No.10788231
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Trump is a dumbass but it's getting awfully reddit in here.

>> No.10788240

New York and Cali votes dont count. Nigger votes dont count.Jew votes dont count. He won 99% of the only ppl that matter. Working class white males.Faggots btfo

>> No.10788263

The only dumb thing he has done is associate with Jews.

It's quite obvious that this Cohen lawyer did this "stormy daniels" thing without Trump telling him to, specifically so he could have something on Trump. And he did that because he is Jewish. Too bad for Cohen and the conspirators it's nothing.

>> No.10788269

>48,000 illegal votes found in 2/50 states
>48 states went unchecked
The America first faction of the Republican party wanted to push forward to look into illegal voting. But it got voted down unanimously by the Democrats and by traitors in the Republicans.
We'll never know how widespread the illegal voting was.

>> No.10788286

your response doesn't change the fact that the original statement is factual incorrect.

>> No.10788287

Krikey; didn't know /biz/ had so many liberal snowflakes hating on the only WH that has actually declared a national emergency against widespread government corruption and also led initiatives against known human trafficking routes that other administrations ignored.

Trump got voted in and he's doing everything he said he would, democratically. Thought there were more grown-ups around here.

>> No.10788293

Nothing he said was incorrect though, smoothbrain. That being said - I want Trump removed because I want people like you to live in the multicultural 'utopia' you crave. You'll die crying about ebil white people even while some nigger nails you to a table and sodomizes you ala south african style. You'll deserve every second of it.