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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10760008 No.10760008 [Reply] [Original]

>We partnered with @AccordHQ who is building smart legal contracts a few weeks back. Excited to re-share the official announcement here.
Is this proper English grammar? First the website typos, now this.

>> No.10760025
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>> No.10760027

thats it i sold

>> No.10760028

That's what happens when you get a gook bitch who can't speak Engrish to "market" your product. Fucking idiots.

>> No.10760038

riddle anon references

>> No.10760044

Missing two commas I suppose, but don’t know if they’re technically absolutely necessary.

>> No.10760053
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You buy Chang-Rink
You buy now Laowai
You go

>> No.10760061

"who is building smart contracts a few weeks back" makes sense?
you fucking beaner

>> No.10760063

Should also be "who are" instead of "who is"

t. non-native who knows his shit

>> No.10760088

it should be "who were" dipshit. the whole sentence is cringe though. she's essentially saying "they were building smart contracts a few weeks back". what kind of message is that?

>> No.10760100
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>a Harvard diploma & 2 months of radio silence and 'hard work behind the scenes' for THIS

>> No.10760112

There is no issue with using “is” to refer to the actions of a singular entity, Accord.

>> No.10760116

>We partnered with @AccordHQ [who is building smart legal contracts] a few weeks back. Excited to re-share the official announcement here.

Now do you understand? Brackets denote an "inserted sentence"

>> No.10760121

What she is trying to say is: We partnered with @AccordHQ, a company building smart legal contracts, a few weeks ago

>> No.10760131

it still isnt proper english, ranjeet. it makes no difference with your dumb brackets. It should be "are" or "were".

>> No.10760132

literally this, here's an example sentence

"/biz/ is retarded"

>> No.10760156


It's true, I saw them building some smart contracts a few weeks ago at McDonald's.

>> No.10760160

It's horribly composed nonetheless

>> No.10760162

Adelyn's got to go

>> No.10760166

>amerilard education everybody

How do you feel knowing a yuropoor is taking the piss out of you in english syntax?

>> No.10760183


>> No.10760196

confirmed chainlink's target audience is ESL investors.

>> No.10760197

>We partnered with Accord a few weeks back.
>Accord/who is building smart legal contracts.

Nothing wrong with the grammar.

>> No.10760203

Wrong. Microsoft IS working with Ethereum, Ethereum IS implementing PoS, Accord IS developing smart contracts.

>> No.10760208

oh my fucking god how could someone actually type that out and not see how contorted and illiterate it sounds? WTFFFF

>> No.10760218 [DELETED] 

See >>10760208

Learn better English.

>> No.10760220

Phrase structure is clumsy

>> No.10760226

Learn to quote

>> No.10760239

See >>10760197

Learn better English.

Not really.

>> No.10760240
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>WE's be buildin the mutha fukin singularity nigga.

>> No.10760268

It's building it a few weeks back? With a time machine?

>> No.10760269

I'm willing to consider that sentence acceptable if she chose that tone to make it feel more casual ahead of some of the more important partnerships

>> No.10760276

>ChainLink official Twitter
>An entire industry looking for blockchain use cases is cringing at these posts
>Calculate the price of smart contracts

Linkies fucking pls

>> No.10760288

Do you routinely forget the first part of the sentence by the time you get to the end?

>> No.10760310

Do you routinely write sentences in which people have to go back to the first part to understand the end part?

Like someone said before, phrase structure is clumsy and sounds awkward.

How about we put that "a few weeks back" next to the verb so that the connection is clearer. "A few weeks back we partnered with AccordHD, who is building smart contracts"

>> No.10760319
File: 218 KB, 634x425, 1518294490929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few weeks back, we partnered with @AccordHQ, a project that is building smart legal contracts. Excited to re-share the official announcement here.

Hire me Sergey

>> No.10760320

I read it on the fly, got it right away.

Get over yourself.

>> No.10760330

You don't want to strat the sentence with something trivial. They partnered with someone and that's the important part here. If that sentence were to be re-constructed it should say: We partnered with @AccordHQ, a company building smart legal contracts, a few weeks back

>> No.10760358

someone tell slack. this is embarassing

>> No.10760367

Good for you, but structuring things better helps with marketing. Smart people will think your phrasing is weird, dumb people will have to read twice.

>> No.10760380

Your version is fine too, I don't think writing "a few weeks back" first is too detrimental but I get your point.

>> No.10760383

Have a white person take 2 mins to proof read this Engrish before it gets posted. Wtf is this shit jesus christ.

>> No.10760396

it's definitely a clumsy sentence and any marketing department with a real copy writer or editor would not publish that, but it's grammatically correct. At least there's no typos, and given the state of the website, that's all we can really expect.

>> No.10760428
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asian girls with sloppy english is sexy