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File: 13 KB, 216x211, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10742271 No.10742271 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so many Pajeets into Crypto?

>> No.10742283

someone's got to do the slave bounties

>> No.10742284
File: 308 KB, 1200x1521, Heinrich_Heine-Oppenheim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their time isn't very valuable and they have lots of it + the internet connects the pajeets to places they shouldn't be in.

>> No.10742291

Some of them are super annoying on one telegram I'm on.

>> No.10742297
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>scam potential

>Hello sir, today i offer great coin

>> No.10742301

In gemeeal theyre all annoying as fuck. There a few cool ones who have been Americanized and some are genuinely really smart. But those are very few of them

>> No.10742303

Easy money. Hard work is impossibly hard for the pajeet as they are not used to it.

>> No.10742305

"hello Sir this is Botcoin support, we have been notified that your cold wallet has a virus, we would be pleasing to offer you assistance for a $300 iTunes card. What is your crypto wallet address and password?"

You know it's coming.

>> No.10742308

You remember the mobious Pajeets? Phd from Standford and still Pajeety as all fuck.

>> No.10742318

It is the greatest wealth transfer in history. From Non-Pajeets to Pajeets.

>> No.10742334

Imagine a world where Pajeets control the wealth....

>> No.10742341

Because pajeets are more jew than jews. Offer something free, and they will show up in packs, like a cloud of ugly, smelly, retarded locusts. Their country is literally falling down, they can't get work because they cheated their way through getting certs, and they're all money grubbing assholes who think they're better than everyone on the planet. I've never met a pajeet I could trust, who had an ounce of dignity or class, or taste. They shit up the internet like they do their streets, with get rich quick bullshit and scams, clog up poorly made instructional videos on YouTube, and destroy gaming and camwhore sites with their begging, retarded comments, and acting like goddamn spastics around women. "Come to Mombai and merry me bb" - yeah, like a California blonde with a big rack is gonna schlep all the way to your shithole country to look at your little microcurry dick, while living in a hovel with your parents, grand parents, 120 cousins, and a bunch of other ugly brown people who don't bathe who you think you might be related to.
I fucking hate pajeets. I've had to deal with them at work and where I live, and they're all trained fucking monkeys. No, I take that back, monkeys take a break from being assholes and jerking off in public once in a while, and are actually clean animals.
Fuck pajeets. I hope the Black Death returns and wipes out their entire subcontinent.

>> No.10742357

I bet you’re a joy to be around

>> No.10742368

Becasue there's 4 times more Pajeets than Americans?
They will soon overcome China and become #1

>> No.10742380

When there's no pajeets around, I am.

>> No.10742431

Yeah male indians are pathetic betas.

>> No.10742452

They are in it because the minimum investment can be nearly nothing. When that pajeet is hustling, it may be over the 4 bucks he has in that coin.

>> No.10742499


>> No.10742508


>> No.10742510

I don't understand why the mentality of pajeets is so low and shit. I've tried to understand this for a long time. I've been in India and I've been with them for a good number of years. I've come to believe it stems from their religion.

>> No.10742511

Because what does it matter to them? They can lie and hustle their way out of their losses via overstaying a visa.

>> No.10742518

Why do pajeets speak English instead of their native tongue like chinks do? Just imagine how the world would look like if pajeets never appeared in the English-speaking space.

Notice how there are no chinks shilling shit despite that there are more chinks than pajeets. That's because they're all in the Chinese-speaking segment. Why can't pajeets follow their example?

>> No.10742534
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Like all fledgling technologies, pajeets find it a good opportunity to SCAM others out of their money.

They are still doing Windows Tech support scams and IRS scams to dumb asses all over the world.

>> No.10742542

its the race brainlet, similar to niggers

>> No.10742578

t. Pajeet

>> No.10742591

Pajeets vs niggers. Though call
Pajeets are at least capable of building some grotesque of a civilization
Some of them are driven to educate themselves
Lack of hygiene is their main problem

>> No.10742596

>can't appreciate colorful rant
>uses "you must be fun at parties" retort
pot, kettle

godspeed >>10742341

>> No.10742601

yeah they're smarter but way more beta than niggers

>> No.10742632
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Let me tell you about stinky curry person bucko !

>> No.10743048
File: 124 KB, 288x292, Took+like+15+seconds+to+cut+it+out+from+the+_a0158638e96f1c3885cca7fc7a599ee2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10743071

If its Swagat Mohanty in the Cryptozombie I'll agree...he's a right twat. His posts spread aids

>> No.10743074

Best scam opportunity

>> No.10743089
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>> No.10743206


>> No.10743220

I am from a rich minority in India and I know exactly what you mean.

You made a mistake letting them immigrate in droves. I lived in a rich/gated community and I know that you are getting the worst of he Indians. They know nothing but subjugate and sidestep laws.

Mate, their strength is in their ridiculous population numbers. There is no concept of building efficient and world conquering civilizations. They can't even get out of their own backyard.

>> No.10743226

History 101?

>> No.10743244

>Pajeets are at least capable of building some grotesque of a civilization
I think this alone puts them ahead. Most populous democratic country, despite how much of a hellhole most of it is.

>> No.10743293

Even the prostitutes of thailand refuse to deal with pajeets. Street sellers cant stand them either as they always haggle on the price. Prostitutes have experienced coming to the room with a client only to find that the pajeet has several friends already waiting in the room all hoping to get a freebie.

>> No.10743326
File: 17 KB, 480x336, 1530946637787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only to find that the pajeet has several friends already waiting in the room all hoping to get a freebie

>> No.10743388
File: 60 KB, 648x556, 1482696046988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10743424

Because pajeets actually understand the meaning of hard work. They put their nose to the grindstone and really learn absolutely everything there is to know about their field. They even learn about the obscure topics that only specialists would take the time to learn yet still integrate it into their overall practice. As much shit (pun intended) that burgers and europoors like to sling at pajeets, they produce a steady amount of great achievers in all scientific fields and have a respectable work ethic.

>> No.10743440

>and have a respectable work ethic
so majority of pajeets like to scam people and syskey their computers etc

>> No.10743446
File: 136 KB, 800x600, 53FE3C80-BF7A-40AF-A2E6-C3E346042E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again.

>> No.10743454

found the pajeet

>> No.10743538


Well obviously. Every other race on the planet is better than niggers, that's just a given. It's not just race though - the religion is a big contributing factor as well. There's a ton of shit in Hinduism, especially the fatalism and inability to create anything without a 10,000 year old guidebook or guru to show you how, not to mention the whole caste system. I mean there's barely any real distinction between say pakis, pajeets and Sikhs at the racial level, but a gulf of difference once you've known a few of each (I hate pakis much worse than pajeets for example, and like anyone who's ever talked to them almost all Sihks have been decent af, with just a tinge of arrogance no worse than most Whites dealing with another race). Like how Anglos and Germans are very different, despite it being pretty hard to tell them apart genetically, being basically just different branches of the same race. While I like this new race realism drive (been waiting for it for a long time), let's not be as retarded as the Left thinking race has 0 influence and start thinking it's the only influence. Both are wrong.

>> No.10743573

Not even a pajeet, I’m an injun but i recognize the same successes in white people as well but I wouldn’t say the bad apples of your race ( what you guys personally refer to as ‘white trash’, the single mothers who fell for bbc meme, nazi losers who blame muh Jews for keeping them oppressed from succeeding in life when it’s their own failures and lack of responsibility, etc.) are your race as whole because your is pretty fucking cool and good to do and intelligent on the whole. You also have to remember, they have 1.3+ BILLION people in their country so yes they have a lot of bad apples but they seem more prominent because you are dealing with a larger sample size.

>> No.10743579

i work in silicon valley and dear lord they've taken over. they're everywhere. i feel like california is turning into the brown U.K.

>> No.10743601


>> No.10743619

High temperatures and parasite loads depress IQ. Cousin marriage doesn't help, either. Religion might be a distant third, but I doubt there are a lot of rat catcher caste people who would make great philosophers or something.

>> No.10743747
File: 56 KB, 1104x872, 1517596763354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t; Amerimutt with 1.84% Cherokee bood

>> No.10743803

Because indian wages are like $1 a day and they kind of speak English and have internet connections and theres literally billions of them

>> No.10743822

Had the impression that religion is just an expression of the mentality of the people believing, not the other way around.

>> No.10743867

>tfw if you did pajeet bounties in bitcointalk back in 2012 you would be rich now cause you would be making several BTCs a month

>> No.10743872

I’m from the Seminole Tribe of Florida with half blood quantum but I guess you could say In a way I’m la creatura since I’m also half Mexican. Funny pic either way anon.

>> No.10743933


>> No.10743981

Meanwhile when Asians move to the US they assimilate and give their kids names like Michael, but pajeets still give their kids pajeet names. Interesting.

>> No.10744080

>from the Seminole Tribe of Florida
You aren't mate, I know you have a frail identity like most Americans but you are nothing but a mutt
El ogro de las Americas

>> No.10744140

one is born into a caste in India so yeah pretty much like you can't change your DNA.

>> No.10744191

Yep, there's so many that they inevitably spill over into everything else around them.

>> No.10744257

They wouldn't be able to hold on to it.

>> No.10744320

No money in pajeet only space.

>> No.10744330

I can show you my tribal i.d. but I don’t really fill comfortable uploading it to a Hungarian bomb enthusiast forum. But hell yeah man, I’m American and I’m proud of it.

>> No.10744341

Feel***, damn lack of sleep is getting to me

>> No.10744421

Nice post.
You're a retarded burger who probably never been to the UK. They're surrounding major cities but most of counties are free from them. London areas, Manchester, etc, yeah they're like roaches. But same goes for every major city like Jew York, Paris, etc - nothing but niggers and mudslimes.

>> No.10745305 [DELETED] 


Use to live around KC in Overland Park KS. It's getting bad there. Every male pajeet walks around with their work ID attached to them. Most tech companies are filled with them there. I worked as a Supervisor at Walmart and they are fuckin dicks. They try to scam the store saying this is that price when it's not and if they don't get the price they want they bitch and start going on about how they are better then you, how they make more money, and so on.

Black Friday they try to break the rules and try to get an item that requires a wristband to get the item. Then they make a big fuckin scene saying white people are a joke and racist. Had a pajeet father and son and father blew up on me because he wanted this item for his son but we were out at this store and gave him information on other stores to go to that had the item. I went to helped another customer and the same pajeet followed me and started to bitch more at me. I just walked away and went to the back of the store so he wont keep following me around.

The younger males come to Walmart as if it's a fuckin hub for information. Had on kid walking around in electronics asking employees about his college schedule and what this and that means on it. Told him to go asked his college because they will know what anything on it means. But he just ignored me and kept asking around the store.

Seen a few males trying to pick up any white girl that was alone. Funny watching the same guy get denied over and over.

>Walmarts are being pajeet hubs.

>> No.10745326



Use to live around KC in Overland Park KS. It's getting bad there. Every male pajeet walks around with their work ID attached to them. Most tech companies are filled with them there. I worked as a Supervisor at Walmart and they are fuckin dicks. They try to scam the store saying this is that price when it's not and if they don't get the price they want they bitch and start going on about how they are better then you, how they make more money, and so on.

Black Friday they try to break the rules and try to get an item that requires a wristband to get the item. Then they make a big fuckin scene saying white people are a joke and racist. Had a pajeet father and son and father blew up on me because he wanted this item for his son but we were out at this store and gave him information on other stores to go to that had the item. I went to helped another customer and the same pajeet followed me and started to bitch more at me. I just walked away and went to the back of the store so he wont keep following me around.

The younger males come to Walmart as if it's a fuckin hub for information. Had on kid walking around in electronics asking employees about his college schedule and what this and that means on it. Told him to go asked his college because they will know what anything on it means. But he just ignored me and kept asking around the store.

Seen a few males trying to pick up any white girl that was alone. Funny watching the same guy get denied over and over.

>Walmarts are becoming pajeet hubs.

>> No.10745374

At least the Jews look good doing it

Would kms if a Pajeet world hegemony ever came about. Literally just imagine it

>> No.10745416

I moved back to a small city in Nebraska, between 12,000-13,000 population. Some have made their way here. A few females work at the hospital others started to get loans to buy out some of the motels/hotels here. Some older males work in factories in the engineering department. The city is pushing to grow the town with campaigns for starting businesses, getting businesses to move to the town, remodeling the down town area, and trying to get more people to move in. It's cheap to live here too. Ever since this happen I been seeing more pajeets moving into the city at a slow pace. As more move in, they are just going to fuck this small city up.

There are two cities north that are bigger then this little city. No doubt they made their way there. I just don't want them in this small city. I use to live in an apartment community back in Kansas that had muslims and pajeets. They place stunk from their smell of food during the summer time because they open all the damn windows. Couldn't get to use the washers because they left their shit in them for hours, then left them in the dryers for hours. They bug you asking about this or that or ask if you had this and if they can borrow it.

>They are going to fuck this town up.

>> No.10745956

t. UK pajeet or sand nigger

>> No.10746002
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get confused for a pajeet


>> No.10746029

I really, really wish this post wasn't right on the money anon