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File: 484 KB, 1600x1200, Circumcision Rate by State Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10712209 No.10712209 [Reply] [Original]

>already made it

Getting crypto rich would just be icing on the cake at this point. How do you cutcucks even justify getting out of bed in the morning? Your manhood was taken from you, no amount of unpaid overtime at Shekelstein Inc. is going to help you grow it back.

>> No.10712222

most uncircumcised cocks look terribly though

>> No.10712229

Checked and agreed

>> No.10712246

This. I dry up whenever I see one

>> No.10712247

>circumcised in a state with a 20% rate
Did my parents fall for the meme? Or am I going to make it?

>> No.10712252

they would look normal to you if tptb hadn't undertaken a millenia-long campaign of ritualized, industrial scale genital mutilation on male children.

>> No.10712279

Probably not, still gross af looking I’d hate my parents if they didn’t get it done

>> No.10712282

yup, how can you fix it when even their women have been conditioned to prefer them. Jew'd to the max is america

>> No.10712309

thats just stupid
thats like saying everyone with bad teeth would have nice looking teeth if not for bracers

>> No.10712329

super happy my parents went the circ route for me. looks like a million bucks down there

>> No.10712342

Honestly, I've fucked FOUR dude's girls who specifically said they were cheating on their boyfriends because they found their dicks ugly b/c they were uncircumcised. Soooo, yea. Enjoy having women fuck other dudes on you just because you have an ugly dick, lol.

>> No.10712356

You're thankful to your parents to submitting to a jewish scheme to rob you of your sexuality. Read up on stories of adults who got circumcised and how different the sensation for them was before and after. You may think your dick works fine but there are fucking whole realms of pleasure that you will never be able to visit because the nerve endings necessary to do so have been stolen from you and (kid you not) turned into luxury beauty for rich old jewish women. They literally make anti-aging face creams from baby foreskins. That's what you gave up your capacity for pleasure for, to reduce a wrinkle on some dried-up jewish cunt's forehead. Literally siphoning off youthful energy from the young and unwilling like a satanic ritual.

>> No.10712357

The CDC only accounts for circumcisions done in hospitals. Many parents wait several weeks to have it done in office at their pediatrician. Sorry OP, you’ve been greeked.

>> No.10712359

women make fun of you behind your back. you know that right? like probably 95% or more think your dick is disgusting. enjoy your "manhood" faggot

>> No.10712407

cope offensive is strong in this thread

when you're cut you only have to two options, you either admit your parents mutilated you and invite in all the misery that realization creates for you, or just keep pretending it was no big deal and when you have a son you'll cut his dick off too because it's no big deal

it's literally the same logic that victims of other kinds of child sexual abuse use to perpetuate it on their kids, "my parents did it to me and it was no big deal, hell I'm thankful for it." so the beatings and diddlings continue from generation to generation. fucking sickening.

>> No.10712417

I legitimately know a girl who dumped a guy not long after finding out he was uncircumcised. Say whatever you want about her, but the truth is the truth. Girls find it disgusting. Besides, only spics and occasionally blacks have uncircumcised dicks. Whites know better.

>> No.10712420

that just means I'm in the lucky 10% instead of 20%. So I've made it even more than I thought. Thanks.

>> No.10712440

I also have a friend who got flashed by an uncircumcised dude and she straight laughed at him. You won’t make it OP. Might as well get that shit cut off before you develope a bad reputation among the women in your area.

>> No.10712464

Or get filthy crypto rich and bitches won’t care either way.

>> No.10712470

>send girl my circumsized laphog
>oh anon your penis head is my favorite shape it feels so good

>> No.10712486
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>> No.10712496

Even if 99% of humanity prefers an image of man that is mutilated and diminished from its intended form, all it means is that 99% of humanity is dead wrong.

Why would you deform yourself or your son just to appeal to the whims of tempestuous whores anyways? They should get on their knees and worship your cock the way god made it. Anything less is cuckoldry.

>> No.10712509

Literally only Americans do this because you are Jewed

>> No.10712521

>business and finance

>> No.10712526

Uncircumcised looks anamalistic. Like a dogs dick or something.

>> No.10712540

wtf, foreskin looks and tastes better than any other part of the dick

>> No.10712541

lmao keep coping retards. Most girls outside your country have never seen a cut dick and they would probably feel disgusted by it if they saw it

>> No.10712556

>Girls find it disgusting
American girls find it disgusted. You also are number 1 Israel supporter. There are many things you people do that think is 'normal' cause its the only thing you know cause you live in a sort of bubble

>> No.10712569

its called natural

>> No.10712584

zero girls prefer mutilated dick. Circumcision is done purely out of either being Jewish, or being a Jewish cocksucker.

>> No.10712591

Then your opinion is wrong. Uncircumcized is the way man was meant to look, and if you feel differently it means you've been brainwashed by jews.

If it was 'the custom' to cut off babys' left ear at birth, would be it be k? What about chopping off their right hand? Most people would say no, that's industrial-scale violence towards infants, and not excusable except on grounds of extreme medical necessity. For some reason, cutting their dick off for no particularly good reason is viewed as totally fine though. Think about the dissonance there and understand a campaign of disinformation and inculcation has been waged against you to get to this point of cognitive incoherence.

>> No.10712594



>> No.10712602

> Whites know better.
zero whites mutilate their dicks unless they re judeo-christians, which is not actually Christianity. And zero girls like mutilated dick. Not even Jewish ones.

>> No.10712603

Take this shit to /pol/ or /r9k/

>> No.10712607

>all the brown states are uncut
Heh, makes me think.

>> No.10712609


nigger all of Yurope is uncut. It's literally Americans and south Koreans that have fallen for these jewish tricks

>> No.10712625

>American girls find it disgusted
No, they don't. Christian Zionists find it anti-semitic to not have crippled burnt cock. That's it. There's zero secular dislike of it.

>> No.10712640

I swear you are the dumbest fucking bitch alive.

>> No.10712642

Exactly. Does this retard think that when Midwestern American women go to Europe for a "holiday" they are not getting ganganged by natural, non-mutilated dick every night?

Reality is that he just made up his fake story though.

>> No.10712646

yet it WAS made a secular practice. They arent getting told 'hey we gonna cut your baby's dick because Judaism' they're told 'its for hygienic and medical reasons'

>> No.10712663

I’m circumcised and want this shit to stop

Ffs guys stop rationalizing it. “It’s fine they cut my dick up as a baby cause girls like it” have some damn self respect.

>> No.10712683


it takes like two seconds to pull the foreskin back and wash it with soap and water. I'm not lying, but I've had sex with about 20 women in my life (30 y/o boomer here) and not one has really ever cared. In fact a few enjoyed the extra sensation of my foreskin gliding against their labia. Sure, you could say they laughed at me and told their friends, but I highly fuckin doubt it. I fucking love being uncut and I feel bad for anyone that was circumsized with the jewish trick of "hygiene". No hate towards cut fags though, it really doesn't matter either way.

>> No.10712684
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>> No.10712690

And yet only Judeo-Christians and Jews do it.
> its for hygienic and medical reasons
this is to cover their shame.

Jews and Midwestern bumpkin men are hardly sexually desirable people. Your women go to California, Miami, Europe and have gangbangs with real dicks.

>> No.10712696

i'm impressed that you thought this post was well-written enough to warrant replying to half the people here. unfortunately it reeked of projection and instability. good luck my man; penises aren't everything

>> No.10712703

OP is a smegma loving faggot

>> No.10712709

Keep coping, you retarded midwestern corn farmer.

>> No.10712821

Id rather have “unpleasurable sex” than no sex which is what you uncut neckbeards deal with

>> No.10712832 [DELETED] 

> nobody but jews and Midwestern evangelical hillbillies have sex

What the fuck is wrong with you? You are the least sexually desirably people on the planet.

>> No.10712847

> nobody but jews and Midwestern evangelical hillbillies have sex
What the fuck is wrong with you? You are the least sexually desirable people on the planet.

>> No.10712921

Dont look at it, just put it in your mouth.

>> No.10713037

Yuropoor here, everybody here shakes their head (girls included, btw) at this stupid archaic custom to mutilate male genitalia in America.
Most even don't believe that this is still done when they first hear about it.
Reading this thread, the amount of cope and rationalization feels like a flat-earth debate to me, to be honest.
My advice: If you are on the supporting side of it, don't mention it when visiting Europe. People will think you are from some ancient third world country.

>> No.10713079

there's also the unspoken truth abt circumcision that many many procedures are botched or end in complications, leaving the kid-then-adult with a mangled, dysfunctional and painful cock for the rest of their lives. this is a truth which is for obvious resons under-reported.

>> No.10713105

It preplexes me how anyone can even discuss cutting off a piece of your body with a straight face.

>> No.10713159

Coping mechanism. I count my lucky stars that my parents never hacked me up.

>> No.10713158

Really? I tear up whenever I see one.

>> No.10713230


Yeah, I'm sure no clit or labia looks great as well.

>> No.10713352


>> No.10713378

lol just lol @ the mass amount of cope itt

enjoy your mutilated Jew dicks

meanwhile I'll experience more pleasure than you knew possible and pleasure my gf more because of the extra stimulation and girth provided by the foreskin

>browses 4chan
>claims to hate (((them)))
>but no it's okay they ritually mutilated my penis when I was an infant you're the weird one because your body is the way God and nature intended it to be

holy FUCK the levels of cope are off the damn chart

>> No.10713439

Not even your own body, but the unwilling body of your newly born child, helpless and totally dependent on you to make the right decisions for it.

How fucking depraved is it that parents would abuse that relationship of pure trust and use it to enact irreversible sexual violence. On their OWN. KID.

Legitimately the death penalty is too good for people who've done that, or conspired to help do that to a child.

>> No.10713447

they HAVE to cope, they have no other choice. Put yourself in their skin(or lack of hehe). You'd cope as well. So they'd rather tell themselves its normal than deal with the fact they've been mutilated and its irreversible (it actually isnt though, but few know that)

>> No.10713477
File: 24 KB, 600x400, pedophiliac cannibalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some sick shit

>> No.10713647

This thread is cancer. OP must feel quite insecure or else he wouldn’t be shilling his cheese collecting cock.

>> No.10713662


>> No.10713681
File: 25 KB, 636x350, literal cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and your gross mutilation cult are cancer.

>> No.10713688

>t. literally had most sensitive part of his manhood cut off against his will

>> No.10713704

Because you’ve been brainwashed. Unironically. In my country (Northern Europe) circumcision is very rare and girls don’t think being uncircumcised looks weird at all (if anything, they think being circumcised is odd).

>> No.10713732

You people also drive on the wrong side of the road.

>> No.10713762
File: 14 KB, 500x274, Hillbillies believe women find this attractive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews and hillbilly bumpinks try to tell you otherwise, but it's actually not so "weird" in America. The entire west coast is uncircumcised. Same with Florida. Most porn in America is produced there. European migrants and tourists fuck the shit out of American women on the regular. Billy Bob the corn farmer thinking that his mutilated dick makes him normal is out of touch with reality.

>> No.10713888
File: 14 KB, 364x342, FF734452-C813-4DF5-A43C-F8BB3DB40A99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Kek. The desperation to feel accepted and normal must be exhausting for you. Just cut it off and quit worrying about it.

>> No.10713902

Ok Rabbi

>> No.10713905

> The desperation to feel accepted and normal amongst Jews must be exhausting for you

No, not at all. They are weird people that nobody likes, especially sexually.

>> No.10713953
File: 2.07 MB, 2872x2168, 1520862692164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

circumcision of american goyim is unironically a jewish slave mark.

>> No.10714030 [DELETED] 

We drive on the right side of the road in my country kek.

>> No.10714039

Jesus christ imagine the pain. It's not even done with a sharp sterile instrument, literally just a Jewish man's teeth. Human teeth aren't even that sharp, he'd have to grind on the foreskin back and forth using his teeth like like a saw to get it off. All to reenact an ancient brutal desert ritual that only existed because hygiene and scalpels didn't exist back then.

Oh and my gf says she likes my uncircumcised cock. Apparently cut cocos are very dry or something

>> No.10714040

Please show me a famous uncut pornstar I’ll wait

>> No.10714042


link for anyone that thinks this is bs

>The Talmudic laws required Jewish slave owners to try to convert non-Jewish slaves to Judaism.[4][obsolete source][76] Other laws required slaves, if not converted, to be circumcised and undergo ritual immersion in a bath (mikveh).[77][78] A 4th century Roman law prevented the circumcision of non-Jewish slaves, so the practice may have declined at that time,[79] but increased again after the 10th century.[80][obsolete source] Jewish slave owners were not permitted to drink wine that had been touched by an uncircumcised person so there was always a practical need, in addition to the legal requirement, to circumcise slaves.[81]

>> No.10714049

who runs the porn industry?

and read this >>10714042

>> No.10714062

I don't get it. The jews are the circumcised ones, and they are arguably the most successful group on the planet. And you think you're going to make it because you're a filthy gentile? HAHAHAHAHA!

>> No.10714092

I'm somewhat pissed my uncut dad was fine w/ whatever my retarded mom wanted at the time.

If I have kids they will never get circumcised. Unbelievable that some retards defend a literal Jewish penis mutilation practice because of schoolyard anecdotes.

>> No.10714094
File: 299 KB, 1400x1734, 1411591535251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried restoring their foreskin through stretching? There are lots of guides and even tools out there, I'm just wondering if anyone here has had success. I think I'm going to start soon.

>> No.10714125

i kinda agree on this - only because im uncut and i would masturbate upwards of 5 times a day. due to the fact that its insanely easy to fap without lube or anything. nofap has honestly helped a lot

>> No.10714152
File: 174 KB, 500x666, 20180815_231856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tube worm am so hot

>> No.10714164

> they are arguably the most successful group on the planet.
By what criteria? Income? They are in a permanent state of panic and psychosis, partially because of their mutilation practice. It's proven to have permanent impacts on the brain.

>> No.10714256

is that how jew get circumcized? what the fuck

>> No.10714302

I’m cut and I still jerk it atleast 3x daily. If I was uncut I’d need professional help.

>> No.10714307

ironically only uncircumcised guys care about this shit

>> No.10714318

the absolute state of dicklets

>> No.10714351


Manuel ferrera

>> No.10714362

Great chart that measures Jew hatred

>> No.10714384

That's because we all know what you poor cutcucks are missing out on. If I could see a new color that nobody else could see, I'd be over on /ic/ telling people how fucking amazing it is, how it transforms art, etc.

Like I get that you're cut and you can't grow it back, it's still important for you to acknowledge that you're missing something important even if that's painful for you, because otherwise you're just going to perpetuate the abuse with your own children because you think it's not a big deal.

>> No.10714495
File: 162 KB, 1080x1350, 1532722451252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Imagine being mutilated at birth and then acting like there is nothing wrong with it, it is "normal". There are no health benefits of being circumcised.

Watch this video, you might just learn something