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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10696457 No.10696457 [Reply] [Original]

Can you feel it?

>> No.10696467

literally feeling it

>> No.10696481

can confirm, am feeling it as well

>> No.10696487

>he thinks it being an erc20 token matters

I couldnt care less if shares in this network were printed on dogshits

>> No.10696510

The feeling is also within me

>> No.10696516

My body is ready

>> No.10696520

Will setting up a node ever be easy to do for someone with no programming background?

Hoping that someone can create a comprehensive guide someday desu or I'll be forced to use linkpool

>> No.10696521

Literally thinking that I'm stealing someone's winning lottery tickets at these prices

>> No.10696531

I’m literally being penetrated by overwhelming bullish sentiment right now

>> No.10696535

Yes it'll be easy as fuck, which is why chainlink is gonna be so useful.

>> No.10696616

Sometimes I ask myself if everyone on this board is fucking retarded. Chainlink is not even a real blockchain platform. If Ethereum dies, Chainlink dies as well. I don't know who started shilling Chainlink on this board but he's a fucking genius (I'm talking Einstein tier genius) because there is no terrestrial to descripe how shitty and useless Chainlink is.

>> No.10696651

I'm pretty retarded when it comes to how the tech of everything works, but I could've swore that LINK is completely dependent on ETH and it's not even it's own blockchain. How the fuck could it be "the next ETH" when it piggybacks on the success or failure of ETH itself?

>> No.10696686

I'm going to assume you're not a link holder, otherwise you need to educate yourself immediately. It's blockchain agnostic, meaning it can be adapted for literally any blockchain. Eth is just the first stop for development

>> No.10696687

the retarded brother of satans quads

>> No.10696706

Do you know what the word agnostic even means you fucking mong? Smart contracts don't need crypto, crypto needs smart contracts.

>> No.10696743
File: 136 KB, 1080x944, 1532669538600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

link has absolutely horrible tokenomics, I wouldn't be surprised if the token is not used for anything.
It's not a share, why would they give free money to token holders? There's zero legal obligation.

Their most recent model appears to be one node per data source, ran by the data source itself. Which is the only model that really makes sense, because by using a particular data source you already trust it implicitly, so what's the point of more nodes?

>> No.10696757

sorry kid

ETC is the next ETH >>10696567

>> No.10696922

Go gas yourself, newfag

>> No.10696996

To achieve consensus, shitbreather.

>> No.10697075

There's a step by step tutorial on chain.link

>> No.10697092

I cannot even begin to comprehend how shitty this thread is. Like, are you all retarded? LINK isn't DAPP platform. It has such a finite use case that it will NEVER grow to ETH levels. Invest in HOLO and fuck off.

>> No.10697102
File: 196 KB, 850x492, What are you retarded invest in HOLO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Holo for the win man!

>> No.10697132

>that fucking ID
Bitconnect confirmed for Binance!

>> No.10697158
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you came here so you're the only one who can fuck off and shut the door gently you faggot

>> No.10697173
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HOLO number one!

>> No.10697280





>> No.10697293


>> No.10697483


>> No.10697507

End this fud. Eth is a total shit coin.

>> No.10697526

This thread is a bad joke.

>> No.10697535

They must have really roasted her bad at the holo office after that shit. Surprised if she wasn't fired.

>> No.10697594

But in whitepaper it says it needs gas, eth to tranfer link. Or do I miss bow something

>> No.10697628

that's just the tokens which are used for payments but the CL network can work with any blockchain and even if you assume eth will stop existing the team can always airdrop the tokens to another blockchain

>> No.10697632

Binance doesn't take shit off roasties


>> No.10697643 [DELETED] 

Probably not, they don't even have a rule to wear shoes there

>> No.10697706

Get the fuck out of here trying to steal our meme magic

>> No.10697892

>calls everyone retards
>doesn't know chainlink is blockchain agnostic

>> No.10697923

yes I KNOW now pls be quiet
and stop spamming chainlink post!!!!!!

>> No.10698025

I am scared for you guys. The amount of lifes this token is going to ruin is staggering. 1000 suicides eoy

>> No.10698058

it ain't getting any cheaper, bottom seller. your FUD is nothing anymore. nothing.

>> No.10698062

Idiots, it will come back down again, hard.

>> No.10698071

This ^


Crypto was a mistake...

>> No.10698137

the feeling is literal

>> No.10698200
File: 69 KB, 952x430, 1534288364139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I meant to post this.

>> No.10698813

Literally your use case is why LinkPool exists

>> No.10698891

Yeah but i heard linkpool takes a fat cut.

SOmeone should do a 4chanpool for us only and take a decent cut.

>> No.10698961

Why don't you make it?
Do you know anybody else making one?

>> No.10699879

All you NEETS don't get it. You can run a node. Sure. But what API data will you provide that will be valuable? If it's a free API, there will already be someone else doing it. This is for the big boys. Banks and large entities that have valuable APIs will be setting up their own nodes with tokens that Sergey gives them. You won't be sitting around in your cum-stained, Cheetoh dust encrusted sweat pants collecting LINK from your mom's basement. LinkPool is your only chance and that will even hinge on them providing valuable, paid API data from somewhere. None of which I've heard one example of what APIs they could use that will be profitable that they will ahave access to.

>> No.10699981


Until big business realizes they need more LINK to underwrite their tokens (for increased reputation), and instead of paying hundreds of thousands of dollars to do so they realize that they just open up their node to a bunch of NEET's and pay them a commission

>> No.10700487

Can you expand on this? I'm listening.

>> No.10700521

>t. Bagholder of coins that dumped hard

>> No.10700560


Nodes get jobs based on reputation which is based on many factors, one being amount of LINK staked (because the penalty for bad info increases).

As nodes compete to provide data, data providers would naturally want more LINK to have a higher reputation.

Once LINK price becoms prohibitive to buy (my node has 20K his has 70K and LINK tokens are $1000 each= 50K * $1000 for example) these big businesses might want to offer to split compensation and offer other’s the ability to stake their LINK onto their node so that their node can compete with another’s reputation

>> No.10700573

One thing that I don't understand...eventually there will be a few nodes that have amazing reputation...likely nodes that are owned by big business...even only a few nodes remain is it still decentralized?

>> No.10700754

This is why Australian's are so big on crypto

>> No.10700767

>>10700721 get in marines

>> No.10701437

Wow. Capped. That's next level. So people at that point would basically lease their LINK to a large entity for a percentage of whatever their API is being used for. The LINK holder gets their higher frequency of transactions and thus more LINK, while the large entity gets to use the LINK holders' LINK on their node without actually buying it.

>> No.10701446

The level of what decentralization is definitely varies. "Is it decentralized enough?" will be an interesting question as we move forward.

>> No.10701580
File: 277 KB, 1586x1586, 1534184455363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ETP proven to be the better invest almost every single day lmfao

>> No.10701624
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A car is still a car even if it doesnt have tyres and a working engine.

>> No.10701746

Wouldn’t that undermine the effort to be decentralized?
Also a high tokenprice would discourage new potential users since it would take a huge amount of money to compete with older nodes?

>> No.10702038

We don't need new users, the power will be in /biz/ hands and we will be the new financial world elite.

>> No.10702951


I think part of the 350M tokens reserved for companies will be given out OTC to strategic partners over time, probably for way less than the market price. You could consider this as a sort of "infrastructure investment".

In regards to your decentralization question, from how I understand anon's point, nothing about the node setup will change once people are able to lease their Link tokens.
E.g. let's say I open up my node to third parties, all I really do is locking up their Link tokens with mine and giving them 70/80/90% of the rewards (ofc in proportion to their investment). But it's still just a single node that serves the data, so the degree of decentralization doesn't change.

It's a clever idea I've never thought about so far, but of course, it also runs on the basic premise of trusting the node operator to not engage in some sort of malicious behavior. Clearly, there is an economic disincentive for him as well (loss of his own tokens), but this kind of deal I would only consider with entities with highly reputable nodes (esp. low downtime is key, I think).

>> No.10702983

Thanks, Jonny.

>> No.10703010

The CL network doesn’t actually work with any blockchains to date

>> No.10703109


>> No.10704104


being this retarded.

>> No.10704536

jesus cringe the white knight faggotry is unbearable