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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10693675 No.10693675 [Reply] [Original]

Hugo Gervasoni, a student of Programming and Telecommunication Engineering has started an internship position within the iExec team. Alongside Eric Rodriguez, Hugo is working in partnership with the 3D Animation School, ENSI. The school’s GPU rendering farm will be able to be monetized during ‘off-peak’ times by shifting resources and running a Workerpool on the iExec network. Hugo proposals also include how, even during busier times, iExec can facilitate their overall rendering workflow. And, as some of you have noticed in our Github activity, a secondary assignment, involves Hugo testing an XMR (Monero) CPU-mining Dapp that he’s developed. And it worked!

>XMR mining dapp based off of iexec
>mfw submarkets are going to pop up
imagine what else is possible faggots

>> No.10694221


Bro Im glad you posted this. Holy shit my only regret was that I couldnt swing trade to buy more rlc at these prices.

I have a 200k RLC stack and even though its been a tough hold the future seems really bright.

Crypto mining dapps will send this shit to the fucking moon.

>> No.10694242

jesus christ 200k im envious i only have like 6k lol

>> No.10694278

>XMR (Monero) CPU-mining Dapp

Hahahahahahahaha pooexec bagholders are even more a sad bunch than reqlets

>> No.10694320


Thanks man i wish i woulda sold during the intel pump but it was tough to time it to buy back in since the whole market has been sliding for months im just happy to have what i have.

Do you think I will make it? I might end up selling some more BTC/ETH my ultimate goal is to hit 1 mill rlc.

Im not saying thats possible but i think if rlc stays suppressed for a few more months I might be able to actually acquire that much.

>> No.10694356

how? the order book is always so thin

>> No.10694366


By DCA'ing in over months. It will take a long time to stack but I think I can do it.

>> No.10694395

alright a really think thsi is a good plan if you can hold for 1-2 years. A crazy a amount of money, don't even know how I'd be able to manage that.

>> No.10694415


You mean crazy amount of potential money lol :D
I have to hope some of my other investments pay off than i can shift back into iexec.

Yeah i plan on holding until at least probably Q3 or Q4 2021 until I sell.

>> No.10694527

i mean you do realize there's only what, 80 million RLC circulating, right? Having 1m would be nuts.

>> No.10694535

Nigga that's too much money

>> No.10694558


>> No.10694589


Nuts like im putting too much eggs into one basket? I mean that was my end goal doesnt mean im gonna reach it. 500k is probably more realistic long term.

>> No.10694608


Hey man you gotta take risks to come out ahead. Sure BTC is probably the safe play but I believe in this project if you read the latest dev letter I think these guys are really heading in the right direction.

Intel SGX partnership discussing plans how to utilize it with ubisoft and potential crypto mining dapp. This thing has so much potential but its definitely a waiting game.

>> No.10694621

no i mean you would own 1/80th of the entire supply lmao
im all in RLC...no fucks given, im trying to get more fiat to 10x my stack lmao

you're gonna be a computer oil sheikh in 2021

>> No.10694681

Here i am with my babystack of 3k and your worried with 200k.
You already made it within a year at most lol

>> No.10694688


thanks nigga. I was beating my self up for not selling some a while back but i suck ass at trading.

My background is i missed the boat on btc bought a ton of ETH at like $20 and panic sold when it crashed to $8 during the DAO hack but recovered with some ico flips in '17.

Came across iExec and been stacking ever since there have been dips. I have iexec/BTC and thats it at this point.

No telling if RLC will continue to slide I just wish I had more fiat at this point since I feel like the upside at this point of buying more iExec is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.10694704


Maybe I got too greedy lol. My idea of making it though is like $10-15 Million so everyone has different dreams and goals. Hope you make it man.

>> No.10694776

niqqa in 2021, holding 1/80 of the market $10-15 mm would be 10% of your moni
shieeeeeeeet I'm jealous rn

>> No.10694810

the upside is truly ridiculous right now, im very surprised it hasn't randomly 10xed yet.

im scared to sell this coin because i know how strong its use cases are

>> No.10694843
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I bought at 80 cents

>> No.10694863


Hence why Im not too worried about being down -85% since May by holding since you and i both know this is a sleeping fucking monster and its just a matter of time before the real utility causes this thing to explode.

>> No.10694879


Well if this thing hits $1 billion market cap in a few years and I am able to accumulate that much yeah your right. But again a lot has to go my way for this all to work out.

I just keep stacking and hope for the best.

>> No.10695388

Nigga I bought dollar fiddy, and forty cents

Chill. You'll be fine

>> No.10695404

BOID already does all of this and works.

>> No.10695790

this look pretty good actually.

>> No.10696141

You know when you sink lower than a stinky linky that its time to market sell.
A fucking intern.

>> No.10696172

99% of crypto is lower than link

>> No.10696183


More than 1 intern.

>> No.10696199
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