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File: 851 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2018-07-25-17-54-15-650_org.telegram.messenger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10689757 No.10689757 [Reply] [Original]

The tranny admin in Holo's telegram is on drugs again, who is seriously still investing in this cult shit?

>> No.10689787
File: 32 KB, 258x544, 1533533197425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i refuse to believe this is real

>> No.10689797

this has to be fake wtf

>> No.10689798

Bullish desu. Might buy some holo. Only nucoiners won't get it.

>> No.10689809

say it aint so

>> No.10689920

no one gives a shit moralfag, go back to /pol

>> No.10689928
File: 81 KB, 378x357, 1521218923166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's real, i remember that day lol

>> No.10689993
File: 628 KB, 1595x1020, 1533940994844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's actually bullish

>> No.10690045

Sami hasn't posted for days, are trying to fud anon?

>> No.10690054

did she khs?

>> No.10690093
File: 141 KB, 1165x960, cardanotrannycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek looks like ADA has some competition for most degenerate project

>> No.10690127

Trannies love crypto. Anything that doesn't require them to go outside and have an actual job

>> No.10690137

no FUD, i am just posting shit the admin voluntarily shared with the telegram channel

you mean HE? "sami" is a trap, how new are you?

>> No.10690177
File: 243 KB, 1200x850, 2ffa1b2bd9a89f61f92f0201a9d29edc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cyberpunk as hell. Crypto is counter-cultural and degenerate, get outta here prude.


>> No.10690193

I don't hold any holo but I like to buy shit with mental teams

>> No.10690231

>being mentally ill is cyberpunk
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA the cope is strong in this one

>> No.10690259

In ten years you'll be a Luddite decrying transhumanism, knuckle-dragger

>> No.10690300

kys faggot

>> No.10690322

The telegram is full of thirsty dudes calling Sami hot and cute all day, I legit thought she was a she

>> No.10690335

I will not go

>> No.10690362

hang yourself, fag-apologist

>> No.10690402
File: 196 KB, 850x492, A history.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a history of this. Anyone actually bullish on holo is a retard.

>> No.10690473

no way kek, sami actually told a troll to suck her dick one time. 100% tranny. there was a screenshot of this as well if someone wants to post it

>> No.10690589

yeah, sami has a serious drug problem, this is just another example. so much degenerate shit has happened thanks to sami. how can you have someone like that on your team as telegram admin and head of marketing? she has been offline the last couple off days, there are rumors she is suspended and in rehab right now.

>> No.10690674
File: 499 KB, 750x400, EC6D401A-B485-465F-B148-6AB08B6F8B6C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much HOT do I need to buy for her to sit on my face? I want to give myself a Nyquil enema before she doms me

>> No.10690684

>Anyone actually bullish on holo is a retard.
It's one of the cheapest coins on binance. Anything else doesn't matter.

>> No.10690732

how fucking new are you

>> No.10690749

That's from weeks ago. She was responding to a joke. We have funny banter in the channel, nice try Synth.

>> No.10690768

lol i was there for this conversation. Sami was sick when she wrote this. The whole point was that she hates taking medicine because it makes here feel worse than the underlying sickness. I think many of us can relate to this. But wow, the fud and personal attacks is out of control against sami. How would you feel if people consistently wrote lies about you and defamed your work and personal character all day while you tried to complete your job?

>> No.10690779

Sami is saying she cant even handle cough medicine. How does this make here a drug addict. Lol

Sounds like she has a cold.

>> No.10690845
File: 46 KB, 618x410, donald-trump-media-bias-progress-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people consistently wrote lies about you
>defamed your work and personal character all day while you tried to complete your job

>> No.10690854

The fud against Holo is hilarious, at times it feels like it's purposefully dumb

>> No.10690997

why didnt she call it cough medicine then but lean? must be because she is totally unaware that this epic lean purple drank sip gets you dude lean lmao high

>> No.10691041

SHHHHHHHHHHHH! We need idiots like him right now. Dont fuck it up

>> No.10691054

Someone joked about her being on lean and she rolled with it. I swear some of you guys must be fucking autistic

>> No.10691061

It was a joke

>> No.10691079

What in the fuck is "LEAN"? You clowns and your nigger talk. Crypto is such a shitshow. No wonder it's so easy trading you idiots out of your money

>> No.10691102

sorry holocucks, the damage control isn't working

>> No.10691113


If you see yourself slandered in the Jewish papers, then it's been a good day.

>> No.10691182

You don't sound like a native English speaker.

>> No.10691200

Lol if anything you just outed yourself as a sheltered cuck. Leave your house once in a while you basement dwelling boomer.

>> No.10691287

I hope this is satire

>> No.10691352

Example(s)? I'm sorry my writing style on 4chan doesn't conform to your narrow view of how english should be spoken/written.

>> No.10691355

(It's not) you mean you haven't listened to any rap in the last 20 years? It's been rapped about since three 6 mafia you autistic clown.

>> No.10691358

this is actually good for holochain

>> No.10691408
File: 1.99 MB, 299x152, 1479931669954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10691466

This is fucking embarrassing. Completely unprofessional conduct.

>> No.10691469

dont @me raj

>> No.10691495

It's old. Also this is the same person who told someone to suck her dick, if you have a problem maybe you should sell.

>> No.10691532

link and holo are the only crypto worth holding. This was known for quite a while

>> No.10691549

Tranny? What a shame, would buttfuck anytime if it was a she

>> No.10691555

Can I get a quick rundown on Holo, I'm new desu.

>> No.10691853

You are lucky, I had been lurking here over a year trying to find moon missions and didnt find out about Holo until April. It is an airbnb type marketplace to rent your computing power for hosting distributed applications. It runs on Holochain, which is the framework for building apps compatible with Holo. You can writw a hApp using Javascrypt, which is far more ubiquitous than solidity (Ethereum's language). They have a working Holochain version of Twitter as a proof of concept.

It is also a mutual credit currency, which you need to look into yourself because it's a lot to explain. Basically this will be the first cryptocurrency of its kind and it has a breathable supply, so once it finds its true market value it will be stable. This is important for making it actually useful as a payment system. Oh yeah and it has the most normie friendly team on the planet. Look them up on Youtube.

>> No.10691920

Nothing but fags and rajeets in these threads

>> No.10691986

glad to hear that case isn't cyberpunk.

>> No.10692038

Thank you, although you should stop listening to rap.

>> No.10692062

>Lurking since april 2017
>Miss every moon mission
>Buy holo at ath
Please tell me all your trades so I can do the opposite

>> No.10692214

I bought Holo right after the ICO and again at 86 gwei a few weeks ago, retard. Everything that mooned last year was a shitcoin and I don't just buy anything recommended by weebs on a loli image board. I waited until I had a decent understanding of the space before taking leads from here seriously. This is guaranteed Top 10 by 2020 and everyone knows it.

>> No.10692253

Been here long enough to know that means a lot during an alt cycle. If the euphoria returns and normies comes back to binance they will again not give a fuck about muh fundamentals and just buy what is cheap. Brainlet.

>> No.10692305

LMAO after ico at the literal peak for ever?
You bought a meme coin, like AMB or 0xbtc.
Deal with it.

>> No.10692355


Yes, keep buying.

>> No.10692508

lol you try to discredit what I said by pretending I'm from a place in the world you hate. You have said nothing to counter the substance of my statements. The irony is my vernacular is stronger than yours but back to holo. Do your research and don't assume someone isn't from the us just because you don't like what they are saying.

>> No.10692520

She's not the developer you dumb fuck

>> No.10693657

I love screenshot FUD. It's basically mainstream media tactics.

>Take image/words/text out of context and portray someone as a degenerate.

Good work 1/4th of biz. You're officially fake news.

>> No.10693668

Dubs calls it.

>> No.10693958

holy shit his earring is a proto link sigil.

>> No.10694341

Hahahahahahahhha thanks for the laugh fucking KEK

>> No.10694403

Wtf I didn't know they were a tranny. Where do I get more pics

>> No.10694422

They aren't sorry

>> No.10695473

How many to make it?

>> No.10695492


>> No.10695538

Just bought 20k holo, 50k lean

>> No.10695638

Oh, bless your heart my dear brainlet. Most of my buys were between 60-110 gwei. I have some between 170-200 but my average is probably 100.