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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10646192 No.10646192 [Reply] [Original]

Is ChainLink a scam? The market cap needs to be bigger than the entire top 5 coins (INCLUDING bitcoin) to surpass $10. That's ridiculous....

>> No.10646204

lol no it doesn’t.

3.5 BN market cap = $10. We’ll see that before EOY and likely something closer to $90.

>> No.10646209

What in the fuck are you talking about? Besides, posts like this go to Reddit, not here.

>> No.10646233

At Bitcoins market cap chainlink would be over $300...

>> No.10646244
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CL does what ? Accesses dapps.
If companies need access to those dapps they can write their own contracts and feed the dapp data directly to them. Why the need to pay CL network to do that ?

>> No.10646263


>> No.10646275

Thanks just market sold all my linkies

>> No.10646336
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>still falling for the marketcap meme in 2018

>> No.10646343

If you read the white paper you would know LINK going past $1 defeats the entire purpose of the token.

>> No.10646368

>If you read the white paper you would know LINK not going past $10,000 defeats the entire purpose of the token.

>> No.10646376
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>> No.10646383

Is this real?

>> No.10646398
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in case you are not trolling:

>chainlink is a bridge that runs on the ethereum network, it will connect with all other blockchains, and all other data feeds. it's a a decentralized oracle because it enables the same DLT technology as bitcoin on a global scale. so banks can transact with one another utilizing LINK, never interact with anything to do with dapps or eth or bitcoin.

chainlink is literally the most important project of our time, if you don't believe this you are either fudding or just need to read more

>> No.10646399
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I can't believe a human being wrote this. I'm amazed that this dumb SOB even managed to type this.

>> No.10646424

No, go read it yourself.

>> No.10646660

Checked but you misunderstand chainlink. Chainlink's goal is to be a decentralized network that allows access to real world data through standardized and trustless APIs.

>> No.10646675

Chainlink is no scam. You have to be willing to see through the darkness, see beyond it.
2.5k eoy

>> No.10646769

The only scam here is your fucking thread. Of course if people believe your math then they don't deserve to make it.

>> No.10646773

It’s no scam but idiots don’t realize that you have to make your oracle valuable. So a price of a link can be 50c while a link that has been staked and as a result gathered positive feedback can be worth $100

>> No.10646790

This is completely and utterly incorrect.

>> No.10646841

Trusted oracles will be worth more than oracles sitting on the sideline. Read the white paper.

>> No.10647280

So why is it dumping if it's so game-changing? I think you guys are exaggerating...

>> No.10647357

Trusted oracles will be paid to verify data as they are staked link rather than sitting in cold storage. There will, however, be no difference in the market price of any link token.

>> No.10647363

Stock market crash of 1929
90s dot com bubble
2008 Recession
Bitcoin's repeating pattern of boom and bust.

We live in a capitalistic society that games the market forces to transfer value from the many to the already wealthy few. Every altcoin is linked to Bitcoin's price action.
Chainlink has amazing potential to change how the financial industry works. Definitely look into it with an open mind. The FUD is part of the illusion, the memes are the opposite end of that spectrum.
2.5k eoy

>> No.10647471

That’s a half truth. ChainLink Reputation System will make user ratings public for who want smart contracts. Those oracles that have high reputation will be valued more than those sitting in cold storage. So the value of a link will be different according to its reputation. PG 18 of the whitepaper

>> No.10647537


>> No.10647729

Your math is off by a few zeroes.

>> No.10647832

That’s from the whitepaper

>> No.10647960

no it isn't. the plan is that nodes with high reputation will be able to command higher prices for their service. it doesn't have to do with "oracles that are in cold storage." you need practice if you're going to fud, maybe try stringing together a lot of insignificant lies instead of relying on one huge, retarded lie.

>> No.10647961

I'm not sure how the market can differentiate between a link token that has been staked and one that hasn't unless there are 2 separate distinctions on any given exchange. Payments are made to node operators according to their reputation. This form of payment has no bearing on the price of a token that is being staked versus one that is sitting in cold storage. Maybe I'm a brainlet and am missing something here as I just reread page 18 of the whitepaper for clarification.

>> No.10647985

Link (as well as other alts) market caps will scale if Bitcoin's does.

It's as simple as that - you're looking at prices compared to Bitcoin's right now, which is wrong.

Once Bitcoin hits $50k-$100k, you'll see your $1000 Link

>> No.10648016

I did the math. For it to reach 50 cents it would have to have a trillion marketcap and surpass Bitcoin. Still think it's possible?

>> No.10648110

If they’re able to command a higher price... then they are more valuable and hence more expensive. Instead of renting out a shovel, you rent out a digging machine. Digging machine is much more valuable.

Reputation system will be done by third party services, like linkpool, and also ChainLink will be keeping an eye on the tokens to look for bad behavior.

And yes it would reflect the price of a
Token. Because then System would not deter users from unfair play. Say a bad user tries to hack the system and gets caught. That node has become worthless compared to other link. If it carries the same market price it wouldnt be penalized.

All I’m saying is that links will have to be put to work via setting up your node or services for staking like linkpool. It’s another race.

>> No.10648123

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.10648226
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Actually, it only needs to get to 49 cents, but who's arguing ;;;;)))))

>> No.10648272

Sergey removed the part where he said the optimum price of LINK would be around a cup of coffee

>> No.10648346

For a node operator that has bad reputation you'll be penalized by losing some of the Link that you stake. They will not change the price of individual tokens as penalty for bad reputation. Payments are made to node operators that are totally separate from the value of a single token. Operating a node with good reputation gives a passive income and will not give your tokens a different market value to any other token on an exchange.

>> No.10648431

Yes that’s true. Also Penalized in not being able to stake a bad node since that node has a bad reputation and this will show in the “bidding process” when a user executes an order for a smart contract. Having a low valued node frustrates the nodes purpose.

>> No.10648436

It's real see >>10648272. It shows just how deluded link bagholders are here cause if any of them actually did even the smallest bit of research theyd see how link ever being over the $1 - $1.50 range defeats its entire purpose

>> No.10649488

Tokfuckingkek you see ETH? Are you fucking blind. You’re worse than nano bag holder

>> No.10649500
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>> No.10649513

It's been confirmed time and time again by people on the team, that it takes no LINK to run a node, so the idea that 'most LINK will be locked up in nodes' is not true. If anything it'll be the opposite, with LINK constantly hitting the market as node operators get payout.

So it seems safe to say that the total supply will actually be pretty similar to the circulating supply. Even throwing LINKies a bone and saying circulating supply is 750 million, that means to reach just $10 it would need a market cap of 7.5 billion dollars, aka a x75 of value. Generous growth in any market, impossible in a bear market. $100? 75 BILLION DOLLARS. The same currently as ETH, XRP, BCASH, and EOS put together.

As for $1000 EOY? Now that is the saddest story of all. Conjured up by little LINK corporals that want to be multi millionaires, and little Linklets that want to be any kind of millionaire. There's no other reason to dream of such a ludicrous price that only a handful of coins could even reach during the greatest crypto bullrun of our times, let alone one with such a huge supply. The only coin I've named with a similar supply to LINK is EOS, which barely broke $20 at it's peak. Enough for the whales of /biz/ to turn a nice profit (assuming even that happens), but gives just scraps for all the Linklets they've deluded along the way. If you aren't following the math by now, it's a 750 billion marketcap by the way. Just shy of a trillion dollars by itself, not even including the rest of the crypto market. Worth almost as much as Apple... Jesus christ this would be sad if it weren't so FUNNY

>> No.10649517

HAHAHA you don’t even know what chainlink is fucking idiot

>> No.10649541
File: 496 KB, 1440x960, linkteam6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SAGE this whole thread and all the dummy linlets and no linkers in it> Stay poor faggies

t. the gos

>> No.10649616

Do you honestly believe this deep down?

t. when I’ve researched chainlink extensively and know in finance, participants want a centralized reference value (e.g. Libor or a specific Reuters page for a bond price fixing). This ‘decentralized’ approach really isn’t useful or applicable to finance, especially with the Reuters B1IQ offering.

Although you are correct that ETH will fail if they don’t use a decentralized oracle network. A public chain like eth using orcalize doesn’t make sense.