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10635776 No.10635776 [Reply] [Original]

About to go all-in on gold.

Is it worth paying the premium to get coins instead of bars?

>> No.10635847

immagine when they find gold in space, immagine what would happen if some company found gold in space and started mining it, what would gold's price be?

>> No.10635869

Yes, coins are always better than bars because they're easier to verify. Get Canadian Maple Leaves for the security features.

>> No.10635919

So they go mine gold in space because it's valuable just to bring it back to earth and crash the price?

This is your argument? Don't buy gold which is real savings because 40 years from now they might mine an asteroid? So instead you keep your wealth in Jew debt instrument dollars which allow the Jews to confiscate your wealth through inflation

>> No.10635943

The only rocks we can possibly (for this century) land robots on without frying are Mars, Ceres, and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. None of them has enough mass to contain significant amounts of rare metals, and none of them have tectonic activity similar to Earth's to ensure the forming of rare metal dense areas of the crust.
Venus and Mercury MIGHT have gold, but only the Soviets could even land on Venus and their drones fried from the acidic atmosphere in under an hour, while Mercury is out of the question even for the wildest science fiction.

>> No.10635957

Also the dollar price of gold doesn't matter you stupid asshole.

A gold ounce 1400 years ago is still that same ounce of gold today. It doesn't matter if the fucking dollar exists or not.

You stupid brainlet niggees actually think golds value is derived from the worthless paper dollar..... not realizing that it's gold that gave the dollar its value.

And you fucking morons also don't even understand that you are all investing in internet fake coins because it's impossible to make it anymore because inflation has destroyed the dollar precisely because gold doesn't back the dollar anymore

>> No.10635966

Imagine if man went to the moon.

>> No.10636001

no they will mine gold/every other metal in space because it will be cheaper than on earth, there is an asteroid made out of platinum that in weight is more than all the platinum already mined + known resources.

we need cheap/high quantity gold/any other metal for technology advancements, not to crash the market, that will just be a consequence...

>> No.10636032
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>this is you right now

>> No.10636035

>immagine being a stupid man

if man finds gold in space, and can bring it to earth, in quantity, with a low price, gold becomes worthless.

currencies were given value from gold, because its a rare metal on earth, but NOT in space

>> No.10636051

man went to the moon, dont have to immagine that

>> No.10636072

Never get bars unless you know what you are doing (you dont, dont get bars)

About a billion $ because the cost of actually getting a rock back to earth would be, excuse the pun, astronomical.

>> No.10636122

i think they can figure out a way to do it, i think in 20 years we will be mining in space, companies already sent probes to the asteroid belt where they are gathering data about metal % of asteroids...

>> No.10636139

its going to be a revolution, mining in space, like when we entered the industrial age in the 1800s

>> No.10636186

they sure wont be looking for gold dumbo, gold is soft. the demand is for light weight super strong alloys

>> No.10636249

they will be looking for any metal, even steel, immagine the first country to mine in space, cheap steel, build whatever you want....

asteroid(which is a broken planet) --->lunar smelting facility----> foundry------> pure metal, packaged in perfect shape, dropped from space, with rockets( pushing up) and parachutes, landing in the ocean to be picked up by ships protected by the navy

>> No.10636264

Steel is already cheap.

>> No.10636267

This don't buy gold because muh mining meteors fud is reaching meme tier standards. Are people actually stupid enough to believe such shit?

>> No.10636295
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so its not a problem if lets say the usa decides to build 500 aircraft carriers?

countries have a limited amount of steel. finding cheap steel in space would mean infinite tanks/war ships/aircraft carriers...
perhaps we could even build a death star with space steel, but we are limited to the resources on earth

>> No.10636324

Is pretending to be retarded funny again? I dont think it is.

>> No.10636327

Buy coins and melt them to bars yourself
Hard mode

>> No.10636350

says the scared gold holder.... better sell that gold shitcoin, its never going back to ath, space mining will tank your shitcoin even before bringing back to earth a single metal bar

>> No.10636372

taken from a shitty uk website:

In January 2035, a US company becomes the first to successfully mine minerals from space and transport the cargo back to Earth. The haul contains huge quantities of gold and platinum, although it is only a fraction of the resources from the asteroid. The price of gold falls by 50 per cent.


>> No.10636488

I read somewhere that they reckon there is so much gold in the Earth's core, that it could cover the entire surface of the planet in a layer 1 foot thick.

>> No.10636524

i took geology in college and not all geologists believe there is gold in the earths core, it is not accepted as a fact.
anyway mining the earths core would be harder than mining an asteroid

>> No.10637026

>when they start asteroid mining
Not even going to happen in our lifetime. And you're saying not to buy gold because of that possibility???? Lmao are you the type of guy who doesn't leave his house ever because a lightning strike might beam you in the face?

>> No.10637126

So the company instantly becomes bancrupt LOL

>> No.10637128

stupidest post ive read on /biz/ all week congratulations

>> No.10637176

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.10637178

They're looking for water you scrubs.
>have water
>have sunlight
>make fuel in space by electrolysis

>> No.10637867

Do you even Van Allen Belt, bro?

>> No.10637955

Explain? Notice how you can't respond substantively?

If the dollar dissapears from existence tomorrow morning.... my gold and wealth is completely unaffected.

Nobody buys gold to get back more worthless fiat..... people buy gold because fiat is a scam and they want money and wealth for when fiat fails....

That's the ENTIRE POINT in buying gold you dumbass.

>> No.10637987

Being rare is NOT the only reason gold has been money for thousands of years. That is just ONE of several things money has to be.

By your logic we can make AIDS money because it's pretty rare .... as only faggots and heroin users contract it.

>> No.10638027
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What if we get sustainable fusion reactors going and can make gold from all the excess carbon emissions on the planet.

>> No.10638034

Why the fuck would people spend hundreds of billions to bring back tons of gold just to crash the price?

So literally your only FUD against gold is they'll fucking mine it on asteroids in fucking 200 years?

Welp.... you convinced me bro..... I'm definitely now going to continue keeping my wealth in dollars that are failing instead of protecting my wealth by putting it into gold... because after I'm dead someone is going to mine gold in an asteroid.

>> No.10638050

You anti gold people should be rounded up and shipped off to the Hawaiian island of Molokai like they did win all the people who had leprosy decades ago... except the new colony will be for retards

>> No.10638194

Says the anon with $100 net worth

>> No.10638246

What country are you in?
In Canada, if the coins are bought and sold under 1k you don't need to pay capital gains tax, so 1/4 Oz coins are the way to go.

>> No.10638285

I buy the gram divisible combibars. I don't mind the added premium as a defense against a societal failure great enough to halt the facilities that turn bulk gold into currency of usable denominations.

>> No.10638912
File: 430 KB, 400x492, 60F8C563-DD32-49D9-AE23-84E963978F14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn’t advise all in on gold, crypto 50%, silver 25%, gold 25%, would be my makeup if I had any money.

Coins are easier to validate and less likely to be counterfeit. Bars can be filled with other material. Coins are smaller and there are severe penalties for counter fitting them, so more confidence.

Avoid small bars on assay cards I heard of a guy who bought a bar a month for 8 years on a card, when he went to cash them is for a pawn found they weee all fake. Crazy yo.

>> No.10639612

mining on earth much cheaper gold supply on earth is practically limitless. so nothing.

>> No.10639630

>its a rare metal on earth
it's really not rare at all. gold is so abduant that it could cover the entire sourface of earth a meter thick.

>> No.10639660

Not entirely true for mercury, it has a sunny and shady side, so doable.

>> No.10639674

It's almost time for bed, Peter. Go wash up and put your jammies on.

>> No.10639715

Gold is sourced from the detritus of supernovae and/or neutron star collisions; it isn't formed "in" or "on" planets. There is no reason why a significant quantity could not have found its way into the accretion disc that became say, Ganymede or whatever.

>> No.10639765


No, its not. When you sell it, they aren't going to care if its a coin or bar and will just try to buy it from you as close as possible to spot price. I like buying coins just because they are more fun to collect though.

>> No.10639832

source on this please

>> No.10639835

Here's the truth: gold is now a commodity like any other, and it is subject to the push-and-pull of the market.

In the last 100 years, gold has been both cheap relative to fiat, and it has been expensive relative to fiat.

Your objective in any trade is to buy low and sell high.

Here is a chart with inflation-adjusted gold prices dating back to 1915. Best times to buy was in 1970 and 2001.


Gold rises on inflation/loss of confidence in the dollar, and it decreases with deflation and a strong dollar.

Thus you should only buy Gold when inflation is a clear worry. Otherwise buying the index for stocks will yield you higher returns.

>> No.10639841

if you must sovereigns...

>> No.10639858

Gold isn't just rare on earth, it's rare in the entire universe. Also don't buy gold like a retard, buy gold mining stocks. I own PVG and am very, very happy these last couple years.

>> No.10639890

>Gold isn't just rare on earth, it's rare in the entire universe.
it's fucking neither. you faggots missed the fact that gold is mined at an exponentially increasing rate? it's not rare. i mean sure iron and carbon are way more abundant, but diamond (which we can produce artificially for decades) still worth more than gold by weight go figures.

>> No.10639902

Gold is extremely rare in the entire universe just not on Earth. The higher up something is on the periodic table the rarer it is. Anything with an atomic number higher than iron is rare because it can not be formed normally in a star and only can be formed when a star explodes/implodes when it dies or in incredibly unlikely scenarios like 2 stars crashing into each other.

>> No.10639940

>Gold is extremely rare in the entire universe just not on Earth
false and silver is actually less abundant than gold shouldn't it have a higher price if rarity was a factor? also uranium is rarer and has much more potential use for us. and it's worth nothing compared to gold.

>> No.10639960

Why’s that?

>> No.10639962

bismuth is the rarest element on earth pretty much. it costs fucking nothing. or take cesium? or mercury... it's like actual rarity has no impact on price huh? who would have thought...

>> No.10639975

thankfully it comes to surface at regular intervals on it's own...

>> No.10639976

Don’t you mean if fiat fails?

If it’s such a surefire thing then why aren’t more people doing it ?

>> No.10640010

Skyrocket because of the demand for skygold. The gold specifically from space would probably be 2-3x more per ounce. This is because it’s more rare and more expensive to mine (PoW praise satoshi/Sergey) and then because of the discovery it would cause more people to look into getting in on gold altogether causing FOMO. Chainlink would then connect off-space data through a decentralized oracle network with shipping and delivery for these gold space bars around the world.

$2500 EOY

>> No.10640049

lol and i guess people would counterfeit space gold with earth gold and nobody could tell the difference because the refining process and trace elements from the refineries would be the fucking same lol.

>> No.10640083

>melt coins and dip tungsten into the gold

easy mode

>> No.10640094

if that was true our magnetosphere would suck

>> No.10640106

>shiny piss metal
>inherent value

>> No.10640107

no tungsten has a different density to gold
you need something heavier than gold also like osmium. in the correct ratio their density equals to golds.

>> No.10640121

not really the spinning iron shell of the core generates it.

>> No.10640145

I think there's a better chance of being able to create gold from other elements. We can already do this but it's more expensive than the gold is worth.

>> No.10640209

when spot price drops, coin's premium usually goes higher
but never go all-in on one asset class
diversify: invest in business, do backyard farming, buy rentable asset, etc

and cryptocurrency is not an asset, it's gambling

>> No.10640219

>and cryptocurrency is not an asset, it's gambling
it's literally an asset in every way except one you can actually use it as money.

>> No.10640252

nope, no sane business would have their accounting in crycy, not even crycy exchange
only delusional lambomooners would hold crycy

>> No.10640771

I pitty the poor cunts who bought in 1980, they're still running at a loss 30 years later, kek

>> No.10640794

Don’t tell the goldtards the truth that gold really only works during stagflation or loss of confidence scenarios, they are convinced it’s going to 100k/oz any day now