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10595522 No.10595522 [Reply] [Original]

Traded my stacks of XRP into 50 BNB. Now, this is when XRP goes to the moon. I just have no faith in a coin that was premined and held by visual people. At least Satoshi left and hasn't touched his coins. In what universe does this get adopted globally. Ill fomo and back those stacks back if the price goes under 20 cents. This whole trade was done on emotion so I know its wrong. Thank you for reading my blogpost.

>> No.10595649

XRP going nowhere near the moon...it's going to its grave and even deeper.
At least one good decision on this board today lol

>> No.10595664

Also dubdubs checkd

>> No.10595689

Meh, who wants to live in a world where some centralized coin I don't mean the protocol, I mean the ripple labs who hold so much of it as a world currency. Why would I use XRP instead of my credit card what advantage does that give me?

>> No.10595727
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Don't worry dude, XRP is a marketing gimmick. It's not used by banks. It has no demand. When a severe bear market hits, this shit get flushed straight to the crapper. 2013 BTC fell from $1200 ATH to ~$300 and XRP went from $0.05 ATH to under a $0.0042.

Now that the Koreans aren't buying this crap, it's unlikely they're going to find suckers to pump it to those $4 numbers again.

>> No.10596144
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threadly reminder to not reply to paid fudsters
they get paid by post and by replies

>> No.10597005


> stacks
> 50 BNB

lol top kek mate.

>> No.10597797
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Paid shillers like this faggot calling anyone who tells the truth fudsters.

This is truly the American Hustle. Market a penny stock crypto and make a bunch of gullible suckers believe banks are using this crap. No banks are using it and no banks will.

Koreans bought up this shit and almost killed themselves when Ripple dumped billions on their dumb asses



This garbage only has value in a market boom when idiots will believe banks are actually using a database run by a company as money.

>> No.10597838

I invested thousands in this piece of shit in December. I'm so fucked

>> No.10597852

>visual people
>fomo trading, ever
It's official, you're an idiot. Stop trading forever

>> No.10597908

That's got nothing to do with XRP. If you bought anything in December, doesn't matter what it was, you'd still be fucked.
Valuable lesson about FOMOing into the top. Now do you learn from it and profit from the next run? Or capitulate and leave with tail between legs.

>> No.10597909
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>buys at the top
>blames the coin
top fucking kek

You're right, XRP is just garbage that has no value except for being better than Bitcoin in every single way, except for the "decentralization" meme which, after all, is just a meme, and even if it were not a meme, it's not enough of a positive to make it better than XRP. Pic related.

Not even that invested in XRP, but if Bitcoin is the best that "real crypto" has to offer, then sorry, XRP has a much better shot at mass adoption than "real crypto" ever will until those other projects get their fucking shit together.

>> No.10597982


this has nothing to do with xrp. every coin has got fucked this year because of the btc market.

I'll give you credit for actually trying to pull something out of your ass. Most xrp fudshills just cry about muh centralized joo scam.

>> No.10598120

I actually didn't buy the top. January was the top. I bought in early December @ .25

>> No.10598228
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There is a reason XRP tanks to kingdom come despite being the #3 coin. The vast majority of the supply is owned by Ripple.

They use that to fund their operations and their lifestyle and all the marketing, paying celebrities like Clinton, Madonna, Snoop Doggy Dog.

Then billions are owned by Jeb McCaleb who gets to dump a few billion every year. Chris Larsen and Brad Garlinghouse also have a few billion they get to dump.

David Schartwz probably got a few billion too. Just look at the dude in the pic.

Paid shills like you of course feel it's a great fucking coin. But for most people it's not a great deal funding these peoples extravagant lives while they get screwed.

>> No.10598327

>still has 50% profit
>rode it from .25c to $3.50
>"Im so fucked"


>> No.10598518

I never sold any because i fell for the hodl meme like an idiot and I'm just holding onto faith that Ripple will land that big partnership and I'll be rich. 2x isn't enough

>> No.10598670

it's the most pragmatic coin on the market and the only that's actually crossed the starting line with partnerships and real world solutions.

The supply owned by ripple is frozen and locked in escrow contracts that prevent anyone from flooding not to mention an amount of xrp is burned for every transaction.

You're argument is "hurrr durrr the owners staff have money though" You know fuck all about what xrp is and you think the world works like a cartoon.

>> No.10599813
File: 244 KB, 466x456, Ripple5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> XRP is a marketing scheme that makes people believe that banks are using it or will be using it

>http://rppl.info/ and go to the Columns:

> Testing Xrapid
> Using Xrapid

Banks to piloting xRapid since 2016 but nobody uses xRapid thus XRP.

Only two dogshit companies propped by Ripple only ones claiming to be using xRapid: Cuallix and ZipRemit.

Ripple claimed this year that banks and money transfer companies doing pilots and would be moving to production in Q2 - so far NOTHING!


Lets hear it directly from real banks at Ripple's Swell Conference:

Bankers on the panel: Info about the panel @ 4:57

> Paula Da Silva - Head of Transaction SEB (2nd largest bank in Sweden)
> Hirofumi Aihara - The Bank of Tokyo (Japan)
> Darmesh Desai - Yes Bank (India)
> Richard Dell- Banco Santander (Largest Spanish Bank, operations all over the world)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9acCnUSLW7Q#t=31m28s [Embed]

> There is no demand for XRP

> We cannot use XRP (because of regulations, cross border regulations, lack of demand (liquidity))

Every single banker says there is no interest in XRP, they cannot use XRP and they will not be using XRP

>> No.10599824
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>> No.10599837

Do you realise how little XRP is burned per transaction though? The amount is so little that it may as well be zero unless you plan on living for another 10,000 years

>> No.10600099

everyone is bearish here i see
i know what to do
do the opposite of biz LOL

>> No.10600342

Except you don’t understand the volume they are targeting.

Also anyone that says “pooopy doopy why would I ever use this token.”

You mostly fucking won’t nigger, it will be used behind the scenes in remittance and many people will never “use it”. But their bank will

>> No.10600402
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Also Capitulating “again” is kinda impossible right?

>> No.10601101

You're not alone. I hit my stop-limit today. Glad to be done with this shitcoin.

>> No.10601140

A lot has changed, paid FUDder.

You seem educated on the subject and not actually talk shit, so it's good to see you have at least done your research.

- XRP is in #BETA#, the product is being #TESTED#. No one said it was final and ready, give them a break. Everyone knows this.
- A lot has changed since last year. Product development, further testing, new hires, change in strategy, no more marketing to ensure it wont be a security
- XRP will not be labeled a security, considering you did your research I am 100% confident you are aware of this fact too, their first concluded Lawsuit confirmed this as well
- SBI has huge plans for XRP
- xRapid is not yet aimed at banks as their primary target

>> No.10601167

this, it's now proven, all is just paid for FUD campaign

>> No.10601174


pulling all info out of his ass again

>> No.10601186

how's the FUD shift going on so far? I bet the coffee tastes like shit in pajeetistan

>> No.10601212

Daily reminder to checkout:


>> No.10601277

He is paid to FUD, that much is obvious, but he has some valid points. Your counterargument are pajeet-tier instead.

>> No.10601316

top 100 will all rise when btc inevitably rises
dont understand why people are stressed at all, this happens every single time
if you get stressed holding then crypto is not for you

>> No.10601343

I hope they're not paying much since all he does is copy and paste.

>> No.10602160

Just wait for SBI to make XRP worth $10 "in the blink of an eye"

>> No.10602215

You did the right thing anon. XRP moon will be $4 max. BNB has potential for some serious gains in the next 2 years.

>> No.10602227

>their first concluded Lawsuit confirmed this as well
i thought the hearing started today on the first case

>> No.10602643
File: 60 KB, 820x503, Ripple5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> "by the end of this year i have every confidence that major banks will use Xrapid as a liquidity tool"


This is from a parasitic CEO Brad Garlinghouse who was an executive at failed tech companies Yahoo and AOL so you can be sure he's going to be involved in obsolete tech.

Ripple also stated in Q1 that it with xRapid it would "move existing pilots into production" in Q2.

> https://ripple.com/insights/q1-2018-xrp-markets-report

Nothing, nada. I present facts. Ripple shills counterarguments is pajeet, paid fudster, Ripple has the best fundamentals, etc.

The fact is that all this is not new information. A lot of noobs fall for Ripple when they get into crypto but when you dig deeper you find out that it's just fucking marketing. It's been marketing since 2013. All they do is pilots. You think banks and financial institutions wouldn't be jumping on board if using XRP saved them 30% like Ripple makes wild claims about?

>> No.10602692

I agree there is not a lot of evidence to go on, mainly hype. However whatever they're doing with SBI at the moment intrigues me and although there is still not yet much evidence of xrapid being implemented, it is quite an endorsement for SBI to pledge to use xrapid (forgot source but it's in one of the SBI documents).

That being said, I hate the mindless xrp shills though who have 0 critical thinking and take any critique as an attack.

Impartiality: I own a small bag

>> No.10602734

How can the bank use this with out insurance? What happens if they get hacked/lose the key? I don't see how a bank can use something like this and not insure customer transfers. Would the bank be taking the risk on under its own bond/policy? Ripple obviously doesn't have insurance... When interacting with the public insurance/bond is MANDATORY to ensure that all tort claims will get paid.

>> No.10602743

fucking john travolta . does he NEED more money!? what a fucking cunt

>> No.10603184

I don't know to be honest, they really don't talk about the technicalities except in impossible to understand cryptographic language. I would imagine it will take much longer to implement xrapid than they are suggesting due to the seemingly large and difficult task of replacing swift systems.

>> No.10603227
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Ripple [the company] is absolutely killing it, signing new customers every week and generating insane revenue through their software. Because that is what they do - they are a software company.

I don't know what you are talking about, because those are not facts. XRP is just part of their business model and most XRP they had were sold for sub-pennies years ago.

If you think they came this far by selling sub-penny XRP's you should do a little more research mate.

Also - consider the FACT that banks, FI's etc. have been using a system decades on end.




Can you fathom SWIFT is that old? It takes more than a few months to adopt to a new system even if it is increasingly efficient and saves costs. Banks have built and get accustomed to SWIFT so deterring from this is not an easy task.

Both Ripple and XRP will be wildly succesful within years time, and I am sure you have already accepted this.

>> No.10603253

the problem i have with xrp is they have xcurrent which seems to be doing very well for them with their current customers and xrapid is only just being trialled now.

If they get xrapid off the ground i'm sure it would be big, but I think there is a possibility that there just won't be enough demand or liquidity for it to be relevant.

Again, i'd like to see xrapid succeed as I have some, so i'm not 'attacking' it, just pointing out some potential drawbacks.

>> No.10603287

Swift is super fucking embedded. Teams, systems, networks, entire customer bank regulatory workflows built on their messaging. The new thang is their global guid shit. Years to decades to phase it out

No "youd be surprised how fast things change" look at tandem. Way longer than any neet attention span.

t. bank payments team cuck

>> No.10603328

Exactly - it is in the kikes best interest to make sure XRP is in fact not adopted at all. They will delay it as much as possible. But it will happen eventually.

>> No.10603481

>So chad a roastie hoverhands you out of fear

Holy shit XRP $10 EOY!