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10582010 No.10582010 [Reply] [Original]

LMAO, remember when people here used to take this guy seriously?

>> No.10582137

no one ever took an ameripajeet seriously. what universe are you from OP?

>> No.10582151

What was his prediction?

>> No.10582169

guarantee a 10x ? over what time frame, and what happens if he's wrong he/s gonna give me my money back? kek

>> No.10582289
File: 377 KB, 3000x2961, 1533518060793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shouldn't shit like this be illegal if he's wrong? What the fuck?

Isn't this clearly investment advice that he's likely not legally able to give? Or is he?

Why do fag Youtubers have to give the whole speech about it not being investment advice and this fucker doesn't?

>> No.10582334
File: 5 KB, 219x230, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Up To: 25$
Stop Loss: None

>> No.10582345

he's probably legally able to give financial advice

>> No.10582370



No seriously though, is there a law against being awful at giving financial advice? Probably not in the US actually.

>> No.10582394

>I'll guarantee.
how has this pajeet not been thrown in jail yet. lol his advisor record is tarnished for shit he's done in the past. hes a fraud.

>> No.10582410
File: 30 KB, 542x641, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he says he "guarantees" you cant give advice like that. anyone who says that in the financial industry is scumbag.

>> No.10582429

salt redeems their token at $27 so if you put 1.5k on it like he says you dont have to give a shit what it does.

source: salty sub who made 5k on that prediction then bounced off it before it dropped like a rock.

>> No.10582431
File: 97 KB, 1427x837, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10582443


What a cocksucker

>> No.10582573

Wow, like really???

#1 the entire fucking market is down it's not his fucking fault you pussy's are selling to institutions on the low... If he never existed the markets would look the same. Grow up.

#2. I would normally say someone who gurantee's a 1000% increase on his portfolio is also bullshit, unless you reasearch the guy's picks from a year ago and check the tops. 1000% was an insult to the gains we had last year.


#4. He's honestly giving you pussy's the only real deal projects while you only want to just have shitcoins that are 0cap and have USD amounts of way under 0 cents.

#5. Everyone said this shit last year, and in November he turned into Jesus fucking Christ himself. Now the entire market is down and it's his fault?

#5. Take away his 5 best picks, and 1000% is an insult to any of the coins AT THESE CURRENT PRICES. Every alt is going to 10bag on the buy up to prices and 3-15+X after that just like last year.

If you fuckers would get off 4chan and go read the news you'll notice the NYSE just launched an actual fucking exchange that old bastards can utilize and buy BTC that's backed by the NYSE.

#6. ETF before Q1 19' or i'll chop my nuts off.

>> No.10582585

He's also just giving you fuckers his playbook he's not TELLING ANYBODY TO DO ANYTHING. If you want his advise he gives you a range of buying prices that he feel's is comfortable. It's just a newsletter and crypto is unregulated af you fucking inpatient n00b bastards.

>> No.10582610

the problem with these guys (all of them) , is they have to tell people what they want to hear. NO ONE wants to pay him to hear the truth, "sorry friends we are in a bear market for the next 2 years most likely, stay ouut of the market" . why would ppl pay 2 grand for his reports to hear that? he literally has to lie to people and be bullish. "the bear market is over friends! expect big gains soon!" . i mean hes a fraud but really he has no other choice if he himself wants to keep taking idiots money

>> No.10582614

a bunch of self hating crypto eunthasists. Wow just sit there and act like he's your daddy? Advise is advise YOU CAN TAKE IT OR NOT STOP BLAMING OTHER PEOPLE FOR YOUR DECISIONS.



That's the only way people become good investors. Stop sitting there acting like anyone's coin is doing well. Fucking pussy libs make me fucking sick. Ready to blame the first person who gave you "advise" because of course it's not your fault for buying during a bullrun and holding your alt's and getting fucked when the drop came right?

get the fuck out of here all of his picks 4-40x'ed last year go blow yourselves

>> No.10582620


>> No.10582633

im pretty sure there is a law like that in the us and elsewhere

>> No.10582638

plenty people took this shithead seriously. people actually paid thousands for a fucking newsletter. never underestimate peoples gullibility.

>> No.10582639

Bear market? I guess we were in a bullmarket in febuary when btc hit 12k and ate shit again?

Have you read the news you fucking pleeb?

NYSE just launched a crypto exchange (NOV)..

ETF is getting approved you fucking tard'

What fucking bear market for 2 years do you project? Your smarter then the dude? Then don't listen to his advise and go sell all your shit to a whale like me so I can dump that shit back on your ass at 10-50x the price your stupid ass sold it to me at.

Then when you hold and get happy at a few % i'll wait a few months and buy em' back from you and do the same shit all over again.


>> No.10582657

>butthurt teeka detected.

>> No.10582663

Tons of financial people get fucked on record, as do doctors (most top surgeons have had suits filed against them) it's just one of those things.. stop talking about Teeka and take your advise bro. I think your smarter then everyone on the planet and know the future.

You found him, you followed his advise and listened to his warnings of 90% drops followed by massive gains and your looking at american laws to get him fucked? Wow your the type of dude who's girlfriend I fuck every weekend and you never know it.

>> No.10582670

pajeet banned from FINRA total scum

>> No.10582679

hi teeka

>> No.10582684 [DELETED] 

thats what wall street wants you to think. crypto is dude. bitcoin was tamed for good.

>> No.10582686


Dude, thanks for the compliment i'm 30.. with a GED and former 1337 ejeet from before you were probably born . Go fuck yourself.

I am one of the reason's you can't spam e-mail's anymore.

>> No.10582692

crypto is dead dude. just face it. you got used to smelling the bulls nuts.

>> No.10582698

SIDE NOTE: I also unlike Teeka lack a high school diploma and only have a GED.

I have a street degree though and that makes my skill set perfect for crypto.

I have to go look how many stacks I made in the last 3-5 hours off one of Teeka's main picks.

Brb u fucking lamers

>> No.10582708

Thanks just bought some omiseGO, can't wait for it to reach $700 !!

>> No.10582712

Crypto is dead? How much do you make a year bro. I want to compare that with the gains I've made today from ETC. (which I think is a crypto let me check my hurt feelings meter) yup it's a crypto and yup I probably made more money today then your bitch ass will all year.

>> No.10582728

only a smart man buys OMG at this price.

wow there is one motherfucker on here that actually get's it. Good pick brother. Godspeed from here don't listen to these motherfuckers they are angry at the world.

OMG $200 mid 2019. Remember this post. I am glad someone gets it.

>> No.10582745

doesn't help when you can never get a loan (less than 5% of applied for loan amount filled so far) and the demand is way too low considering circ supply represents 1.6bn+ in fees

>> No.10582757

kek. youre probably one of those LINK bagholders. be real man. anyone on here can larp.

>> No.10582770

I've done so well in crypto to the point I no longer have friends that fuck with me. I am not on here telling anyone they don't already know.

With 10-50x comes big dips but if you catch them you win. If you hodl you win. If you sell to me at these prices you'll remember this post like damn I didn't take the raghead (teeka) and jew (self) seriously ..

The whole market is down because the banks are getting ready to pump it. Remember fuckers. When goldman says sell it's a bull signal.. and not a little one. Give it a week-three for stockmarket killing gains.

Even if you bought at the top last year you will 3-4x and learn your lesson (like I did) and nail the alts at these prices.

Gas is 7 dollars.. it's tied to one of the biggest cryptos and everyone is just going to wait until it blasts to the top 20 during the next year and feel stupid.

Omg is 5 something like tf' buy the shit or hold and stop bitching.

>> No.10582788

you're counting on a repeat of 2017. the game has changed. there are bigger market makers at work. if you are hoping for more of the same good luck.

>> No.10582796
File: 1023 KB, 270x142, 790E8FF6-627E-4316-BED3-6DF283B64B3A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you shave your head or is it naturally that shiny?

Surprised no one posted this yet:


>> No.10582885


What do you think of AION and CND? trying to stock up more at these prices

>> No.10582915

he does say that though, he basically says in every video, "adaquate position sizes" and "risk only what you can afford ti lose" his eos call is up 3x from last year BNB is up 7x curremtly. While yes shit like CND AION are down 90%. So meh risk what you can lose. I stake money on his calls but also have money in SKY.

>> No.10583284

IMO CND is criminally undervalued:

1) yes sjw Russian team but follow
The laws to the button

2) rebranding soon to coincide with:

3) Korean exchange listing (upbit?)

Great buy at these prices and if you look at volumes they shoot up at odd times indicating accumulation. No doubt I have s bag but genuinely see a great 10x at these levels. When has a coin ever I mean ever been below PBC’s buy up go price after a year? Yes this ain’t 2017 but jheeze it did a 20x in jan give it till sep you’ll see the tide rise again.

>> No.10584283


AION and CND are both steals at this price. Might not see the greatest return this year but I think they will both be very successful in 2019

>> No.10585312

lmao isn't this, like, illegal as fuck?

>> No.10585945

it was worth it at the time.
Getting in on a Teeka pump 15 minutes before everyone else was worth a 2x pretty often
did you not get in on any?

>> No.10585969

do you take advice from the shoeshine boy as well? because you mind as well play blackjack at thecasino then bet on a horse race with a scamming pajeet.

>> No.10585996

This dude should legitimately be sued into bankruptcy.

>> No.10586012

For what

>> No.10586069

>remember when people here used to take this guy seriously
that never happened

>> No.10586161

>10 posts by this ID
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.10586166



>> No.10586281

>I guarantee you'll see 1000% minimum *

>> No.10586329

> * results are not typical. We do not guarantee a return on investment.