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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10578209 No.10578209 [Reply] [Original]

>12-16 yo hard working zoomers
>want to buy bitcoin
>can't because of having no money due to age
>see the price slowly rise while being able to do nothing
>"no son you can't have any money to buy bitcorns, it's a godamn scam"

I genuinely feel sorry for them.

>> No.10578270
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I'm all seriousness like 90% of people under 30 are living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't even invest 1k in crypto

>> No.10578290

>I'm all seriousness like 90% of people under 30 are living paycheck to paycheck and couldn't even invest 1k in crypto

This is by design in order to get you to vote for bigger government which will further disenfranchise the next generation.

The boomers have raped your future.

>> No.10578296

unironically you will be the last generation to ever be able to afford a single BTC in their entire lives.

>> No.10578301

zoomers need to find their own way. They keep trying to ape us 90s kids

>> No.10578306

That's their own fault though for anyone over 22. I'm 20 and have about $13k spare a year kek (student in uk, I am on maximum loan and understand most get much less).

Even the most frugal, smart, hard working zoomers can't get anywhere near that simply because they're too young.

>> No.10578563

The real Boomers, to clarify

>> No.10578611
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Back in my day all it took was good firm click of a few buttons to become rich. Kids these days are just lazy

>> No.10578613


Not at all. I was in the same position back in 2010 when I first found out about Bitcoin and crypto. I think I had like $100 that I had saved up and didn't think that would be worth it, and I wanted to buy things on the steam sale. Wish I had, could have gotten a whole lot of BTC for $100 back then.


I've heard this is true for America, I wonder if it's the same in Australia. If it is, then I am doing pretty well. I could go without pay for months and change nothing about my lifestyle, hell I could go overseas even on a holiday and be fine, probably last even longer since Australian cost of living is higher than pretty much anywhere else.

>> No.10578710 [DELETED] 

I'm a zoomer, i've been buying Bitcoin since 2015 when it was $250 but I used those Bitcoins for psychedalecs online. I didn't really think about investing in Bitcoins and holding them becauss it already seemed like a bubble at the time and it was only used for drugs and it kind of failed at the replacing muh fiat agenda.

Knew about Ethereum since 2016 but fell for the FUD.

I only started actually heavily going on /biz/ and investing in crypto late november 2017 when BTC was making new highs and I've heard of the ICO gains.

I'm at 5x profit and I was able to invest 3k working a shitty part time job and I soent most of my money on weed too but yes I wish I had more money to invest in. I'm just chasing my ATH right now but its so hard to make money.

>> No.10578725

Or to be able to buy a home

>> No.10578740

I dont, they're all weak and can't even finish contra for nes without quitting and crying

they don't even know what a free world is supposed to be like because they're all born after 911 and they make fun of us 25 year old boomers

>> No.10579142

Zoomers have pocket money too, that can be easily 2k+ year,more if middle upper class

>> No.10579145
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>price slowly rise


>> No.10579221

I thought about this throughout 2017. I was lucky enough to graduate in 2015 and have a well-paying job that allowed me to throw thousands at shitcoins without batting an eye. I would not have been able to do this in high school or even college.

>> No.10579234

Or afford food without using food stamps