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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 275x183, 5268035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10577759 No.10577759 [Reply] [Original]

What's your plan to avoid tax?

>> No.10577770

Nothing, I happily pay my tax because I'm not a pathetic leech on society.

>> No.10577774

By not living in a 3rd world banana republic where the government takes everything I posess.

>> No.10577799

Never cashing out like a casual.

>> No.10577805

Tax is absurdly high and you actually fund the leeches of society over here.

>> No.10577812

Vote republican

>> No.10577829

You don't own anything, money is a token of trust from the state.

>> No.10577837
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>> No.10577847

Republicans want less taxes for the rich only, it's equally bad or worse for the average guy

>> No.10577881

Jesus Christ you’re fucking retarded.

>> No.10577930

i have no idea about american politics or wtf the republicans want but replying to your post
>what is trickle down economics
poor people are poor for a reason. you tax poor people more so that they work harder and rich people less so that they are more motivated to work and actually produce shit. if you tax poor people less, they become leeches and if you tax rich people more, they produce less.

>> No.10577948

Never cashing out

>> No.10577951

fuck off 3 letter agency

>> No.10577978
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>live on banana republic
>get raped by taxes
>live on capitalist country
>get raped by high cost of living, big bills and insurances

>> No.10577995

By paying my taxes and gaining peace of mind in return.

>> No.10577997

Speaking as a poor person who is now rich, most poor people are poor because of absolutely zero advice growing up.

I first niticed it at uni where there were people complete idiots who put absolutely no effort in, dropped out and it didn't even matter because their parents will just sort it out and send them back. Poor people often hear it's a waste of money and are actively encouraged not to go even if they have good grades, and hence stay poor and the cycle repeats.

>> No.10577999
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create an llc and youtube channel in which i teach people how to buy groceries, gasoline, and every day purchases. i keep receipts and deduct these as business expenses. i eventually monetize the youtube channel when it gets enough views.

>> No.10578001


>> No.10578008

hold a year...

>> No.10578024
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Nice try IRS

>> No.10578045
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liberal brainlet with tds detected.

>> No.10578059

sorry poor person growing up, now rich as an adult

>> No.10578116

Not this against. Fuck, go see an accountant, you idiots have no idea about Tax at all, it's so bad I believe it's a very subtle fud as it only rears its ugly head when bull are on the horizon. Basically it's no where near what you idiots think. Go see an accountant for a few hundred bucks. Sage

>> No.10578144

You can literally get banned for telling everyone that you saged the thread

>> No.10578145

In Canada capital gains taxes max out at round 25% which I'm okay with. If we go hard left and start implementing policies like wealth taxes or raise the inclusion rate to 100% I'll renounce residency and move all my assets out of the country.

>> No.10578166

I'm not poor so I have to pay tax.

>> No.10578199

It's the opposite though. Poor countries barely enforce taxes, and everything is cheap. You live like a king if you have the average consumer power of a westerner.

>> No.10578258

well let me rephrase it

>live on socialist country (like spain)
>get raped by taxes
>live on capitalist country (any first world tax haven)
>get raped by high bills
>live on banan republic shithole
>get aids

>> No.10578263

50% is the max you can pay on capital gains in Canada.

>> No.10578282

First world tax haven such as?

>> No.10578295

50% inclusion rate. You max out paying 50% on income so it works out to be ~25% total.

>> No.10578309


>> No.10578319

Can't tax a loss faggot.

>> No.10578330

Where did you find this info?

>> No.10578372

Basically any article explaining capital gains taxes.

>How is it taxed?

Contrary to popular belief, capital gains are not taxed at your marginal tax rate. Only half (50%) of the capital gain on any given sale is taxed all at your marginal tax rate (which varies by province). On a capital gain of $50,000 for instance, only half of that, or $25,000, would be taxable. For a Canadian in a 33% tax bracket for example, a $25,000 taxable capital gain would result in $8,250 taxes owing. The remaining $41,750 is the investors’ to keep.


>> No.10578394

>live on banana republic
>own banana factories
>be king
>oh fugg commies

>> No.10578417


>> No.10578437

Thanks, I tried gaining information from the government website but it's way too much. Have you paid taxes for crypto gains already? Anything I need to know?

>> No.10578458


Am I wrong in thinking that if you have no revenue but made capital gains, you pay no taxes?

>> No.10578493

Nothing. But I can't cash out because its criminal to not report gains on crypto to crypto here which is almost impossible to do if you use dexes.

There's like 4% of people estimated to hold crypto here and under 1000 declared crypto assets or crypto gains on taxation. They'll either have to call way too large amounts of the population criminal, or simplify tax laws. I hope EU does something smart and simplifies it first because my country is the EU's bitch and will follow along with whatever they do despite our country not being in the EU.

At first they tried to tax it both as a commodity AND a capital tax asset, for over 50% combined. That ended after the EU declared it not a commodity. They haven't justed anyone yet afaik, which is a good sign, but they're barking like tough guys and threatening in general to crypto holders, which is pretty scary even though they are yet to act on their threats.

>> No.10578529


shit's confusing but it should be all there

>> No.10578530

>There's like 4% of people estimated to hold crypto here and under 1000 declared crypto assets or crypto gains on taxation.
95-99 percent of those will be zoomers/millenials with under $1k worth

>> No.10578579


>> No.10578600


>> No.10578724

one of the best ways of reducing taxes is to have a side job. try to make a profit, however small, and deduct expenses. i think th emost common these days is to register your place of business to your residence.

>> No.10578752

Monaco, Dubai, and, specifically for crypto, Italy

>> No.10578782

What a shithole. You guys aren't allowed to do anything. I'm surprised crypto isn't outright banned yet

>> No.10578827
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move to Israel, renounce US citizenship
won't have to pay any income tax for 10 years
umad goyim?

>> No.10578896

The only reason you would need to cash out a massive amount of crypto would be to buy real estate. Anything else you could likely pay with cash.

>> No.10578933

you cash out crypto because its going to crash

if bitcoin goes down to 2k and you didnt cash out at 19k you are a dumbass you lost a lot more trying to avoid paying taxes

>> No.10578956

I have not even seen one legitimate story of someone getting fucked by the tax authorities for not paying taxes on crypto shit

It's a meme

Nobody has actually said how "they" are going to know or care if you are cashing out small amounts. All I know is banks must report large payments (like >$10,000 at once)

Unless you're doing balling amoutns I do not see them going after you

>> No.10578997

you have to do large amounts because >>10578933

you are a dumbass if you wait years to slowly cash out your winnings

by the time you cash out something significant youll already have lost 3/4th of your value

>> No.10579015

1st: joint taxation
My wife is still studying, so she does not earn anything. Cuts my taxes basically in half.

2nd: loss carried forward
During my time in university, I amassed about 40k in loss carried forward, which I will use in the next couple of years. After my wife is done with her studies she will do the same, so we do not pay taxes for about 6 years. Even longer, if she does not start working rightaway.

3rd: child relief
We want to have kids anyways, so this is another automatic tax relief.

4th: professional expenses
I have to travel quite a lot (consultant), so this is another major relief.

I make about 65k per year without additional payments.
My taxes amount to as much as if I would earn less than about 35k.
Makes me think, that the tax law in Germany is somehow broken.

>> No.10579017

What country?

The plan is this:
DON'T! Just don't fucking do it. Don't fall for the tax is theft memes here, don't try to evade it, don't try to avoid it.

Just do not even spend any energy thinking about taxes, just pay them unless you have tens of millions and even then who cares because you still have enough left.
Pay them and move on with your life

t. someone who did not follow the above advice and now hate my life because of it

>> No.10579072

Also: my brother (tax consultant) will do my taxes, so it is likely that he will find even more shit to lower my tax burden.

>don't try to avoid it
My brother told me the same. As long as one does not have a couple of dozen millions the IRS seem to be very happy to grab you by the pussy. Or make one, if you are male.
What did you do and with what amount?

>> No.10579076

story time

>> No.10579086

>specifically for crypto, Italy
You sure?

>> No.10579239


Cutting the lights and shooting any glowies of course.

>> No.10579270

ahhhh lil' brainlet is mad daddy trump passed tax cuts only for the wealthy and left his ass behind

>> No.10579311
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make so much money that even after tax i'm set for life.

>> No.10579416

>tried gaining information from the government website

was having a conversation with a friend a few months ago about this - isn't it fucking insane that in 2018 the online information being provided by the government is so scarce and limited? seriously when it comes to anything - labor laws, unemployment, welfare, taxes, human rights, whatever, its like you have to go down some dark rabbit hole and filter through a million websites and forums to get any sort of clear answer. Blows my fucking mind.

>> No.10579528
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>Trips witnessed

>> No.10579579

Why would you pay taxes at all - this is a fake world.


>> No.10579593

Yep, you won’t have to when shot gets adopted
Also, 1000eoy

>> No.10579674
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Nice try IRS

>> No.10579683

Kill myself, it's the only way

>> No.10579698

The tax law is broken everywhere. The middle class pays more taxes than the rich.

>> No.10579715

Tax avoidance is legal in the United States. It's not the same as tax evasion.

>> No.10579796

Don't want to really give out too much details but let's say I lost more money than I would have if I just paid my taxes, I'm stuck in shithole countries for a long time, lost gf, will be put on the tax authorities blacklist and might even have to pay the taxes anyway in the future

>> No.10579819

Not cash out because Bitcoin BCH is peer to peer currency

>> No.10579885
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>What's your plan to avoid tax?
move to the south of france

>> No.10579903

i dont know what he's on about..

theres a little principality on the border of france of italy though.. it's like a ghetto monaco but has 8 percent tax

>> No.10579947
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>only for the wealthy

>> No.10580032

>The middle class pays more taxes than the rich.

Depends on what you call "middle class".
Also I think what I want to say is not what you understood. I would be very much in favour of paying more taxes, because even if I woud have to pay double the amount now, I would still be able to save about 30-40% while living a good life.

>let's say I lost more money than I would have if I just paid my taxes
Just had a talk with my brother about that. The additional penalty payments are sick in Germany.

>> No.10580091
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>less taxes for the rich only

you mean less taxes for their corporate socialist cronies

it was the republicans who passed the bill that said every crypto transaction is a taxable event

at least in europe they have the common decency to give you a reach around when they fuck you and tax net income.. with american socialists it's just dry anal raep

if youre a high volume crypto trader youre basically a criminal now in america and its pretty easy to lose money overall in a year and still owe the irs a shit ton of money... DIABOLICAL, but that's leftism for you..

>> No.10580127
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>The tax law is broken everywhere. The middle class pays more taxes than the rich.

>The tax law is broken everywhere. Everyone pays taxes besides the SOCIALIST corporate cronies.


In America they have lobbies in Europe they have STATE ENTERPRISE


the only way to get rid of it is to get rid of authoritarianism (socialism)

>> No.10580389

I will do nothing. I will be a tax on society.

>> No.10580412

get on welfare for max effect

>> No.10580544

nothing I pay my tax like a good goyim

Isreal #1

>> No.10580807

Had to fill a form about where my money comes from for my bank today. I'm gonna get caught. I'm ready to flee. Cya around boys. I will probalby owe half a mio in taxes plus the penalties.

>> No.10581023

Can't tax my gains if I don't have any gains.

>> No.10581033

6% here what the fuck, you are totally cucked and even happy about it
west is done for good

>> No.10581063

i would honestly be fine with paying taxes if the world wasn't currently in the middle of a huge shitskin problem.

>> No.10581082

> be jew
> move to only country where jew can be jew'd

>> No.10581083

This too, it ain't that bad

>> No.10581118

It's your marginal tax on 50% of gains dummy. So if your marginal is 20% and say your capital gains are 100k you pay 20% on 50k, so 10k to the taxman. Don't tell me you haven't paid taxes for last year,and if you didn't you better call them up and correct that shit cause CRAs interest abd penalties are pretty bad

>> No.10581203

>Just had a talk with my brother about that. The additional penalty payments are sick in Germany.
Yeah man, you really have to be careful about this stuff. It is so complicated usually you will not get all the info and some law paragraph somewhere will fuck you in the end

>theres a little principality on the border of france of italy though.. it's like a ghetto monaco but has 8 percent tax
What is it called?

>> No.10581234
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Paint me black and pretend I'm not Zuckerberg

>> No.10581248

>What's your plan to avoid tax?

pay it. as quick as possible next time. Keeping thorough records is really helping my profitability

>> No.10581297

I think the CRA fines you 1%/month on what you owe.

>> No.10581313

nah i was thinking of andorra

it's between france and spain

san marino is in italy though but they have a 25 percent corporate tax rate although capital gains are like 5 percent.

>> No.10581420

Not making any profit has worked well for me, so far. Would recommend.

>> No.10581795

in germany there is no tax if you hold yourn position longer than 1 year.
Thus my plan is to hold my positions for longer than 1 year.

>> No.10581845

>Move to Malta
>Get a Job like everyone else
>Appear normal
>Claim 1 year later that I made a killing in Crypto
>Cash out
>Move back home

>> No.10581996

San marino looks comfy af

You probably have to pay tax on it in Malta

>> No.10582039

Sure, just not 30% like back home. I'm fine paying 10% as long as my money gets clean.

Any other suggestions?

>> No.10582062

How easy is it to wash the transaction history of your shitcoins via Monero?

>> No.10582111

hold 1year

>> No.10582128

say you lost your coins on a betting site
collect some tax returns if it's a thing in your state.

>> No.10582141

it's just as easy to wash any coin using a coin tumbler. people are just too dumb to understand this

>> No.10582158

If I have to cash everything I have out...I'm moving to Puerto rico for a year. Cash everything out....file taxes and then come back to the US a buy property.

>> No.10582184

You're a chump.

>> No.10582192


Fuck you

>> No.10582193

Well then it's a piece of cake then? Unless you have a family, you can just move to whatever country that has the lowest taxes, live in that country and work like normal people for 1 year. Then just cash out?

>> No.10582201

explain this to me plz

>> No.10582301
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I'm only throwing my money in crypto because I want to see all the brokedick state and fed workers finally have to do something instead of getting a free ride their entire life. Fuck the US, this country is full of weak mindless people, I wish Putin owned Trump, maybe he will finally put this freakshow/empire of lies out of it's misery.

>> No.10582332

In my country(Germany), CC's are tax-free after a one-year hold period.
Before that VAT has to be applied (up to 42%)

>> No.10582338

>I wish Putin owned Trump
I do to, its better than Trump being Putin's bitch for free.

>> No.10582517

>what is trickle down economics
a dogma that is provably false based on the actual economic results everytime tax policy is enacted based upon it

>> No.10582582

>on the border of france of italy
Stop bullshitting this doesn't exist

>> No.10582588

Is this true and how fond are Germans of Asians (not the red-dot kind)?

>> No.10582696

switzerland, bermudas, andorra.. you fucking name it

bottomline it, it doesn't matter if you are in spain or malta: you must have a lot of money, you must break even, otherwise you are fucked

>> No.10582700


i cant tell you though if the person who sent death threats was a german or a "german" (germans without immigration backround usually dont behave like that, but i was surprised how racist americans are against asians aswell). i believe however that Western europeans are more open to asians than americans.

>> No.10582705

Imagine believing this. I'm not rich at all. I make $60k a year for my first job. I got a huge tax break for the tax cuts. Stop peddling this stupid leftie meme. Literally everyone got a tax break but new York and California cause they have crazy state tax and cant claim the salt on federal anymore. It only puts pressure on the state legislation now to get their shit together and tax less. Kys for being so dumb.

>> No.10582736

>cashing out
you don't cash out, you dumb fuck. you work your regular job, spend some coins directly if you really have to, and just wait until the price goes 100-1000x up, because it fucking will

>> No.10582773

Kek I'm American and have no problems because I live on the West coast where they all reside not middle America with all of the racist. I just need one more bullrun to be a millionaire but don't want to give pay tax as I would fall short of that achievement

>> No.10582774

is that real?
i look like a jew, i can fake my grandparents were jews and get a passport?

>> No.10582859
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based and redpilled

>> No.10582908

Opening an LLC and turning into a 501c3 to provide services to nonprofits, which I already do volunteering

>> No.10583056

You don’t avoid Capital Gain Tax. You defer it and pay your family (and you) dividend distributions (from trust yield) which are taxed at a lower rate.

Befriend with a good tax accountant and it’s good investment in itself.

>> No.10583127

no capital gains tax in Puerto rico

>> No.10583185

i already worked my ass off to accumulate usd and now have that sitting in a mutual fund where the tax rate is only 10-15% and dont have to do anything. feel like shit though after paying obscene taxes all those years to save. now i just earn crypto and have no intentions to convert to usd to be raped anymore. there is no incentive to do anything now when i already make more in qualified dividends than i could ever hope to make at a wagecuck job. i can get by with paying the 10% rich person tax for literally doing nothing on investments. have dropped out of regular work and now just do bitcoin to escape the tax scam. btw you can buy and sell lots of things with bitcoin just like usd :-)

>> No.10583700

Strictly trade in tether. Pay for my rent and food in Bitcoin.

I'm not gaining any USD, therefor, I'm not technically gaining income, which means I'm exempt from paying income and trade taxes. I am not cashing out to fiat, nor have I ever cashed out into fiat.

>> No.10584035

>i got got, so i'll try insults
every fucking time, grow up and grow a pair, leave your bubble or you're not gonna make it

>> No.10584096
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I’ll spend a year dead

>> No.10584112

...did you spawn with tether?
-200 iq strat

>> No.10585229

I'm actually still not sure what to do about buying gold for BTC in december. I've just been figuring if I cash out the gold I'll pay taxes on it then.

>> No.10585254
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not gonna work goy, you have to prove it in the immigration process
it's quite extensive

>> No.10585647


Pays taxes

goes to welfare queens
lazy asses

>basically feeding the leeches of society

>> No.10585663

well baited, fren

>> No.10586265
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>> No.10586297
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>> No.10586741

What should your Brother tell you? He is a fucking tax consultant and taxes are his life. He is already brainwashed

>> No.10586874
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, fwefewf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's like saying all lawyers are brainwashed

in fact many of them got in the business specifically to protect people from government tyranny


>> No.10586899

And i can guarantee you one thing -The majority is. On top of that, familiy will always try protecting you from unnecessary risks. And 5-6digits isn't it worth obviously.

>> No.10586956

>The majority is
that's different than all...

No shit it's important to find a good lawyer or cpa.. but you know if they are family you'd think he would have his brother's best interest at heart and be willing to use any inside information to his benefit.

>> No.10586976

If you aren't higher middle class, chances are that your taxes barely cover what the country spends on you. That is unless you live in a country like Israel where we subsidize illegal settlers and pay salary for orthodox Jews to study the bible.

>> No.10586997
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>> No.10587002

Ask you bro about 'The grace commission'
Yea his bro is most likely brainwashed.

TL:DR ALL of the taxes collected go to pay the INTEREST ONLY.

Check it out its called 'the grace commission' it is a federal body set up to stream line the tax system. & yes it applies to your country as well

>> No.10587134

Mah coushi. I'm looking into this.

>> No.10587159
File: 40 KB, 800x566, 15170872_1171661672883279_4347681276204842696_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nibba just because you can buy guns, you are allowed to do anything?! burgerface. eu is 100x better place than your fucking murica. if I make it, I will travel across murica for sure, but would never live there. stupid fat people with room temp IQ, megalomania, dumbfuck measuring system and [insert a public space here]shootings. the only thing that keeps running america is their ego and the military with fictional enemies. just look at your president, what a joke...like the whole country.

>> No.10587210

to crash the central kiking system, the only one that allows them control over the goyim
PAYG pension system and single-payer """health insurance""" ponzies shall follow suit

there will come a day when citizen=willing customer, and treated accordingly

>> No.10587228

Name your contry and I'll explain why it's a shitholes compared to the United States. We're the most liberal country in the world, our people are the freest and bravest and fiercest warriors on the planet. Our economy is the worlds strongest and our nation is the richest and most innovative and dynamic on the planet.

>> No.10587231
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sheltering coin in good ico's like https://www.theaccountingblockchain.io/?aId=7543845-2892534 by the time i'm ready to unload @ $10 a pop end of next year I will have found a new low tax land for relocation.

>> No.10587236
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> in a country like Israel where (((((we)))))
>where (((((we)))))

>> No.10587328

(...to be honest, I'm really from a shithole of a country, but my dream would be to live in Norway, so I challange you to compare US to Norway)

>> No.10587353

>high taxes
no thanks lol

monaco or the isle of man or jersey are the only right answers

even singpore has an income tax which they apply to crypto TRADERS and theyll fucking execute you for the slightest breech of their batshit legal sysetm

>> No.10587383

>how to avoid tax
Don't work or own property, well, you can work and own property, but you'll have to fight the police

>> No.10587393

we were not discussing about the taxes only, but the whole country and the quality of life.
on the other hand...yeah, go to isle of man, go away from the whole world and live alone with goats just to pay let's say 10% tax insted of 25%.
so you just googled where is the lowest tax rate and now you are fucking nikola tesla.

>> No.10587599


Onions cück

>> No.10587625 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 1048x545, 1508771346772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no plan to avoid tax, but define the new tax structures. You should all have the same goal.
我沒有計劃,以避免稅收,但定義新的稅收結構。 你都應該有相同的目標。

>> No.10588109
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>the whole country and the quality of life.




>> No.10588132
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>> No.10588142

By not working.

>> No.10588167

Hey dude, I agree with your statements (except the shouting). You should google 'The Grace Commission' find out what happens with that good goy money.
Promise you will like what it has to say. Spread the knowledge, so many think it actually pays for services....fuckin normies

>> No.10588182

how do you plan on buying groceries with your bitcoin meme cryptos?

>> No.10588185

bro capital letters arent necessarily meant to be taken as shouting

it's just bigger letters and we're on 4chan so it's okay to be silly :P not like reddit xDdd

>> No.10588190

is this what you meant

>In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services [that] taxpayers expect from their government."

>> No.10588193

>I make about 65k per year without additional payments.
>My taxes amount to as much as if I would earn less than about 35k.
gotta pay for those rapefugees. you can thank leftists and socialism for that tax rate

>> No.10588205
File: 129 KB, 1080x1440, 1533494577458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be honest dude the one thing that jerks my gerkin is when i hear, especially stoners, say that "hey dude i dont mind paying higher taxes if we get a nicer place to live"

it's like yeah do you like paying for the cops that put you into a cage?

do you like paying for wars?

you like paying for thousands of uneccesary beaucratic jobs

I fucking worked in government and the higher ups litearlly accepted 65k of computers for our office even though we didnt need them just cause they didnt see any negatives for them so they just put them in a storage room unused.. also we came up with an app to save paperwork and save manpower but they all had a meeting and decided that we couldnt deploy the app cause it would mean that this one lady wouldnt have a job and they need humans behind every single transaction and filing.. FUCKING BULLSHIT

this was in an agency that was lauded for being "the least corrupt" or some shit.. mfw

>> No.10588209

Yea no that’s not at all how tax laws work.

>> No.10588213

unironically many grocery stores actually accept it

>> No.10588218

yea dude, it works that way in all the counties with a Rothschild bank.
So when someone says 'my taxes paid for that road' @ the country level they are wrong. A loan was taken out to build that motorway/interstate. the principal never gets paid. why do you thing the debt keeps rising?

Also, the gov. shut downs...these are for a new loan approval as the tax collected is not enough to even pay the interest...

>> No.10588229

are there any crypto exchanges that dont report to IRS or keep records?

im guessing the best strategy would be to buy goods with crypto that you can then resell

>> No.10588242

>"hey dude i dont mind paying higher taxes if we get a nicer place to live"
these ppl are arrogance of their own ignorance, no helping some of them.

>I fucking worked in government and the higher ups litearlly accepted 65k of computers for our office even though we didnt need them

if the budget doesn't get spent they get less next year...Why do you think the DEA is so against Cannabis legalisation. it would take away 80% of their cases(guessing btw)...

Anon, please try to spread 'the grace Commission' I try but so many Anons are literal tards, i get VERY few responses....

>> No.10588245

Tell that to Jeff Bazos

>> No.10588310
File: 41 KB, 480x360, rtyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow i have to look into this further

it's pretty wow to see a gov study admit this...

you think it might be related to the "40 trillion" missing or whatever? Like rememebr before 911 they said 1 trillion was missing well Catherine Austin fitts who was the vice something for Bush Sr did forensic accounting and she says 20-40 trillion are actually missing and the pentagon admits to like 6-8 of it actually but they say it's all "tied up in their computer system"

also the rothschilds are probably a scapegoat/red-herring partially or fully.. theres a reason the petro dollar is called the petro dollar.. the saudis have trillons in oil and they have prominent members of the royal family that work in the fed.. you can look some of the names up actually.. I think that chobani yogurt guy is one of them or related to them..

but the saudis arent the only group probably and they probably have like arranged marriages so all the leaders are tied to one another's families



>Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration,


>if the budget doesn't get spent they get less next year

OH FUCK... I think i had this realization before but then forgot about it.. It's even more devious than just them accepting something they dont need because they dont see "why not" but rather they know their budget will shrink then.. WOW

>> No.10588384

Anon, if i can drop another redpill
I am guessing you know about debt money. But see how it is actually created. Its just a accounting exercise. From the horses mouth. Probably the best 14 pages on the net.


I am on the path do leave the country end of this year, once i have left for a full year, i can come back for 6 months every year.
Also planing on my first 6 months in Georgia (the country) as no visa is needed unless you want to spend more than a year. I *feel* like it is a good idea to show you are not a tax resident in your 'home' country. I know it is arguably unnecessary. Where you from Anon?
you looking into second passports?

Thanks for looking Anon! Spread the good word!

>you think it might be related to the "40 trillion" missing or whatever?
No, that is 'money' that was created through the FED its just that the military has 'no clue' were it went .i.e. black hole.

> petro dollar.
don't think that will be a thing in years to come, russia is the 3rd largest oil producer, china is the 4th. If either of these nations stop using the dollar of oil imagine how many dollars will be in the system that are not being used any more....aka the dollar is fucked...

>> No.10588417


cool i'll read through it

>I *feel* like it is a good idea to show you are not a tax resident in your 'home' country. I know it is arguably unnecessary

i have no clue tbqh.. but why georgia??? why not the isle of man?? or monaco if youre a baller? But i guess i understand the idea that it might look better subjectively to leave for a full year..

>Where you from Anon?

united states of meh

>.i.e. black hole.
well someone got it

>> No.10588429


>> No.10588437

Cash out £11.5k each year (tax free) and leave the rest in BTC

>> No.10588475

>but why georgia???
Its outside of the EU + can stay a year without gettting a visa. Makes the tax resident thing easy
why not the isle of man??
I am living in the UK ATM, i would prefer to remove myself as much as possible from the UK/EU @ least at the start (personal preference)

or monaco if youre a baller?
Not yet Anon, hope @ some point.

>united states of meh
Anon, if you are a Mutt then you really need to look into getting rid of your Merikan passport, 2 reasons 1. global taxation. 2. FATCA

i am going to shout this as it is important
You need to relinquish your mutt passport & pay a exit tax!

>> No.10588652

Additionally Anon, the US is one of the most hated nations globally, the Mutt Passport is literally the worlds worst passport!

>> No.10588668

uhh boi. you said it louder, so you won. :sad:
btw yeah, you are right, but I don't like french people. I was few times skiing in les orres and visited Nice...I don't know. maybe the countryside is ok.

>> No.10588747

>Tax is theft


>> No.10588773

WHY cashing out? Stupid?

Relax, wait and pay all with crypto in 10 years.

>> No.10588776

>uhh boi. you said it louder, so you won. :sad:
the worst part is he was shouting about something he did not understand he couldn't do. He though he was free like the based Europeans. Stupid mutts

>> No.10588825

invested through a shell company shared by many of the world's multi-millionaires that is based in panama but has connections all around the world from azerbaijan and kazakhstan to luxembourg and the bahamas

any attempt to trace the funds to their individual investors will result in a false trail or a dead end

>> No.10589305

hey do you know if muts are still fucked if they have dual citizenship?

like is it better to give up the USA citizenship just to be safe?

>> No.10589348

well too be fair whether i can do something or not doesnt change the fact that it's dumb to submit to norway's taxation if you can avoid it..

although i dont know if they can cause theyre not part of the EU?

>> No.10589356

it is not that simple man

>> No.10589362

>isle of man
yeah if you are rich. otherwise keep dreaming

>> No.10589368

Does this also apply to tether/dai/trueusd? you can hold tether for one year and then it is not taxed?

>> No.10589373
File: 13 KB, 528x318, 1523533163823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep dreaming
you mean keep trading?

>> No.10589376


>> No.10589384
File: 54 KB, 376x412, pppppppppp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i mean keep gambling your btc moon tickets in the shitcoin market with 99% chances you'll lose em

>> No.10589430

I'm pretty sure it is not like this at all in for example northern europe. That only applies to the US it would seem

>> No.10589465

>I am on the path do leave the country end of this year, once i have left for a full year, i can come back for 6 months every year.
>Also planing on my first 6 months in Georgia (the country) as no visa is needed unless you want to spend more than a year. I *feel* like it is a good idea to show you are not a tax resident in your 'home' country. I know it is arguably unnecessary. Where you from Anon?
>you looking into second passports?
almost sure you will fuck that up unless you have a real job in Georgia so it looks like a "real" move

>> No.10589535

>hey do you know if mutts are still fucked if they have dual citizenship?
yea, anyone with a Mutt passport/citizenship. I had the opportunity to get a mutt passport years back, i would NEVER take one....Where is your second passport from?
>like is it better to give up the USA citizenship just to be safe?
You need to start to look into the process. it will take time. I could not imagine why you would want to hold on to that passport. Opening a Bank account outside of the states is difficult b/c FATCA i.e. the US can freeze your bank account in most places in the world. The global taxation thing is the cherry on top, literally no other nation does this!
>although i dont know if they can cause theyre not part of the EU?
They can avoid, i am pretty sure that they used to be taxed for 3 years on global taxation, but i can't find any info on this so it either no longer a thing or i was just misinformed....

You have no idea how bad it is
This is on a national level btw,

I don't think you have done any research on this at all Anon. Your opinion is just that a opinion. I have read about it for a while now. How much research have you done?
Thanks for your asshole statement
>almost sure you will fuck that up

>so it looks like a "real" move
it is a real move....explain to me why you think i need a job & i will show you why you are wrong. FYI getting a job defeats the entire purpose of doing that.....for me atleast

Where are you from Anon?

>> No.10589672

Can i open a bank account in Germany as a western European native?

>> No.10589697

>I don't think you have done any research on this at all Anon. Your opinion is just that a opinion. I have read about it for a while now. How much research have you done?
>Thanks for your asshole statement
How about this amount of research - I actually just did it myself, as in actually already did everything you said you would do. I used to think it is very easy to do (just like you are thinking atm) and turns out it really was not. So I did not mean to be an asshole, I meant it as a warning = you will probably fuck up

Some reasons it will not work like you think:
- your country sees you as tax resident still and will not recognize your move (they will claim it is only temporary, for example because you do not have a permanent "real" job)
- there is some law or rule that says if you only move for 1 or 2 years and then move back to country of origin they will consider you resident for the whole time
- your new country will not consider you resident if you are not really doing any work there even if the law says 183days+ or whatever because they could claim (you can't "prove" the days spent) that one is mostly for europe
- your new country will for some reason not issue a tax certificate (which is almost surely needed to your home country as proof)
- there is some other stupid reason that you could not see coming

So if you have a real reason to move or don't plan to come back home then do it, but if you only plan to trade/sell cryptos and then move back, THINK TWICE

>> No.10589718

for what reason?

>> No.10589743

Have a guess.

>> No.10589746

Move to puerto rico

US territory = no federal income tax + no captial gains tax

look into it

>> No.10589757

to repeat something that has been said here several times. Your tax obligation has absolutely nothing to do with where you have your bank account

>> No.10589780

Ofcourse not, but if someone opened a russian account i don't think Russia will declare it to the EU for example

>> No.10589869

think again

>> No.10589870

>- your country sees you as tax resident still and will not recognize your move (they will claim it is only temporary, for example because you do not have a permanent "real" job)
set up off shore company, become Director
>- there is some law or rule that says if you only move for 1 or 2 years and then move back to country of origin they will consider you resident for the whole time
This is true, I have stated this before (i believe), in the UK its 1 year (for me, as i have not lived in the UK for 15 years), i don't plan on ever moving back again, always less than 6 months.
> your new country will not consider you resident if you are not really doing any work there even if the law says 183days+ or whatever because they could claim (you can't "prove" the days spent) that one is mostly for europe.
I think i can prove it, I am opening a bank account there which will show transactions, + will have passport entry+ lease
FYI - I don't plan on coming back home to live & when i do i will be less than 6 months for sure. Obviously plans sometimes change, if it happens, it happens

Anon i KNOW it will not be easy, but i want to try it. I have a few family friends that are Non Dom. I know it is possible i know real ppl that do it...

I am not going to break any laws & deffo not trade/sell cryptos and then move back

Can i enquire about your pitfalls? Can i ask what country you are from?

>> No.10589900

Thailand it is!

>> No.10589904

>Where is your second passport from?


are actually sure though about being taxed by the US? It says online they have tax treaties?

i mean im not attached to my US passport at all.. it seems like a lose lose to hang onto it but then at the same time if there's no need to get rid of it then who cares?

the FACTA stuff hasnt troubled me yet either? I've opened accounts elsewhere..

>> No.10589965

I just buy things with bitcoin and never cash out, every so often i'll go to a bitcoin ATM and withdraw like £1k in case I need cash

>> No.10589971

Can you do that? UK?

>> No.10589995


It's pretty easy if you live in a major city

>> No.10590011

>are actually sure though about being taxed by the US? It says online they have tax treaties?
"Your worldwide income is subject to U.S. income tax, regardless of where you reside."
You are going to have to go on your own journey Anon, I am not American, i don't know everything that effects them.
>at the same time if there's no need to get rid of it then who cares?
You do your own thing Anon, With a EU passport you can get into most countries visa free, depending on the country you can spend 90 days visa free in the states.
>the FACTA stuff hasn't troubled me yet either? I've opened accounts elsewhere..
Sweet, Again i am not a mutt but i would not feel comfortable knowing the US could access 'my' bank accounts. Just know that the US (most likely) knows what is going on in these accounts...

>> No.10590096


is this legit?

>> No.10590112

How the hell do those BTC millionaires cash out?

>> No.10590140


sell btc otc get the money sent into offshore accounts

>> No.10590153

pay taxes

>> No.10590273

Onions ?

>> No.10590302

I plan on this, but I also keep profits and eventually plan on moving my static stack into xmr. I would advise you do the same.

>> No.10590356

Only viable for the 7-8 digit club

>> No.10590385

nah its only 90 percent

and i scored in top 5 percent with standardized tests so i should be aighttt

keep hodling though

>> No.10590428


meh that says nothing about dual citizenship.. everything else says that you just have to check if the country has a treaty with the USA, and i think every EU country does. If you are a citzen of somalia you cant avoid US taxes or some shit like that.

Anyway it's definitely something i have to look into as I make more money. I've just paid US taxes though cause it wasn't very much because I'm just a baby whale atm and most the tax money was from my shitty wage cuck job that I just quit.

>> No.10590478

become part of government and leech on society

>> No.10590643

I looked into this as well, but unfortunately you missed spent 10 years in PR in order for your capital gains to be taxed at the local rate .

If you don’t wait 10 years, you pay both federal taxes and Puerto Rico taxes

>> No.10590753

Very strict controls on moving money out from Thailand I've heard

>> No.10590801
File: 131 KB, 1000x963, who-here-neetbux_o_5258039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw Jewish and I can escape to Israel and pay zero tax for 10 years.


>> No.10590805

>what is trickle down economics

Literally a slur used by leftists to slander tax cuts for rich people. Nobody who proposes tax cuts for the rich have ever made the case that it would have an effect like that.

>> No.10591696

>gotta pay for those rapefugees. you can thank leftists and socialism for that tax rate
You dont seem to get what I wrote there.
With what I earn, I would need to pay ~700€ per month. But with perfectly legal ways, I can lower it down to exactly 100€.
Not BY but TO 100€.
If you have half a brain, you can lower your taxes in a complete legal way in Germany.

Also, you need to go back to /pol, faggot.

>> No.10591992

Well you seem to have a diffirent situation and I wish you the best of luck. I was just making the assumption that it was some kind of "live 1 year in another country to cash out my crypto" deal because we are on biz

but like you said, it won't be easy and it is good to be prepared for this, I wasn't really...
I did run into similar problems that I gave in my example and kinda regret the whole thing. I am not from the UK but another western european country

>> No.10592862

I forgot to add that the exemption is only for foreign income

>> No.10593005

You read PR firm checkpoints instead of reading tax Bill's and your own finances. People making under 80k are saving 3.1% under the new tax bill while people making over 80k are saving 2.3%. Look up the Standard Deduction increase from 5.5k to 11k. Thats 1k less in owed taxes right at the start, even for those who make their money on welfare. Republicans single handedly saved the poor without a single Democrat vote.

>> No.10593081
File: 67 KB, 800x522, 2a6abb544201c317513bdbfe5ce60f63.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigguh, doing the same thing here

>> No.10593703

Let me guess. First-world citizen dodged on his debt and now lives somewhere in SEA? Having regrets? Got his assets frozen? Cannot participate in the international banking system anymore? Cannot have a property to his own name? Come on anon, you have to tell us more.

>> No.10593896



>> No.10594177

Nope. You’re the one that’s gonna have to live in a desert shithole because you don’t wanna pay tax.

>> No.10594317

You aren’t anyway. I’ve travelled extensively and lived in various European countries and the UK as an American citizen with US passport and never once had any issue related to my nationality come up in over a decade.

>> No.10594553
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goyim cope

>> No.10594754

1. Get remote dev job
2. Move to Portugal
3. Make sure I'm payed in crypto
4. Get paid in Bitcoin
5. Immediately cash out and store it in safe

Have been doing this for 2 years.

>> No.10595423

Based and redpilled

>> No.10595559

Washing money through cash based businesses. Just like the good old days.

>> No.10595808


>> No.10595990

shut the fuck up commie, you cannot justify theft

>> No.10596337

LOL dude, most of those tax cuts are temporary for lower income brackets. The real tax cuts were not on income but corporate tax and capital gains.

Rich people make money from capital gains. Only poorfags pay personal income taxes.

>> No.10596417

This guy fucks

>> No.10596524

Are you talking about crypto or FIAT money

>> No.10596538


>> No.10596554

It still isnt exactly clear how this works though..like what if you add crypto to the wallet? Does the counter start new since you changed the value?

>> No.10596575

I cashed out in fiat money once, am i fucked?

>> No.10596637

How much longer until miami becomes the finance capital of the United States. With so many boiler rooms opening up down there it's only a matter of time until the fuckers stock up enough guap to go mostly legit. That being said if there's anyone interested in starting a firm with a canadian down in the 786 and you've got half a stick to go in on >>me.

>> No.10596654

Payfair.io FTW!

>> No.10596741

Holy shit.

>> No.10596946

its that Anon again...
>meh that says nothing about dual citizenship
It doesn't have to, from my understanding it still applies...I think the main point for you is to simply file....but fuck that tax filing shite in the states is arduous. Best of luck, hope i at least pointed you in a direction.

> I wish you the best of luck
Thanks Anon, I know i will have issues...it is not something a normie would do. Most do not understand what you are trying to do...i will get push back, but I do believe every problem has a solution & i am willing to find that solution.

We were talking about the US global taxation system, can you shed any light?

google 'The Grace Commission' find out what they do with that good boi money

>> No.10597393

You pay your taxes so that others can leech off of society lmao

>> No.10597584

Unironically this. Fuck it, I'll just put in a few extra hours (which will also be taxed), and eventually it all balances out. I don't give a shit if I'm paying for Jenandaramma's fifth baby.