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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10572543 No.10572543 [Reply] [Original]

NEETs are the most redpilled people on this board

>isn't helping Jews
>isn't paying taxes to help the Jews replace him
>works on his own business
>isn't funding his ethnic replacement
>helping to end welfare for shitskins by also taking from the pot himself

You idiots cry about Jews and change but this is your change. If blacks and spics don't have to work, why should you? Instead you retards keep paying their way. Why? Because you get a little bit extra allowance for doing so - you only care about money.

>> No.10572581
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every single day I wake up a happy neet while butthurt wagies go to work for mr Goldstein

>> No.10572586

You are just as much of a drain on society as the shitskins. I hope they do end welfare though, see where that gets you.

>> No.10572711
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>> No.10572919

NEETs are the unsung heroes of our time. The only way to kill the Jew is to starve the beast.

>> No.10572930

These threads keep getting more and more hardcore. Long live the NEETs.

>> No.10572933

For the majority of NEETs, their comfy life will end after their parents pass away.

>> No.10572944

uhh sweetie, if you're into business you're doing all of that with tax money. Which means you're probably not. .tt NEET == worthless human garbage.

>> No.10572986

Hardcore neet, only support business owners who I know have no ties to jews.

jews are haemorrhaging money like crazy to fund their genocidal plans. we must persist and survive.

How do we boycott jews properly?

>> No.10573030

>works on his own business
>isn't paying taxes

how do you run your own business while not paying taxes?

>> No.10573044

Making these threads must be the highlight of your day huh

>> No.10573057



This is biz. This post is a rule violation.

/biz/ - Business & Finance
All discussion should pertain to business, finance, and economics related topics. This includes financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), and commodities—as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.
*All political discussion belongs in /pol/. Conspiracy theories belong in /x/.*
Absolutely no advertising, soliciting, or promotion of any kind. You may not discuss projects you have an interest in without making that disclosure. We will remove anything that remotely breaks this rule.

>> No.10573084
File: 116 KB, 1024x882, 1533432132065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't helping Jews
>doesn't reproduce

>> No.10573097


> Redpilled

We all know that you'll never make it and will kill yourself eventually.

>> No.10573113

Lol I love when right wing retards fight among themselves

>> No.10573114

Same my boomer neighbor hates me and I wave goodby to him every morning feels good watching the wagie rage

>> No.10573191

>Same my boomer neighbor hates me and I wave goodby to him every morning feels good watching the wagie rage

wow you are committed to this meme

>> No.10573547

you realise not a single neet thread gets deleted on here because all mods are neets aswell right? you pleb.

>> No.10573556

this. NEET master race. Anyone working for a jew is a eunuch. Spread those cheeks wagie

>> No.10573565

Same and kudos to you. I think the best thing to do is to spread the word. Most wagies are too tired working for the Rosenbergs to learn about jewish financial crimes. I post infographics IRL using disposable printers. Cheers

>> No.10573586

neet cope Lmao

>> No.10573640

They problem is they will import 5 shitskins until they get one who will do the job you could be doing. Pull yourself up anon. Get your shit together.