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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10557239 No.10557239 [Reply] [Original]

>the year is 2025
>smartcontracts are in the middle of a mass adoption craze
>chainlink is the preferred oracle across multiple large markets
>chainlink is $5000 a token
>you're running a massive node and have been running one since some of the early days of linkpool
>gain multiple links a month, passive income of tens of thousands of dollars
>your victorias secret model wife has just put your children (chad, felicity, and serendipity) to bed
>she rides your dick hard like a gymnast every night - you both cum multiple times on a regular basis, sex life is great
>you descend into your oxygenated cryochamber to sleep and regenerate for the night
>caviar for dinner every day, champagne with every meal
>your doctor has prescribed a new high tech version of ecstasy for you - every day is bliss
>you will have enough capital to go on in the future and invest in companies that will mine asteroids, planets, and harness energy from stars
>you will amass enough wealth to have a seat at the table of the intergalactic elite and play spacegolf with japanese aliens and talk about the spacemarket

its going to happen
thanks /biz/

>> No.10557374

>trump detonates EMP
>digital coins vanish into thin air

>> No.10557411

>ethereum has sharded
>nodes hold their own data and don't need an oracle because they aren't in a forced state
>no one needs chainlink


>> No.10557419


>> No.10557460

I was with you until i realized you actually fell for the NASA bullshit. The earth is a plane and the other "planets" are wandering stars

>> No.10557467

>he thinks the president has power

>> No.10557485
File: 295 KB, 520x611, chinkylinkies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10557535

It will be so, check them

>> No.10557590

>chainlink is the preferred oracle across multiple large markets
why would this happen
>smartcontracts are in the middle of a mass adoption craze
this would affect ETH or EOS more than stinky chainlink

>> No.10557640

Smart contracts need a way to link to real world data, so chainlink would also moon along with ETH.

>> No.10557646

>wandering brown eye
phobos would like to have a word with you, swine.