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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 218 KB, 952x624, 2_trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10546309 No.10546309 [Reply] [Original]

I would give away all my millions I've made from crypto for the love of a woman without even hesitating. I feel so fucking empty inside, so alone, I'm beyond recovery. I have tried to date so many times already over this past year after selling everything I had bought since 2012 at the 17k level.

I've been going on date after date with how many ever women and they all just want my money. There Is no true love at all. Just emptiness and depression. Women don't like me for who I am or what I've accomplished. They literally just want to suck you bone dry of all your wealth.

I see so many happy poor people holding hands and walking with children smiling in the summer afternoons. Why can't I just have a life like this guys? What the fuck did I do wrong to not deserve this life.

I'm so close to ending it. I've tried hanging myself but the knot on the rope came undone. I've tried over dosing on pills but a family member came by next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital having my stomach pumped.

I'm so desperate anons for true joy and happiness. Money is nothing without love and relationships. Money does not buy you happiness I don't care what anyone says. I wake up at 2:00 pm every day with a bottle of vodka by my bedside table. I drink myself into passing out most days to ease the pain. Nothing stops it.

I'm sitting in my car currently in the garage posting this. I'm tired and ready to just give up finally. Going to drink myself to passing out and turn on the exhaust. I just wanted to make this post as a last ditch effort to see if there's any hope out there. If not I'm taking my private keys to the grave. At least it will help you guys with btc mooning in the future.

>> No.10546314

It gets better, Elliot

>> No.10546336

You sound young, as you get older your hormones will calm down and you can think a bit clearer about woman and money and life.

>> No.10546337
File: 467 KB, 528x2576, BABIES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10546339


Remember to fill up the gas tank and close the garage door before turning on the exhaust. A hose from the exhaust pipe to the interior helps.

>> No.10546346
File: 346 KB, 960x720, 098267ba76e2d49cab65ba978564fc66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10546347

Fuck man, wasn't expecting that.

I'm an alcoholic. So I know the pain.
I'm also someone who has done very well with women, so maybe I can help you out.

If this isn't a bait thread.

>> No.10546358

dam bro chill out jesus. Get some ice cream and some fruits.

>> No.10546514

Anon I'm sorry you feel this way. I'll be praying for you.

>> No.10546545

This is wisdom.

>> No.10546548

Theres other ways to feel fulfilled. If you recognize that women are worthless cum dumpsters then you can focus on building meaningful relationships working towards a common goal. Don't you have anything left you want to see from the world? My plan when I "make it" is to pool my money and power with other rich anons to actually change our geography and political climate. What exactly do you want out of a woman? a mother figure? Thats for babies bro. Just do you and then impregnate a bunch of thots when you've built your empire to leave behind a genetic legacy. Thats all. Dream a little

>> No.10546561

If not bait, don't do it. Love of a roastie is over-rated. The love for a child of yours is almost incomprehensible. Having children completed the feeling of something missing which I thought a roastie would fix. Try it, you can an hero later if I'm wrong. I'm not wrong. Go to Japan, advertise yourself as a rich white guy looking for a hafu kid with a Jap, boom job done

>> No.10546834

we can talk about it in 3 hours if you want to, leave your contacts

>> No.10547274

If this isn't troll get off the internet bro. Just try it for a week, it works for me when I am feeling depressed. If you have a job, take time off. Just read/hang out with friends/meditate/walk idk what you do. Without knowing you I would guess you're getting too much negative information from the internet. Most people don't have a gf under 25.

>> No.10547301

OP is kill. RIP OP

>> No.10547561
File: 300 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_3164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP read pic related before you try to 'kill' yourself

Also holy fuck romantic love doesnt exist quit putting pussy on an astronomically high pedestal you just want what you dont have, if you were poor you'd probably whine like a bitch about not being rich too

>> No.10547601

I'd rather be the "lonely" rich dude on the right picture, hoe blowing my limp old dick under the table

>> No.10547712
File: 5 KB, 280x180, 0xbitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of garbage cancer get posted in /biz/ everyday. I invite pajeet shills to spam this thread with shilling of 0xbitcoin and other shitcoins, I like pajeet shit threads more than this kind of emo shit threads

Buy 0xbitcoin it's superior to bitcoin, 0xbitcoin will replace bitcoin, bitcoin cannot be scaled but 0xbitcoin will have built in scaling because of plasma, sharding, staking

0xbitcoin will moon to $100 easily while bitcoin will in decline because bitcoin does not have scaling and it waste resources to mine bitcoin, 0xbitcoin does not waste resources to mine

>> No.10547760

Pajeet please come and spam this thread with 0xbitcoin. I need you here, you are more likable than these cancerous posts.

OP is posting off-topic garbage cancer but mods won't do anything about it, so let's spam it with shilling of shitcoins.

>> No.10547763

dont do it op. just lose some weight, get in shape and b urself. U will find a gf.

>> No.10547781

being so much of a shitskin that you try shill a guy a scam when he's at his wits end, kill yourself unironically
op, buy some link and meditate for a few years

>> No.10547782
File: 80 KB, 736x546, lambo hot girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy dero for confirmed moon mission

after I am a millionaire, I buy lambo and fuck hot girls