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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10543803 No.10543803 [Reply] [Original]

So let me get this straight. Bitcoin can't scale, Is a power hog that takes the power equivalent of the country of Sweden to power and has high transaction costs than western union and paypal and you think this "innovative" technology is going to be the basis of commerce and finance and potentially replace fiat currencies? LMFAO TOPKEK are you people delusional. Is there even an effort to fix these thing?

>> No.10543887


>> No.10543895

This is why we need bitcoin cash

>> No.10543897



Bitcoin cash will

>> No.10543904

There are three groups on this issue:
>underwater in my position so crypto is the future
>really wanted to get rich and never work again so crypto is the future
>realistic study of the tech in it’s current implementation yields a disappointing outlook but I’ll take all the gains I can get while the trend is hot
Those who really drank the punch rarely offer solutions to obvious problems, instead they make excuses for it. There are different ideas on how to reduce energy consumption though, namely proof of stake.

>> No.10543964

there are literally more than 100 altcoins that solve this issue and improve upon it but bitcoin bagholders just doesnt want to fucking shut the fuck up about their posterboy and cant see that its a lost cause and only a store of value , just buy an altcoin already u fucking pussies

>> No.10543981


99% of altcoins are bullshit and scams.

>> No.10543997

get in the fucking 1% then

>> No.10544037

at least it's power consumption is more useful than sweden's

>> No.10544059
File: 17 KB, 1312x107, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>can't scale
>power hog
>high transaction costs
>not innovative
>not going to be the basis of commerce and finance and potentially replace fiat currencies
>proponents are delusional

You're describing BTC, not Bitcoin.

>> No.10544069


Sweden is a beautiful ethnically homogeneous country with one of the highest qualities of life on this planet. You can say /pol/ talking points all day but it just reaffirms the belief that your a virgin that hasen't showered in a week.

>> No.10544367

how much western union charge to send 4 million usd in under an hour?

>> No.10544371


>> No.10544386

yOuR mOm

>> No.10544487

muh vaporware scam projects with promises that will never be kept

>> No.10544544

>Sweden is a beautiful ethnically homogeneous country
implying a shitskin ethnical homogenocity is a good thing

cope harder ahmed

>> No.10544642
File: 1.82 MB, 3000x2000, 1529385364317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden (along with all of Scandinavia + Iceland) is one of the most pure White countries on Earth. That'a why it's so attacked by Jewry.

>> No.10544670
File: 136 KB, 524x648, 30540dd395-Sheeple 21-site.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10544817
File: 41 KB, 396x382, f63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no reddit faggot, bitcoin is digital gold. the only people who don't understand that are reddit faggots like yourself and other reddit faggots that go by the name of cashie and are triggered by BTC being both bitcoin and digital gold.

>> No.10544876


>be a swedecuck
>10 yr old orange coin comes along and uses more power than your whole country

get it together sweden

>> No.10544936

not anymore. LMAO, not anymore.

>> No.10545189

Shhhhh, don't upset the autists, anon. Their delusions and pipedreams keep them tied up here, so they're not on other websites shitting it up with their retardation. This is a containment forum, don't kick the retarded hornet's nest.

>> No.10545236

You forgot one:

The vast majority are the second group, NEETs and autists who think they were promised a life of indulgence and wealth, for doing nothing, and are clinging to crypto, because they can't function in the real world.

They're also shitting up places like the BitMex trollchat, where it's 9 4chan trolls posting "Moon to 12k coming up" to every 1 person trying to seriously margin trade.

The ranks of crypto have thinned significantly, in most forums now it's either lifer/true believers, or 4chan retards. The only reason it's tolerated is the sheer entertainment value, and free ad income.

What most of you don't realize, or refuse to acknowledge, is that forums like this get most of their traffic from people coming here to laugh at the loonies. The average 4chan cryptofag thinks he has his fat thumb on the pulse of the crypto-economy, but it's all larping.

The rest is scamming from pajeets. But it's better the pajeets are here, instead of shitting up Craigslist and Ebay with scams.

>> No.10546130
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 1505161846871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have 10000 1oz gold coins of 999 purity, in a bag - and someone throws in a few hundred bronze coins in the bag, how does that effect the purity of the gold coins?

>> No.10546141

(hint: it doesn't, the gold coins are still 999 purity)