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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10526438 No.10526438 [Reply] [Original]

Is this truly a Moon Mission? No shitposting give it to me straight edgelords

>> No.10526443


>> No.10526626

Dont think it's a moon mission by any means but if you have access to some decent pcs may as well mine in off time. Make some chump change with the off chance it turns into some decent spending money.

>> No.10526627

thank you so much for your input. about to turn all my gpus to it and 51% attack

>> No.10526856

some anons here are stacking 1mil + from my understanding

>> No.10526872

>try mining
>0.01 NIM/block on average
>check supply
>3+ bn coins
Yeah, fuck this shit

>> No.10526907

You can literally mine it for free using Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or any other cloud computing service with a free trial. Unless you're too much of a brainlet to use simple Linux commands.

Getting 2.5k NIM a day from Azure alone.

As for the coin itself, the product is amazing, community is already building a ton of apps and website around it, but the devs are too autistically perfectionist to do any marketing because they prefer to make the product better. At least now it's confirmed that they've hired a marketing company.

>> No.10526973

1$ eoy

>> No.10527057

im currently mining for free with google cloud, yesterday checked out azure

gonna have 60-70k nim by the end of the month if ill sit on what i mine currently

>> No.10527743

You will use up your credits in about 5 days though.

>> No.10528206

I could only manage 6kh gave up pretty quickly when i calculated the USD returns over a year.

>> No.10528300

Use the free trials and get like 30k NIM. Then HODL for 5 years.

>> No.10528377

500k here.. hoping for at least 0,2-0,3$

>> No.10528388

It's gonna go to $1.

>> No.10528402

mined or bought?
im not mining with one account, yet to multiacc azure tho

>> No.10528408

Ive seen and I believe I saved a nice calculation of future price basing on mc..but the highest price was around 0,5$

>> No.10528438

Ive used 3 google cloud, one kamatera and one vps (watch out - these are jews they give 8 old cpu for 100 free trial)
I have also access to 5pc/servers giving me around 150kh/s till end of the world so hope to hit 1 million eoy) also using some paid vps which I pay of from previous gains

>> No.10528449

Ive bought also 50k at 60 sats..if it deeps again around 20 will buy more..

>> No.10528478

pretty sure 35~ ish sats is the bottom.
0,0025$ seems to be the floor for the chinks to mine it with a 1% profit.
Still mining it with my own gear to hodl. 100kh/s~ dgaf this is going ballistic as soon as the bull arrives

>> No.10528490

With next gpu mining monthly profits looking for trtl;D 1,5mln for 100$..

>> No.10528507
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>> No.10528526

Yep, thata true, its around 0,0025..
Really believe this is the one..if I make ir from 1mil around december I gonna get a nice tatoo

>> No.10528536
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It's the best payment crypto out there by a HUGE margin and it will get even better and better in the next months, developers are top notch, community is top notch, product is top notch, viral potential is sky high.
It would do an easy x10 to 50 millions marketcap, then it will be 500 millions and then 5 billions during the next bullrun.

All of you fags for once have the opportunity to be in something from the start instead of buy the top, don't miss it.

>> No.10528552

hoping for 0,25 eoy
1$ eoy 2019 for sure

>> No.10528556

>It's the best payment crypto out there
No kidding, I'm fucking around with it so much. I've never made this many transactions to this many people with any other crypto.

>> No.10528598

Nice try, it's not even remotely GPU efficient. You'll get better hashrate on an iphone.

>> No.10528628

There's no GPU miner.


>> No.10528713

Nimiq t. are so comfy, no bullying, only frens

>> No.10528767
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>> No.10528777

As far as I remember the NET reached 8,5$, is it valiable to project it as a previous ath which for nimiq would be 0,085$??

>> No.10528822

Value will increase as the product gets better.

>> No.10528946

Im aware of that but hitting 1mil at 0,08-0,1$ still make me make it..

>> No.10528969

Dare to go higher, anon. I mean, look at NIM. This coin is really that good. It's basically Bitcoin 2.0.

>> No.10529011

I know ;) I just want to make it that I dont have to go back to work..waiting for govr fund for unemplyed ppl for their first start-up so I can buy two more miners aka cloud rendering services..8k$ and will buy new 2080's..

>> No.10529045

God speed anons, accumulate and see you eoy

>> No.10529165
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Everyone in this thread will make it

>> No.10529167

Stay happy, anon.

>> No.10529263

I've got 150 kH/s on various free cloud services (google, aws, azure, etc). Hoping to get at least a couple hundred thousand before it runs dry. 10 cents would be fucking amazing.

>> No.10529282

HODL to a dollar, my fren.

This coin has infinite adaption potential.

>> No.10529334

Sounds good but that's a 450x from here. Hard to get a feel for the price until it hits a real exchange, though. Volume is like 2 BTC a day.

>> No.10529411

HitBTC soon fren

>> No.10529418

CMC is also gonna be fixed with proper data.

>> No.10529475

Yeah i know. Just hope it won't be fixed for another week so i can put my wagie bucks into this before the inevitable 2x

>> No.10529501

HitBTC is a joke, so many sketchy things with them. I'd like to see it on Nanex to start. KuCoin, Bibox, too. Endgoal is Binance, but that'll be awhile.

>> No.10529594

For sure, but got to start somewhere. CZ will keep our fundsu safu eoy

>> No.10529629

1) gpu resistant
2) 51% attack resistant

>> No.10529643

Can someone tell me why there's already ledger support?

>> No.10529663

Kek, trading one shitcoin for another shitcoin. And I even hold NANO.

For real though this is actually *not* a shitcoin

>> No.10529701
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What's the trick to not getting caught on the googs (or the others)? I'm about to set up a jewgle cloud account with the youtube tutorials, but I assume they got smarter since those videos were made, and I've heard there's some trick to prevent detection.

>> No.10529725

google doesn't care as long as you upgrade the trial, others i don't really know enough of

>> No.10529734

Because its one of few legit crypto projects out there? It was ledger supported back when the only exchange was tradesatoshi.. Should tell you something

>> No.10529756

>upgrade the trial
So can you not do the free one and then just cancel it?

>> No.10529760

Upgrade account from trial to standard edition. Log out and log in again just to be sure. You will be cucked if your credit/debit card refuses the 1$ transaction upon upgrading though.

>> No.10529775

You keep the 300$ upon upgrading the trial

>> No.10529900

The team did the implementation themselves.
Those guys are really stronk technically, bunch of pure german autists obsessed with computer science. I just hope they find themselves a Roger Ver figure to shill it to business people because marketing ans networking is the weak spot right now.

>> No.10530273
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Mining is so comfy. It's money from nothing.

>> No.10530657

Fair, but I was mostly speaking about the quality of the exchange. Nanex has no volume, but I think it's a very easy to use exchange and so far no shady bullshit like with HitBTC.

>> No.10530687

It's not 51% resistant. It's just resistant to a POOL doing a 51% attack.

>> No.10531139


Are you talking about this?

How did you get around the need for an SSL certificate and valid domain name anon?

>> No.10531158

Hey frens, I followed the tutorial on plebbit and now I've got two VM's mining for me. Have people had luck with opening multiple accounts on google and doing many free trials?
This could be a decent passive money maker if so.

>> No.10531177


>> No.10531213

There is an update being made by the team for this. Stay tuned. Also rewrite in RUST is going to make this even more efficient.

>> No.10531511

>New browser based blockchain developed in Javascript/NodeJS and Rust
>Mining/setting up a node/creating a wallet is completely installation-free
>Uses NiPoPow for near instant blockchain sync on light clients (<10s)
>IBAN address system so that you can’t send funds to the wrong address because of a typo
>Contact Lists for addresses
>Ultra user-friendly design
>Algo PoW: Argon2d (memory-hard, GPU and ASIC resistant) with 1 minute block time
>Compatibility with Ethereum smart-contracts through HTLC
>Schnorr signatures
>Marketcap: <5 millions USD
>Ledger support (browser support, no installs required)

Create your wallet in 20sc (it’s encrypted locally in your browser):

Browser miner (Supports mining pools):

One-click Windows miner (Optimized - AVX2/AVX512 Support for 10x faster speeds):

Average CPU Hashrates Report:

API Stats Gateway w/Mobile SDKs


Incoming features:
>Keyguard for third parties: Metamask equivalent but without anything to install
>Upcoming shop to showcase Wordpress/WooCommerce wallet integration
>Cashlinks: send NIM through an URL to any users even if they don't have a wallet yet

Current Exchanges:

Incoming Exchanges:
>HitBTC (confirmed)

>> No.10531619

Nanex would be better choice

>> No.10531703

the only thing that limits you is the amount of cards you can input.

>> No.10531723
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Buying 100k on tradesatoshi

>> No.10531890
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>what are electricity costs
>what are increased AC costs due to heat from mining hardware

>> No.10532565

His mom pays for those, hence it's "free".

>> No.10532567

Cool, thanks anon. Should hopefully be able to pull in 100k of this between google and azure. I appreciate you anons here shilling good projects.

>> No.10533021

Why is it only on gay-exchanges?

>> No.10533583
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>> No.10533607

There will be so much winning with this coin.

>> No.10533815

can i run with windows azure the same tricks i do on google cloud?

>> No.10533895

beepool not accepting anymore registrations.

any other better alternative than sushipool?

>> No.10534500

bump for attention
shill it to normalfags
and venezuela
i mean if these fags mine with their shitty laptops they can eat for 1 month, shows how shit their country is and how profitable NIMIQ is for them lmao

>> No.10534724
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