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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10518101 No.10518101 [Reply] [Original]

> No real world adoption.
> Cannot scale.
> Not actually decentralized.
> Could get crushed by governments at any time.

Is all of cryptocurrency a meme?

>> No.10518137

Yep, the blockchain can’t do anything useful

>> No.10518146

Please explain how it can be crushed by governments

>> No.10518148

made me rich though

>> No.10518174

Explain to me why someone who is a socialistic asshole (yes, fascist cunt, that is also you) would hold an asset created to combat his ideology.

>> No.10518207

All they have to do is make it illegal and it will never go mainstream. This makes it useless to everyone except drug dealers.

>> No.10518236

Please, >>10518174.

>> No.10518263

>government makes bitcoin illegal
>price skyrockets and bitcoin becomes more popular
>powerful political discussions are held over the role of government on technological progresss
>bitcoin is made legal again in the name of technological progress

Please explain why this wouldn't happen?

>> No.10518271

I don't bet on losers

>> No.10518280

Because if it's illegal no one is going to use it. People already don't use it. If it is illegal it will never get adoption.

>> No.10518289

>Insecure manlet this mad

>> No.10518297

This, normies have no interest in breaking the law to use meme money. Cocaine is worth a hell of a lot but you don't see normies rushing to get into that market.

>> No.10518309

Well drugs are illegal, that hasn't prevented anybody from using them.

>> No.10518316

So, you don't have BTC and should not have it.
Why waste your time discussing it, then?

The whole point of BTC is not giving a fuck if the government allows it or not. People in /biz/ are retarded and get insecure because they don't actually USE BTC, they just go full autistic and gamble with it.

BTC only need something like 2% global adoption to win.

>> No.10518320

>Normies have no interest in breaking the law to get free movies.

Breaking the law on the internet doesn't feel the same to normies.

>> No.10518331

In public it has. You can't go to burger king and buy a whopper with cocaine.

>> No.10518353

I think the main point of the blockchain is smart contracts anyway and I highly doubt theyd make those illegal. Even bitcoin being illegal is far fetched, thats like making Tor Browser illegal.

>> No.10518368

I don't think it's far fetched at all. The media is already making ridiculous claims that russia hacked the election and used bitcoin to fund it. They're setting the stage to make it illegal.

>> No.10518376

Okay but please understand you can't make bitcoin illegal because wherever there is internet access, there is blockchain. So making bitcoin illegal is like them saying, we're banning free mp3 downloads. Shit wont work. Ever.

>> No.10518381

The public perception is that it's an investment vehicle and not a currency. The 20k run up didn't do a whole lot to dispel it. If the whole lightning network shit ends up working, there might be something there but until then it's gonna be autistic gambling that keeps BTC alive.

>> No.10518392

I can't buy a whopper with a stolen mp3 either. Your whole argument is absurd. How is this garbage going to go mainstream if you can't actually use it anywhere?

>> No.10518422

I think you overestimate how much everyone else in the world gives a fuck about your burgerclap government and it’s toilet paper currency

>> No.10518436

>he thinks that BTC cares about the USA banning it
Bitch, please...

What? It costs ~15 cents to move money in 10 minutes using BTC right fucking now. The gamblers, if anything, only slow BTC progress.

You are actually retarded and never used BTC. Please, go.


>> No.10518447

Hey look, it's a europoor thinks he's relevant post.

>> No.10518458

That implies that other governments aren't going to be even more restrictive. Pretty much every government with a central bank would want to kill BTC if it ever got to the point of threatening the banking monopoly.

>> No.10518466

> No real world adoption.
>what is bch
> Cannot scale.
>what is bch
> Not actually decentralized.
>what is bch
> Could get crushed by governments at any time.

>> No.10518474
File: 90 KB, 1440x1080, Picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialism = fascism

>> No.10518513


I've bought quite a lot of shit with crypto my dude.

>> No.10518534

>everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state
>everything for the proletariat, nothing outside the proletariat reach, nothing against the proletariat
The differences are minor and ultimately irrelevant, both ideologies are against the individual and against freedom.

>> No.10518570


She has a pig face...

Is it bad that I want to fuck her prone bone and make her squeal like a pig?

>> No.10518579

What a complete garbage post. BCH has far less adoption than BTC, and BTC's adoption is shit. Neither one can scale for real world use unless you use 0conf which will get scammed to hell. BCH is more centralized tahn BTC and BTC is owned by chinese mining pools. Yo'ure delusional

>> No.10519021


Such as...?

>> No.10519038

He probably bought drugs

>> No.10519228


Bitcoin always reminds me of tulip mania. But at least they were buying something with their money.

>> No.10519261

>reserve currency of the world
>denizens of foreign nations prefer it because their local currency is dipping harder than nano
>thinks no one cares

>> No.10519298

you are all retarded. the government will crush crypto by using the hundreds of billions of dollars of revenue normies give them to invest in massive mining farms while at the same time confiscating any mining competitors. then all they have to do is 51% attack every single major crypto and it's over. they can also use that money to manipulate global markets and cause crashes like the one that just happened at okex. they don't need to ban shit or even touch your money, they can just perma capitulation the market and fuck with everyone's hope and it's over.

>> No.10519381


everything except coins such as BAT, SKY, RLC, COLX, etc.

anything that doesn't offer a usable real life service or porduct is a pure shitcoin that should be worth exactly $0.

>> No.10519413

Blockchain will be used to track dissidents

>> No.10519913

Unironically yes. Waiting for a run to 12k to dump on you niggers

>> No.10520027


Yeah kinda like how the Yakuza has no money because they deal in various goods and services deemed illegal by the government- OH WAIT NEVERMIND THEY PRACTICALLY OWN JAPAN AND HAWAII I'M A FUCKING IDIOT NORMIE WHO PARROTS THE HUFFINGTON POST

>> No.10520101


I know people who bought devices of the pew pew variety

Not for any purpose, just suburban white kids who wanted to see if they actually could.

That's why *** control is a fucking meme, literally anyone can buy/make a *** these days the only thing required is an ounce of willpower.

>> No.10520728

You can make it illegal but there's literally no way to stop it without shutting down every single node

Even if they could in some way track you via blockchain records (eg some kind of honeypot otc deal) then you could just use a privacycoin like Monero or Zcash. Hey presto, John Gubberment can't do shit

>> No.10520738

Volatility is decreasing though, at current levels it should be usable as a stable method of payment in two years or so

>> No.10521817

Difference is that drugs pumps your dopamine to the sky, Bitcoin doesn't do that.
Still I think cryptos will remain because it brings too much efficiency to an economy to be ignored.
Only way I could see cryptos disappear is that if we go full Unabomber but in this case it will be the least of our problems.