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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 35 KB, 1000x1000, LINK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10497553 No.10497553 [Reply] [Original]

I have recently started to get really unconventionally bullish towards link after doing some research and am pondering whether to drop the majority of my stack in link at these prices.

However, I'm a bit confused as far as the price is concerned. Why you ask?

ChainLink seems to be (as far as I've read and gathered info) really, the most potential coin there is. They solve such a huge problem and are one of the few coins that actually do so. Without Link - crypto can't succeed. Thus, it seems odd that the price hasn't been steadily rising since inception (as with Eth for instance) and that it's still close to ICO prices.

Why is this? I'm already convinced link is THE next big thing in crypto (without even being a not so subtle shill, just honest).. why isn't the price acting accordingly? Or is there some dark side of link that I'm still unaware of? Enlighten me.

>> No.10497570

>why isn't the price acting accordingly?
You haven't done any research you LARPing faggot. This is the first question that unironically less than 2 minutes of research would answer.

>> No.10497597

Fucking new fag we’ve discussed this every week since ICO

>> No.10497609

go away fag

>> No.10497615


You probably don't have any good explanations for this.. just some shill line like "whales suppressing price xD since you seem to have no clue

>> No.10497632

1) Because the team is very low profile and doesn't spend even 1% of their time shilling their coin on twitter or speculating future price points. Most of the money circulating through the crypto space right now is just speculators responding to that type of noise. It's an ADHD market, and a project that goes months without any updates is not exciting enough.

2) Because the project is not live yet.

>> No.10497680

1) Sure enough, but isn't the market still mostly moved by institutional investors who know their shit and not some idiots on 4chan looking for the next moon?

2) Fair enough, although you see a lot of top 100 with fuck all and way more market cap. Must be the marketing then..

>> No.10497718

Go fuck yourself OP

>> No.10497733

Yeah it's the marketing and they just hired a gook to market it. So we are fucked.

>> No.10497755

Even though people on /biz/ like to suck their dicks, most "institutional investors" don't really have that much more information to work with than your average neet trying to make it big on crypto. They just have more money to mitigate risk with.

What is there to know about crypto, really? Nobody can see the future, there's no real roadmap for where this market will go in the long term. You and me and even the big boys in suits snorting cocaine in their hedge fund offices are basically just throwing shit against the wall and hoping something sticks.

>> No.10497757

Isn't the accumulated info just a self fulfilling prophecy? More bizfags are digging, but no one is digging in the other coins

>> No.10497763

why dont girls go for nice guys? people dont gravitate toward substance. they are stupid and want thrills. that said after they get fucked, used up, and are past their prime they might settle with you.

>> No.10497764

fuck this is a hostile place returning after 6 months.. well at least I tried to get a decent answer

>> No.10497815


bag holders suppress the price so that they can accumulate at rock bottom prices

>> No.10497853

Yeah I wonder about this too. If they obsessed over another coin I'm sure they'd turn up plenty of dots

>> No.10497870

"returning after six months"
lol that was when the Sergey quote explaining the price came out you liar.

>> No.10497883

Wrong, Gooks are kings of hyping the price of their own shitcoins, this hire was strategic.

>> No.10497919

Do you realize that these guys haven't even figured out the Oracle problem yet? If they do it will be a huge deal but currently, they haven't even done any of the heavy lifting yet...

>> No.10497933

Yes they have, dumb gook

>> No.10497971

they are releasing mainnet soonj though? that must mean somthing?

>> No.10497996

Look at their ‘solution’ to onchain identity. It’s basically nonexistent and is an essential component of their network. There needs to be a way to prevent Sybil attacks without entrusting a central third party to identity verification. This is a huge flaw that linkies like to gloss over

>> No.10498028

A lot of reasons,

1. like someone else said, people here imagine that these people have a lot more knowledge and info than they actually, especially with regards to new technology like this, which isn't even on the radar of most "institutional" investors.

2. The chainlink team has done almost nothing to promote it or get the word out since the ICO and what they have hasn't specifically talked about the token, see Sergey's talks

3. Maybe some (emphasis on some) of the big money is already in. Note how large of a market cap chainlink already has, having stayed pretty close to the top 100, with virtually zero marketing and mainstream hype. Other coins that get the fuck shilled out of them by the teams and have huge plebbit communities behind them like req have similar market caps. Someone is holding link to keep the market cap so high, and I doubt /biz/ alone is doing it. Go through the slack channel and look up everyone in it. There are some very interesting names.

4. maybe /biz/ is just irrationally optimistic and it's really not as promising as people here think so people with real money aren't interested.

5. It doesn't actually have a product yet. The tokens are essentially worthless at this point so the price is basically arbitrary and just getting pushed around by bcore.

>> No.10498058

What makes you think mainnet is coming soon? The only source you have for that info is nervous bagholders trying to build moral and pump their bags

>> No.10498089


it's not coming soon, but it doesn't matter. Zeppelin and Accord are already planning on using it and are well aware of the timeline, even if we aren't. These things take time. /biz/ is just made up of impatient children.

>> No.10498142

If I was to buy a coin for 10k today and forget about it for a year - should it be link?

>> No.10498178

Oh so you mean like how Request Network announced how great fiat integration would be using this silver bullet called Chainlink? How’s REQ been doing lately?

>> No.10498200

REQ is shit. dont ever compare that to something like LINK.

>> No.10498251


You could either buy 200k link for 10k usd now or 1 link for 10k usd in a year.

>> No.10498573

>institutional investors
Anon, I...

>> No.10498625
File: 10 KB, 225x224, images (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did I buy at 30 cents

>> No.10498651
File: 225 KB, 721x730, CHINKY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what time is it?

>> No.10498654

>institutional investors
The ICO was only for entities with a lot of ETH