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File: 36 KB, 482x427, tired wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10494157 No.10494157 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else always /tired/? Should I start taking some drugs or something like adderall? I'm only 18 though so I don't want to mess anything up.

I feel like the only way I stop being tired all the time is if I make it with link. Literally nothing else seems to help. I lift, I sleep at least 8 hours, I go for walks. Maybe it's my constant nose/sinus problems that keep me tired?

Also biz general drug thread.

>> No.10494170

get used to it kiddo. you've got another 60+ years of feeling the same thing. and no, contrary to what you may hear, it doesn't get any better.

>> No.10494172

How is your diet?

>> No.10494178

Before you take random drugs you should get a diagnosis. Maybe it's psychic but maybe you have mononucleosis or your nutrition is shit. There's so much going on in your body and everything could be the cause

>> No.10494184

Adderall is ok m8, kids get it and are mostly ok.

>> No.10494186

You need to sleep more when you're young, I reckon 9 hours a day is good. It'll drop off as you get older.

>> No.10494192

Jack off less.

>> No.10494198

Lots of physical and mental causes can cause this, things ranging from diabetes to manic depression

>> No.10494221

Unironically this

>> No.10494238

At 18 I slept a lot more, you notice a difference starting at 24/25, meaning you sleep less, not that being tired goes away.
(Don't become a daily weed smoker if you really want to avoid this sensation in the future).

>> No.10494268

Stop watching the markets all the fucking time, it tucks with your head
Oh right. In that case I would suggest investing in some high quality cocaine, but you're probably bankrupt already lmao

>> No.10494270
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I eat pasta/potatoes with meat for lunch/dinner. Eat cereal and or sandwiches for breakfast. Sometimes eat pizza or kebab. Drink water many times a day.
Well desu I went from $45k to $7k. I have just started to be ok with that since I like lifting, learning programming and Chainlink gives me some hope since if it hits $2 I'll have $45k again($20k would be nice as hell already). Also my mother is pushing me to go to work while father is at home doing fuck all which pisses me off a bit since all I want is food and if I'm gonna go work then I want to save that money not spend it on food.

Biggest piss off is the lack of energy.

>> No.10494291

Didn't jack off for about 3 weeks. Works wonders for confidence, but still felt tired. Like I remember when I used to wake up, feel groggy for a bit, but then feel wake. Now I wake up, feel groggy and stay groggy. Like my eyes have this weight on top all the time.

>> No.10494335

I'm nearing 30 and I still feel absolutely fucked if I don't sleep 9ish hours. So I wouldn't hope to lose the need to sleep any time soon if you're in your teens.
I do work out almost daily though, that's definitely contributing to the rest needs.

>> No.10494403

Get some high quality coke, put on a picture of Sergay and fap till you go into cardiac arrest.

The less linkies the better, jezus christ I cant believe these spamming tards everywhere. Just die in a fire

>> No.10494413

Rhinitis can be caused by stress. I've had it since I can remember. Whenever I get stressed, boom, eyes get watery and nose runs. It doesn't go away until I go to sleep and hopefully sleep it off. It creeps up on me if I'm trying to solve something complex and something is in my way, like Jews. If I read too much leftist bullshit for example, it will trigger it.

Yes, I can fully relate. My suggestion to you would be to kill yourself because I'm 30 and it hasn't gotten better. When I was 20 I started thinking suicide was really the answer. 10 years later I can't prove myself wrong on that notion.

>> No.10494414


How is your sleep? If you aren't getting 8 hours work on that. If you are it's low test 100%

>> No.10494423

You all need to commit suicide. There really is no hope.

>> No.10494435
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If you say so champ.

>> No.10494437

I'm getting 8 usually. Any other symptoms of low test? Would be a bit wierd to go to the doctor asking if I can have my test levels tested.

>> No.10494441

Go to the gym

>> No.10494467

All of you idiots saying go to the gym are giving stupid advice. 99% of people have dirt form and tend to do more harm than good. Did you know this can cause you to be low on energy? If your sole goal is to have more energy, just do something that gets your heart rate up. Risking throwing your whole body out of wack because of the lift meme on the internet, is incredibly self destructive and gay.

>> No.10494491

found the fatty

>> No.10494499
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About 2 years ago at age 22 something snapped in my body and I suddenly felt chronically congested and my face was on fire. Finally learnt to accept it, after trying: nasal steroids, turpentine, coffee enemas, raw vegan diet, paleo diet, ketogenic diet, 7 day long fasts.
The only thing that made it better is total acceptance. Most adults feel like shit most of the time but you just push through. I now eat like a normal person. I only get flareups of boiling face and congestion when I'm super stressed about something. Just try and be happy and motivated by what it is you do and your body will make you forget it.
If you become obsessed, like I was, you'll end up on CureZone reading about people extracting parasites by drinking bleaching while other people cheer them on and talk about chemtrails.

The more you read about negative health, the more you'll actually develop negative health. You're fine. You'd be surprised how many top level CEOs and neurosurgeons feel like dogshit 24/7. Welcome to reality.

>> No.10494504

Final thought. Holding LINK alone and relying on it would make anyone lethargic. Go find a few more coins, you gullible fuckin idiot.

>> No.10494510

I realize you're talking about low energy, just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents for anyone else who was like me.

>> No.10494512

I have literally no fat on me. I'm actually struggling to put on some. You need some fat to be healthy. I'm 100% lean muscle. My body is super efficient.

>> No.10494525

I'm already lifting. It feels good and after workout the sauna is very relaxing. Also it makes me look good as well which is a good confidence boost.

>> No.10494536

Stop before you do damage. Lifting is unnatural and stupid. You're probably damaging your body and don't even realize it.

>> No.10494552

Your diet is shit. Get some vegetables and lean meat. Carbs generally make you sleepy

>> No.10494559

There are no other cryptos to hold. Vechain is a borderline scam. IOTA is soon. Eth already mooned. Bitcoin mooned. Then there are so many cryptos that yea maybe solve some problems, but don't justify their $300m+ caps.

I wasn't always all in on LINK, but when I saw all the scammy shit chinks have pulled and all the soon shit the other cryptos pull, I finally went all in on LINK at about $0.22. It has actually given me some peace of mind.

>> No.10494576

Damn that sounds depressing. I hope the future brings some cure for all this stuff.

>> No.10494577

eat less carbs, check your blood sugar - could be diabetes

>> No.10494594

Also stop eating fast-food and cereal

>> No.10494595

Keep looking. LINK can easily fail despite what these fags on this board say. Have a back up plan that consists of more than participating in a mass suicide with other linkies if it fails.

>> No.10494613
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I'm way too tired to argue how easily Chainlink can fail. You do you I do me and I guess we'll see.

>> No.10494615

Way too many carbs. Your blood sugar is spiking constantly causing you to be a tired boi. Eat lean meats/greens/low carb in general and see how you go.
Certainly helped my chronic tiredness.

>> No.10494617

ok then faggot

>> No.10494620

I'll try eat better, but I doubt it will help anything.

>> No.10494661
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>I eat pasta/potatoes with meat for lunch/dinner. Eat cereal and or sandwiches for breakfast. Sometimes eat pizza or kebab. Drink water many times a day.
And this motherfucker is still probably in better shape than me.

The only non-inflammatory somewhat healthy food you listed is the meat in your diet, and some of that is in kebab/pepperoni-form. Get a grip man.

If you feel good on carbs:
Sweet potatoes, green vegetables, beef, chicken, salmon, plenty of good oils, eggs

>> No.10494689

Thanks man I regret referring to you as a motherfucker haha. Best of luck with your problems as well.

>> No.10494748

>drink coffee

wow that's hard, one cup gets me so fucking wired. Also exercise and shit

>> No.10494786


just microdose it


>> No.10494851

Underrated. I can't stand big doses, but 25-50mg gives me a very subtle boost. Probably not a great suggestion for long term though, my father takes 400mg every day for general fatigue and it gets him severely buzzed to the point of rambling incoherence.

>> No.10494857

Replace the cereal with protein shakes, stop eating so much pasta and eat more chicken and broccoli, and in general get more leafy greens in there, maybe try spinach with some meat on top, you're definitely spiking your blood sugar each time you consume a meal with heavy carbs and when the spike wears off you get tired, and if you do that enough you'll feel constantly fatigued

>> No.10494869

yeah 200 feel like too much already
100 is i want the boost. but just 50 its like the perfect subtle boost

>> No.10494897

also look into some supplements, maybe some amino acids or something. I take a ton of supplements like dhea, dmae, caffeine, l-theanine, bcaas, protein, digestive enzymes+pro and prebiotics, nac, c0q10, and a multi plus some extra vitamin d since I spend a lot of time indoors and I feel like a fucking superhor combined with a good diet of leafy greens, meat, and various nut milks, rice, healthy oils, and eggs

>> No.10494912


*superhero lol

>> No.10494949

Felt fatigued and foggy brain for years, hard to wake up every morning no matter how much sleep I had.. knew I was deficient in something so tried different supplements. Iron, omegas, multis, zinc etc. didn't work until I dosed vitamin d.

I take 2000mg before breakfast every morning feel fucking awake and can think clearly. Happier and more positive as well. I'm not a neet and get plenty of sun but I feel like shit when I don't take vit d.

Also fap less and eat more veggies less wheat and processed crap.

>> No.10494956

Always tired too, but on contrary I cant really sleep well, tops 4h at night, just nonstop things going on in my head. Here i'm reallynot larping, started 7yearsago regularily dreaming about gettin stabbed to death or burnt to death. After 1 year i got used to it. Feel empty and blunted as hell since childhood

>> No.10494960

are you a ham planet? Even if not you might have sleep apnea. I got on cpap, which sucks in its own right, but its better than feeling like shit 24-7

>> No.10494980

Pregabalin (Lyrica)

It makes me feel motivated, happy and empathic. Everything seems more vivid and colorful, (the movie Limitless is similar without being a genius though)

Definitely one of the most underrated drugs there is

>> No.10494984

I've had one dream like that. It was during a time of great misery in my life. I was feeling like everything was being stolen from me. Do you feel this way?

>> No.10494997
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Thanks everyone for suggestions. I'm gonna save the thread and start reorganising my shit.

>> No.10494998

That seems like a lot. Any side effects you've noticed? A quick googlin' says you can get kidney stones and "bone pain" from overdosing on vitamin D.

>> No.10495229

Hm stolen, I dont know, perhaps a little but mostly I felt I just wanna die, had a phase where i was emotionally so far away, everything felt so meaningless, even when twice my life was threatened i wasnt even feeling any adrenalin rush, i was just like whatever happens just happens, fuck it. Even today or at least the last 2 years i feel a lot better, these dreams come less but i dont even have a problem with those anymore so whatever, i started to like em. My whole life I was thinking everyday of just kms. No mother, no father, but i think it was best to grow without parents, because this way I could grow as myself and not some copypasta from parents. This was prolly best for me, a hard life gives you experience

>> No.10495341

Yeah having parents sucks, they don't have a clue what they're doing, they just use us for entertainment.

>> No.10495355
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Pick up some phenylpiracetam or adrafinil, a legal modafinil metabolite.

http://extrasynaptic.com, go to the synthetic nootropic section for the good stuff. Only takes crypto.

>> No.10495368

Sorry 2000iud daily supplemented. Yes vit d can be toxic in high prolonged doses as it is not water soluble.

Pick some up and try it and slowly increase your dosage. You will notice the affects if you are deficient.

>> No.10495371

Eat vegetables and buy sustegen hostility grade

The first casualty of a malnourished diet is your mood.

Also look into 5-htp supplements, I feel like that after binge smoking weed for months, your sapping your seratonin from drugs and fapping and a bad diet

Try that first up, helped me, but then I binge smoke again.

>> No.10495383

>take drugs to stay awake
sleep more, bro

>> No.10495385

Also start your day with a run, or run when you feel tired, push through that and you’ll feel high, gret natural high is after a hard workout

Running won’t destroy your body cause of being a brainlet at fitness

>> No.10495387

>sandwiches for breakfast

>> No.10495400

I took 400mg the other day and couldn't sit still kek. 200 is good for me, but i go lower if I'm drinking coffee

>> No.10495401

See your doctor. Lots of conditions can cause this: thyroid, low T, diabetes, depression, etc. Or it could be a shit diet. Get the underlying cause figured out and addressed before you just take drugs to get more energy.

>> No.10495409


Wtf, I had sinus shit too and it turns out I might have hypothyroidism, get it checked brah.

>> No.10495426

You mentioned sinus. Get your breathing checked out or look into a sleep study if you’re known to snore or have interrupted sleep. Sleep apnea can crush your energy levels.

>> No.10495433


Also the weird tiredness and insomnia, I need more tests but the doctor was pretty certain it's the thyroid.

>> No.10495462

Methfag here
Its 6am....been up all night
Dont fall for the adderall meme, or any fucking drug
I use meth now to stay awake. Not get high, STAY AWAKE
The positive effects go away quickly, you dont want to be me.
I'm one of the most Justd ppl on biz and it isn't even because of the drugs

>> No.10495475

Stop eating gluten, might help if you are undiagnosed celiac

>> No.10495643

You have low testosterone. Unless you start roiding, it will only get worse

>> No.10495677
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are you a mouth breather?

do you drink enough water?

>> No.10495679

Wow great advice you faggot.

>> No.10495810

carbs/gluten are causing massive intestinal inflammation. Add more antioxidants and antiinflammatories.

>> No.10496166


I have the same experience. This is true.

>> No.10496194

Stop eating cereal in the morning especially if it has niacin

>> No.10496204


Just pointing out to the literal retards: potatoes are actually one of the best things you can eat. Look up the potato diet and how the guy had perfect blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels, and lost 30 pounds in a month just from eating potatoes.

Stay bluepilled.

>> No.10496564

Try a meat only diet, will feel shit to start with but after couple weeks of being off sugar and carbs you will come good. Sugar diet causes inflammation so that will cause more mucus so more sinus problems. But need to be strict. Meat, eggs cheese and milk only. Good luck.

>> No.10496711
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So that's about 0.05mg then? Why do these medical people feel the need to introduce these goofy, redundant units and methods constantly.

>> No.10497376

Smoke weed, not that chemical garbage.

>> No.10497472

Exhausted. Ive given up on ever making it, life is a daily struggle for survival, with no redeeming qualities.

>> No.10497878

stop eating wheat, friend. eat more fiber, more roots, more leafy vegetables, more berries, more fruit.

sounds too easy but it's causing or contributing to ALL of the problems you described. You may think you are saving money by eating less expensive things, but at what cost? Life is BETTER when you eat better foods. Not to mention the cost of "treating" all of your symptoms, which still won't ever go away if your diet stays the same.

processing too many grains and starches makes the same chemicals that processing alcohol does. You are basically hungover all the time. Your sinus problems are due to systemic inflammation from the wheat. You are having allergic type reactions to your FOOD.

>> No.10497907

More fruit + veggies You absolute mong

>> No.10497909

You’re just lazy, spend too much time doing nothing and you got used to it.

>> No.10497916

temporary bandaid. I drink 1 liter of strong coffee a day and when my diet goes to shit (like it has this summer) i feel the same way regardless. the coffee brings me up for maybe 6-8 hours but before and after that i feel like shit.

you'll have to go back and forth on diet a few times before you really realize how much it's fucking you over, but if you never try . . . i guess good food will be cheaper for me.

>> No.10497990

You may have parasites

>> No.10498060

Try not eating all those carbs, you will crash.