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10474390 No.10474390 [Reply] [Original]

can you start over at 25 or is it to late ?

>> No.10474401

It''s not too late, but if you wasted that many years, it's unlikely you'll do anything with the remaining ones.

>> No.10474416

At 26 I had nothing, NEET, no degree, nothing. At 28 I had $100k in the bank. Stay strong. You will have to work hard and change everything about yourself but you can do it.

>> No.10474428

no it's too late

I knew as soon as I couldn't afford to go to Ivy League college that I was doomed to the life of a mediocre plebian faggot, like most of you

>> No.10474441

I'm basically in OP's situation cause I was crippled for my early twenties, and its a bitch finding work with that gap in your employment history.

>> No.10474446
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you telling me i cant start over and become a don draper

>> No.10474448

gotta get a degree bud

>> No.10474449

Have you tried simply lying?

>> No.10474476

I would but background checks are a bitch.

>> No.10474487

Do employers actually perform background checks on you? Are you applying for jobs that require security clearance or something?

>> No.10474496

i remember when i used to go to job interviews and tell them they truth they were like you did what for the last 3 years and i had to explain a whole set a shit that was the truth but sounded like an lie so i just made shit up from then on

>> No.10474505

And did you have success after that?

>> No.10474524

25.5 and in the same boat anon. Managed to quit cigarettes, weed and porn and started studying CS again (dropped out years ago). Still much to do, but getting better every week/month. There will be a lot of days where you want to give up. Don't. Just think back at how shitty you life was. Embrace the pain/suffering/effort of doing something for long term gain.

>> No.10474531

Yes, 27 y/o former loser here. I had £1200 to my name this time last year, now I have over £60,000 with more to come thanks to Link.

Find God and he'll help you every step of the way, unironically speaking.

>> No.10474556

The justification they give me for background checks are they don't want to get metoo'ed.

>> No.10474558

every where i lied i got the job every place i told them what i actually did and went on explaining how i did it they rejected me but maybe if it was high end jobs they would check my background but some of the place i lied about was computer repair places and those type of shit which are closed down so call if they want

>> No.10474588

I started over at 25
You can do it

>> No.10474611

nothing to contribute but rooting for you fags
good luck

>> No.10474618

How do I explain that I have never really worked even if I'm 26? I'm computer science student and I think I'm good enough, but worried that no one will ever hire me because I have been a NEET for so long. How could I bs my way out of this?

>> No.10474637

Mind elaborating? I like to hear from others in a similar situation.


My plan, when the time comes, is to lie my ass off.

>> No.10474642

Start by doing temp work. A lot of lawyers and doctors don't start working until their late 20s.

>> No.10474649

>Start by doing temp work. A lot of lawyers and doctors don't start working until their late 20s.
And the idea there is what, to use that as a springboard and demonstrate that you have some experience? Won't the gap before that still look quite bad?

>> No.10474653

are you retarded? it's because they're in school from 18 to nearly 30

its not like they're jacking off for 5-6 years and then deciding to go work

>> No.10474698

Lie sure, but don't they check where I have worked before?

Still need to fill the gap somehow.

>> No.10474731

>Lie sure, but don't they check where I have worked before?
My assumption is that they'd only check your references, but I guess it depends on what you're applying for

>> No.10474744

>by the time we are 100, average age will be at least 110
>worrying about wasting maybe 8 years of your life
Nigga, get a grip. 25 ain't shit.

>> No.10474750

Yes, thank you. I am retarded. But it still will work. Once he develops a track record at a temp job he can use that to get a better job. He can say he was working on personal projects in his early twenties or working on a family business.
Businesses in CA have to be careful about asking for criminal history. With liberals in charge the rules are getting very pro-employee and pro-applicant.

>> No.10474763

>average age will be 110
only if you make enough money to buy and eat healthy food, instead of poisoned shit. in 50 years only the top 1% will be able to afford to eat real food.

>> No.10474766

Yeah and if I have none?

>> No.10474771


At 25 years old I found myself in a police cell after being falsely accused of rape and was on the verge of committing suicide.

Now I am 28 and shit is cash.

>> No.10474798

No clue, that's why I'm lurking here. It probably depends greatly on the job for which you're applying.

>> No.10474805

elaborate, friend. Give us your story. How did shit become cash?

>> No.10474812

Too late, KYS
If by 23 you don't have a good career, you screwed up in life.

>> No.10474832

If you aren't making at least $100k starting out of high school you should probably just kill yourself, but get sterilized at bare minimum.

>> No.10474837

I'm pathologically independent, and this is always what holds me back. I make good impressions on the people i do interact with, but I always avoid building relationships up to the point where i would feel comfortable asking for a letter of recommendation. I've been working on changing that, to where I have several past employers that have OFFERED to vouch for me whenever and wherever needed, but I still haven't grown enough to ASK. And I have 1 year to get academic/career field references, or I'm gonna be stuck.

Society, like it or not, demands that we have others vouch for us. You aren't allowed to stand on your own, period. Even if you think you can become great enough to stand on your own, really you just became charasmatic, attractive or outstanding enough to compel other people to vouch for you without you asking directly.

This trend is only going to increase as we digitize everything, so get on board. I'm willing to start co-independent groups that analyze and vouch for each other in non-traditional structures, but it will take a special apparatus because normal people don't have time and/or the capacity to analyze you and decide if you are worthy. Basically I'm describing a type of secret society, l.o.l..

>> No.10474844

Leader singer of MCR was 25 when their first album came out and they got huge
You’re fine

>> No.10474875


>> No.10474881


Crazy ex that I lived with. She didn't come home from work one night. I was making sammichs for lunch and called her to ask where she was. No answer.

About 10 mins later bunch vans turned up, police stormed my house. I thought she might have been hit by a car or something. They opened my patio doors and literally just said, "You're being arrested on suspicion of rape". I was like wtf. They let me get my contact lenses and I turned my computers off - this probably made them suspicious because they vanned all of my electronic devices, handcuffed me and took me to the cells.

Wasn't sure what the fuck was going on. Got to call a lawyer who said don't say fucking anything, you've been accused of a serious crime. This was at like midnight. Had to stay in cell overnight because no one was there to inerview me and lawyer couldn't turn up.

Next day got interviewed, released on bail. Got home and all her shit was gone, all my electronics took, my phones, everything. Couldn't even contact family who lived about 300 miles away at the time. Had to go buy a burner phone and call people and call in sick to work for a week. 2 weeks later they gave me my computers and phones back, few weeks later she dropped accusations and they released me from bail. Then I wrote to police with all evidence I had of why this was bullshit and they deleted my arrest record from their system (if it was left there I wouldn't be able to work with kids, travel to first world anglo countries without going to apply for visas at embassies in person etc.).

>> No.10474891

There are jobs where they don't even care about your employment history. You have to set your bar lower.

>> No.10474899
File: 451 KB, 850x802, vitalik-buterin__22210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you won't make it

you are destined to a life of mediocrity.

every well known person today and throughout history was already making strides in their early 20s. you might not have known their name yet but they were doing big things within their field and winning awards and such or playing big shows.

just look at Joan of Arc or Alexander the Great. or even Ryan Gosling or Justin Timberlake (was part of the Mickey Mouse Club). many of your favorite musicians were already playing shows and had small record deals before they signed big. I mean look at Jared Kushner or Zuckerberg or the kid who made Snapchat.

people like Vitalik are the ones who make it, they've already done something at an early age. Vitalik will probably do another something in 10-15 years that will make him a billionaire like Bezos.

>> No.10474904

Yeah most contractors will hire pretty much anyone willing to work
A lot of ex convicts get jobs that way

>> No.10474931

No. lift your spirits;

>> No.10474939


>> No.10474950

as if vitalik cares about money. he is high functioning autist. he already got millions. on what will he spend it ?

>> No.10474969

maybe but I personally haven't made it

biggest shock is that second half of your 20s is going to pass extremely fast

t. soon to be 30 year old NEET who lost 200k unrealized gains in crypto

>> No.10475040

Vitalik's IQ has been measured at 300
That is 100 more than Alberrt Einstein

>> No.10475128

I was a high school dropout who worked shit jobs until I went to community college at 29 and took a bunch of computer cert classes. After loading up on a bunch of certs. I got a job as a help desk tech making 55k, then worked up for a bit and now work in an NOC in the DC area making 85k.

Tech companies and government contractors in the DC area will hire you with nothing but a A+ Certification and a pulse.

>> No.10475139

You're wrong and retarded. Many people fail in everything they do in life and using the experience gained from their failures are able to pull off a major success later on in their 30s, 40s or beyond. Inb4 cope. I'm 19 faggot.

>> No.10475161

WTF can't you sue them for that shit?

>> No.10475168

Wow, what the actual fuck. Why'd she do that to you? And how do they have the right to just seize all of your shit on mere suspicion?

>> No.10475176

>biggest shock is that second half of your 20s is going to pass extremely fast
>t. soon to be 30 year old NEET who lost 200k unrealized gains in crypto

>> No.10475184

you don't know shit

>> No.10475189

what is your purpose ITT?

>> No.10475197

Yikes, jesus was this completely out of the blue? Are you able to sue or i dunno press charges on your ex. I have no idea how this shit works...

>> No.10475235

>suspicion of rape
>confiscate pc
Because he used the PC to rape her, clearly.
I don't get it.

>> No.10475293

to give you faggots a reality check. you are all destined to a life of poverty and mediocrity and enslavement. war is the only thing that could change this.

>> No.10475328

you just seem like an edgelord desu

>> No.10475379

Gotta search them for rape porn

>> No.10475395


>can you start over at 25 or is it to late ?

What's the point of this question? If you have no other choice (killing yourself is not an option), the anwer is irrelevant. Just do it and you will find out.

>> No.10475402

He's looking for reassurance

>> No.10475412

People like you somehow magically know what other people should be doing with their lives, you even somehow know what everyone should be spending their precious time on. The most degenerate people I know from experience have this very outlook. Just because you got lucky early on and standardized education tells you that you have to have your "calling" all figured out before its "too late" does not mean that you are better than everyone else who happens to figure their shit out later in life.

You're really good at rhetoric. Once again the perception that something is forfeited because people didn't finish their lives at age 23 is fucking stupid. Why are you so hasty with what everyone else decides to do?

>tldr hurr durr ur not vitalik

>> No.10475428
File: 122 KB, 1000x1000, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> there is a 3rd option crime i cant always try my haand of crime and if it fails go out with a bang and make the news

>> No.10475450

he's just trolling

>> No.10475532

I'm not trolling you faggots. Because I'm sick of this idea that American media and American government has put in your heads that one day you're going to become a super star. Why? Because then this leads you to sacrifice your own realistic self interest for mega billionaires/millionaires and such because some part of you still believes you will be part of that crowd one day. it also leads you to make decisions in your life to work more and vote for policies that support more enslavement rather than simply enjoying the time you have on this planet.

example? in some european countries you get 6-8 weeks of vacation, standard. in the JewSA? 1-2 weeks standard.

stop living your life for tomorrow, you are basically putting your life on hold because you think one day that your life will start again after you finally "make it" when your life is passing you by right now.

>> No.10475549

>can you turn your life around?
>super star
So wait, are you just a salty loser? Or what
>stop living your life for tomorrow, you are basically putting your life on hold because you think one day that your life will start again after you finally "make it" when your life is passing you by right now.
very true, good advice

>> No.10475554

That'd put me in 2010, put $4K into BTC, and I'd be retired today.

>> No.10475571

are you time traveling?

>> No.10475574

>salty loser
No I'm middle class just like you. You're never going to become Jared Kushner or Zuckerberg or even one of the hundreds of chump change millionaire nigger sportsball players who inevitably go bankrupt.

You are born into mediocrity and will die in mediocrity. 99.9% of your life has already been dictated for you by external forces and decisions outside of your control. anything outside of that is either Einstein level genius or pure luck - probably both.

>> No.10475581

I don't think OP was asking about becoming the next Zuck

>> No.10475586

And you know even less faggot. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Jack Ma and many other successful figures were seen as retarded failures for a long time before becoming successful. There was some great emperor who had a quote lamenting about how he hadn't done shit his whole life until his current age of 30 or so while other emperors would have practically taken over the world by that time. His name slips me now but he became a powerful conqueror, very famous name. I know you feel like a hopeless loser like the faggot you are but it's not too late even for you. Tomorrow is always a new day and you can still make it. Stop shitposting trying to bring others down and go make something of yourself.

>> No.10475600

boom, there it is

>> No.10475627

Wrong bitch. Henry Ford was high level and met directly with executives and Thomas fucking Edison himself. He had connections, as did Thomas Edison and his (((financers))). You have none.

>> No.10475645

Also I believe Henry Ford falls into this category
>Einstein level genius or pure luck - probably both
had he not had personal ties to Edison, nothing would have come of his idea

Do you know Mark Zuckerberg personally? What about Jeff Bezos? No? Didn't think so

>> No.10475687

This. It’s by no means too late, but it’s very hard to suddenly change after (I assume) that many years of not working hard. It will take a ton of self discipline.

>> No.10475932


It's unironically better to start from 0 at 25 than start working shit jobs 7-8 years earlier and develop black-pilled bitterness/apathy, eventually lose your job and become unemployable, despite all previous work experience.

At your age people will hire you just because you're still young. Try to pull that off if you're over 35 years old - and it will be much more difficult.

>> No.10475991

>than start working shit jobs 7-8 years earlier and develop black-pilled bitterness/apathy, eventually lose your job and become unemployable, despite all previous work experience.
reporting in!

>> No.10476069
File: 162 KB, 600x3031, 363672478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible to start over at any age. Your old you has debts. But you can try to make all the time you have left be worth more to compensate for the lost hours. You can fail doing that too so you better respect it.

>> No.10476076

I’m starting over at 27 anon and I’m not worried. It’s never too late.

>> No.10476091

I find it funny that some people use a black and white argument in support of socialism/communism. The say that because you can't part of the 1% super rich, you'll be super poor as if everything in the middle doesn't exist. Why are these leftists so desperate to live the lifestyles of rich people?

>> No.10476128

idk man, OP was just asking about starting over as a NEET or something, not becoming the next zucc. good luck to you fren you seem really jaded and cynical but i hope you find happiness

>> No.10476231

I wasn't being cynical. I was making an argument against people who think social mobility always means getting to the topmost level in the hierarchy.

>> No.10476239

that's fine but OP never asked about being zuck, he's asking about starting over at 25, that clearly indicates that something went horrifically wrong in his life and he's not trying to become a millionaire but rather probably a normie, middle class is a good life for a lot of people

>> No.10476278

nah man, that negativity is going to kill you slowly. I'm making it bro, you just got to understand the system.

>> No.10476296

you are really bitter anon, and have a very skewed view of the world.

>> No.10476301

You can make it at any age but if you don't have the motivation and intuition by now you'll probably wont get it later.

>> No.10476307

>You can make it at any age but if you don't have the motivation and intuition by now you'll probably wont get it later.
I had no motivation but a fair amount of intuition. I was also super lazy. I think a lot of people here are like me desu.

>> No.10476667

Sounds like he's making excuses for himself to me

>> No.10476683

also true

>> No.10476684

Sounds like you're both living in la-la land. The math doesn't add up. You will work until you die.

>> No.10476707

>You will work until you die.
won't you?

>> No.10476726

Yes I will, and so will you. Difference is I am not in denial about it. I've come to accept the bitter reality that is our life in this century. You should do the same, you are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

>> No.10476734

>Difference is I am not in denial about it
what indicated to you that i was in denial about it?

>> No.10476800

because you are arguing with me about what I am saying all throughout this thread.

>> No.10476835

terrible idea unless you're getting into STEM or law.

>> No.10476877


>> No.10476883

>27 posts by this ID

>> No.10476896
