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File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10457161 No.10457161 [Reply] [Original]

>grow up on 00's internet
>love the tight knit communities of online forums and MMO's
>10's comes around
>no longer finding that sort of social circle online
>get into crypto
>join discords and telegrams
>tfw the communities are exactly like they were in the old days

This is the most appealing aspect of crypto, to be honest.

>> No.10457285

There are a few good ones

>> No.10457292

cringing hard right now

>> No.10457299 [DELETED] 

I feel the same op. I was thinking how similar it feels just the otherday.

>> No.10457309

gay fag

>> No.10457338

Aren't discords some weird zoomer thing
They're actually worth joining?

>> No.10457357

Link me a good discord. I'm only in shitty official ones with idiots

>> No.10457409

fuck you

>> No.10457418

Knowing my luck i'd end up being in a scam discord and get cuckked

>> No.10457426

Internet in 00's was actually good. Everybody was anonymous not like today where normies proudly display their full legal name next to every shitpost wherever they go.

>> No.10457439

>join discords and telegrams
>tfw the communities are exactly like they were in the old days
mmo communities were full of people waiting for their bags to pump and posting cope 24/7? don't remember that desu

>> No.10457461

t. underage faggot

>> No.10457484

You have no fucking idea what youve missed out on my dude

>> No.10457512

i wass just thinking about this yesterday fren, kinda odd. those were the best times, people valued privacy, conspiracies with actual information, there was hope for the information age of the future..sadness

>> No.10457516
File: 91 KB, 604x516, IMG_3972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these feels too man

>> No.10457531

Getting me in my feels bro

>> No.10457538
File: 71 KB, 725x725, JPEG_20180722_163702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all niggers. Stay the fuck off discord.

>> No.10457539

I love you faggots, you make the wait for moon enjoyable.

>> No.10457560

Honestly I wouldn't go on there. It is RIFE with child porn. RIFE. Full of gamers who are primarily a bunch of pedos anyway. Don't go on discord.

>> No.10457577
File: 67 KB, 630x399, A-Third-of-Leads-Are-Not-Getting-Called-Back-skeleton-waiting-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10457578

matchmaking zoomer detected

>> No.10457597
File: 265 KB, 399x305, 4352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


00s internet was so based because no one really took the internet so seriously compared now. The content was great. The humor was awesome. Now it's a bunch niggers who act edgy and casual for the sake of being edgy and casual while retweeting post ironic ghetto memes that everyone can "rl8 too"

>> No.10457640

Battle.net showing my real name was such a shock. Normies told us to never show our real name on the internet, now its the norm.

>> No.10457662

yea man, its just crazy. personally i used to go on a bunch of car forums and check out the off topic sections, also alot of grasscity(holy shit i havent thought of that forum in fucking ages). anyway, ill never forget the day, i was a sophmore in high school, i was on IWSTI.com forums because ive always loved subarus in the off topic section. Someone posted a video about the federal reserve. I watched it and i was in absolute shock, i didnt even believe it. At the end of the video there was a congessman talking on the floor stating all the evils of the FED. I rememeber thinking, "wow, i cant believe this guy is saying this, but he just a fucking politican he doesnt actually do shit about it and is probably in with them." Holy shit i was wrong, Ron Paul turned into, and still is my hero. I feel i owe my education to him, as i barely graduated HS but have degrees in accounting and finance now. Anyway from there i found Bitcoin very early, like under a dollar early, but couldnt figure out how to buy. that is besides the point though, looking back those were the best days. Butbiz does bring some of those feelings back. Love u frens, sorry for the rambles, yall got me in the feels

>> No.10457664

Invite for Crypto Traders Room : discord dot gg slash fYaZyPm
Used to be more active but was good fun.

>> No.10457672

Most importantly there weren't any roasties smelling up the interwebs

>> No.10457673
File: 174 KB, 528x321, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10457686

C-can you shill me your discord and telegram? I’m only in fatpagsignals on telegram and its just a bunch of Brazilians talking nonsense

>> No.10457723
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, 5405406540640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>00s internet was so based
some of us still miss 90s internet

have a few random clicks around this for a sense of what the internet used to be like before everything aggregated to the about 10 sites

>> No.10457758

Like the TRTL discord, its unironically full of pedo's, even the fucking lead dev lmao.

>> No.10457781


>> No.10457820

Yeah back then the internet was almost entirely white and male

>> No.10457973

Telegrams are honestly the worst. It's not a good platform for organized communication and most of them are filled with idiots. Just use discord and slack (although discord is my preference) my dude.