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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 224x224, zilliqa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10453662 No.10453662 [Reply] [Original]

there was ever in history a more obvious moon mission than this one? I mean, this thing sits on #25 while it has by far the best tech on the market (not that there's a hard competition desu)

>> No.10453852

it's a behemoth already at its current market cap. The upside is relatively small compared to tiny moonshots and the downside is huge. "Good tech" is not enough

>> No.10454045

Best zil fud - market cap is too high.

I love it. That’s the best anyone has got.

>> No.10454064

This is a business board, go to /g/ if you want to sperg out about muh efficiency. Nano has super efficiency and look what happened, terrible investment. Spamming the word "FUD" isn't a refutation

>> No.10454167


I like you, please continue to post your biz opinions and sense on this board.

It needs more of it

>> No.10454188

I have a reasonable sized bag of this when I read the comparison papers the devs wrote that basically roasted literally every other platform coin and why ZIL is better

anyways biz will never buy this because MUH MARKETCAP and the fact that it's made by CHINKS (even though two of my highest returns have all been via Chinese teams; white teams have literally just lost me money)

>> No.10454216

being the best tech on the market by far, the first permissionless highly scalable blockchain, the one who already partnered with respectable insurance companies, took from ethereum their biggest game even before they had a running mainnet and most importantly not a scam, isn't enough to take bytecoin/eos/tron place?

Also, "Good tech" is enough indeed, i actually can't think of a platform with actual good tech, the last one was ETH.

I don't know if fud or literal brainlet, ZIL with a quarter of EOS/TRON marketing would be in a position to dethrone ETH. and yes, they said they'll start a marketing campaign in 2-3 months.

>> No.10454244

this is filled with so much jargon I don't even know where to begin
I do have some ZIL, it's 0.5% of my portfolio. I think most of what you said is bullshit but I do like the tech.
This is so emblematic of chink asshattery, it just looks bad when you mention it

>> No.10454315

what exactly is bullshit? i was entirely honest

>> No.10454331

>guys check out this chinkcoin-of-the-month its gonna be the next Ethereum!!!

>> No.10454376

They said the exact same thing about cardano before it did x70 in 2 months. The little differece is that ZIL has a revolutionary tech and ADA by the time they mooned hard had nothing but a whitepaper.

>> No.10454378

Nigga XRB did like a 1000x what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.10454387

This coin has a shit name which is unironically a big problem in a market dominated by retards who just buy hype. I'm sold on the tech, just let me know when they rebrand and I'll buy some.

>> No.10454393

yeah but you're conveniently ignoring important market cycles that took the average alt up 10x in that same time period, this is not comparable

again this is a /biz/ board

>> No.10454395

>Nigga XRB did like a 1000x what the fuck are you talking about?
were you around for that? 'cuz i was. very few people here got 1000x out of it. tell me about your experience and i'll respond with mine

>> No.10454411

zil is cool keeps moving higher against the shitfuckers and baryybags

>> No.10454446

biz doesn't deserve zil

>> No.10454466

Because Chinese loves to pnd and they only pump Chinese teams.

>> No.10454488

How high can this shitcoin go?

>> No.10454497

$2 minimum in 1 year

>> No.10454516


Waiting for the next time BTC does something that fucks alts up and I'll be picking up a bag

>> No.10454545

tron already has first mover advantage in the chinkscam hypecoin market. I can't believe people paid 20 cents for this lol

>> No.10454746

Market cycles won't change the fact that eos/tron/ripple are ranked above it, i'm not talking about roi because it's attached to the general market movements, i'm talking about its place.

If the average alt goes x10 on the next bullrun and ZIL is going up the rank (which will happen sooner or later), we could see ZIL doing at least x50 from the current price. It's really that simple and people keep throwing this kind of fud (stupidity?) on every coin with medium to large marketcap.

TOP 3, usd price depends on the market.


If you think the future of crypto will be Tron you really should quit rightnow, even if you don't actuallly want it to happen but think it is.

>> No.10454793

>price is low so it must go up
thanks just bought DAG

>> No.10455341


>> No.10456435


>> No.10456524

do you have proof of said tech? as far as i know they have some numbers on a website and thats it

>> No.10456573

ADA was touring unis doing talks

>> No.10456618

This.... everyone’s saying it’s scalable and faster than ethereum but has anyone here actually bothered to try to use the test net? I’m a brainlet so don’t know how but I’m instinctively suspicious of Asian coins and the ZIL team is a Chinese Pajeet hybrid. How do you know you’re not gonna get scammed?

>> No.10456675

It's open source. you can see the code and all the process.

>> No.10456689

This team is one of the most honest and respected in crypto, vitalik himself praised them, radix, elrond and so on. They was the first to propose a sharding solution on the blockchain in 2015.

>> No.10457480

I hope ZIL team will do the same, they have everything ready but public recognition, i've seen more ZIL airdrop scam posts than ZIL shills outside of /biz/

>> No.10457501

Why is there always some faggot asking this without checking the testnet first? Is this board l\seriously made of spergs and autists?

>> No.10457544

like this dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cc7NO7roHzU

And some people take advices from this brainlet, i don't even know how to name those people

>> No.10457551

>checking the testnet
unless you actually dig through the code to understand and host a node on the test net you're basically just looking at a bunch of numbers on a webpage
i can also put numbers on a webpage, doesnt mean i have a high-performance blockchain in my pocket

>> No.10457598

So go ahead and dig through the code, again, it's open source.

>> No.10457606

Lmao. You are seriously a fucking dumb retard, holy shit.

>> No.10457724
File: 18 KB, 627x138, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a good 62k lines of code, would take anyone weeks to get a good understanding of the most significant parts of it
yeah im the dumb one for not outright trusting chinks and their research projects

>> No.10457739

They are not even Chinese, they are Singaporean. Just fucking stop posting you dumbass. It's getting embarrassing.

>> No.10457796
File: 34 KB, 429x381, 1530718286458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they are not even chinese, they are singaporean
oh tell me more about it so i can buy their erc20 token that will Guaranteed™ be exchangeable for the real deal whenever there mainnet launches

>> No.10458024

I was around and did not get in on it. That doesn't mean it wasn't a bad investment, all it means is that retards bought the absolute top thinking it would moon forever. It's still like 100x right now by the way.

>> No.10458082

Can ZIL replicate the high tps and maintain the shards on a mainnet?
ETH had fancy as fuck high tps before mainnet launch, look at their struggle.
200 ---> 7k

>> No.10458096

You are quite literally a full-blown retard. Just do us all a favor and kys.

>> No.10458135

>t. lost money on bitgrail