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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 252 KB, 1600x1200, WhatsApp Image 2018-07-26 at 11.15.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10427184 No.10427184 [Reply] [Original]

Check out my new tatt

>> No.10427189

buy TRTL

>> No.10427195

Seems pretty real to me

>> No.10427214

i suppose based is the adequate response to this

>> No.10427222

bro. nice Cock

>> No.10427224
File: 8 KB, 207x244, D2ABA1E5-7261-49E5-A1E4-7874C57B17D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10427227

>Doctor what is this growing on my skin?
>It's cancer.

>> No.10427235

Really cool - until they change the logo the next time..

>> No.10427256

The obvious solution then would be a link cube/meme themed sleeve. Fuck. I'll do that shit if link moons.

t. All in on link top 1000 wallets.

>> No.10427260

Getting a life long mark on you of a biz meme larp that is doing nothing but losing you money. Dumb cuck

My tats way better. It's a dopamine molecule , because I am a pleasure seeker to its core. I love drugs, and if I take sober breaks I do whatever I can to induce pleasure while sober. Makes sense right? CL

>> No.10427271

Unirionically not a gay tat. Thanks for scarring your body for meme magik

>> No.10427276 [DELETED] 

Email this to Rory

>> No.10427299
File: 17 KB, 349x325, IMG_1356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can probably incorporate Chainlink into your tattoo

>> No.10427315

you're going to have to wear long sleeves in public in by EoY

>> No.10427316



>> No.10427319
File: 70 KB, 771x960, 1530766152165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh favourite molecule
>muh so cryptic
>look, muh doing druqks
you never gonna make it

>> No.10427337

if i didnt know any better that this is a stupid L.A.R.P, I would've been angry. and you dont want to know me when i am angrt

>> No.10427350

If they fix the off centre hexagon then your tattoo will apply to a very specific point in time.

>> No.10427361
File: 436 KB, 1169x1737, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips

>> No.10427367

>My tats way better. It's a dopamine molecule , because I am a pleasure seeker to its core.

der Letzter Mensch

>> No.10427383

This will make the JUST so much better.

>> No.10427389

beyond based.

$1000 E.O.Y

>> No.10427421

After the singularity i'm getting one of these too

>> No.10427423

Oh yeah? Are you also motor movement seeker to the core too? Lmao fucking yard doesn’t even realize dopamine is more heavily involved in movement than it is your reward system. All it tides there is increase synaptic plasticity for certain actions.

If you’re getting a dopamine tat, it’s becasue you like excessive dopamine, which gives you resting tremors and Parkinson-like symptoms lol. You have to be American; only Americans do really stupid things like.

>> No.10427436

Are tattoos the ultimate sign of a low-IQ pleb?

>> No.10427447

buy TRTL

>> No.10427460

Lol,...you're actually right. But too much dopemaine from cocaine doesn't give you Parkison like symptoms...it's the withdrawal from the dopamine high that gives you resting tremors and muscle rigidity and internal tremors as well. the lack of dopamine does this. not the saturation of such

>> No.10427462

If link ever actually takes off, you have just painted a target on your back. Tyrone will force you to unload your wallet at knife point. Well done.

>> No.10427484

Allow me to explain before bed. I've experienced feelings and emotions you will never remotely touch in your anti climatic NEET life.

And when I say pleasure seeker, I'm not being a typical edgy live for the moment fag.
I'm talking about things like attaching muscle electrodes that are used by chiropractors to my balls and ass. Doing a line of meth , and watching high quality modified and tuned 4k porn of a 10/10 getting gang banged by niggers or euro Chads and getting her ass rammed by 2 cocks.

To put it in perspective let's say someone like you has a good fap, one you haven't had in a while. Let's say that releases 100 or so units of dopamine.

Well doing it how I just explained would easily touch 1500 because meth alone can get you to 1k.

Not to mention all the great combos/ cocktail mixes I've had. One thing about me is even tho I push it far sometimes, I try to be safe while I do it. Gotta know what your body can handle.

>> No.10427510

Can confirm, trying my best to stop hard stimulants. And my hands are shaky on or off them. It's tough tho cuz , 1 or 2 days with out them and I get extremely tired out of no where all the time. And motivation is shot etc. I have supplements to get me on track but I have work and stuff to worry about and going to work with withdrawal from things like meth is not fun.

>> No.10427522

You're bragging about destroying your brain circuitry and posibly your liver. Godspeed junkies.

>> No.10427540
File: 548 KB, 4032x1610, 1515791197411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10427553

>Pleasure seeking is attaching crocodile clips to my nuts and doing one of the roughest drugs while watching porno by myself.

Yeah, we have a slightly different idea of what pleasure seeking is. Hint: Mine involves better drugs, not plugging my junk into the mains and a real woman.

>> No.10427555


>dopamine molecule

Absolutely cringe and really ignorant of how dopamine works in your body. It isn’t the pleasure molecule lmao, you sound like an edgy cuck.

>> No.10427556

holy shit
I hope you bought TRTL

>> No.10427599

I hate tattoos and don't have any but if my 10k stack turns into 10 mill I will get one too

>> No.10427625
File: 258 KB, 1500x998, 1506084752786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please work at mcdonalds in the future

>> No.10427662
File: 131 KB, 812x582, starbucks meth adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the public masturbator guy?

>> No.10427765
File: 28 KB, 630x315, 1871f7b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*snap* yep.

>> No.10427781


>> No.10427784
File: 50 KB, 383x453, 1529624108369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My tats way better. It's a dopamine molecule , because I am a pleasure seeker to its core.

>> No.10427810

>using the nu off-centered version with a wrong brackets
you dun goofed

>> No.10428042


>units of dopamine directly correlate to pleasure/happiness
okay there buckaroo

>> No.10428064

This is bait right?

>> No.10428155


Are you legitimately retarded? What do you think the method of action for meth is? What neurotransmitter reuptake does it effect? What are you even trying to argue - that Meth makes you have parkisons? You must be a Eurofag to be so amazingly stunted. I'm sure Merkel will put out a booklet for you though Achmed.

>> No.10428179

hahahahahahahaha imagine getting a tat for a money grab ERC20 token that will be worth 0.05$ next year and you have to look your financial loss in the eye every morning goddamn you linkies are retarded

>> No.10428259

Yeah, so people don’t kill him for his money.

>> No.10428299

Dumbfuck you couldn't wait until some autist at least fixed the cube being off-center on the side plane?

Goddamn some of you are really fucking impatient man, remember what baby brains Buffet says about impatient fools

>> No.10428345

damn i cant unsee it now

>> No.10428475


Jesus Christ you are literally a brainlet. You sound like one of those faggots who thinks you understand science because you watch some faggy MinutePhysics video and scrolled through a few Wikipedia articles while stoned off your ass and thinks you “get it” and goes around tattooing dopamine on your arm and then tries to talk to other people about your own theory of what “god is” while casually mentioning neural networks at every possibility and sharing Facebook memes from “i fucking love science”. Unfortunately 4chan is actually populated with a fair few STEM majors and everything you say sounds like the complete garbage it is. Save your pseudoscientific babble for thanksgiving dinners with your disinterested relatives. Dopamine is not some magical “pleasure” molecule nor is tripping on meth while watching porn anywhere near the upper thresholds of human pleasure. I say this as both a degenerate junkie and as a qualified chemist doing a masters in pharmacology. “Pleasure” itself is a somewhat hard to describe property as it delves a great deal into the realm of what is pleasure, personally mainlining heroin is probably the universally acknowledged (subjectively speaking) highest level of pleasure. Especially when doing it and then spooning a loved one. BUT you are twice retarded because even if we acknowledge that the more banal “stimulation” your porn addled brain has convinced you is pleasure, that sensation when you fap or when a fat person gorges an extra large dominos, or you snort a rail of coke and bang a prostitute isn’t even technically the dopamine molecule. If I flooded your brain with an overwhelming amount of dopamine in isolation (since meth does not simply JUST increase dopamine) you’d feel no pleasure you’d feel closer to an immense craving. Dopamine is actually more related to motor movement and to forming synaptic bridges IE it is what makes your brain REMEMBER what you did at that moment, and crave it.

>> No.10428552


Also the fucking irony of this post when in fact meth does in fact give you Parkinson’s my dumb dude. Also your use of reuptake as if it’s the defining and most important characteristic of a drug reveals what a superficial and shallow understanding of drugs and chemistry you have. No doubt accrued from Wikipedia articles and shitty infographics.

>> No.10428561

These fucking memes write themselves lmao

>> No.10428614

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

>> No.10428651


>> No.10428797

biz isn't for degenerates

>> No.10428821
File: 25 KB, 448x579, 0-2__38120.1478025270.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10428896

it's real

>> No.10428928

Dump it straight to Hades.

>> No.10428931

I have zero reservations about taking this dipshits money

>> No.10428981

>My tats way better. It's a Monster Energy, because I am a pleasure seeker to its core. I love caffeine, and if I take sober breaks I do whatever I can to induce pleasure while sober. Makes sense right? CL

>> No.10429265

i only have 3,5k linkies im not done acumulatting reeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.10430096
File: 3.33 MB, 1118x1401, adderlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually; not this anon, but I went as Adderall one halloween long ago. It was during the middle of college and amphetamines were the only thing keeping me going through my engineering degree(s). I originally was going to do dopamine too, but the molecules are so similar, and I didn't feel like bouncing those extra hydroxyl groups around on my shoulders, that I just said hey I'm adderall :)))) it was more normie-friendly too. (don't worry everyone thought I was a nerd, I know)

Pic related, met a qt chemist gurl that night

>> No.10430170


>post consists of self centred anecdote that is only tangentially related to the discussion
>no real attempt at humour or any kind of twist involving spaghetti or autism
>ends with meeting a roastie and self-acknowledgment of being a 'nerd'

This is the most reddit post I've ever seen.

>> No.10430193

Why go with this logo? It looks like a temporary fuck up along with the rest of the website.

>> No.10430204

>drugs dont hurt you if you arent an idiot
>oh I had half my lower intestine chopped out at 31
>unrelated, genetic Im sure

>> No.10430685

holy fuck. You are not a free man. You are not free by any means. You are a total slave to your primitive needs.

>> No.10430746

>Pic related, met a qt chemist gurl that night

congrats on your hug dude. I bet you creamed your pants.

>> No.10430776
File: 110 KB, 970x980, 1519931646541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logo not tilted enough
>no spelling mistakes
Youll never make it anon.

>> No.10430798

You chose the second worse logo. I respect you only for owning link. I’m getting a cube face tattoo myself when it hits $1000.

>> No.10430836

y'all are trying really REALLY hard here

>> No.10431469

Nothing like telling the world "Hey I got money so please break into my computer" Might as well get a tattoo of a dollar and just admit you're a nigger faggot

>> No.10431487

gayest lifestyle ive ever heard

>> No.10431532
File: 140 KB, 379x440, 1507813218030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two male electric jacks?
Are you happy?

>> No.10431551

Hahaha wtf? Please be larp

>> No.10431685

Hey chill out, Chad at the EDC concert had one.

I got the asshole molecule on my back.

>> No.10431894

You guys are getting a bit too excited about making it back to 3000.

>> No.10432011
File: 1.71 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180726-192840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek that left arm.

Did you let your retarded cousin put a tattoo on you

>> No.10432039

OP i may be late to the thread but congrats, you made it.

>> No.10432538


>> No.10432635
File: 72 KB, 404x404, C6855885-B858-494C-88E6-6D2D050BF753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is stinkie linkie up 17 percent?

>> No.10432839

You gonna hate yourself when LINK crash same as the XRP imbeciles cant even afford removal now

>> No.10432953
File: 9 KB, 216x250, Sigil Link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fapped to the sigil today. Link Mooned.

Let's make our money boys to the most popular growing egregore to date.

>> No.10433175

>he used the graphic where the hex is off-center

>> No.10433271
File: 45 KB, 859x456, biz - business and finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screenshotted for the laffs

1k eoy

>> No.10433591

whatd he say?

>> No.10434043

Lmao meth is an analogue, it doesn’t inhibiti reuptake you moron. Cocaine is a reuptake inhibtor, meth is uptaken and displaces NA/ Dopamine from storage vesicles and they undergo a non-controlled release, as well as the normal vesicular execytosis. Literally just finished up neuropharm in med school like two weeks ago so come at me you commie fag lol

>> No.10434057

The man read the basic MoA of meth and cocaine and got them mixed up kek>>10430096

>> No.10434127

Must be pasta

>> No.10434750

thats how tattooees talk about their tattoos though

friend of mine has an owl for wisdom despite beign really dumb

>> No.10435115

>He chose the new normies friendly logo
Never gonna make it

>> No.10435283

Are you tha cracka that had that tatoo back in '18? You must be loaded. Now gimme yo private key before I bust a cap in yo ass white boy.

>> No.10435311
