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10412141 No.10412141 [Reply] [Original]

>Buy BitTorrent
>Give TRX wallets to uTorrent users
>Airdrop some TRX
>Now users can pay each other for streaming movies
>Suddenly millions people can make money by sharing their shit
>A file sharing economy arises
What could go wrong?

>> No.10412151

asian aren't capable of abstract thinking I don't blame him if he fails I blame his subhuman genetics trying to compete in a white mans game

>> No.10412159


>> No.10412170

>Implying BitTorrent users around the world give a fuck
>What is VPN

>> No.10412215

Being this retarded to get caught

>> No.10412232
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>copyright ever mattered at all
>copyright can actually be enforced in this day and age
anon pls

>> No.10412246

Asians are better in thinking than whites... they have bigger brains... whites are the subhuman race with africans

>> No.10412317

A file sharing economy will indeed arise in the next years, but it won’t be coming from Tron. It’ll be coming from Upfiring.

>> No.10412328

Agreed anon, those guys are crushing it.

>> No.10412366
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> people paying each other for stolen goods
isn't that like super illegal ?

>> No.10412389

The fbi raided Kim dot com because he simply hosted a universal file holster. And now guys want to monotize on torrented files. Seems like a good idea desu

>> No.10412397

What people fail to understand is that Justin Sun bought BitTorrent for its users base, not because of the antiquated tech. Now he has 100 million active users to whom he can airdrop some tokens and create a sharing economy from scratch.

Upfiring is the typical project that has nice tech but no users. It reminds me of Syscoin, which has a neat decentralized market that no one uses. Guess what, Justin Sun can just copy and paste other people's tech, but other projects can't steal his 100m user base.

>> No.10412422

Kim Dotcom owned a company that hosted and distributed copyrighted material illegaly. The FBI can do nothing to stop peer to peer file sharing. They might try to contain it, but they can't stop it. Last time I checked BitTorrent alone accounted for 40% of the internet traffic around the world.

>> No.10413272

Allowing people to be paid for seeding illegal content, that can't end well

>> No.10413281
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>smaller eyes so can absord less information
>bigger brains
sure bud

>> No.10413303

Like Monero. Oh wait.

>> No.10413314

Sorry buddy, I have a reality check for you: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21930215

>> No.10413368

my words

as I said before Kim Dotcom hosted a universial file holster. the first one on the whole internet that actually scaled well. Tell me in which way this is diffrent with the onedrive. dropbox, google drive etc of today?.... But with Torrent you just know that are someone uses it in order to seed/peer copyrighted/illegal files because it just takes mucht longer and is less convient than just modern file hosting that you can just download. it immidietly shows that you have something to hide.

with the torrrenting its actually the seeding part that makes it illiegal because you offer the files to someone else. and now to monetize this makes it just expotenitally more illegal

>> No.10413372
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>> No.10413385

It's only a matter of time before sites like rapidshare or rapidgator or whatever it is these days starts accepting crypto

>> No.10413398

will people fail for the URF VTR bs again but with TRX this time ?

>> No.10413468

incels / neets are some of the funniest people in the world. when you get a real job at a large company, you see a completely different world lmao.

>> No.10413483

Nah this is old news. It was just another hype up from sun. He got an announcement of an announcement tweet out if it and that’s all he cares about.

>> No.10413507


>> No.10413523

>muh bigger skull
pre-frontal cortex determines intelligence (for brainlets out there, its located in the forehead), the taller the forehead, the more intelligent a person is. Why do you think the Neanderthals went extinct despite their brain size? (Europeans btw have the biggest foreheads of all races).

>> No.10413539

>buys file sharing protocol so people can pay with tron

>> No.10413540

Proven time and time again not to work.
People who use torrents currently get everything for free. Now you came up with this """""revolutionary""""" way for them to pay for it. Who would ever pay for a torrent?

>> No.10413563

I'm not from the US. I'm Dutch. But considering whites make up 60% of the US population, and Asians only make up 5%, those income statistics are skewed.

>> No.10413569

Its not the illegal ones he wants to monetise senpai