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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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10392742 No.10392742 [Reply] [Original]

I'll start, my favorite shitcoin and my largest bags, ark

>> No.10392756

we are the ARK MARINES and we are DELUDED

>> No.10392825
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>> No.10392862
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Are you sure you don't want it anon. Its pointy and red.

>> No.10392908
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>> No.10392919


>> No.10392924
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If only I had bought ZRX instead of this piece of shit...

>> No.10392933

>arkies in 2018

>> No.10392935
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>> No.10392968

why are ppl still selling at these prices though? i honestly dont get it

>> No.10392976
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It was one guy that dumped 400k all at once that caused this

>> No.10392979

I just bought the bottom and sold at 1450, made 5%

Thanks stupid arkies!

>> No.10392980

im scared, uncle chang. do you have any words of hope?

>> No.10392982

they told me the ark was departing. if only they told me where it was going

>> No.10392995

>delete this im accumulating

>> No.10392996

Hey Uncle Chang remember when I was telling you that ARK was shit and that the fact that they couldn't get any partners at rank 30 before EOS was coming out was a sign to get out? I went 12x on EOS and it's fast and people are interested in it!

>> No.10392999

fill me in, didn't they release testnet v2 recently?
I've heard it's buggy but is it really that terrible?

>> No.10393011

i hope ark girl is handling this well.

>> No.10393019

Yeah but the block times are the same and the maybe a side chain with a VM will come out teehee

>> No.10393022

She's you know, still hanging in there if you know what I mean

>> No.10393023

V2 is great. It's a completely modular blockchain framework which will make pushbutton deployables and the plugin ecosystem easy to work with.

The only major "bug" is that it isn't backwards compatible with v1 which means a hardfork would be required to upgrade. The team wants to do a softfork which is why they've been delaying releasing it until the backwards compatibility issues are resolved.

>> No.10393033

im gay

>> No.10393056

fuck im down to where i bought it at in sats...more than a year later. FML.

>> No.10393073

The only major bug is that this shit keeps crashing the hardest and be worthless by the time the potheads release anything

>> No.10393077
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Hi, I'm Travis, Ark's Chief Marketing officer. I spend most of my day tweeting about Racecars, kicking back toking on the herb and shitposting in the Ark slack.
I have a poster of the Ark whitepaper on my wall, oh wait its being revised, since when? 9 months ago! Maybe I should pay attention more, let me just have a bowl to get my head sorted.

>> No.10393101
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The code is fine. It's just all they seem to be focusing on which is making this bear market hurt more.

>> No.10393152
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Brb guys, just sneaking out my personal stash with Max, another successful scam

>> No.10393417

Does anyone even know what Ark actually does?

>> No.10393430

I think it produces empty blocks, blocks without transactions. Take a look
https://explorer.ark.io/ (click on Latest Blocks)

>> No.10393489

Best selling point of Ark so far

>> No.10393506

This is what happens when your ICO price is $0.01

A couple whales completely control the price of the coin. Tech doesn't matter one bit when these whales can print money dumping their daily staking gains

>> No.10393508

The Mariana Trench

>> No.10393522


>> No.10393533

ARK volume is now $2.5 million. It was under $900k 12 hours ago when the price was 17k sats. Something fishy might be happening on Binance lol
I'm still not touching this coin with a 10 foot dildo

>> No.10393543

someone post the copypasta about "they just revealed what fumbling potheads they are" I need one last kek before I go broke

>> No.10393573

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the stuttering potheads that run this scam.

Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $1.50 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone.

Once it shoots through the $1 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all ARKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing bittrex.

The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in ARK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to bittrex to salvage some self respect.

The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.10, and most probably sub ICO levels.

From that day forward the deluded Arkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages.

Deluded ARKies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto.

I warned you ARKies. There's still time to get out. Sell NOW.

Don't be deluded, don't be an ARKie.
Almost through that $1 barrier. Who knew it'd actually play out exactly like the meme

>> No.10393628

Nearly out of the top 100

If only the pothead imbeciles on the team who frequent the community outlets (slack, reddit, 4chan) listened to their community members' concerns. Nope, these idiots thought they knew everything and are getting rekt

>> No.10393759

Icx,nano,tokia,zclassic,dragonchain,qtum,salt, substratum,nem,storm,populous,aion,bancor,verge, district0x,siacoin,vertcoin,Komodo,Bitcoin private,potcoin,ripple,raiden,qash,Tron,neo,iconomi,stratis,lisk,cardano,funfair,waves,enigma,dash,kyber,steem,digixdao,iota

Doge was a better hold than any of these

>> No.10393781

Well...fuck. Is there a way to see how big these whales are in the ecosystem? Selling 400k i a fuckton...

>> No.10393808

No it wasn't. Shut up pajeet.

>> No.10393827
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stay dumb and poor

>> No.10393834


>> No.10393836

haha I just wanted one of you aspies to "prove me wrong"

>> No.10393852
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>> No.10393890

Was going to hodl 2 yearss anyways sooo.time to accumulate :,D

>> No.10393927


>> No.10393959

Are you & moonman still as confident as ever, fren?

>> No.10393994

Thank you uncle Chang. Will hold you're bags until 0$...just like you hold us arkies now in bad times :,D

>> No.10393995
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>> No.10394027
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UFR, this token is my ticket to debt free life

>> No.10394034
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>> No.10394076

your*...fuck me ssideways

>> No.10394162

I am done frens , all that i had is now lost. I should have bought lotto tickes instead. I hope no one feels the pain that ark inflicted on me. Goodbye frens may we see eachother in another life.