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10390569 No.10390569 [Reply] [Original]

if LINK moons great, if it doesnt I'm going to end myself. Gonna wear a LINK shirt while doing it so that the media publicly attacks LINK and thus a suicide cult to our LORD Sergey is formed.

The publicity will get people curious and what once they heard enough, they will buy in and LINK will finally moon.

>> No.10390693

Buy weed, bro.

>> No.10390696
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You're a good fren. I'll overdose on coke while having an orgy in your honor.

>> No.10390708

You gotta give it just a bit more time, anon. $2.50 EOY unironically.

>> No.10390762
File: 447 KB, 600x902, COMEIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could simultaneously livestream our suicides. Better still, we could video them & set up smartcontracts to flood (((youtube))) 1 by 1.

>> No.10390795

Id be happy with that

>> No.10390830

Sure just because some degenerate tentacle porn lover wants it

>> No.10390851

I will be laughing so hard this when this shitcoins goez to zero and all this deluden faggets commit massive suicide

>> No.10390907
File: 1.83 MB, 379x281, 1347914066342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>police arrive on scene
>what does his shirt say?
>wipes off blood
>ch...chain...link...chain link
>what the fuck is chainlink?
>probably some stupid game
>yeah this guy lived in filth and smelled disgusting
>sounds like a gamer to me
>let's go get some lunch
>cops leave
>survivors arrive at lawyer's office
>it appears anon had no tangible assets
>in fact he owed people money
>here lies anon
>news story picks it up
>blames gaming disorder for death
>politicians ask for more tax dollars to support neets who are addicted to games
>want to tax the rich

>> No.10391008

Thanks fren


I thinking driving off a cliff would be very amusing.

>your fates rests on a shitcoin

I was suicidal way before that anon.

They would still have to report it. Media would pick it up and throw a smear campaign, but STINKIES will prevail