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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10386351 No.10386351 [Reply] [Original]

How is bitcoin the future if it takes hours for a payment to go threw

>> No.10386366

>go threw
Finish high school kids

>> No.10386395

i know i forgot to read proof it, and you cant edit so......

>> No.10386401

"hey bro can you break me off a sip of that sandwich"

>> No.10386841

>read proof
Oh nevermind hes actually mentally handicapped

>> No.10386972

Pundix, that is all.

>> No.10386989

Uh.. Store of value

>> No.10387215

get out fag

>> No.10387247

most pajeet coin name ever

>> No.10387321

LN you brainlet, it takes few ms to confirm payment and it's already on mainnet.

>> No.10387382

>go threw
>read proof
womp womp nice try pajeet

>> No.10388374

Learn what the Lightning Network is.

Then when you know what it is, go watch some Andreas Antonopoulos videos on it.

>> No.10388427

Assuming you have a route to their channel and there are enough funds from point A to point B to send your transaction.

>> No.10388443

Funny how people always come up with LN after the tnx time issue is coming up. Nobody even cares about decentralization anymore.

>> No.10388460

another cashies who doesn't understand LN

>> No.10388476

A lot of people are gonna tell you Lightning Network but honestly you just need the buyer and seller on the same platform.

If you accepted payments through Coinbase and I have a Coinbase account, payment is instant. Japan does this with whatever their main wallet is, instant payments as its offchain on the merchant platform.

>> No.10388502

If your bitcoin is on coinbase, you don't have any bitcoin.

>> No.10388512

Why what's wrong with coinbase?

>> No.10388553
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>> No.10388588


LN doesn't work. There's not enough financial incentives. Simple as that.

>> No.10389007

>said the increasingly nervous cashcunt for the 40,000th time even though LN grows every day

>> No.10389647 [DELETED] 
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Hourly reminder

>> No.10389665

>order coffee
>pay btc
>wait 30m
>"sorry this cofee is cold i want a refund"
>wait 30m
>btc refunded

future of transactions lmao

>> No.10389668

>Thinking everybody on the internet is English.

Go back to your echo chamber brainlet.

>> No.10389709
File: 39 KB, 932x381, biggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10389760

I run my own LN node, it works perfectly & it's easy to setup, got it running on raspberry pi & old HDD, that's literally all you need.

If someone make plug & play LN node for boomers like you, BTC can be global currency in few years.

>> No.10389763
