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File: 98 KB, 500x704, Glorious-Goodwood_PORTRAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10384724 No.10384724 [Reply] [Original]

If you didn't go to either a private school that cost at least £35,000 per year or Oxbridge then you will never get women like picrelated. You are forever LOCKED OUT of high society. You are probably painfully awkward and gauche. The women would titter at you when you are a polite distance away from them before forgetting your existence after 5 minutes.

>> No.10384773

I went to a private school like that and that still happens. Checkmate OP.

>> No.10384824

so why don't you kill yourself then op? your life is already over, you missed out on your only chance at getting rich (crypto) and you're crying on 4chan. just get it over with already.

>> No.10384914

I would never want to life in a "high society", because its a terribly place full of lies and arrogant idiots.

>> No.10385207

The sort of girls that are coked up and will fuck you off as soon as better prospects come along, give me a slag with mother bearing hips from a council estate any day

>> No.10385452

>give me a slag with mother bearing hips from a council estate any day
This. I don't fucking care how high class my girl is. Are you a girl OP ? Why do you care about status so much little cuck ?
You can't beat a perfect beauty from the country side which will bring healthy children.
This board is so low in T my god

>> No.10385687

Those girls are only hot because of professional photographer, photo filter, spending 4 hours on their hair, and $1000 outfits. They’ll also dump you as soon as they find another guy that gives them a better deal. They’re nothing more than social climbers with no ounce of humanity left.

The only thing they’re good for is demoralizing sex then telling them to fuck off

>> No.10385938

But my wife looks like that and I went to college for free in a 3rd world country.

>> No.10386061

>High society
Wow wee you mean the remnants of has been noble families who where BTFO by merchants who where BFTO political dynasties who where BTFO out by Bankers who where BTFO by Jews who are about to be BTFO by tech autist. Dang I guess I can't get any of that 5th generation removed from power puss. I guess I'll have to settle for a women traditionally dependent and owned by me and buy out a high societies family estate when they inevitable go bankup so I can LARP as one.

>> No.10386128



>> No.10386197
File: 181 KB, 720x960, 9c778de855daeaaab5fa5cb5df33637d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cambridge here, prefer gikris like pic related

>> No.10386247

but I did, it not such a bug deal, are you a poorfag op or are you a funny little brown man?

>> No.10386262

>slag with mother bearing hips from a council estate any day

Jeremy kyle wants your number

>> No.10386272


I went to Cambridge and lived there 4 years after that. There are hardly any women there that look like that, most are fat midget Chinks.

Either way I have a Lithuanian gf now, superior in every form.

>> No.10386385

> people want to fuck titless, assless, cokefiend socialites

k, save some champers for me, yachtling

>> No.10386410


I was born and raised in Cambridge, went to Oxford for uni. Agree with this anon that most women in Cammy are fat midget Chinks. Will say, however, that Oxford does have a disturbingly high number of fit private school girls, certainly moreso than Cambridge. Maybe it's because fat Chink girls are more into the sciences, which Cambridge geeenerally has a better rep for than Oxford, and girls who are into the sciences are usually fugly landwhales.

Get down to ox if you want a fit private school wife called henrietta is basically what i'm saying anons

>> No.10386482
File: 191 KB, 1228x1150, BB698CC9-CF3D-4104-90AB-B71762C76E80.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ten cents has been transferred to your PayPal account

>> No.10386638

blonde looks one small step out of a horror movie

>> No.10386721

But I have a woman just as qt who isn't a stuck up cunt and has known hardship

>> No.10386858

>private school that cost at least £35,000 per year
I did that. I lived the high life during University and absolutely hated it. Everyone was under the impression that money made them intelligent. It was the worst kind of arrogance.

The Chinese girls were somewhat better, since many of them worked hard and had brothers (their parents paid their way out of the 1 child policy) that would overshadow them forever. So they felt they had to earn their worth instead of just taking on the family legacy. I was going to ask one to marry me, but she moved away before I worked up the nerve. We still stay in touch, but we're both very busy. Maybe someday.

>> No.10386881

Thank god, I would never wan't high class gf.

>> No.10386891


What part? Lived just off Milton Road.

Don't miss the place to be fair, too many s o i boys

>> No.10386905

Only the case with the deadbeat and failed upper class families whose apparent success is based not on anything the father achieved but the greater generations before him. Their wealth runs out very quickly, their estates fall into disrepair and they necessarily downgrade to normal accommodation. Nowadays, the actually successful gentry value a man’s ability to succeed against the odds more than they value a man’s family name. I know this because I grew up beneath the poverty line in England and I now work with and associate with these type of people. I’ve had two hereditary peers and a number more of the landed gentry try to set me up with members of their family. Connecting with these people is only difficult if you’re dim or if you constantly make a point of your different backgrounds.

>> No.10387740

Cambridge is fucking terrible for women. Did my BA there.

>> No.10387833

got em

>> No.10387914

Yeah, and get stabbed in a drug induced rage.

>> No.10387963
File: 210 KB, 522x747, 1521929101633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we just delete this fucking thread please?

I grew up in a single mother NEET shithole, got A*A*A* at A level and didn't even apply due to zero confidence from constant "put downs" despite wanting to go very badly.

2 years into a "good" uni and cutting contact with parents and I have much, much better confidence and would definitely apply now. It's not fucking fair bros you should be able to apply to uni after leaving home it annoys me so much

>> No.10388007


>> No.10388450

>I went to college for free in a 3rd world country
And you boast about it? That's nothing to be proud of, in fact quite the opposite. Uni in a third world country is a joke.

>> No.10388644

You better hurry then, because that one is going to be fat as fuck in about two weeks.

>> No.10388898

Why would I want to spend my time with a shit-tier entitled bitch like that?

>> No.10389019

The first post is the best post

>> No.10389219

>wanting an elite woman
>wanting a woman who was fucked by her dad
>wanting a woman who was fucked by here dad's business associates
not even once

>> No.10389236

I just use women to unload my balls, seriously, women trying to sound clever make me uncomfortable..

By the way, they are attractive, I would like one of them to raise my kids, implying I don't live with her because living with a girl / a roommate is very annoying

>> No.10389352

>Uni in a third world country is a joke.
Well, my (free) university education in a third world country prepared me well enough for a PhD in the US. My professors had PhDs from prestigious American or European universities and the standards were pretty high overall. The only problems were related to structural deficiencies (lack of resources, bad infrastructure, buildings falling apart, etc.). In terms of human capital, some universities in third world countries can be fairly advanced.

>> No.10389393
File: 130 KB, 607x608, 1532378766100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax, he is just trying to find good reasons he put 50,000$ every year in an obvious ponzi (kike) scheme called "private university"

>> No.10389501

80% of those women also work on the side as yacht girls. If you want one just pay for her.

>> No.10389524

I think he's talking about the merchant classes themselves, and their hangers on. The actual nobility are dressed in tweed and waders, knee deep in mud, driving a land rover around their estate.

>> No.10389554
File: 1.03 MB, 2249x3190, Ewart_Grogan_c1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wot m8s? I even didn't go to Eton before Cam and was reading medicine in Jesus College, so not that posh college at all, and fucked tons of such blonde posh bimbos anyway. They're absolute shit human beings though and every single of them think that she is a Gossip Girl character which makes them and their intrigues unbearable after some time but slapping these little sluts with a fist in their hair while fucking hard till they scream just feels soooo gooood. They're absolute top in bed and receptive af to dominance, you just need to don't let any of them catch you. I remember that one swap of our dining society with girls from St. Johns after which I brought two of them home and made them call me Ewart Grogan and beg for my dick. Good times, I've made many good stories

>> No.10389745

I should have somewhere a video of me and my mates getting blowjobs from 5 or so of these posh sluts on their knees when we took them to Camridge Union in night after a Christmas Party at Pitt Club a few years ago. We were absolutely smashed and shouted at them that it's the last day of Rome. One of these sluts went to our director of studies after she woke up with bruises and shit claiming that we raped her, but when we showed the video to DOS he laughed off this. Shit was absolutely hilarious. She's now working in BBC, so I think about it every time I see her on TV

>> No.10390106

>She's now working in BBC, so I think about it every time I see her on TV
Post details

>> No.10390285

Went to Cambridge and couldn't stand the upper class cunts everywhere. Only the mathmos and the engineers and SOME NatScis were tolerable company

>> No.10390293

A slim blonde with full lips and Chelsea accent. Ding-dong?

>> No.10390360

That's figuratively all of them,

>> No.10390381

no idea

>> No.10390470

How the fuck can I upload a video as a file here??

>> No.10390500



>> No.10390510

Convert it to .webm
Or use some other website and post link.

>> No.10390543

>When BBC makes me think about Degenerate Jewish Propaganda before I think of News Stories... Something is really fucked up with this timeline...

>> No.10390586

I changed 'mp4' to 'webm' after dot but it still deosn't want to upload, whatever

>> No.10390613

You need to convert to webm. Changing the file extension won't work. You can upload it somewhere else and post a link too.

>> No.10390627


Use this famalam. Don't worry about the settings.

>> No.10390680

I went to a private school and all the 10/10 stuck up bitches were stuck up bitches
then I got expelled and went to the shitty high school and all the stuck up bitches couldn't get enough of me
there was one chick that thought she was royalty or something. saw her leaving the back of a strip club while I was hanging out the front chatting with the security literally 6 months after graduation lol

>> No.10390700

nice larp dude but we both know if you had filmed it and shown it you would have been charged with all kinds of shit

>> No.10390855

What if I would tell you that one of my mates put shit into her pigeonhole after the DOS incident?

>> No.10391071

The only "status" women have is beneath men. This will never change, it's in their dna.

>> No.10391884


>> No.10391894

>Oxford does have a disturbingly high number of fit private school girls, certainly moreso than Cambridge.
Can confirm. American here doing a doctorate at Oxford. Girls like the pic are everywhere. Oxford is glorious.

>> No.10391910

Maybe go to Oxbridge for your Masters?

>> No.10391913

I’ll bet their VD ridden vaginas smell really clean.

>> No.10392341

You're telling me lower class is any better. Fuck upper class is arrogant but at least they have basic manners, lower and even some middle class are the biggest no life slobs ever

>> No.10392671
File: 54 KB, 275x330, 1532124574959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inbred anglo crypto-jews
No thanks.